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. � .. . ,_��...�...� .�;\���. �^�L � . � ._R�-� _ _— —� <br /> � _� {� n xr�•. <br /> /• _ .,� � -�- -- ----- -S'`_.. ._. .- -- -- . �� � ._. _. , _ <br /> ..� �.aa.�..,a[�a.�sb.�[� � . ' . -- ----- --- <br /> .... <br /> .� _ i� _ .'- - - <br /> �'�.�. �a �`�'",� <br /> .. . _ -- -- ---- <br /> - =—� . ' ���� ��'� ����� • <br /> :� -a- - -- <br /> :��� <br /> � ... ____.. _ <br /> TMIS D�EQ aF TRllST le mad9 thiq 9 day af �ua�... - . __ . ,.. <br /> — tU�:� _�umonp tlie T�uator� ---H�ar.� Rn���d_._R3cka�. r���n�t,c� fl�--�„ <br /> -- --- -- - ---- � - - <br /> -'� __ ___ -- <br /> (herein"F3orrnwer"►,Fi�elter Bank,N�tl.anel Aetooistipn, <br /> ,- 6rf+aha,Nebrnaka,(�erein"i�vatea"),and Re��efioiary,Fitenet E�ank,Nattonat l��s�oiatton,fJm�he,�tei�rnska,� - <br /> ' aorporAt�on orgaNaed and oxisting under tha lawa �f The United Stataa of Amerla�,whoaq eddreas Is 1700 ______ <br /> '. - Famam Straat,Omnhe,Nabrasko,88102-2169(he�rein"Lender"). <br /> .�- - �URRAWER,In ca�sldoratian ot thA indebtednesa he�eln racitad c�nd the truat herein oreated. Irrevooably � <br /> � at--�_. <br /> ;. , �.;;-. p�antsandconveyatoTrustaa,Intrust,withpowdrofselo,thofoltowingdeaorlbedproperlylocatadlnlh�Counry <br /> % - ' --�'�.`"���, of �___._,...._, ttnil ,State at Nebrueko: <br /> ..__ -:�s�;:=. <br /> �� ,x���4 <br /> T�..-r=,F r �,�'y k �_---__ � <br /> �.: <br /> �xe i� - ' <br /> �.`-.-. �.7�'R.- ' --___' <br /> r�,; • fEi, <br /> �.' � .' • � '.r� ,;�r� Lat 16 Roes ThoAetaoyor Subdivieion, An Add�.tion ta the City of ____ <br /> �' ' � ' Graad Ieland, HAlI Caunty� Nebraaka � <br /> ` n`:t�'.�._ <br /> �.:_r. - <br /> �i�+`-- _ <br /> , .� �,�-"'_-=. <br /> ,. ..,. • h'e�;xlY~. <br /> ' .. ' i'� _ _ --- <br /> �,. � -- <br /> . .�.;�- <br /> ' t�_. <br /> . -a�:�4'•:'� . <br /> r ,, -- <br /> . �:� <br /> . V �� �� `�, <br /> ----- ------� � n � . - _ <br /> : ..--� :, �� -_ -- . . . <br /> •. �., <br /> � ri � ,� �~� , :; cD `:.b-.� <br /> � � � � .�c �x: <br /> � �' . � . , � �,� E-_-.-_.-p� . <br /> _ . _ � . � . , : � ;'; =j � � . <br /> � ' 171 �, .� „ c� <br /> „ � � � � , • . '. R" ., _ <br /> _ N �� <br /> Q� � � � , • � ' , "� ° .. <br /> pIm C ' •� ��'' � <br /> v � � .� �. � •+ � f,� � � <br /> S� m Z � : <br /> . � � . <br /> � � ' <br /> � which has the addresa ot . .. _2�p5 Idalio, Gr�nd Inlnnd, NebraAkn 68809 _ f <br /> "'��;���o�� ��;�;,- � ! <br /> . _. _.._ .____._.__�_..... (herein "Property Addrpsa"); � <br /> �sm�o enu tu coam � � • <br /> . TOQETHER with all the improvements naw or hereafter erected on the property,aiid ail easements,rights, `{ � , <br /> appurtenena�s,renfs(aubJecl howavor to the righta and autho�dfes given herein to l.o�de�to colloctand appiy �� ; <br /> . auah renta),royaltles,mineral,oil and gas nghts and profits,water,water rights,and watar atook,and ail ffxtu�ea r , <br /> _ now nr hereatter attaohed to tha praperly,ail ot which,including►eplacements and addltions thereto,shall bo ' <br /> de9med to be and�emaln a pah af the property cavared by thia Deed ot Truat;and all of the bregoing,togeiher � <br /> , wilh said property(ar the leasehold estate if thia Oeed of Truat Is on a leashold)are her�ln referr�d to as the <br /> "Praperty,�: � <br /> '� . TO SECURE ta LENDER(e)the repaymen!of the indebtednesa evidenced by Barrower's not�i dated i <br /> �J3o/�.'� �hereln"Nota"),in the prinatpal eum ot <br /> '� ' � _____ Qollars,wlth interest thereon,pravlding tor manthly instaliments j <br /> '; � ' � of prinoipal and into�esl,with the balance ot ihe indebtednesa,i1 nat sooner paid,due and payable on <br /> �'. .�TCh 3Q ]��__.__;the payment of all other aums,wlth interest the�eon,advanced <br /> ` � +�� in accordence herewith to prot�at the security ollhts Oeed o1 Trust;and the pp�formance of the oavenanta and , <br />• , . egreem�nta ot Borrower her�i�containod;and ail renewals,extenslono and moditioations thereof;and(b�tho <br />' rapaymenl of eny future advances,with mterest m thereon,made to Borrower by Londer purauant to paregroph 21 ; <br /> � hereof(hereln"Futuro Advencas°). � <br /> • QORROWER oovenants thet Borrower ia larvfully set=ed ot tho estate hereby conveyed and hae th�right to � <br /> .,,,,. grant end aonvey the P►operty,that the Propeny la unenoumbered,and that 8ar�ower will wa�rant and defend ; <br /> .�� generaliy the title to the Property agalnet ell olaime and demande,sub�eat to any deolarallona,easementa or ! _. <br /> , reatrlotlona listed tn a eahedule of exceptions to anvere�e tn any dtle ineu�anoe poUay InsuNng Lender'a lntoreat <br /> � In the Property. <br /> �� <br />