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� � � '¢ . . -- . � .. . �- � ��.- � __ �.+�,- _ <br /> �,: ..��-. <br /> ` ' �� �. ._ _.' ... _ . ., . .. ,... ,...__._ . �. - ��_'...�_�_ <br /> �.�..._� _.�:. <br />_ _ ��.�- <br /> _- --_==__y=�� ��`" �O�`i��:� - <br /> - _ _---- <br /> �_��� '1'he {�unda dh�ll hc lioltt in qn b�titilu�iun �vhu,c dcEttssits tnc in�ur��t hy n fcdcral n�;ency, intiltuincntnlity, �u• c'iulty � <br /> - (inclu�11n1; t.cnder.ii'l.e�teler ix nuch an inytliutionl or in nny I�etier�i finmr.1.++:►��AanA. 1.vndcr tihall u�yty dt�l=w�ds t�pay thc �-------- <br /> ,y�� - . Escmw Item�.I.endcr pmy nnt rhar�o H��rn�wrr fi,r(t�ddin�t►���I up�►lyi��n tho t�undw,n�u�ually u��alyzi���,1ho chcruw ntitiy,u�ft,ur <br /> - - vcrifyint;tiw 8tcruw Itcu��.uulcr.y l.��rde`pay:;Quraiwc�Inter�st ot�the I�unelw c�nd npplicahlc ln�v{�crmits Lenrler tu mnkr hu��ii ------ -- -- --- <br /> . :�::-,.ti��' a churgc. l9�+�vever. !�!n�ic��n�:�y rcyufrC du(tO\VCr tu pay ��cnic•timu��h►u��tc fi►r nn lndcpcndent rci�l estute�nx rc{�artin;{Fcrvica � Y' ` - --- - <br /> - uscd by I�endcr in rammrllun �rlll� titi.r• Inan, unlctiti i►�plic:ihlo liav pr�►viJes u�f�cr�v�su, iJntc�, m� ���«►yycnt i� m��t�ic �r - �-_. _ _------ <br /> ' uppUcublc la�v rcyui�ex tutcrest tu bc pnid,l.cnder 5hU11 not bc rcqulred tc�pay Bntm�vcr.+ny intcrest ae cnn�in x an�h�Itundh. <br /> ;�;.- anrrawor und Lcttdrr mi�y ugrru in evrilia�,hu�vovice. Iliut int�rc.rt hl�nll he p.►W un thc i'uncis. Lcndcr shni)��ve t�H��rru�ves, �__ ---. ----- <br /> _}� y-�_ �=-- wltlnaU ci�ar�te, an nf�nu�l fu�cyamtln�;uf !hc Fu�ul�, �Ik�w��i 41�VIIlS Ulill 13C�I�8 U1 lI1C �l1K�S A1L� tI1C �lllI�1C�SC fC1f{YItI4'�1 Citl'II <br /> - - - <br /> � �;.*� tIt't1lt t0 lltd�Uitti�i�YNS 1likil@.TtK Fusxlti see plc�igetl�s uitdl►onal!;c�iusity ti�r u!!sunu secured by thid 5ccurity Ipsteu���4n1. -- _ ___ <br /> � �~r s �....Y:,.:. If thc runds hcld hy l.cndcr cxrec�l thv amuuntti per�nittrd W be he1J by uppIlr,iblc Inw, t.�ndor xhull itccuunt ta tlorrowrr ____ <br /> � � -�-*�r ��� fi�r thr exces�Hunds in urrurdunee with Iho rcquiremenis��f nppfle:tble lnw. If�iw unwwU uf the i�unds hcld by Lcn�ar cti:oiy �_ <br /> � "'�"--- �tS,.. rt:� limo ir nut sul'ticicnt t��p:►y the N,rruw Iten�v when due,I.endrr muy hu notify B��rruwcr in wriUn�;, xurh raec Norrr�wcr __-- v.y � ----- <br /> ��� ; : `. rhnll pay tu l.cndcr tho umuunt ncecssnrv tn mukc up U�� dciiricncy, f�urra�vcr�;hull mukc up thc dcticicncy in nu mum ttiuu _ ` <br /> `' ; ' ' ,:• hvclvc manthly puymm�ts,c�I l.m�dcr's c;uic di��rctiun. ___--- <br /> .�° � U�m pnyment in i'uU oi'nll sumx xecured t�y this ticrurl�y Imn�umcnt. l.endcr sh�ill pr��mpUy rofund t�► H�►rruweo uny �� <br /> � �;4,�'°"' � Funclx hrld hy I.�ndor, It'. undcr puru�ruph 21. l.cndcr xt►ull urNuirc or�ell thc!�'raprrty'� l.cudcr, prior to thc ucquiyltian u���lu = <br /> . ��t'thc 1'rupc�ty, shtdl upply imy Fundti hrid hy Lcndcr nt thc timc uf'ucyuisfUun ur snlc ilti A CI'l'llit iiguinrt th4 hunu�ecurcd hy = <br /> thi�Sccurity lntitrument. <br /> �% � , . :�,Appile��tlon of Puyntent9.Unletiti uppHruhlc luw provides uthcrwis��.r�l)pnyments rercivcd by Lcnder und�•►�pun�gmph!� ��,-���--_____. <br /> . . 