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� . � � `, , r ,- �. . � ^ .. .__.. .. ` <br /> ______ �—___- ___ . •! — - . . ��_., � .'�.°�`_ - <br /> r <br /> i�,�`a'�i�_�; . <br /> � • M �tlIN'� Y� �.{M�� >___ _-_ -- '_ <br /> 0 <br /> _ ' �.�— <br /> :�..: ���� vt�l�i pCC���TRUST!a mado thls 3rd dey of..--.—,.,�utt� ---- <br /> .._._u.�.�.., ___�,�.------- <br /> _ -T -_ ,� 19 `�3 ,Amortg the'�runtor,�Ah�d1_I�. Spinc�ler,_i,orraina Ma R �� .I�AY' R� . .'r lea� - <br /> ��.� � ,�,� ,� ��i1a �nnioi Y.. ��r�ci nr s,�.�.n�c,i�,.�°nc��jein"Bonower"�,FIralldr Oank�Nailonal Aeanefetl�l�, ° ----- <br /> --- - - <br /> .,::�:-� ::=r=�-=,�: Omah�,Pfabraskc�,�harain""rruetRe"i,end[3enHticlary,FIra5lor B�nk,National Aesoolation,Omaha,Nebraeka,a �-== �--- -- <br /> , `�;' � � � � carporntipn orgc�nlxad and exiating under the la►v�at Tht�UNtnd Etntos of AmptiaA. whoaa addrass ia 1�011 'ti``= <br /> - � _ <br /> � Fqrnam&troet,Omnho,MobrASkA,80102•2183(heroin"Lo�der"►. �.� - ----_- <br /> . . � �L ��.,..�'^-- - <br /> <, : - <br /> . �: . . BORFIOWER,fn oonaldoratipn of lho indebtednesa hareln reaitad und tho ttust hproln arat�tESd, Irrevaoobiy --�, - - <br /> '�"` • prants nnd cpnveyH�tp Trustno,in truat,wNh power of emlc+,tha following dosoribed proporty locntod In tho County ,� ,,•� � <br /> , ix � <br /> / , a1 _.�...._._..�.._ ._.._.__.�.__.. ,St�tc�af NebraBkA: ���_, __,F:. <br /> / —�-""`-'�t--. <br /> ',��.��",;.:-,��� <br /> I�a� Nina (9), 81ack Fivo (5), Hal-Air Addi�ion to tho City aP � t��� <br /> . Grand Ieland, Hall Coun�y. N�braskn. .'� =�''-����'� <br /> . :,,.�===--- <br /> . • , ',;.�_�_�_�- <br /> • � �..-=:.�:a:�.L, <br /> � v�— <br /> - - . �' . _-----__ <br /> - _ � -• !:-.�. <br /> ' .. . � -�c,:1: <br /> r • -- <br /> , • � ' :� <br /> .� <br /> ' . .�•ti�,._ <br /> 3'� <br /> -- -- — � <br /> -- — ----�+-: <br /> tl ,. <br /> •.• ; . (n �; <br /> I I . �.a �. ,.i <br /> n � f [ � tn ��; . ' . `� t� , � <br /> � � i:� ; ! '�s � .' ' . , . : � � t —. ,:`,- <br /> . � .' � ..y � <br /> � ; � � � y . � '.1 �'; .� q - ' ' <br /> - . .. , � � � , , •� y t <br /> � � � . . . . � O � <br /> � ,,.� , o <br /> 1 � � - • •� � <br /> � � <br /> ,�0 m Z ' ' � :c� � <br /> ,e 'C1 ,� 2 I <br /> � p � , <br /> � <br /> whichhasiheaddressot 2g?� LaMar Avonuo Gr�znd xnland i <br /> Nebraska 68803 ,:.�,,oi� ,.:.i„ .. .__r._ -- � <br /> . �s�a�oanaz;oc„ao�' .� . . . Iherem °Praperly Addreas"�: . � <br /> TODETHER with all the�mprovements now or hereatter erected on the praperty,And ail easemerNS,�lghta, �r � <br /> • appurtenances,�dnts�aubjeat hawover to the righta And authonties��ven hereln to I.ender to aAlleCt and apply �0 <br /> such renta),�oyaltlea,mmeral,oil and gas nghts and proflts,water,water rtghts,and water atock,and ali fixturea <br /> , now or hereaft.�r �ttaohed to the property,ali ot which,lncluding replacomenta and addltlo�s thereto,ahall be <br /> , deemed to be and remain a part ot the property covered by thia Oeed of Trust;a�d all 01 the foregoing,together � <br /> wlth aeid property(ar the leasehold eatate it thia Oe�d ot Trust is on a leashold)a�e hereln reterred to as the ; <br /> Praporty , <br /> • . TO SECURE to LENpER�a)the repayment ot the Indebtednesa ovidenced by Borrawer's note dated <br /> • _ Jynp 3, 1993_ ...____ (he►oin"Nota"),ln the prinr.ipal sum ot riPtc��n_tha�s n �d n�/�00 <br /> -"---°�S�s�-Q�--==-=---�_ Oollara,with intereat thereon,providing for monthly inatallmenta <br /> ' of principal and intereat,with the balance of the tndebtednesa,it npt soone►patd,due and peyable on <br /> . �uno 3, ].9�A ;tho payment af all other auma,wlth Intareat therecn,advanoed <br /> In Accordance herewith to p�otact the secu�lty ot thie Deed o1 Truat;and the performance of the oovenanta and <br /> ' agreementa ot Borrower herein con9eined;And all ranewala,axtensions and madifloationa thoreof;and(b)tha <br /> ; ' repayment ot any future edvanoas,wlth interest in thereon,mada to 8orrower by Lende�purau�nt to paragraph 21 <br /> ' � h�teof(hereln"Future Advances"). • <br /> ° 80RROWHR covenants that 8orrawer ia lawtutty selzed o}the estete hereby conveyed a�d has the rlght to <br /> grant ond convey the Property,that the Property la unencumbored,and that 8orrower wilt warrant and defend <br /> r generally the title to the Property againet all alalms end d�mande,sub�eot to any deola�Atlone,easementt�or ' <br /> � roetrlatlona Ilated i�a sohedute of exceptlone to coverage in any tltte Inaurance poitny Inauring Lender's inte�esi <br /> . In the Proper4y. <br /> � <br /> ' - ---- --------- - <br /> - <br /> ,r ------ - ----- ------- <br />