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! - ' 1 � ' � . . . <br /> � '-1 . . . . ......._��- � . <br /> � �V���� � <br /> . � . � - ��� • � <br /> , .� <br /> � ---�--�� � tlrJlFpHt�A CQVF.NANP.9 Hnrmw�r nnci t.�nKnr Gavonc►nl and aprpo os lollows . <br /> i. Paym�M of P�inalp�l�nd int�ral. 8onowur ehall prompity pny w1�an duo iho pnnclpul ol nnd mt�r�Bl pn Ihc� <br /> � mdObtOdnOasavldancOd by tho NOto,propuymtlnf nnd tAto chi�rgBS aA prov�dod in thp Noto,and iho pnnr.�pnl alnnd Into►o�len <br /> � Af1y�UIUfO AQVL100@9 90011f8d by th9�30Efd 01 TIUBf. ' <br /> • ,_ Q. �rundetmfe�eeen�Ineatence.SUbf@0�1AA(lplif•Ab1AlAWO�10HWfttlOIIWAtIftllbyl811�BI,8orroa+ursht�itpayWlondo� <br /> - � onthudaymonthlylnetntlmentoofpNnalpulAnd��tarestnrepuynbleundortheNoto.undllhoNotolapoldlnl��it,oeum(horc��n , <br /> - ' �---� - -- -- "Funde")equal lo bne-tweifth al ttta yot�rly tnxoa ood aaueaomants which mey attein pnotiry ovar ti►ta Dead of Truet,�r�c4 <br /> ; . . flroundronhsantha�ro�porty,Itany,PiUflOfl6•htlQiMhOf Y@8f1yQf@iT11UtI11fl81811fl18M91@/N{!!8►d1i19!!►&ItOB,P�uB�ene•hvelflh4i L— . : <br /> Yourly prvmlum InstAltmente tar mortgapo.�naurnnoe.Fi eny, oil as�eaeonably astimatod InHinliy and irom Ilmn to tlmo by <br /> Landor on�he bnaio of usae�ementei anti b�iia and roeaonoblo oatim�tc]s thc�rnui. � <br /> Tho�unde shatl be hold fn an Instltutlon tho doposlfe or ttCCaunte of whlch a�e Ineured or guaranteod,by e Foderal or etnto � <br /> a4enoy(�neludtn4 l.endor ff I.endor lu auah on Inotitutlan).�ondar flhAll appty tha tunda to Fny flaid taxea,Aeaodemanta, � , <br /> maur�nco promluma and ground ronte.Lendor may not charga tot yp holding and applymp tho Funda,ar�olysinfl sald aucounl <br /> ur verltying end oomplll�ig aeld asoosamonta und bilis.untosa�oncfor pnyo Borrower�ntoro�t on tha Funcisund applloable law f , <br /> pprmtta Lendor tomak0 auah a ohargo,Ror�ower c�nd Landor may agrea ln wrlling at 1ho tlmo of ox�cuflon ot thie 0ooal ot Truet ! � <br /> �� thnt Intoroet an tho FundB eholl bo puld!o Borrowar,a�d unleaa suah agraemont�s made or appIloalbe►aw requlroa euah ' <br /> fnto►oat to bo pald,l.ender ahrtl�not bo required to pay Bor►ower any mtorost or earnlnps on tho Fundn.Londor ah�ll givo to � <br /> Borrawor,wlthaut ahflrgo,an onnuel accounting ot tho Funds ehowfng orodlts nnd do611e to tho Funds and the pu►poso tor � <br /> whfah ouat►dab►tto tho Funde was mncla.Tho Fundsnre pledgecf�A additlanal seaunly far tho eums secured by thl8 OeEid ot � � <br /> 7ruat. k <br /> 11 the amount o1 the funds held by l.ender,taQolher wlth tho tuturo manthiy tnult►Ilmonta ot Funda payablo prlor tA the due � � <br /> d41es ot tqxos,nasossmenta,ir►auranco prem�ums nnd graund rente,ahatl exceod tha Amount requirEtd to pay enld taxos, <br /> na8easrt+ente,insuranoe prom�ums�ncl(1round renta as thoy tall dua,auuh excese ehalt be.ut Botrowor's optlon,olthar <br /> romptly re aid to 