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�� ., �"� ' ._.... ��w,,�., --. . \ , -�'�'c� -- -- <br /> .,.. _ _ _ .�...,....R, ' . _. .. ____ _ � .___� _ , .^ - �- <br /> __� . ...e . <br /> - <br /> ..,.� _ _�___�rr..---�-,�.�., z �;,�.�--�_-:.:�_�..-. �_ _.._ . .. _ _ � - - <br /> t <br /> .._.._�.,.�.� • � � e+'' �.������i� <br /> --_ - _ -__-,� :+uh:;t�jmi,illy c-�yiv��lcu�neo�tg�ig4,lp:,arun►��tsvcrngc ir•nui ia•.dl�hbic:.13ur�utver shaq p;►v t�� �nd�r carti��u�ntf����im cyun�tn — <br /> - unn�t�vCEi�h ut',li�•��e:irly ninr�gagc i��s�n�aurc p��cmiun►bclnt�p:�id hy I3��Pn��vcr o�•I�rn tiw inru���n.��cuvcragc Inpscc! ��r c::iticd tu <br /> - - - = t�itt ciPE-:t.�.cf,tltx it�lU�rr�;:►std retnfn d►�sc p�.�yntruta nv ��I�s4� reticrtc in licu uf uto�4ia�tc U��uc�ltrc. �.A)5Y rescrvo . . _. _ . <br /> .—��_ --- ��ayuccu��uuty uu lun�ar ba��:qt►I��c�1,nt A�c uptlun�t Lcndcr, if rnurtttut;e inc�u:mce euv�r;�4(!i�th�cu»ciunt nnd far thc�riust <br /> _ — - t{mt l�n�h.r ��e�tui��ev)pruvl�tai hy un insurer u�p�7►ve�hy l.ea�ee a�ain brruntry nvrdinl�lo i�ud Is�iGtnfucJ. tiutru�d�r hh�►11�r,�y <br /> - - - tho prcmium9 reqttlret9 ta maintui��uturlgnF;e insuranrc in effcct,nr to providc u toss nsc��ve,uutil thu rcyuiit�ntcnt fnr nmttga�;� _ <br /> � � � <br /> _ .�� inaurnnce cndy in nrr�►nlan►�wl�h�iny writtcn r,tt�rcmcnt bcttivccn l3urru�:cr ns�d l.cudcr ur uppHri►hlc I��v. <br /> _ -= 9. in9pectlan. tacndcr or it�uucnt nu�y Il1AIiC fl`:iSllltll(�I1:L'Itll IC�t1��u11 a�ti.� In��c�tf.�n;nP thc Nm�;.ny. l.cncl�r stt;�l1 Gk�e --_— - - <br /> - - -- -- Harra�ver notice nt thp ti�ne uf ar pelur lo nn iitti{�ectlan SpreilpinR rrauoni�hl�:cnuso ti�r thc ins{��iun. -- <br /> l0. Co�zde�tinutln�.'The pr�xc�cds+sf'uny i�wur�l ar elnl�u tue dwuuHry.�inct or :ou�equ�ntiul, ia comttrtion wlth i►n� <br /> .= �ondemnadon�+r�thcr t��kin�at'uny piut nf Ih�Property.ur fnr canveyanro(n licu uPc�mdum��ation, nrv hercby pssigned ared <br /> - shnll bc pafd ta lsnder. - --- <br /> _- in iitd cvri�i af a tc�Eai tak{n�;c�f thc rm�s::nY�thc:Pft�cc�is�h:�!!Ue upplie:t ta the sumv 5ec��r�•�I hy lFdx Su urity G�strw»e�ri, <br /> �vhcther ar nut �hen due,with uny cxcc.ry pidd t�� Ho�rawcr, In thc cvent��P u partiid tukin� ul'the Praper9y in whici�tl�u li�ir <br /> rnnrkct valuu uf tl�r PR1}1l'tiy Ifltltic:lllAlCly huturc tha luking is equul tu nr grcutcr thun thc umount ut Ihc+et�mr�caured hy this __ <br /> � Security [nstrument immcdiutcl t+�Paro thr tuking,unlesv Harruwcr und l.cnder uthrrwist ngreo in writing,the tiums Fccured hy <br /> z �,. _ . y <br /> ;�,6� �4 `„k ►htti Security Instnimcnl hhull li� �cducc�l by thc u►nnunt ol' thc multiplicd by tho fi�Uuwlnh Prucdun. (n1 thc iutul <br /> . . amuunt ut'the sunn Mcured inniicdiutrly iteturo thc titking,dividc�l by (b) thc tiiir mnnc�t vuluc ui'the Pruperty imnmdiiucly <br /> '�,-; ��.