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_ } `�..���,,,,,_��...��„ . . ...1... . . . . i n r .. . - - -' f ---�.�____:r.l°''_r._ -� _ <br /> ���.i_--_ <br /> � R — __-- <br /> . �3m ��_-_._� <br /> r�����f�r,4 '� i����� _—— <br /> -. . � 0. CoE�cieuu�eHon. Tha proceadn ut�ny��wnrci or cln�ro Ic�r N,�mFtt�c�P.�upCi ar cpnl:equ0ntlt�l,In r.vnrtocdc�n wit�+nny � .�,,, -_ = <br /> eOndemntlt+onoruiiiorldktnpofll�pPr�pc�rly,�rpierltharooGorinrconvoyae�coinlfouofcondumnatfon,nrohArpBypostQncsi �__�_,: _,______�__ <br /> and shAU bo pnid to londor. � = �_ _ <br /> �� - in tna ovam at:i tt�ta�tu6�����I th����o�,ty,the p�u�:dti�ia 5hiill be i�p�11C��ial it1a�RUti►9 6�C{1tEd by thlA D.Z�.d nf Truat,��iN� �- _:., -�- <br /> , � thd oxcoas,�I any,pald to Horrowor.In tho a��3n10l a pn►unl Inklnp o)tho Hroporty,unto�g Oorrowar ancl lvndov othorwlt�o , r �- :„'���-�� <br /> np�ae�nwrq�np,thuraehnllboappIiadtpthooumooaourodbythi�DoadofYruslpuchpropo�tlnnottho�rpcee�aot11b8qualto i,_:�� -.-�"'-=-:Q�i_ <br /> thalproportion�vhichlhonmounlofthopumseaauro�ibythiADoodotTrustlmmodlatolyprio�tathodoteottakln bea�etothe - <br /> ' i��lr martcot�ralue c�l Ihn oro orty ImmQdlt�tel � °-- <br /> � p y prlor to tho dpta o1 tnkln�,�v�th Ihp bpinncse ot the proctseda paid�o Harrpwer. �: <br /> - . _ _- _°. It the Prupnrty�a apttndonud by�nrrowor.ot if,Attor nottao by�nndor ta eorrawnr that tho condamnnr c�Nar�to make act '* — <br /> n�vnrd ar�pu1a o Cmim tor dpmapee.RorrowQr Inlls to reapond to Landor wuhln 30 days eltor the ciete eunh notica Is mallad. � � <br /> Lc+nda��s puthor�xod lo cotloat and apply tho pronnads,at Londor'o apbon,elthor to reetoratlon or rapalr ot tho P�oporty ot to •`� �� .�� - <br /> . �..� . . • ' . .. �. ._.= = --_ <br /> tne flums seeured 6y IRia R:x�d a!Tru�t = <br /> , UnlussLondar�uidBotroworothp►wisea �aotnw��tin an suaho ticatlonof rocoudeto rinoFpal4hellnott+xtentlar � '`�""y�°'�,�- <br /> 8 a. y PP P P . ��;�-;.,,�_� <br /> posipono Iha due qttle ol iho monthly inatallments roteuvd to tn paragraphs t nnd 2 hereof or chsnge tnD amount ot auoli _—_��- -='-=-. <br /> • instnitments. . ���='°'-°-' <br /> � 10. Borrowe►HolReloee�d.Extc►nt��onolthotlmofor pAymonlarmodiNcutlonafnmartl=ntfanofthoeumasnaurodbythfa ' ~���'"•'`•.j" <br /> qead o}Truot g►csntad by Landar to u�y euccweaot In Intoroat ot 8o►rowor shaU nat oporato ta Any mannor,tha • � - •�s-, <br /> IttlblUtyotthaor►gi�alQorrpvro►pnd8o�rowo►'asucaoasoretntorast.Lond�►ehAlinotba�aqutrodtaoammoncoprooeedtn s �°�:���""� ' <br /> .�_ <br /> ngulnsl such ouccnsaor or raluso ta axtond tlma tor paymont or otharwlae modliy amonliatlon o}the eume seaured by th a :;v'.: *?�Y',: •�-.`� <br /> Deod ot Trusl by reASUn ot nny damnnd madc�by thp orlpl�nt 8nrrowor and Borro�ar'a euaco38o�81n fntorost� ,, � <br /> it. Fa►b��rana�by 1,e�d�r Nol e W�Iv��.Any Iarbea�Anco by Lender In axerolaing any rlgM or remedy hereundar,or ��- �� $: �' <br /> athorwlso allordod by qppdcnblp law,ahall not bo a wawor ol or precludo 4he exerolso ot uny auoh righf or remedy.The • '��'=�`=� <br /> procuromoMofinauroncoaflhopaymoMAftnxeao►otherlteneoroht�rgeybyLendorshallnotboAwafverOlLender'srightto . ��,•.