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, �' �� . :�; .... t � „ ,,. � - - ^'-.. <br /> _ <br /> �� �. _ - <br /> .._ _... ---�-�---�--�----.- . _ <br /> _-.. - - .. �_.. •�i = <br /> ' �. ..�. �•, ��': �0!�'�'�.l� � _ � _�_ <br /> , a_ --- <br /> . -:._,�--s- <br /> _..._ _ .. .�-`- <br /> "� UNIFORM COVENANT9,8or�owor�nd Lande�r covenu�U e�d a4roo aa lot►o�a. -`•'--- :����` �. <br /> 1. P�ymmt o1 Princtpat�nd I�brpt. Borrowor ehnll promptly puy whon duo tho pnnolpol of Ond IntOroel on tho .� � ',;� <br /> � ' IndobtodnoasnwdoncodbYthallota,prepeymanlondiatoohnrflo8nnproWdOdlnlhoNoto,andthopnnalpalolandlntt�rustan , ____ <br /> � nny Future Advancna escured by tho Oaed ol TruaG s; . , . _. _ <br /> 8. Fend�fn�Tex�endtn�ur�n�a.SubealtAnp�Ilcnblolnwa�tonw�IttanwoworbyLandor,8ortnwprehaUpaytol.endor <br /> - � nn the day monthly inatalhnente ot rinofpa��n�Interesl�ro pnYnbls under the Note.un�1 tha Nole M P�IA ln tul!a sum(heteln _ --_:-- =.::___ -- <br /> - "Funds"►equal to ono-tweiflh el�he y68ily k�Ke9�nd Aes�►ssm�nts whfoh moy ott�in pNONry Over 1h10�01 T�ue�And �.. . . ... _ .: <br /> � praundronteonthoProporty,llany,pluaono•twot8hofyonrlypremiuminetolimontntorho�e�rd�nsuranco,ptueano•twelRhat <br /> � . ' • �rearly pranlu�rnetaitnenra tar nortge�s tnaurance,If any,al{aa.oa:anaBty sauaeated!nitl�lly anri tram!!�a to tlme�y �� _ . _. .-..-. _-,- <br /> endor an tha basle ot esaosamente andbilla and raA�annblo estlmAtea thoreol. <br /> 7hp Funde shall be hetd In un�natltutlan thodoposlte orncnounta at whlah aro insurod or guarontaod,by a Fodaral or atato <br /> ngenoy�Inoludlnp i.entior 11 lender Ig auoh An Inatltutlon).Lendor ehall nppty tho tunda ta pay e�uld tnxea,araeaamenR�, <br /> Inauranco pramlumeand pround rente.Lendor may not charge for so hotdinfl ond applytnp Iho Runda,analy:ing eald aanount <br /> or varliying pnd compllin�auid aseosamuntr�pnd bflia unteaa LendAr pafre Borrower Inta�osl an tho Fundacfnd applitutble luw , <br /> • pormlte l.ondor to mnko suah u aharga.Qor�o��or nnd I.ender mAy egraoln writing a11ho timo ot exeautton of thls 0aed otTrust � <br /> that Intereat on tho Funda ehntl ba paid to Borrowe►,and unleas suah ogroemant�a mude or applicelbe law requlroa ouah <br /> IntutU81 t0 b0 pald,Landor ohnli�at bo roqulrod ta pay Bor�owor nny Intoroot or QArnin g�s on tho Funda.Lenda►sholl flivo to <br /> , Bo�rower,wNhaut ahar o,c�n annuol occounting ol tha Funda ahowina crodila and debtts to the Funde and!ha purpoae for , <br /> . whtaheaohdoblttolho�undawAan�Ade.TheFundaArApledgadasaddltlonalaeou��ryforlhoeumgaocurodbythlBDoedol <br /> Trusl. <br /> ' Il tho amount of tho funda held by Lendor,togolher wilh tho futura monthly inetallments o1 Funda pAynbie prlor to tho due <br /> detea af t�xea,aasasamnnta.Inauranae premlumo und ground�unte,ohall exaood tho amount roqutrad to pay ecild taxoa, <br /> asaesamonte,ineuranaa pramfuma Wnd ground ranta ae they tnll due,euch oxcaas ehaii bo,at Borrower'n optlon,elther <br /> promptly roppld to 8or►owo►ur creditad to 8orrawor on m�nthly tnatutlmento 01 the emount of the Funda hetd by <br /> � Le�dorshalinotbeeuftlolenttopeytaxes,asseasmente,inaurancepromtumenndground�enteaetheyfellduo.8orrowerehell • <br /> pay to lender anf�amount necesaAry to make up the delialency wlthin 30 days trnm tho date notice is malled by Lender ta <br /> Bar�ower requeating poyment tharoot. <br /> Uponpay�nentlntullotnllsumseoauredbythiaQeedotT�ust,LOndarahullprompttyrefundtoBo�roweranyFundaheldby � . <br /> . unde►paragraph 18 hereof Ihe Proparty lsaoid or the Prope�y is othorwieo acquttod by lender,Landor ehall appiy • <br /> . no latot than immedlof0ly p�ipf 10 th0 OA1001 th0 P�oporly or Ha nc uisit(on by Londer,and Funda heid by Lende►at the time o� � <br /> appltcatlon ae a oredlt agalnst the aums saaured by this Oeed ot�ruat. • <br /> 9. Appllaition