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�� �{ -� ' .. _ , � " �.�%' '. ;--�_�� ;- � .. - _ <br /> r .� <br /> . { ..�. °� ' . � ,� . .. .L' �� _ _._.___. <br />� � �:r`-.L��� ._......_..__.._ �.�����...�.�.. ... . , , _�,h, � ._t.�v�,�"': <br /> ` . . . .�. _ f .v�_.-!�_-_ ..�` <br /> . � <br /> - _-� ..:_- __:.-�.. <br /> - � ,. . ��'�.�,a�� �3a �U9r'71�► _—, <br /> �.': . �'' ` �._.__ <br /> y _ .` � . . r-`� =- ._ <br /> � 0. Conaiemnallon.Tho procQOdo ut nny awnrd ar clp�m lur�Inm�puy,dunal o�canaequentfsl,in connaCtian with a�y �� —` � `"-` <br /> _ __�.._�. <br /> ' -� �..•-�_-=—===- <br /> - .°. _..._ condomnnfio�iorothartaklnqolthoN�apmty.orrnrtlhprP��,o►foro�nveynnce�nflouofeondmm�ntlan,nruhor�byoe91pnt1d " "-;,r��•,,: <br /> -a. .. <br /> ' . • nnd ehnll bo p��d t�Londpr. t , �� -- <br /> � .� :� •� In tht�ovom u1 a totat takina of Iho P►opprty,lho p►ocnads ohn11 bp pppl�ad ta iflo uuma eouured 6y thle Qoad of Trua�with � — °°- <br /> - Iho oxeoa�,It qny,pnid lo Bonowor.In tho ovonl at p pA►tinl tokfnp ot Ihe Pro�rty,unte�9�o�rowar nnd Lendor nUterwlso -*- •�'_�r== <br /> � nproo�n wrting,thao eha11 b�appltocl to 1ho aums sacurad by th�a poad ot Truet suan propo►tWn of the praGee+de oa la equel to �- <br /> , a� <br /> : thotproporitQnwhtchthuan�nuntetthq8uma�anurodbythia0fledat�tuatfmmndletelyprlortotHa�at9t�ftekMgDearotothe <br /> ` to��markot vnluo of iha�roper�r Im��d�qtalY Prior to tho dnto of tnklng,wUh th�htilAn�410�M8 ptOCOt�}§p8fd to @01tOtYer. <br /> ' � �; " II iho Proparry IH Abpndonod by 8orrowor,or If,plter notiao by lendo�fo Borrowor fhut tho Condomno�ottere to mnko an <br /> . . . otiro��a c,r��,nte a maim tas dar,ia�as,�csrrtsr.+a►ta�{s to sespond W Lendef tv►thi�t 30 duy�aNt�r tho dote auah aotfcels malte0, � ° ""' '� ' - <br /> _ , l.ondnr�e auihprliod to aolleof t�nd ppply tho proccteda,et Lender's optlon,olthor tn rostcrnrion or ropnlr of fho Proporty or to <br /> ` the sums aoaurod by tl�ta Oeed pf Tn�st. <br /> : � �• Unipno�ondorand 8orrawer olhorwleas�roo�n w�ittng,any auch AppllcAtlan of proonnde to prinolpal ehall notoxtend or <br /> paslpono tho duo dnlo of tho manthly fnatnllmonfe retorrpd tn in pnrAflrapha 1 anq 2 hvroot or chnnge the amount of euoh <br /> �nstrllmqnte <br /> � :, 10. Oonowe►NolRelea��d.�xtons�onofthotimofor paymentormcdlf�catfunolamorll�cationoltheeumeeoaurodbythis � <br /> • OeHd o1 Truai granted by Lender to any auCCpsaor in interost ol Eiorrower ahAll nol oporato to rolepao,tn pny mannn►,tho <br /> , HnblNtyofthoorlpfnql8orrowernndEla►rawo�'sauccossorsintarea4l.ende►ehotlnol6erequirodtoeommoneoprocoodings ' '' <br /> ,, ttgulnat euch aucco�snr or rotueo to extend tima for paymont or otherwfae modity amart�iation ot Iho e�ema eeourod by this ' <br /> , Dood o)Trust by reuson ot ony demand mado by tho orlglnnl[io�rowor and Oorrower's succonuoro In lntorps� ' <br /> , 11. Fo�6eatanoe by Lendar Not a W�t��r.Any lorbouranco by Landor In exe►oiatng pny�Ight or rpmody herounder,o� � <br /> . otherwlao atlordod by appllcc�ble law, ehAil not bo a wmvor of or praciuda the exerofae ot ony auch�Ight or remedy.The ' <br /> procuromontotl�suranceofthepaymenloftexesoratherllonaorchargeabyLondorahnllnotbeawaiverofLender'srightto ' � <br /> accolerato tho mAturity o}the Indubtednosa sacured by thla Deed of T�uat. " .. <br /> • 12. Remsdlss Cumul�Nra All remodlea provlded i�thla Doed o}Trust are disUnot And aumuiative to Any other rlght o� • <br /> rom�dy underthl9 0eed o1 Truslar allorded by law oroq Wty,and may be oxaraisad aancunently,independently pr euccesslvely. � <br /> , '� 13. 