` _' hefore d�c t+�king, Any hnismce �hull he paid to Ilurrawcr. In thc cvcnt of'u purlii�l tnkin�! ai' Ihu Pruper�y fn which 1he fuir <br /> �,-- `� � �'� .�� m+u•I:ct vuluc ui'thu Nruperty �mmcdiivaly hcli►rc ihc laking Iti Ics��hun thc i�muunt ��f thc sumx sccured imu�ediutcly tnPi�ru the ��— <br /> � �����°--�c�=ro-�'" tuking,unless I���rrc»ver and I�;nder otharwi��a�gr4e in writln�ur unicss upplirahlc luw ather�vixe pruvide�. the prucceds tihnll <br /> �'="��-�T,•�:'��,-; bc np Iicd ta thc sums�ccorcd by this Sccurily Instrumm�t whcthcr ar n��t thc xum.r•arc thrn duc. <br /> °`.��` �f thc{'ruperty ir•aband�med hy Il��rruwcr,ur iP. i�f'tr� nuticc by l.ondcr tu t3u��.�wcr thut tlw candcnmur��fter�tn makc un <br /> 31 �� 'r .. .;:•.° �.: t�wnrd or nrllle u rl;�im ti�r �Imni�l;cs, 13orruu•cr fi�ilti ta rc pund tu l.endrr within z(1 d:�y. ,�n��r a�c du�c ihc noiico lti �!iven. _. ___---- <br /> , � ` l.en�lcr M�iutharizcd tu cullect i►nd u}�ply the prurecdti,m �.urti�m. elther t��restunuion ar rrpai�ut'the Property ur tu the sums <br /> .�, � ` .' `. • . h�currd hy t1�is Scrurlty In.r•trumcnt, �vhcthcr ar nut thcn�ar. <br /> � Unlcss l.pnder und N��rrowcr .rthcrwisc t�grce in �v;hing. unv nppli�iiU�m nl' pnx•rcd� tu prinripal tihull nat exten�l ��r --- <br /> `, � � . po�tpuue thc duc dtttr��l'ihc ntanth)y•pi�ymcats mirrrr�i ta in p.�ragruph, 1 and 2 ar chung�tlic mnount at',uch payn�cuts. __. <br /> I1. 1lurru�ti�er Not Rcleusedi r'�►rhet��unce By I.e��der N�ri u Wulver. lixtentii��n ul'thc time ti�r payme�n ur nu�diflcuti��n <br /> � . . ��f nmuniri�Uun uf'thr tiums�ccurcd by thlti Sccurlty Instrumcnt�runted hy I.undcr ta.u►y tiuccc��u�•in Intrrest ul'N��rruwcr+hull -- <br /> . , . �iot��per.�tc a�rcicati�thc Ifahiliry af thc urlpinul H�►rrawcr ur Nurruwcr'�,ucr��ti,ur, in Intcrest. I.ender.hull »ut hc rcquircd ta --- <br /> c��mnunrr praceedin�!ti ug�dntit tmy tiurcesrur in intere�t ur rel'u,r tu�,�xtend timc li►r pay�nuut ur u�h�n�i�e mu�lily amonirutfun __ <br /> ,.•• � i�f 1hc tiumr ticcurcd hy thi� Srrurity In+trumrnt hy rca,un ul'uny drmand m�idc hy thc uriginul Burruwrr ur Harn»vcr's <br /> �, , ' sucressurs in inta���.t. An�� i'i�rhrarunrc hy l.cndrr in r+ccrel+in;;i�ny r�pht or r�mrd��51�u11 nut hr i�wuivcr ut'ur pnrludc the �;=--._ -- <br /> .. rxcrrixc�►f nny rl��ht ur romc�ly. -- <br /> • 12. tiucccrs��ry ond A�.r•lµn� Hounds Julnt un�l Scvcr►�i I.iubiUt�•t Cu-tiiµner.