-�•.�'�- <br /> . Accelerate tho maturily pt tho tndobtednosa 8ecurud by this peed ol T�usl. - "---- <br /> 1x. Remedlea CumulaUvo AU�ompoles provfded�n thia pead pl Trust Are dlatl�ct and cumulativo to uny other rigM or �� ' '•.`_F--- <br /> remedy undor lhfs 0eed o1 T�us1 or afPorded by tew or equiry,and may ba exa►clsod connurrently,lrtdependnntly oreuccesslvoly. , <br /> 13. 8uace�sorsandAulgn�8aund;J�lntand8evssall.lahtNty;Captlnns.Thecavenantac�ndapreemanU+hereincantaUad ' - — <br /> ahali bind,a�d Ihe�fghte horeundor ehnll inura ta,the�espective successore and asei na of l.ende►anti 8orrowe►,eubjeof ta • — <br /> the provfa�ono of pntagrA�h 17 horeot.AlI covenants andag�eemento of Harrnwer shnl�bp�ai�tand sevaral.ThecAptiona nnd +�`_- <br /> head�n�ga ol tho poraprnphs al this Ooed of T�usl Are tor canvenience only and are not to be uaed to i�terpret o►deflne tho ' <br /> provisions hureof. - <br /> tA. Notice,�xcoptforAnynotfcoruquuodunderappllct�blel8wtoboglvenlnAnothormanner,�a)anynoticeto8orrowe► � �+_: <br /> pravlqed br In this Oeed of Trusl ahn11 beglven Gy mefling such naticeby aenNled mall addresaed to Horrawer aHheP�opeAy . ��- <br /> Addrasa or at euoh othor addraea ea Borrownr may daslgnate by noUCa ta l.ender Aa p�ovldad heretn,and(b)any notlae to � ,, ; �`��- <br /> .� tenderahallbaflwenby cartitiodmnd,►otumrocolptrequeated,toLender'saddresastatedhereinortoouohothereddresaus � �, _� <br /> ,,: Lendermayq�sf�nAtobynaticeto8ot�oweraaprov�dedheretn.Anynpticc►provldadforinthiaQaedatTruatahallbadeemed � --- <br /> to hnve heon glvan to Sotrower or Londor when givan!n the manner deslgnated hereln. � <br /> �14.1 "Roquoat tor Natir.o.Truetor ancl benellctary roquestlhat a oopy ot any notloo 01 detaultand notlao oteale mado or ' <br /> axecuted by the Truatee purt�uAM ta tha provistons ho�oaf bo aent to tho Truotor and 8enefictary ot thoh respoctivo mailing . ,�t <br /> .. addf0980S Bfl11p�1h AbpV�.° ��-„ <br /> 1S. UMtorm Daed o1 T�uet;Qoveming Lww;$everablNty.Tho lorm ol doad at trust combinea unitorm covenaMe tor �-�`�'��� <br /> natanal use anci nan•u�dorm Covenanls wdh Ilmifed vanaUOns by�urladlctlon to aonatltute a unllorm seCUrl1y instrumen! :�� - <br /> covenng real proparry.Thls Qood ot Truu1 shall be governed by the lew ol ihe Jurisd�ctlon In whlah the Properly la loaated.In <br /> ih8 8VBf11 thA18l1y p�OVISi011 pf CIAU09 OI ih�8 D68d 0�TfU91 Of th9 N010 CQn11iC18 Wilh App Itaable IAw,suah conflict ehall not 1: - <br /> aftoCtotharptovislaneollhtsQeedotTruslortheNotowh�chcanb��wonnNectwdhoutlheCOnfNctingproviaiona,andtothla � '� - <br /> ent�ths proY�slena ot Ihe Reec!o}Tru�t�sxi tha Nate ara dszfarad ta be severabia. - - --- - <br /> 18. 8orrowe�'s Capy.Sarr�wer ahnll bo tu�mshed a confarmed copy al tht�Nato and oi thls 08od of Trustut tho timo oi <br /> oxecudon oI after reCOrdatlon hereol. �: - <br /> 17. Transler ot fho P�opehy;Aeoumption. Ii at�or Any parl ol ihe proparty or an mtereat tharein is apld or lranato�red by � � <br /> �n••��rar4r:lhess!l�ndsz'sRr:o:W::KSna�^ae::t,exclu�;ngia;;hc�:satsar�tatlar��rsr�:•umbrancasutsard�nataiathssi3s:,�i __-------------- - - <br /> _ ' ofTrust,�b)IhQCfpAt�OflpfaQUtGhAbO(riOli6y6BCU�i1yIf110IH5110fhOUAtlhOldAppllBflfpB.