8ucceuoreandAutge�8ound;Jointand8ev�ralUablNfy;C�ptiaas.Thecovenantsand�tgroemontaherelnconWinod � <br /> AhAtlbind,andll�orlghfshoreunderaholllnureto.tho�espectiveauoaessorsandaasignaotLenderand8orro�ver,subJeotto • <br /> theprovis�a�AOlpArt�graphl7horeol.Ailcovenantsandagreementaol8orrowerehallbe�olntandaeverai,Thecaptionsancl � � � <br /> hendinga of the paregrrapha af this Deed ol Truet Are tor canvenlenca only and are not to be used to Interpret or deflne the • • <br /> provlaiona heroal. � <br /> 14. Notice.Excepltoranynat�aarequuodundarapplicAblelnwtobeflfven�nanothermanner,(a�anynat�coto8onowe� � <br /> pravidoq tar fn this pead ot Truat ahnll bu g�van by ma�ling such not�ca by cert�lied mAli addrossed to orrawer ot the PropeAy � <br /> Address or nf auah othor Addreas as Borrower may designate by not�ce to Lender as p�avid�d hereln,and(b)any notice to � ' <br /> Ic�ndor ahall be given by cartlflc►d mAd,roturn roaetpt requeated,to Lender'a aqdre8e stated hp►em or to such other addrosa as <br /> Lende►may deatgnata by notlae lo Oarrower as provided herem.Any notico proWded for in Ihla Deod cf Trust eha�l be doemeQ ��� <br /> . to have been fliven fa 8orrower or Lender whfln g►von in the manner dee�gnatdd hereln. ' � <br /> "1A.1 "Rf�quest for Notico.Truator A�d benefic�ory request Iha!a copy ot any�otica of dofAUlt nnd npttca af eale made or <br /> oxecuted by tho Trusteo pursuent to tho prov�aione horeof be sent lo!he Trustor and 8enehclary pt their respeCtive malltng '' � <br /> addresaes se!fanh abov�." � <br /> 18. Un{to�m peed ot T�uet;(iaver�infl�aw;Severabllity.Thn lorm ot doed of lrust cumbfnes unitorm covenanta tor • <br /> nat�onal use ond non-umform cpvenpnts w�ih timrtad vanAt�ona by�unadlct�on to consl�tuto a unitorm soounty Inatrumont <br /> covenng ranl praporty.Thls Uoed ot Trust ahall bo govc�mvd by the Iaw ot the�unsd�ct�on�n wh�ah the Property ia loceted,In ; � <br /> __.________ the eyen��►�$�gpY��4YlBlO!1 Qf C!Rls9E C!!h!S D88d 8S Tiu&f 8i ih�iYota eonii{E{�w�iN 6� f�o�bie iaw,auch aonifiaf phAtl not �— - — - <br /> aNectolherprovlslonaotthfsDoadalT�uslurlheNatewh�chGanbeqlveneNeclwdhoutt�oconllicNngprovlatona,andtothia ;� <br /> end the proviaions o1 tho pe�d ot Trust and tho Note a�e de�lered to he aevarAblo. <br /> 18. 8or�owe�'s Copy.Borrowor shnll ba turmnhotl�conformed copy al ihe Nata and ol this Daed of Trust at tha time ut <br /> 8x0CUUon or 8fl8/recordAtlon hernM <br /> � . � 1�. Traneler o!tha P►opo�ly;Aooumptlon.if ali pr eny puN�i th�properiy or an�ntnresllhorH�n is eolq or tronafor�ed by ' <br /> Bprrower w�thout Lendv�'9 pnar w��tten conaent,axclud�n��,�y tho croAtion ot a lion or pncumbrpnco aubord�nate to th�s Qppd <br /> of Truat,�b►tho c►aFltipn of n purchase maney�ncurily It�furoat(or houea�old appl�anr.