8prrowor or creditc�d tn 8orrower on monthly tnatallments af Funda.lf tho Amaunl of Ihe Fu�do hetd by , -� <br /> p p d <br /> � LendorehullnnibeauMlolenitopaytaxos,asseasments,lnsurencopremlumsendg roundronlsaslheyfAllduo.8orrowetehall <br /> pay to Lender any nmounl neceasary to maka up tha deficlency withln 30 days from tho datu notico ia mtl�led by 4ender ta ' <br /> • Borrower requesling payment thereol. ; <br /> Upon payment In full of elt nums securad by thlo Daed of T�uat,Lendor ah�ll promptly�ofund to 8arrower Any Funda held by , � • <br /> under paragraph t8 hereattho P�apertv ia sold or the PraperN isothurwinoacqwred by Lender,Lende�ahali apply <br /> no Intorthan immedlatolyprior tothoeale af the fs�opa►ryor ils acquta�t(�n by Londer,and Funds held by Lender atthetime o� <br /> application ae a credlt ogninat the aums soaurpd by this Dead ot Trust. <br /> . 3. Appilo�tiao ot P� ment�.Unleas npplicable law prov�des otherwtae.all payments racoWed by Landar under the Note , <br /> and paregraphs t and 2�e�eof aht�lt bo appltod by Londor first In pnyment at Amouma payablo to Lender by 8orrowot under <br /> ppragroph 2 hereot,tho�to Intprest pnyAble on tho Note,then to the prtnnlpal ot thv Notc�.ttnd iho�to Interost and princtpal an <br /> any Future Advances. <br /> ( 0. Charpefi Ltsnt.Bor►owers shatt pay all tnxos,aeseasmenla ttnd other aht�rfl�s,ilnes And impaAd►ona atlributable tothe . <br /> PropeAy which may aNAln a pr1otlN over thia Uc�ed ot TruaL and teaeehold payments or ground►enta,�f a�y.�n Ihe manner <br /> � _ providod under poragraph 2 hereai or.d not paid in auah m�nner,by Borrower making paymaM,when due,dlreopy ta the <br /> , pnyeo theroof.Bor�owe�ehall promptiy Q�mteh to Londer nll notices a1 amounta due under this paragraph,and in tha event <br /> Rarrawer shalt make(w yment dlreatly,Bar�awor shatl prpmptiy furni9h to Lender rdceipte ev�dena�ng auCl�payments � <br /> ' Borrower ehatl promptly dischargo any Ifen which hus priarity over thla Oeod of True1;provldeq,thet 8orrawe�shail not be <br /> � roquired to dlachargeAnyeuoh Ilen so long aa Barrower ahall agrea�n wnting to the payment M the obllgat�on securod by auoh <br /> Hen In a manner acceptable to lendor,ar ahall In good falth contast auch I�on by,or dutend entorcoment ol such Hon in,legsl <br /> � proceadings whiah operate ta provent the enforooment of the Ilen or IoAeiture o1 tho Proparry or any pc�rt thereat. <br /> S. Ha:a�d Inturanae.8orrawa�ohall kaep the imp�ovementa now ext9ting or hereattet ereatod pn thp Proporty insured <br /> 0g8�f181Ip9fl�7y�IfB,�asards inaiuded wifihi�ih9lortn'�ex��tlt3�vov�f8 8'�,and euuh ofhe►hazards afi i.ender�ray�u�ss - <br /> And in auch amounts and for auoh perlads as Londor may requlre;pro�I�ed,that Lender�hall not raquiro that the Amount at <br /> auoh aoveraga exaead thpt amount of coverage required t0 pfly the eume SeOU�pcf by this Oeed ot Yruat. <br /> Thlslnauranc�►earrlerprovidlnqthdlnsuranceanallbeohoaenby Bar�oweraub�eattaapprovalby l.ender;prov�dod,that <br /> � i suoh appro�af ah911 not be unreaeonablv wdhhold All prem�uma on inaurance policles�hell bo paid in th0 mAnner pfOVtdeq <br /> I under Aa►e�7�nph 2 hereol or,if n�t pAif1�n gu�h mqnner,by Borrowor mnk�ng payment.when duo.tllrectly to the�nsuranCe , <br /> CAffl@f. <br /> All InauranGa potloies and ranewalfl Ihereof shnll bF+�n farm nccFptabla to Lander and shall mclud�H atnndurd martg�ye <br /> clauseln fnvar of and in farm accoptnbloto l.anqor.4ondor shnll hi�vo 1ho nphlto hold the pot�ctes ond ranewals thereol,and <br /> � Barrower ahall promptly turnleh to l.c�ndor all rt�newnl noticos�ncf r��I rece�pt�01 pp�d prem�ums In theevent o11os8.Borrowor <br /> � shall qlve promptnutice totho I�aur�ncocurnor nnd l.ond�r.l.endor muy mnke prool of laes il nol metlopromptly by Botrower. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower atherwiaH ogrec��n wntinp,�nsurpnr.e procaods ahntt be Appliod lo ro9toratlan or repafr ot tha <br /> . Property damaged,prov�dod such rast�rat�on ar repon ia acanom�colly teas�ble nnd tho secunly 01 thia Doed ol Truat�s not <br /> thereby Impalred.11 such restoratton or rt�pau�s not t�conomicaily tenaiblo or d tho socunfy ot th�a Deed ot Truat woutd bo <br /> � �mpAired,lhe Insurance pracpodo ahnll b�npphed to thn sums aocur�d by th�s peed at Trust,w�th tha excesa,d any,pa�d to <br /> � 80r►ower.If the P�operty la abandanoQ hy Borrowet,nr d Hurruwar fads to respand ta LordNr wdhln 30 dAyA t�Am the dnto <br /> notico is ma�led by Lander to 8orrowc�r thHt thc+u�surance aarner oNora to soltlo n c:�n�m for insurnnce benetits,l.ender ia <br /> autharized to calleat end apply tho�ngurAncu pracuads stt Lt+ndur's opUOn eith[+r to restarnt�on o�repau al the Property ar ta <br /> the sume secured by this Deed ol Tru�t. <br /> Unlpas Lender and Borrow�r ptharwiao aqrao in wr�t�ng,any such appl�cnUOn ut procc�odn ta pnnc�pal ahall not extend or <br /> poatpone the dua date a)the mpnthly matAllmonts rc�terred to�n paraqmphs t end 2►►erput or chinge th�amounl 01 such <br /> installments.II under pArap�Aph 18 hereat the Property�s acquuad by Lender,eti nght.t��lo nnd mteroat o1 eorrowoi�n nnd to <br /> nny��su�ancepohciesAnd�nandtoth�praaaadatherpotrosulUnqfromd��maPc+tathoProp�nypnartathptinleorncqu18�t1on <br /> ahail pass to l.ender to Ihe Hxtont n�tho aums s�cured Gy th�a Oo�d ol Truat�mm�dietc�iy pnar to auch sela or acquia�Uon <br /> 6. P►aaervotlon and Meletonanao alPrapoNy;4ao�aholda;Condamfnlume;Ptonned UMt Qovelapments.8arrawer ahall <br /> � keep tho Propo►ry In good repa�r and�hall nat Cammit we4ta�r parmit�mpn�rmEm1 ot dotonutat�on at ihe proparry and shAll <br /> +' i.untNly rr�tt►it�3 ptoYislcns of�ny Icu:a it thia pccd ul Tr u::t�c�n a lQaaehold N Ih�n t�nnri ot Tr��n1�n un n unn in eGOnQomlmum ' <br /> or a plannad un�t development,�arrower shall