(c)atranelerby devlaodesce�ttusby � � -� - "' ° <br /> oporation o}taw upan lhe deAth a}n�p�nt tnnnnt�r�a►tho prnnt a1 nny loosohotd lntorost ot thraa ypAro or lass no1 cantAinmg pn �� <br /> opt�on to purchean,L�ndor may,nl l.ond[fr'sopUOn,dac►ara:�m m�riumo sacurod by thia Qoedol Trust ta bo tmmedlAtely due • <br /> And ptlyAble.l.ondt�r sh�ill h�ve wAwc►d xuch opt�on tn nccalert►tc��I,pnor to tho sale or tra�9lar,i.Ondo�AnQ tho POr90n tC <br /> whom Ilte Proporly�s lo ba said or trt►nsf�rrod roach agroa���ant u�wntinp Ihat Iho crAdU ol su�h porson ta BfltlslACtory ta <br /> Lendor und thAt thp intorosl paynblo on tho sums securad by thiq pQnd at Trusl ahnit hoat auch rate Ae Landpr shall <br /> I.HIldBf hA8 W81VOdih00p11011 IpACCpI�lA1Q pfpVlddd iflfhiSpilf1(]f�'1ph 17.�f1d 11�OffpWOl'98UCGOS90f ifl 11110fp81h888%OCU10d �• <br /> ' �wNttpn asaumptipn aqrsemont accopted m wnting by l.ondor,Lm�dnr ahnll relana�Hortowur lram�II oblipat�ona under thla � <br /> Qoed ot Trust And iht�Nate. <br /> II Lender exorc�ses auch aption to�cc�lcrate. Londer :.hell matl porrowor npt�cn ol A4CV18rat�On �n pCGOrdaltCe w�ih � <br /> pa►ag�aph 14 horeot.SuGh nat�ce ahalt prowdo a pc�noq ot nat lo�s Ihnn 30 days trom thadate the notia9�a mailed w�thin wh�ch <br /> Q�rrpWer mAy pay the auma doctAr�d tluc+ II Hqrrower istds to pc►y such sums pnor to the dxpirat�on of suCh penod,Lender i <br /> mAy.w�tnou!lurthor noUca ar pomnnd an�rr�wer.invoko�ny romnd�os parmdtod by pAragraph 18 hereol <br /> NON•UNIFORM COV�NANT8.Borrower and Landor 1u►thor cove�ant and aqtoe as fotlowo: � <br /> i8. Aooaleration;Remediea,�xcapt Hs prc�vidc�d m p�raqraph 17 hereol.upan Borrower's brpach ol ttny covenAM ar ' <br /> ��greemenl of Borrawer in th�a Ueed�t TrusL mclud�nq thc�r.ovonnnis ta pay whem tlue any sumxsecured Dy th�s Deed o1 TrusL � <br /> l.pndor pnor toACCOIarflUOn sh�ll m,�d notir.oto 8orrowF•r nr�prawdnU�n pnragrAph 14 h�ta�l spaC��mg:(1)th�breaCh:�2)tho <br /> �cUOn�oqu�►edlocurosuch hrnach,�:i1;1dA1o. not IeSS ih�n 30dily3ffpl111h�dAlRlltfltlphCQ I501A1 OdtO WhICh <br /> ��uch brertch must bo Curud.�nd 14)ihnt I;� cum such bruac:h on or hEeloru iht?d��ta sppcdied m tho naUCO may reault in <br /> _ � �:�r:r.nlnrnUr�nnl�hnqt�ma�t��urt!db;Ih��L+���pL}Trustand�.�Ir:ofthirPiUpu�t; TlSuin)fiCCf.hl111UfIhEfIt110f�t1HOffut46i0}!hC <br /> i flghllU►OIf181Bt9 AflQ(ACCf7lpfiil�ptl�"1(1d lht►flflht 10 bt�flg il CUUIt AG1�pf1 t0 A99Hf1111H flOfl-0%IS10Rp8 01 A d@'�&UII Of Af1y 01hpf <br /> defense ol8orrowor tonccol�rat�an�nd nnlu II tho hre�c:n�s not curod on or bntora tho datc�specdied�n ihp nahcA.l.endet at <br /> 4endar's aphan mf�y declaro all p1 ihc�sumv�,n��urrid by tlus paad o1 Trusi to Ge nnmoUi�taly duo and pttyabl�w�thaut furthvr <br /> , domnnq and mAy mvak��Iht�powor ol salc•and any olhr.r�t�m��du�s purmittrd by s►pphcable lew.Londc�r ah�ll be enUtied to <br /> cOIlBCt All teA9pnt�bieCastnand oxppn!;<+s incurrnd�n pi�rsu�nq the r�•medws prnv�dr�d�n tho par��rtiph 18.mciuding,but nat <br /> ' hm�ted