�s,Ic)a Iransfer by dev�ae doacont or hy ' <br /> ope►atlan ol law upon 1ho depth pf n�oint tannnt ar�4�the gr�tnt a1 nny laosohnld intt�rostol threa years o�Iess nol conteining an � <br /> option to purchase,l.ander mny,nt L�ndur'e apt�on,doclnre nt1 tho aurnn aocured by thl5 Qped of Truat to bo�mmedlAtoly due <br /> and payabta.i.nnder aholl hnvo wArv��d Huch ophon lo nccatHrate�I,pr�or to ths sale o►trnnaler,Londer and the peraon to <br /> whom tho Praperty IA to bp 8old o�transforred roach agropmant�n w�dinq that the credd ot suah persOn is sAtielactory to <br /> ' 4@ndef and t�Af ihp lnl@►0A1 pAyAblp pn fh0 sUm8 B�CUfaq by 1h19 QOOd 01 TfUSI philll po A1 SUCh/tlte a9 l.andOf Shall f0Que91.II <br /> ,,, LandorhA8wa1vedlhoopt�ontaACGC�IprAtoprov�dedmth�spar,��rApht'l.nnd�iHor�owar'asuccossorin�ntoreathasexecuted ' <br /> ��w�Iflen osaumpbon Aqreomerdacceptod in wnUng by l.enqAr,l.ond�r shnU reloasa 8urrawer tromall ob�lgattons unde►thia <br /> Qeed o1 True1 nnd tho Nate. <br /> II 4end�r exoroieos euch�pt�an ta accc,lorata. Lencior sht�tl ma�l porrow�r nat�cn ot accAlerat�on�n nccardance with <br /> paragraph 14 horeof.Such nohco sha�1�prowdo r�ppr�ad o1 not I�ss thnn 30dnys tram Ihedatetha nohca�a mailed wlthln wh�ch <br /> Borrowor may pay Iho nums daclared due 118orrowor f:�dR to pHy sur.h suma pnor to tho expuAt�on of auCh p�nod,Lender <br /> mAy.w�thout lurthor not�C�or dt�mand on 8orrower,mvok��ny rnmE�d�o9 porm�ltRd Ay pAtA��aph/8 hereof <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTB.Bor�ower and Londn►lurlhor aovonant aod agrae ae foliawa: <br /> 18. Aaeele�ation;Remediea.Except f�s prowde�q�n par�groph 17 herf�ol,upan 8arrow��'s ptaach ot ijny covonant or <br /> agreementol8orrpwer in ihla Qeed ol Trusl,�nCluQ�ng thu cnvo�Ants to pAy whon duo Any sums seCUreq hy thiA Deod ot Trust. <br /> l.Undat pnpr to nCGelPrahOn Sh�il m�iii notiC�to BortpV�or nr�prawdnd�n pnr�greph 14 hnmM��eC�N�ng:I i I iho brpach:�?►fhn <br /> f1C110f1 ld(.�UIlti[��p VUIb 8UC1��1!lN4F1.�3)A dfll0.Ilpt(ElRS Ihflf1:�0 r�f►y9 ffpf111hU dfltp thE!l�O11G8�A filc�l�0t�f0 QQ� whi0h <br /> ::uCh breACh must bA curt�d:nnd IQ)thrtt/aduro to cur�suGh bre+ach on o�holorg ih�riate�specdivd in the naUCe mfly reauli in <br /> •accolerahon ot Ihe sums�iecurad by Ihis Gond ol Trustand raio ot thfi Propf�rry Tt►�noUce sh�ii}urther iMorm klarroarer ot Ihe <br /> r�gM to remstate AHor Accolerahon and ihe nryht to Gnng n court�ction to Assah thfi non-ex�stence ot a delauN or any pther <br /> de}enae Ot po�fOW6t to AcCpIOrAtiptl��nd 9AIp Ii ih0 bf88C11 i8 not CurE�d Otl nt pETtOfH Ihe dOt09pOGd10d ift ihe no11C8,Lpndor at <br /> I_B�dB(�S OpItUIt lltiiy dHC1AfH HII pl tltf+9UntR!iE�CUfHd by ih19 DOEf(�d�7fu5110 bQ IfnrttBdlfllCfly dU8 Altd pAyAGIH WIlhOUllUfihpf <br /> , demand And may�nvpka iho powc�r ol!;;�lo and,�ny othE�r romodies pormdted hy�pphcnble law Londe�r shali bo enUtled to <br /> COI1pCt 811 fBEfSOflfIblU C09f9 Atld AxpHf19H9�nCUr�Hd in p�i/9Wnq th0 fFrtnOdiUS pfpVldOd ifl thp pAfflqfpph 18,�ncludinq,but