+, "1'ho cnvon.inu u��d ugrc�n�cnt.r ut'thiti ��- "_ <br /> � Securi�y Intiti�u�n�nl tii�ull hind und hcncflt ihr ,urr�»or� nn�l �i,.i��m ui'�lcr iu�d Hurruwcr. .uh�cct la th� pruvi�iimr�,i' R"°_�:__--• <br /> ' • . pt�rt��rnph 17. ��rruwcr', ruvrniints luid nf�r�em�n�� tihuU hc juint und xvcral, Any Nurruw�r w hu ro•ti i�n:, t h is Scrur i ty �===�=- � <br /> In,trununt hut d�k�, nul�rxecute thr Nuic: (u1 ix cu-tii�:ning thi�Srrurity In,trunknt unly b► mart�iiyc. �:runt .�nd cunvey thut F,�'-�;.� <br /> _-.��..-: <br /> Ho��'���ver'�inlcnst in Utr pruperty undcr ihr t��'ihi�Securitv Intitrument: 1N► i�n��t per,anully obli�uted tu�ay Iho sutm • ,,�:;— <br /> 1_•��`_ <br /> . _._ yrcurrd hy tbi.Scrurity in�trun�cnt: und Irl u�:rcc�thut l.rndrr mul uny athrr Huri�u�r�r muy ugr�c a►cxt�nd. nux��nc�ar ur -=-- ----,_,—- <br /> ' _ ` � makr any�icrumm�xtu�inm with rv�+►rd tu thc tcrnn uf'Ihi,Srcurity Inru�umrnt ur thr Nut�withuut U�at Hurru��•cr's runycnt. . ` .'�"-� <br /> --,-------.---_. 13. I.uua Ctw���.11'thc luuu �rcurcJ hy �hi.Srruriry In+irumcnt Iti�uhj�cl t�,u I:av��•hich +rt+maxinium luun rh;�r�;rr, ��, <br /> � sutd thti� Itiw iti lillt�il}• illl�!'prel�d+��th:it Ihc interr�l ur ulh�i' lu;ul �'l1ur�!cs��dle�l��l ur !o ho r��ll��l��i i�t�ul►nC�l'lun ���Itit Iho � • <br /> • luim rzrced thr permiucd limit�. th�n: lu� uny ,urh I��an chur�r+hall hc rcducr.l hy tiic :roiu�ou ncc�++ary tu rcduru Ihr rhu��gc �... ' <br /> '. • tu thr permilt��l limit:und th)nny ,um,ulready rnllrrtr�l Iru�n Narruwer��•I�i�h rxrrrdr.i permiucd limit�wiU hr rat'undrd tu ;� <br /> He�rn�::�.r. lxs:slsr ::�� el�:w••_ te, �,,::l.� �I►►. r��iund 1�� r�durioe Ure nr�nrinul uwcQ undor tl�r Nute ur hy nuiking u dirrr� -- - :::. . <br /> -.. - -- ��uymvut ia Burru�t�r. 11' u r�t'und redurcti rrinrip:d. thc rr�liirtiun a•itl hr �rrutcd u, u ra����ui ���r;�y���k�tq wGhuul uuY -- - . -. -�rt�r,?�s. <br /> rrcp:�ymcnt rhurgc under tl« Nutc. <br /> 14. NoUccw. Any uulirr t�� N�n•ra�►rr�,ru�•iiled I�n•in thi� ticruru�• It�•�rumrm�I►all h�Eiren 1,�•deli�•rrin�! U nr hp muilinp .�, <br /> � � it h�• lir+t clu,� inail iudr��applicahlr L•n� rrquir��u,e ul'annther me�h���l. 7'lir n„ii:���h:�ll h���lirrcted Iu II�� 1'raperl�• Addrr„ • . <br /> �+r�nry ���hcr uddrr•. Hurru��•cr �le�i�nutr� b} �uqir.• a, I.rn�lcr. :1n� ��utir� tu LcnJer ,I�;►II h►� �iseit hy 1'ir,t rl�t�� mail t�� <br /> l.ender'� ciddreti�rl���c�l hcrrin ur ut�y uth�� ad�lr►�.. l.endrr d�•.ignat.. h�• iu,lirr lu Horn+��er. An� nutire pr�n•id��l li�r in Ihi� . <br /> ticeurity In�trument ,h�dl h4�lecnmd a,h:i�r hr�u gic►�n tu Hurr����.