to,reasonnblo nttamc�y s loen <br /> 11 ihe powHr M sqltf i�mvoked.Tr u:�IF�r�•:h;d 1 rtm.nrd.t tinhcP ot rlof;�utt�n�;�cn r.ounry�n wh�ch tho Proporty or somu p,�rt <br /> the�oot ua lacafed nnd nhnii mntl cc>pws u14uc�>»ohi:o�n thr m,mnnr��roscr�had hy��pptu:�bin It1w to Horrower andto Ihe athor <br /> � per�ons preacnbod by npp�icnhio I�w ANe�r the�IHpsn M suCh imic�;�a may pe requuod by appucabin law,Trusteo ahnll gwe <br /> public nahce oi s�le to the p�rson��nd�n the mt�nnur NrE�scnbt�d by applic�ble i:�w Trustee.without demand on Borrower, <br /> _ 8hall9ell the P�opertyAtpu6l�c�uCUon to tho hic�hest biddpr at thr3 Umo antl plaCe antl uncler Ihuterms des�ynaledu�the nohce <br /> — ai sple�n ona ur morc►pnrcmo antl in suah ardor f�a Trustee n�;�y d�tarm�ne. Truatoa mny poatpane sple ot ttll or any parcel of <br /> l Ihe Propetty by publlc AnnouncemczM.�t ihp Um0 Antl place o1 ciny prpvipusly 9Chedulod sAlo.Lendor or Lenqor's dea�flnee <br /> � may purchase the Praperty at t�ny s�ie <br /> � Upon rppe�pt at paymentof tht,pncn b�d.7rus�o�shnll doUver to thc purGheser Trustae's deed conveying tho Propeily sald <br /> ThofOCdels�MhaTrustuo'ttidE�t►dsh;,llb�pnm,�tACienv�danceolthwtruthplthE�stetemenlsmAdatheretn.7tuste0ahallapply <br /> � ' � iha proCeeda oithe AAle�n Iho lollow�ng order(ei)ta��II r�aaaneble costsand expeneos of thesale.includ��g,but not Ilm�ted to, <br /> Trustoe's lees o1 not more�Ih�n "•u ol Ihe gr�sa salo pncs�,raaaonable ariorney'a taea end Coate ot titlg e�idenae; <br /> ' . � Ib)to all eums securod by Ih�t�pood ot 1 nist.and Ic►Ih�oxce9A,d�ny,to tho person or persana lapally entitted thereto. <br /> �' � � 19. 8ot�ower'e Rlyhl fo iioinstatu. Natw�thstandmg Lendor'e i�caolorat�on pt the eum8 secured by lhle Oaed ot Truat, <br /> , ' Borrowor 9ha11 hnvc�ther�ght to ht�ve i�ny proc�F�d�nNs bogun by Luiid�r tn Hnlorco iho Ooed of Trusl dfacontinued utAny time <br /> ; pnot to tho eArliet to UCCUr M�i)Ihe tiNh d��y before thesalool the Nrc>perry purauant tn tho powerol sale conta�nedin the Oeed <br /> of Trusl(fi)entry of a�ud�ment enlorcmg thie Deod ot Trusl�I:(n1 Rorrower pnya Lender�II sums whlch would ba then due <br /> � under Ih�s peed o1 Truat. Ihe Note and notas ac�curmg Futur�Advancus,�f F�ny,hnd no AccoletAhon oCCUred:(b)Borrnwer <br /> cures all breaohes of any othor covenants or agreomenta ot 8orrower contamed�n thie Deed ot Truet:�o)8orrower peys ali <br /> ' reeaonablpexpenseafnCUrtedbyL�nderandTrusteuentorcmpthuCOVenantsandngreemanteol8prrpworCOMatnedinthie <br /> , I �eedof Trust and�n enforcing�ender'K c�nd Tiuyteo'9 temetfiesas prov�ded�n parA4rAph 18 ho�eol,includlnp,buf not 1lmited <br /> , I to,reasonable atlornay'a lees:and�d)Borrawer li�kos auch�clion es Lender may reaeonably raquuo toasaure thnt the I�en ol <br /> thia Oeed af T�ust.Lendo�'s�ntereal�n Ihu Nropprty:�nd[iorrowor's obllAnt�on ta pny tho aums eocured by thia Oeed of Ttust <br /> . ahall aontinue ummpalred.Upon auch pnymw+nt nnd curo by Harrower,this pood ol7ruatand the obUQntione ec�aurod hereby <br /> ' shal�roma�n�n fuil torc�and vHect ey d no acc�lorAU�n hqd uccunc�d ; <br /> ,� I A <br />