porform nII of�orrower s obligalions undur the ueclAtal�on or covennnta <br /> cteetlny nr gOv9►mng tho r.ondom�rnum ar pinnnod un�t duvelopment,lhe bylavis nna rogulations o1 the condomirnum or <br /> planned umt dev0lapmonl,and canatituent ducuments.II a condormmum ar pinnnad unit devolopment nder It�exouted by <br /> BO�toWer and�eCOrded tOqathar w�th thla Oaad o1 Trust,th�c:ovennnt9 end:igrec�mpnte ot euCh ndar ahAll b9 inCOrparated <br /> mto and shall�tmend and bupplemc,nt tho covonants�nd r�gr�aiments nt 1hls Oot�d ol Trust as�t Iho ndat wert�a part hereot <br /> - 7. PtoteCtion ot Lende►'s SeoutNy.It Narrower 1H�Is to pr�Horm tha covnnants and�grec�ments cnnlAined m thli�Qeed at <br /> Trust,or d any actlan or praceudinq it�commoncud�v�th matunany atfects lt�nder'9 mterest m tho Property.mctuding�ut not <br /> hm�teCto.uminentdomnin,ineolvnncy.cnd��nlurct�me>m.or arranc�nmemsar praceod�ngs mvalvmg a bnnkrupt o�deeedeM, <br /> � then Lender at l.ender's apUon,upon noUce to @�rrvw�r m�y make such appanritnco9.d��butsu such Sums end t�ke such <br /> aG11011 QS IS 118C88SAf�110 pIp18C1 LOIldB�'s intorest,t ticl�itl rtu�.bUt f101 IIT�tOd l0.d19bU t9HR18f11 OI fBA8Pt1i1blf)�110ff10y�8 IQ68 Atld <br /> entry UpOt11h0 PropB►ty t�TAkp tOpAit9.II l.pnder mqu�rn��m�rtgH�ta influm��ae As�1 Condq�on n)mAkmg tht�IoAn seCUr�d by <br /> thp Qeed o!Trust,8orrawer ahal!pay the prem�uma rsqu�r�d Io mamtH��e such �nsurAnCe m�NeCt unt�!aush t�me as 1hN - <br /> requi�emeM fo�auah Influrnnce terminate�tn acr.ordencu with Hnrrower'st►nd LtinUOt's wntten agreement c�r upp ticalba law <br /> . 8o►�ower ehall pAy tho amount ot all mortgnge msuranco p�+rmiums m Ihe m�nn��r prov�dod under pAragrBph 2 heraat. <br /> Any amounts dtaburaed by L�mdar pursui�nl to th��a {�;un r,►ph /. w�th �MOr�Ht Ihorean, shnll b�came addlttanal <br /> mdedtadneaa ot Horrower securect by thia Doetl ut Tivat Unit�,yR�OffOWN�fltld l Ut1dHf IiyfpOtp plhflf 1p!(09 A1 p9yR10ltf,auch <br /> amounts ahall bd poyable upon not�c�trom l.tmder�o HurrawNr r�quoslm{�paymtmt htttonl,and 9hall hear�ntarest Irom Ino <br /> date oldlabursemenf al tho rate pnyfablatram Ume toUme+un outstsindmg Pnncipnl undur the�Noto unley9 paYmenl of intorest <br /> at Buch rate wo�ld be canlrary ta appl�Cfl�110 IHW,ul Wh�Ch OVUfII 4UCf1 il(11pU111R!Sh811 GN�f rtllOfElpl 8� ihA ht{�hest tBtEf <br /> perm�esible undor applt:.Ablolnw.Nothmg contnu�ud�n 1mc:p;uayr:�ph 7 sl�r�ll roquno L�mdur W meut�ny[�xp�insti or take any <br /> � ; acUOn horeundor. <br /> � 8. IOOpOC1100.Londer may mnko or ci�uno ta ba mudn ro;i�san�blF�entn��s upon.ti�d u�Spt+Ct�n�is i�l thF+Pmpnrty.`►tUV�dt�d <br /> • lhatLenderehnllgwe8orrawernohcopnurtc�ar�ysurl�m�cpuc.Uo��spucdyinqiu;�sun;�t�tuc::,usi�lhc�ralu�riolatedfbLonders <br /> I intere9t in tl�e Properry <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . I <br /> 1 I � <br /> , <br /> � I I <br /> � � — - - <br /> _- <br />