of Paym�nto.U�tesa ppplloAble Inw provldes ntherwise,ali paymenta recelved by Lender under Ihe Note .. <br /> � and paragrapha t and 2 hareot ohalt be appl�ed by Londer hrst In payment at amaunta payable to Londor by Borrower unde� <br /> pa►agraph 2 heraol,then to interest payabte on the Note,lhen to the pnnaipnt at thp Noto,and then to fnterestand prinoipat on <br /> any Future Advanaea. <br /> 1. Chu��a3lfoo�.8orrowera ahall pey all taxes,asaessments nnd other chnrgea,llnos and tmpasdiana arirlbutabte to tho , <br /> P►opeAy whlch may altaln a prionN over ihfs Daad ot T�uat,and Ioflsehotd paymenta or qround�ento,if any,in the manner � � <br /> provided unde�paragraph 2 hereol or,lt no1�atd in such manner,by 8orrower making paymenl,whon due,dlrAOt�y to Ihe i ' <br /> payee thereaf.Borroarer ahall promptly lurn�v�,•o Londer oll nottces af Amounfu due under lhla paregraph,and in!he event f <br /> Bo►tower ehall make paymeni direatly,Borrow�,r shail promptly furnlah to i.endar recetpts evidena�ng euah paymanta. I <br /> Borrower shall promptly disohargo any Ilen which has priority over thla Deed of Truat:prov�ded,thut 8or�awer ehatl nat bo � � <br /> required to dlachargeeny sunh Ilen so tong as Borrower ehall epree in writing to tho paymentot the obligetlon aecured by auch I <br /> tle�In a manner acceptab�e to le�der,or ehall In good faith canteat euoh Iten by,or detend e��torcament ot such Ilen in,leflal t <br /> proceadinga whtah opetate to provent the n�totcement o1 tha iten or foAefture of the Property or any paR thereaf. <br /> - - - J. !!a=asd lnestta==te.&srrawst stsatl kssp ihs tmpravsrtsssss�na�axlsUng Qr hereatie:�rec4�Qn!he Prepert�r ln�rsc! � <br /> againat lot►a by ilro,ho=a�ds Included wHhln the torm"extondad caverage",and suah athor ha�ardo ae 4ender may requue ^ <br /> and in suah amounta a�d tor euch perlode aa Lender may requira:prnvided,tha!lender ahall not r uue tfiat the amaunt of i <br /> • suah covorago exceed ihat amount o1 co�nrnge�oquired to pny the euma uecured by thia 08ed of�iusf. , , <br /> Th191�eurance aarrier prpvfding the in9uranc�ahpll beahoaen by 8orrower eub�e�at to epprovet by lender;prov�ded,that � _ <br /> � auon epprovat snAn not Oa unr@asonadW witnne�d.An prem�ums on�nau�ance poiicias anaii be paiii�n ihv mannor provida3 ---- ------- <br /> undor paragraph 2 hareof or,lt not pA�d m suoh mnnnA�,by Borrowv�mAkin�payment,whert due,directiy la the ineurance � <br /> carripr. ' • <br /> Atl lnsurance po8oies and renewal3lhereol Ahalt be fn form accoptuble to Londor an0 ahall tnclude a AtAndn�a moAgage <br /> clE�uno ln tavor o}And tn form aCCOpt�ble to Landor.lendor ahell hnvo tna rlghf to hold tho pol�cies and renewols thereot,and <br /> 8orrower ehall promptly furntsh to Lenderall renowel natfcasand Att receipta ot paid premiume,in theovent ot losa.9orrowar • <br /> eha�l qlve prompt notiCe to Ihe IneurAnce cnrrler and Lender.Londor may mako prool ot toas�t not mado promplly by Borrower. <br /> Unlesa Lender and Borrpwer othprwisa ngrpe in wnting,inaur�nce piocoods shall bo�pplted to�eatoratlon or ropair af Ihe <br /> P�operry damaged,proy�dod euoh roatorotion or ropa�r Is econom�aally teae�ble and the aecuntv of thls Deed of True!is not <br /> Ihereby ImpAireG.lf auoh reatorallon ar repAV�s nnt acpnomicalty feaaibie or d th�socunty ol thls Deed ol Tru81 would be <br /> tmpalred,lhe�nsuran�a prpcoeds ahall be�ppi�ed ta the euma secured by Ihia Oeod ot Ttust,wqh the excesa,il any,pa�d to <br /> 8orrower.H tho Property is abandoned by d Borrower fado ta res ond to witht�30 days from the date <br /> notico 1s mc►�Ied by Lender to 8orrower that the�naurenco carrter aHera to se�tie a c�aim tor�neurAnce benefits,lender ts <br /> authorized tn colteo!and apply tho inaurance pracc�ods ot Lender's opt�on eitho�to rastarttt�on pr repa►r ol tha Prpparty pr to <br /> the eums