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<br /> -� �tYd 'al�P!�y ��nt-t th�a�c�of� ir► cc�t�arato parCnl� nx' e�t m�i�Fe �Q I:ha Trtt�tc�e
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<br /> - j m�s� el�c� �stc� in sexck� �r�l�x �.;r� �r�u�r.i,� m�y �etprm�,i�e on r.hc� dAe� c►nd i:--------___- -
<br /> , � at tho �ime: And pl�acc dca�+ag���ta*d in aaid N�C.i.ar-� �� ;;u�,c�� tt� pt�la�.ic �
<br /> aua�ion �o �ho high��t. b�,�:�dc�z'. tha E�u�cha�o �x�.c�a ��yf�t��,� in �aah in '
<br /> �. lawrul mon�y of th� Un,�.�c:a S�.�Coa �t th� �irn� af, �alr�. 'i�ha� ��x�aon f .
<br /> cond�aaCing the sala m�,y� fnx any ar�uao ha o� �h�a cl��mcti �xpc�dg��n�► �
<br /> poc�tpon� tMca sala fram timc� to time unti 1 it stia t:l k�c� c:amp?.N�ad and, !� . „ ,
<br /> in �vPxy auch aa�e, na�ic� c�:F pa��ponc�4uc:.nt sha.lt k�� g�,van by public �
<br /> dEClaration th�zeaf. by 9u�i1 pareon at th� 4:im� anc� �3,�c� last ap- ;
<br /> ! paint�d far �h� aalai px�vl.dad, �.f tho RA�,�: 3.� pa��pon�d �az longer j
<br /> � �han on� (1) dHy b�yc�nd th� day desiqnar.�d t�n l:hQ Not;�,ce of Sale, �
<br /> na�ic� thocoaf shall be g�.ven in the sumc� r�►�1xl��r a� �he or�.ga.na].
<br /> Notice of sale. Tru�atG� sh�].]. eKaauta ancl da��.�*ex Co the purahasex
<br /> its AQed conveying th� pxap�xty ao so�d, bu� without any covenant or �
<br /> waxxanty, expreas or imFl.i.t�c�. Tha recital� in tha Aeed af any ma��ers
<br /> � az Eacts ahall bo c�n��.u�,iv� prooE of the truthEulnesa thexeoF. Any
<br /> person� inctudi.a�g w�.th�+�ut. limitation, B�ne�iciary or Trustee may
<br /> purchase a� the ea�.e. Sa.�d aala shall be conducteci at �he roal as�at�
<br /> � � forming a part o� th� Prop�3rty or at the court house in �hA county in "
<br /> wh�ch �he Prop�a.rty �o b� so].d, or some part thPr�of, is situated.
<br /> (b) When Trustee ae].ls p�xauant to the powera horoin, Trustee �hall
<br /> apgly the proaeeds a£ �h� uale to paym�nt af �he c�sts 1nd oxp�nses oF -
<br /> excaxcising the pow�x a� sa].e and of the aa1e, including, without ;
<br /> limitation, tho paXment o£ Trust�e's foes incurred, which Trus�ee' s � .
<br /> fee9 shall no� in thE a�giega�� exc�ed the oum of i'i.ve Hundred and
<br /> no/100ths Dollare ($500.00) plus 1/2 oF 1� of tha amoun� secured
<br /> " - � = hazc2�}� sr.� �ema�.n�.x:g unp�ic� and then +�n �}�e items set for�h a.n �ub-
<br /> ---
<br /> par.agraph Ic) of this paragraph FTF'TH in tho order therein sta�ed.
<br /> .. Ic-1 after navina thE items specified �n subparagraph (b) a£ thia
<br /> � � paxagraph I�'II'TII, i� thc sa7.o i� by Trustee, or the prc�p€�?� aour� anc3 � - :
<br /> • o�her cost� of farecJ.osurc and sale if salc� is pursuant to judicial
<br /> foreclosuro, tho proaeeds of sale shall be appli.ed in the order stated
<br /> , belaw to the payment. of:
<br /> (1) Cost of any evidence of titlo procured in cannection with
<br /> such sale and of. any revenue required to bo paid;
<br /> � � (2) All sums then saaured h�rebyr
<br /> (3) The xemaa.ndar, if any, to the person or persons legally
<br /> � entitled thereto.
<br /> l
<br /> � Eaah p� the parties to th�s Deed of Txust hereby requ4sts that a copy of
<br /> � any Notico of Defau:l.t az�d a copy af any Notice of Sale pxovidod Eor herein-
<br /> � abpve be mailed ta eacli such party at the party's past office addrass set
<br /> 4, foxth herea.n. Upon th� occuzrence oE any default hereunder, Beneficiary
<br /> :: sha�.l hava the op�ion to foreclose thi� Deed o� Trusti in the manner pro-
<br /> �,..
<br /> � vided by law for the faroclosure of mortgages on rea proper y.
<br /> r�.
<br /> �° SZXTH: TXL18tUx specifically ayxees that (a) Trustor, at ita e�-
<br /> +.f ( penae, will execute and deliver to BeneEiciary, promg�].y upon requast, such
<br /> seaurity instruments as may be required by Beneficiary, in a £orm and
<br /> �� � auhstanc� satisfactory to Beneficiary, covering any �f the Pragerty ca.n-
<br /> .� vayed Uy this Deod of Trust wtiich security instruments shall be additiana7.
<br /> �� aeaux':lty for Truator's faithful performance oi all of the �erms� covenants
<br /> � and conditians of this Deed of Trust, the Notes and ind�btedn�ss secuxed
<br /> � hex�eby, and any othax security instruments executed in connection w;.th the
<br /> � indebtedness secuxecl by this DEed of Trust; and all such instruments shall
<br /> � be filed and recorded at Trustor's expenseJ (b) Benefic:iary may, from time
<br /> � to time, by wra.tten iristrument executed and acknowleclged by I3enef iciary,
<br /> � m�iled to Trustor and recorded in the caunty ar counties in whi.ch the
<br /> � Proporty is locatc:d and by otherwise complying with the provisions of the
<br /> : i applieable laws �f the State of Nebraska, substitute a successor or succes-
<br /> , ' sors to the Trustee named herein or actiny hereundor� (c) althouqh the
<br /> Truatee, or Trust�Q' � successor or successors, may he an agent of, or
<br /> ; ! attarney for, or athea:wise connected with the Heneficiary, such fact shall
<br /> • not bo con�trued to disqualify Trus�ee to act as such Trustee, nor shall
<br /> � auch fact prevent tha Txustee or Heneficiary from bidding a� a sale and
<br /> � �
<br /> � �
<br /> ' i _
<br />