�r �a�I.��nder��I�en Fi�cn�i� p�uvidrd in IDi.p��r�ig�:iph. : . <br /> 19. (iovornln}; Ltiw� ti����cruhilit��. 'I'I�i� ti��rurit�• lu�trum�nt ,hall h� �o�•►�rne�t I,p Ir�t��rul I��w and tlir lu�� �d' thr <br /> juriulirtiun in ��•hich thc Pruperty i, lu:�nr��. In Ih�.��rm thu� am pru�•i.iun��r rl;un,ui Ud.Sr�wiq Imiruu��nt „r thr Nutc <br /> �nntlir�ti wUh i�ppHruhlc luw.such eunllir� .ludl nut;�I'f�ri u►hrr pi�u�•i.iun,�,t'tl�i�,ti�:urfl� In,trunu�n���r�hr ti�HC��hirh r:in I�c ' . <br /> �ivrn eTlcrt withnut the conflicting pru�•i�i��n. 'fu tl�i..n�l thr pru�i,iun.„1'thi. tir.•urit� Inti�ruu�rnt an.l�he N��te :u�derlurcd <br /> ' t��hr,e��rr�ihlr. , ' � <br /> , � 16. Nnrru��cr'r C��pv. Hurr�,a•�r�h�tll hr�i�•��n uu��•�,n1��nnr�l ru��� �H'�hr Nutc�mil �d Ihi,ti►rurit� lu,lrumcn�. , <br /> 17. '1'runtiYcr of'the�'ru�mrl� or u Nenef'iclul Intertwt In Nurr�n�er. U all ur;m�pun��I'�I�.• Ih•up►•r�> „r uny i�itrrr+t in it , <br /> i��al�l ur truu.rtirre�l�ur i(:t h�nrliriul inlrr«t in N�►rr����•�r i, �uld„r u�an.lrrr.��l an�l H��rru��.r i, n�H a naiur:d�vithi�ul <br /> , I.cndcr'+ prinr ��•riuen rum,unt. Lrndrr i»a�, ut i�, „pth�n. rrNuir. imm.�liut.� pa�mcn� in lull �+f�dl ,um, ,rrurc�l h�• thi. . <br /> Security In�trumrnt. tlu��•r��•r.Ihiti��pliun�h��ll nuI he rtt'1'ri�►•�I h} I.tu�l�r tl�r��'It9��'i+��luhihih'�I hy fr�ler:�l lu��•i�ti ul Ih�ili�l� <br /> , uf�hititicrurity In.�rumrnt, <br /> If 1_�ndcr es�rci�c+thi� up�iuu. l.��ldtl'�ht�ll�i�� Hulrmtrr nuli�•e ul arrel��ral���n.'I'h��uuli« �htdl �ru�i�l�t����tlu►1 i�l n�H <br /> . 1��+� thnu .i0�layti 1'runi thr il;d� th.• nutirc ir ilrli���r�vt ��r muilrJ ��ithin aiiicl� liurm���r mu�t �r,i� al� �um, ,crurr�l h}• Ihi. <br /> ` � . Sccurity ln+trununt. lt'Hnrruwcr liiil.r U,pa) U�.�,r.i�u�,priur tu th.C\�IIPdUUII��1(II1��kPUNI. Lrn�lrr ma� mv�►A�any reni.�di�, <br /> permiur�l h�•thi�tirrurity In,uuuien���itlinut fiuther n„�irr ur.Irma�i�l��n Hnrn,«�•r. <br /> 18. Norro���er'ti tti�l�l to Is�in�ti�tc. II N��rru��rr nir.�l. i.•rt:un rnn�litiuuti. Burru����r ,hall l�a�r Ilt�� riZtln lu h,i��� <br /> Ctlllq'CCI11Ct11 ltl� 1�111 SCCI�1'll)' �I1ti1fU1llCld ��I�C��111111UC�� tU .UI1 tllll�' ���I�q 1�� I�p' �';If�l�•t���: 1:11 i t�.11+1��1' �1��'�l ��I�I�'1' �tpl'It��� :Iti . <br /> ' .�pplirahle lu��• nr,i} tiperil� I��r rriti.t:damen�► Nrtnr.• •:ilr ui thr 1'rup��rt� p�n,uant �n au�� p�,���r ��I' .al. :umainr�l in Il�i, <br /> .. Sccurity la+trumcuu ur(h►�mlr� �H':i.ludpmrnt rnli,rrinp thi.5;rru �1� Intitrunient."I'hu�r :un�lili�ni..�r�� Ih;d I�urruw.