seoured by thie Deed ot Trust. <br /> Unleos Lender and 8or�owar atherw�so a4roe�n wnt�nfl,Any auch appl�cAt�on ot procaeds to pnnoipal ahall not extend or <br /> postpone Ihe due date M Ihe monthiy mstailments reterred to�n pAragraphs t and 2 horeot or change the amount of euch <br /> inatallments.II under pAra raph 18 hareal the�Praperty fa acqu�red by lender,all nght,tNle and�ntereat ot Rorrowar tn and ta <br /> any Inau�ance poifcies an�In And to the prncooda thoroaf roault�ng from damaga to tha Property pnor to the eale or aCqu�eit�on <br /> shail pasa to Londer ta tha extent ot the auma secured by th�a peed o1 Truet�mmediately pr�pr to such eale p�acqu�o�l�an. <br /> 8. P►eservatlon and NAt�IMena�oe ol Properly;6pasehMde;Condamintums;Plo��ed Unit Oevelopments.BarrqwAr shaU <br /> Keep tho Properry in good repa�r end ehell not cammU waste or perm�t impt►ument ot qetonprAtion ot the P�operty anq aha11 <br /> , uamply with the provietons ot any leasa il lhls Daod ot Truat i�on a laasot�otd.ll thls Doed a1 Trust ia on a umt m a cundom�rnum <br /> or a planned unit devetapment�orrower ahall po�form all ot Horrower's obllgat�ona under the declarat�on ar covenants <br /> creatlng or gaverning tha condom�mum a►p►anned unq develapment,Iho by-laws and�egulations ot!ha co�dam�nlum or <br /> planned unit development,And conat�tuent a condam�n�um or planned und developme�it nder is exoutod by <br /> i Bor�ower and�eoorded tagother wUh thla Deed of Trust,the covenants and aproements of auch�Ider ahatl be Incorpo�ateq <br /> fnto And ahal�am�nd and aupplement the covenants and agreem�nts o1 lhle De�d o1 Trust Aa N the rider were a part hereot. <br /> 7. P�ot�otlon ol Lende►'s S�audty.II Borrower fails to perform the covenants ancl agroements contt��ned�n thia Oeed ot <br /> Truat,or i1 any actlon ar p�oceeding ia commenced w�th mntenally nHecis Lander'A mterest in the P�operty,�ncluding but no1 <br /> . Ilmited to,emfnent dompin,inaolvency,aode entaraemenl,or arrnn�ements pr proceedinga�nvolvinp a bank�upt or decedent. <br /> then Lender at Lender's opt�on,upon notice to Barrower,may make auch appearancea,d�aburaq auCh gums anci take auoh <br /> actionas�aneaessarytoprotecilender'sintareat,moluding,butnotltmitedta,d�abursemenlofreaeonableattorney'afeesbnQ <br /> _ _ entry upon the Property to make repau�►.If Len�ier reqwred mortga0e��surAnce a8 A cond�Uon ot mak�ng the loan secur�d bY <br /> ' _ ? Ihe Deed ot Ttusl,8orrower ehall pay the premiums required lo ma�ntain auch Inaurancp�n effeCt until such 11mo A8 tho <br /> requlrementtor such insurance termmate�in accordnncew�th 8orrower's and Lender's wntten agroamentorappiicaibe law <br /> ' Borrower ahall pay the amount a1 all m�rtgage msurance perm�ums�n tho mnnner prowded under paragraph 2 horeot. <br /> - " Any emounts disbursed by lender purauent ta th�e paragreph 7, w�th intereat thereon, shel� become additlonal <br /> Indebtedneos ol8orrower aecurod by thia Deetl ot Trust Unlesa Borrower and Lender egree to other termA of payment,eucn <br /> amounte shall be payablo upon not�co irom Lender ta Borrowar tequ4stmg payment horeot,and ehall bear mte�est from the <br /> " dateoldisbur9ementattheratppuyabiolromtimetot�meonoutstand�ng pnncipnlundertheNoteutdesapaymontottntereat <br /> ; , : I at euch rate would be contrary to appiicablo law,in wn�clt uvent such amuunts t►nall bear tnterost at the highe8l rat� <br /> + permisaible underappHcable law.Nathing conlAined m th�s paragraph 7 ahail roquir�L�nderto InCUr�ny oxponso or lako any <br /> ,.� aotlon hereunder. <br /> 8. Inepeotlon.Lender may mako or cause ro be mf�de ressoneble entnes upon ond mspecUOna ot the Property,prowded <br /> i ihet Lender ahail gwe 8orrower notice pnor to any such mspucban apucdyinp reaaonadle causetherolore relnted to 4andor'a <br /> Intereaf In the Praperty. <br /> . <br /> �� t <br />