npt <br /> I�mitod to,teaAOn�bie ntlorney a loes <br /> ; U the power ol Hele ta�nvaked,TrusteF shnll rf+card a noUco ol�loluult in oncn caunty in which the Property or aome p�rt <br /> thereot is loCated And ehAll mail cap��s u1 such notic��n Ihe mr�nnor prnscnbed by Appl�cobio IAW lo Barrower and to 1hH a1hHr <br /> � • pergpn9 proscnhad by appl�c�hle law qitor fhc�Inpse af such tim�aa mey be reqwrnd by anpl��z�h►Q►gw.Trustge Shal!gtte - <br /> - - pubiic nati�H di ante io the persona anq�n in�mann�r prescnbF�d l�y apNlic�blo IHw irustee,withput den►and on 8otrowar, <br /> .hall ee�l the Propertyat publ�C auChon to th�h�gheat biddrr Ht ihf�t�mc�rmd pl�co and undor thatermsdas�gnqted tn the notico <br /> , � ol sele in ane or more pElrCels and�n such order as Truatao rt�;�y determ�ne.TruetHR mny postpone s�le ol all ot Any parCei ot <br /> ihe Property by pubtic nnnaunpemant tll the time And place ot any prpv�ously sChedulod&alo.Lender or Lander's deaignee <br /> � may purchase the Prpperty At Any e�ln. <br /> Upon rece�pt ot paymontotthepnce b�d.Trustea shAll dalwer to thopurcnaser Truatee's deeq conveyfnA the Prope►y aold. <br /> The recitale in tho Trueteo'a dectd sh�ll ba prim;�tac�p evid�ncc�nl thc�truth ottho statements mado thore�n.Truster�ehall apply <br /> thepraCeedsoltt��salemlholotlow�nc�ordor ��Itoalireasunablocualsandpxpensesoithesalo,�ncluding,butnot�imitOdto. <br /> Truateoefeesotnatmorothan �oofthe�1�t)98ANIppf�Cfi,r��AO�AbItl8ltOlnHy'gf0888fldCOli1801f11188VIuA11G6: <br /> � Ib)ro all aums secured by th�a QooA ot TruAt.�nd Ic)tI1H H1(CElyB,d any,to Iho po►oon ar poraons legally enNtied thereb. <br /> i • � 19. 8or�ower'e Rlphl!o Relnttato.Nolwithstnnding Lendc�r'a;�cceleraUon o1 the auma aecured by thls Deed ot Truat, <br /> , porrowerahaNhavethenghttohave�ny proceedingabogunbyLc�nderloenforcotho0eodolTruetdlacontlnuodatanytlme <br /> • pnor to tha earl�er to occur o1�i)the f�flh dny bofore the sale ol th�properry pursuent to fhe power a1 sale contained tn the Deed <br /> of Trust�ii)entry of a�udgment enforCmg this Deed of Truat d:�a)Harrower pays Lender all euma whlch would be fhen due <br /> under this peed nf Trust,the Note and notos socurmg Futur�Adv��ncos,d any,had no accele►atlon�ccured:lb)8prrower <br /> curea a�l breaChes ol any other aovenants or apreements ol8orrowor conta�ned in Ihia Daed o1 Truat:(c)8orrower pays all <br /> reasonehte oxpenaeRinourred by Lende�and Truetee en}orc�ng tho covenanteand agreemonte of Borrower Contdined In thlo <br />. . Deed otTrust and in anforcmg Lender'sA�d Truste�'w remediea eo pronded In parAgreph 18 hereol,Includtng,but not iimfled <br /> to,roason�ble attorney's lees:bnd�d)Borrower takea such actiqn ns Lender may re�sonpbly requlreto oasute Ihatthe Ilen of <br /> thia Oeed ot Truat,Ler�der'o intereat�n tho Property nnd 9orrower's obllg�tion ta p�y tho suma securod by fhls Oeod ot T�uut <br /> . ' ahall Contmue ummpalred.Upon euch pAyment and curo by 8orrpw�r,th�s Daod of Trueta�d the obltgationA secured hereby <br /> �� ' ahAll rem[1m In luli►orCe and eHeCt a9 tl no nccolerehpn hnd oCCUrrod. <br /> `a . ' <br /> � � : <br />