��: �a► pa�, � <br /> Lcndur ull r�um,whirh tlmn would h�Qur tn�dcr tl�i, Srrui�it� In+u�umrnt un�l thc Nutr u�if uu arrrlcr:��iun hud��crurrr�l: �h► <br /> _ - _ ' • ---- curey miy dcfuul��►t a�i�� u�hrr ru�•rnuutti��r a�rr�mrut•,: �r►I�:i��. :�II vtp��n.�, inrun«I in�nf��r.•in�!thi, 5r�urity Intitrumrnt. � <br /> _ ....—.�_.. • <br /> , ---�-- _- .- includln�:.hut nut limitcd t��. rca��►nablr;iu„u��y' frr�: imd 1�I)tuf�e� tiurh :u•uun a,Lrnd.r ma�• rea�nuahty r.��u�n u�;�,�urr <br /> � thut �hr lirn uf thiti ticcuritv Instr�nnrnt, Lrn�lrr',riplu, in tli.� 1'ruperly and N�,rraarr'ti „hlipa�i�+n tu pay tlir,um,xrurrd h� <br /> thls Sccurity In.rtrumcnt yhuU ron�inur unrlrm�!rd. l�p�ro r�in��;U��mru� h� Nurra��•vr. thiti ticcuritv lu,lrum�nt an�l ih�� <br /> '� ��hllguUnns tierur�d hrruhy ,hall rrmuiu full�•nl'f�rtivc ��� �1�n�►;u•rrlrrn�iun hu�l �n•rtn•red. Il�������cr. �hi� ri�:ht tu rcin��a�r �hall <br /> ' M ;.� not upply in thc r�i,c ul'ucr�Icr�iNun undrr�,ara�:raph 17. <br /> 19. �ulc ��P I�ofci ('hau�;c oi' Loau yerviccr. 7'hr Nu�r ur u ��;u�tial imrrr�l in 1hr �utu �Iu�rthcr �vith thi� ticrurit� <br /> �E �, In�irunirnu muy hc r��ld unc ur nu,rr tinu�� �►iihuut priur uuiir��w fii,rru�vrr. A �alr inay r�tiult i��a rhuti�c in Ihr ri�til) Iknu��n j <br /> u.r thc"l.uan Scrviccr.�1 Ucu culler�r mumhly p;�ynirn�,dur un•Irr ih. Nutr and thiti Srrurit} In�tr�uncnt. 'I'hrr�ahu ma� b��nnr � <br /> ' � ,." , ur mure�hun�;r���I'thc Lu;�n Scrvirer unrclatcd�u a..dc ut'Ihc Nutr. If thrrr i.u rhunge„1'thr�.u:io ti�r�ir►r. Nurru�ti�r�►111 hu ! <br /> � �� �ivcn writ�cn�iuUrr uf thr rhun��in arrur�lunrr��iQi u� ra h la u �flrahlc I.n�. '1'h��u�ticr «il) til:dr thc nunu�an:l ` <br /> F b' n� '�c� P PI <br /> uddreti�uf tl�c ncw Lu,m tirrvlrrr+uid �hc �iddrr�. t�, whirh pupnunt,tihut0�l hr n�u�lr. '1'li�� nuti�•. �rill ;d.n runt,�in any uihrr � <br /> ' InCi�rmntiun rc��uircd hy upplir+ihle I:�w. � <br /> 20. Huia�rdouti tiuhstunc�w. fl��rru�vrr ,hall m�� ruu,r��r permit thr prr,��nr.•. u,c. di,pn.ul. ,a,n��c. a• rrlr��,.� „f;iny I <br /> Huiurduu� 5uAti�unrr,,uu ur in thc 1'ruprr�y. Hun����vrr tih�iil nu� dn, nur all�,�� �mynn. �•I,r t�� �Iu. :mythinN ;�11'��rlinp �I�e <br /> . ` Hropc�ly Ihu1 iti ln viuliUiun uf uny finvinmm�nt��l I.u�v. 'I'h� prcrr.linH twu .cnt�nceti�hull n�x ;�pply �u�h� pn�,rn.r. u�r, ��r . <br /> ' � ,. titi�ru�!e��n Ih� {'ruperty ul'rnmll qu:mUUrr ul' Ilu�ar�l��uti tiuh�lun«� thi�t arr�!�'�1cr;�Uy r�c���!ni���l lu h� up��rupri�rt���� wnw:il i <br /> � ' Y�sidCltUtd uycti ulul lu muintrn�inrr��I'thr 1'ruprrty• , <br /> ' r�„��.i„i n fonn 302d fl100 , <br /> , �, . <br /> � -_ ,_ __ _- - <br />