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Upon any yur�h dafau�.t, 9anePioiary mAy a� any time, e�thex in � <br /> pexson, by �gent, ar by receiver to be appainted by a aoux�, wi�hau� notic�: , . <br /> az�� withou� r�gard �o �he adequacy of any s�cuxi�y far �he ind�btedne�s <br /> h�reby socured (a) en�er upon and take poyFeasior� o� the Pzop�xty ar any � <br /> p�rt �horeof and in i�s o��n name aue far or o�har�vi.9e CO�.�.�C� such rQn�s. <br /> iKauss and prafi�s, inclttding those past due and ur�paid. and app�.y th� . <br /> sama, less costs and expensos of operatian and collection, ina� <br /> rPason�ble at�orney 's feos, upon any indebtedness sc�cured he.reby and in <br /> suah osder as Benef�lciary may de�erminet (b) lease the samca ox any par� , <br /> tlnervaf for �uch rental, texm and upon �uch conditians as B�nefiaiary's , <br /> 3ttdgmen�. may dictate or terminate or ad�uat tho �arms and canc��.t�ians o£ anl► <br /> cxis�ing lc�lse or leases. Unless Trustor and Ben�ficiaxy agrse otherwt�� <br /> in �ariting, any applica�ion af rents, issues ar profita ta any ind�btedna�� <br /> sscurEd hereby shall not extend or pastpone the due date of th� inatallmant <br /> p�ymenfis as provided in the Notes ar change the amount of such inatallnic�nt,�, ; <br /> The entering upan and taking possessaor� of the Property, the collecti.on o£ ��� <br /> such rents, issues and proti�s, and the appli.cutian thereof as afor�saxdP <br /> sha1.Z na� �vaive or auro any default or nati.ce of defaul� he.reundex, or � <br /> _— - in�a3.ir3�tc an}• �ct �one gurst��n* r_o quch notice. Trustar assiyns ta ' <br />_ - - -=: <br /> Hene�ficiary, as fur�her security for the performanca of the indebtedn��� , <br />� and ohligations aecured heraby, all prepaid rents and all maneys max <br /> l,avA t�eAn or mav hereafter be dePasited with Trustor by any lossee of th�a <br /> � p�opa�:�y, to secuxe tho payment of any rent o� damag�3, anc� ugan de=au�� in -'- <br /> �.he performance af any af the provisions hereof, Truator agxoes to de�ivc�x <br /> suah ren�s and dapaeits to Beneticiary. Aelivary of cori��en not�.ce of <br /> Beneficiary'� exercisc� of the rights granted by thia paraqrapk� T}iIRD t� anS► <br /> tenant ocaupXing tha Propezty or any portion thereof aha11 bs sufficien� tc� <br /> � require said �enant to pay said rent to Heneficiary until Eurthex 110�1.RA. <br /> ' FOURTH� If thexe shal.l be filed by or against the Trustpr any peki.- <br /> � tinn or proceeding seeking an arrangement or campoa�tion or ext�nsion ox <br /> ° any other relieE undex or Nursuant to the Federal J3a�nkruptay Code ar any <br /> other s�.mi].ar statute as now or hereaf tor in effect, or if the Trustar. <br /> shall ba adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent or any of Trustc�r's propexty <br /> `, shall have been sequesterod and such decre� shall have conti.nued undie- <br /> 2 charged and unstay�d for 90 days af�er the entry �horeof, then the whalle of. <br /> " the Nates and indebtedness hereby secured shall, wa.thou�. notice, at t}:e <br /> f' � option of the Bene�iciary, become due and Fayable. <br /> � � FIFTH: Upon default by Trustar in the payment of or pexfarmanc� o£ <br /> � � the terms and conditions of the Notes, or any renetaals, mc+�lificati.Qna ox <br /> �' � executions thereof, the payment af any other ir�d�btoQi�ess securccl her�b�� ox <br /> - � in the perEormance of any agx•eement, covenant or warranty herein conta�.nea� <br /> " or se�. farth in any agreement or instrument executed by TrustQr in can� <br /> �; I nection �aith the indebtednESS hereby secured, t3eneficiary may declare aJ.l <br /> ;_ � sums secured hereby immadiately due and payable and the samn shaJ.l theK�� <br /> � upon become due aad payable withou� presentment, demand, protes� v� tj���� <br /> '' � of any kind. Thereafter� Heneficiary may deliver to Trustee a writtan <br /> ;�� I declaration of defaul� and demand for sale. Trustee shall have the pa+a�ar <br /> ; I of sale of the Property and if Benefic iary decides the Praperty ia tc� b� <br /> j i eold� iL- shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Notes ox <br /> , notes and any other documents evidencing expenditures securod hereb��, and <br /> i shall deliver to Trustee a written notice of default and election to CdUAE' <br /> the Property to bc sold, and Trustee, in turn, shall preparo a similir <br /> , notice in the form required by law, whicl� shall be duly filed for rece�r.�? b)� <br /> � Trustee. <br /> i <br /> ' (a) After the lapse of such time as may be required by law followi,n� <br /> ! the recordation of Notice of Default, and notice of Defau].t and Vatice <br /> � of Sale having been given as required by la��, Trustae, without dc�mand <br /> � � on Truator, sl�al]. sell the Frnperty hezeinbefore de�cribed, and any <br /> ; I <br /> , � <br /> 4 <br /> � I _ . . . .. �— — - <br />