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<br /> --- - ---� af c�eec�e �-+f r�-�iRt �r dc�b�r: �horoby secuied oo as tcti u���c� �hi� nood o� ; . . _
<br /> � - ` Trust, �h� en�3�e indcbtednee4 c�?cyred hereby ehall ar Chc opk.ic�n of �he i
<br /> Sc�noficiary bocomo dua t►nd pAyabl.as (o) to ke�H� �ho abova-cleacribod �
<br /> . . � Prnperty and �:he� imprnv��net��s Lt10xQ011 in good can;r.iit�.an and reCauix �znc� no� �
<br /> � tA commit ox' suffor �v�ato tharoof, And oxcep� as �uthorizod in any �chc�c�ula ,
<br /> � ai�nexod haroto and Eorming a p�►rt h�rco�, noi�h�ar �o remova nox poxmit th� � ;
<br /> ,: removal oF r�ny �imbo�, buildinga, a:1]., gas, m�.nerals. stanea, rock� ciay, .
<br /> fertilizor, grr�vol or top soil withaut the prior wxitte�n cansent af Henr-_Ei-
<br /> ciary; (d) tn ma�.n�ain and daLivar to Honotioiary policiQe of inauranc�
<br /> . Againat euch hazarde on the bui,ldings and impxov�monts naw ox heroa�ter , .
<br /> located on or consti�uting a part oE tho Propc�rty as the BeneEiciary ehall
<br /> roquir.e, in auah anmp�tnie� and amaunts and wi.eh �UGIl 1089 pa�rable ala�xa�a ,
<br /> � as sh�ll bo ea�iafaatory to tha Heno�iciary� thA� in the event of losa, ,
<br /> Boneficiary ia expressly au�hor�.zed �o eoCtle ox compramiae claims under �
<br /> said p�licisa and the praceeda �h�reof ahall bo �aid to �he Benefiaiary who �
<br /> ' may apply the same or any part thareof on the irnciebfiedn��� securod hereby
<br /> or toward the reoonstruation ar repair of saic� �iteildinga and improvements
<br /> . or rolr�ase �amo tn the Trus�or= (e) to pay any li�n, clai.m or charge
<br /> against �he ProPerCy which n��.ght take precedonc� ovQr the lien hereoff (f) �
<br /> to pay on demand alI 3.egal axponses, title searctxes, appraieal or attor-�
<br /> neys' f�es reasonab3.0 incurred or paid by Bonaficiary to callecfi. the Notes
<br /> � or fareclose or pre��c� �he lic�n of this Aeed of Trustp (g) th�t in the
<br /> � � event Trustor shal.l �ai1 �.o comply w�.th tho prav�aione of (a) through (�) -
<br /> : � :.z�iove, �hc s�nexic���ry s^ay expend �ueh funds and take such ac�iox� as is ,
<br /> . � tt�c�ssary to remed� such failure and all sums pa�.d by the H�neficxary
<br /> . . pu�suant hereta �+ra��s ineerest aC the rato horQi�a�f�er provided sha�l
<br /> � I constitute a lxen upon the Property, shall be sacured by this Deed of
<br /> ==�— - -_ ; R'ru�t� ar.� �ha?? �e �.RLLIIP�����=A��l C�13E and renayablo to ihe B�r.eficiary= (h) '
<br /> ' nat ta sa11 the P*-�pertX or any partion thereof; and in th� event of a�ny � �
<br /> � 1� c�1� hErein prahalai�ed, then thQ entire indobtodness secured by �his Ueed •
<br /> of ��rust shall, a� the aption af �.ho Aene�iciary, become due and p�yablc�i
<br /> (i) that if the Proporty or any part or �ar���, tAerEOf shail be caicen or � - --
<br /> damaqed under the powex of eminent domain, thca �ward for any Proporty so
<br /> �aken or damaged (including severance damagos ta tha remaining premises)
<br /> sha�.l be paid to the Beneficiary a�nd applied in full or in par.t at �h�
<br /> option of the Heneficiary in reduc�ion of th� indebtedness hereby secuz�ad; �
<br />- (j) that the Beneficiary shal7. have the xight to inspect �ho Property at
<br /> such reasonable times as the Heneficiary may dosire to det�xmine Trustor's
<br /> compliance with the covenants contained in this D�ed of Trust; (k) �hat the
<br /> � ' Beneficiaxy may releas� from �he lion hereof any part or parcel of the
<br /> Property without sequiring any consideratian ther�for, and (1) tha� Tru9tor
<br /> is lawfully seized of said premises and Proparty in fee simple� �hat �he
<br /> same are free from a.11 liena and enaumbrancos oxcept as may otherwise b� .
<br /> _ specifically noted her�i.n or waived in writing by the Beneficiary= that :
<br /> Trustor wi11 execute or proaure any further nocessary assurances of title
<br /> and doea h�reby warrant genarally th� title �o said Property and ��ill
<br /> forever defend the same againat the claims an�i dpmands of all persons
<br /> . whomsoevcr.o and that Trustor's sepa�ate estato, whother ves�ed, contingent
<br /> - or in exF�ctancy� i� hereby conveyed and Trustar does h�r�by expresaly
<br /> � waive, r�lease aIl rights and beneEits of any ham�stead, dower, curtesy,
<br /> ••;,.r,,, appraisementi, �xe�ption and stay laws of this state. It is agre�d that the
<br /> �:; intereat ��avided tor in subsectian tg) ab�vU �hall be at thc �ame rate as
<br /> �'� ' specif:i.ed in the Notes secured hereb� on tl:o principal thereaf after default
<br /> f� and matur#.ty.
<br /> �:'
<br /> .t�.
<br />���; SECC�ND: In the evan� Trustor, without tih� przor carit�en conse;iL �if
<br /> �'; I�enef3'c�ary shall sell, transfer or convey or contract to sell, transfer or
<br /> �' convey the Property, or any part thereof or an�r interest tlierein, the
<br /> + entire balance of �he a.ndebtedness hereby secured shall became and be
<br /> � � immedia�ely due and payable a� the option of E��nefiriary; provided, how-
<br /> � ever, Beneficiary may caaive such o�tion �o accelez•ate if� prior to such
<br /> ; sale, transfer or canveyance or contract therefor, Beneficiary and the
<br /> . person to whom the �roporty is to be sa�d or transferrecl reach an agreement
<br /> „ ; in writing that th� credit of such person is satisfactory to ]3enefa.r.iary
<br /> ' and that the interest payahZe on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> � � shall be at such rate as Heneficiary shall request.
<br /> ' THIRD: That as further security for the payment of the Notes and ttie
<br /> ; indebtedness thereby evidenced and the performance of all of the �erms,
<br /> covenants and condi�ions hereof, Trust�r agroos that Deneficiary shall and
<br /> �
<br /> . ;
<br /> .
<br /> , I _ _
<br />