1 nnd 2 tihull bc iippUcd: iirst. tu unv M•�piiyn��nt cl�ar�cs dur undcr Uic Nutc; �ecand, tu unwunt,payahlo undrr pnrugrc�ph 2; -- <br /> . � • thirJ.tu intcrc�t dur; f'uurth,t�+prhtcipid duc; und lutit,tu uny lut��hurRrs duc und�r tlic Nuta tl•_�„ <br /> ' . 4.CharE{�w; I.Icnti. Hurru��•cr shiill pay ull luxrti.u�.c�sincnts,churgcs, tinrs:u�d imposition�nttrihutuhic lu 1hc Pru�rrty ��-�:=-__-___ �-.-- <br /> which muy sutuin prl�:rity �wcr this Srrurit�• In,irurnrnt, tux l Irasc hu l d puyntcnt� ur gruund run tti. i t'u n y. B u r r u w c r s h u l� p.�y `'t:�,- <br /> t... <br /> ihc�e��hli�;utiun�in thc munncr pruvided in parubriiph 2,ur it'nut pafd in thut munncr,liurrr�ver sh++li pUy iham un timr JirecUy ,•�,•"-=-- <br /> � ., ta tl�r persan uwrd paymrnt.H��r�awcr shnll pr�►mptly furni�h tu Lcndrr ull nulicrs ut'umauniti tu bo puid undcr thi.r Naruprupt�. , <br /> : � • If Rurruwcr mukc�tlicsc puynu ms directly.B��rruwcr tihnll pram}�dy furnhh tu Lrndcr�crclrt�rvi�lcixinµthc paymcnis. � <br /> ' � , ,. . H•:�rra�vcr:�hull pr�m�ptly di�chu�ge uny licn whirh hu.pric+rlty��vcr thir Srcuri�y imtrua�rnt unlc�ti H��rruwcr: tnf ugrccs in � �;_�.-. <br /> ' wridng t��thu payment ut'the��bUgutiun sccurcd hy th�licn ii�u munner urrr�tathl�t�►l.rndrr:lh) Hond tiiith thr Hcn •,;��i - <br /> � • ' by. ��r detcnd+ugidmt cnti,rccmrnt af thc licn in, Ir�ul pr��rccdink� �vld���� in tl�� l.�nder'x �,pininn aperute tu prcvcnt thc _ -_ <br /> � . ., rnti�rcemrnt ul'Ihe licn: �•r lc) scrurc+fram thc halder ut'the 1 ien un��grermrnt �u�i�liirtury ta I.cndcr+uburdiauting ihe licn tu -- _ <br /> -- ihi�Sccurity Inrlrumcnt. If l.�ndcr�ictcrminc, thut uny parl ul'ihc Pra�rrty i,,ubJrct tu�i Ucn��•h ir h miry i�uu in priurity ovrr ;� <br /> .. ', � thi.r S�curity Utsinimm�t. l.�nd�r muy �ivc fla�•r�nvcr a noticc idcntif'qin�thc ifrn. li�nruwcr�hull .utl.ri'y U�c licn ar tuk��mc ur � ?'�"_ _ <br /> , utur�uf Utc ttrtlimti act li��th uhuvc a•it�itt 10�luy.uP thc givin� i►f m�Nr�. '���.�_— <br /> S. Hnra�rd or PropeM�� Intiurance. H��rrower ,hull k�cp thr im�►ruvcnunt. n��w exi�tin�; un c�rc:dtcr rnctrd �m U►c =_--- <br /> Pruprrty h�.urcd ���i�in�t la��hy firc, huii�rd. inelud�d wi�hin thc tenn rx�en�tc�l ruvcr.igc" und uny ��ihrr h.�xurdti, including . �'"""'� <br /> � • . tl�xidy w• Ilundin�, fi�r which lxndrr rcquireti inrurtmcc. 'fl�i� iu.unmrr.ludl he muint;�ined in tt�e unu+unlr und ti►r Ihr(nri�Kis '*�` <br /> thia l.emlcr rryuir��. Tlir imur,mc�rurrirr pr��vidin� thc in,urunr�shull he rh�,.cn hy N�,rrawer ,uh�ect to I.endrr����rrr�►v:d - .. . -;�. <br /> . � whirh �hall nni be unrcu.nnahiy ti�•itl�hci�l. If Hur�•uwe� I:dly t�� muintuin cuvrr.i�c �Ictirrihcd uhu��c. I.rndcr muy. ut I.rndcr', � °- <br /> . t�ptit�n,uhluin cu��cru�:c tu prutr�l l.rn�lrr'�rigl�l,in thr YruIn�ty in cur�,rdi�nrr w�th parupr�i��h 7. � .. <br /> ' Aii in�uranrc �x�lirir.r��n.l renr�v;dr ,h�ill hc iu��ptuhl¢ t�� I.cndrr an�l tihall inrlu�lu u ,tun�lcud �»urt�!ii�!e rl�ni�e. I.vnd�r ��Y. . <br /> -�` - --° - - --- °° �h,311 i►3�a�h��{�i�t ta hoi:!thc �iiiticr anct mtietcals. fT l.ctxtrr rii;ttln:.l3ssrr�su-rr 4l:u!! prt���eptly ci►�c tn Lc��!��r:�11 r�.��ip�..�i <br /> � ° Qdd prcmiumr mul rcnr�rul n�►ti►r.. In thr c�•c�u ul'In,,, R„rr�����r,h;dl giv�pr��mpt m,tirr tu Uir uiuu•unre rurrirr and l.endrr. . --..--.�-.. <br /> .. I.��ndrr ntuy muke pr��uf��t'lu�.if mU ntudc pr��mptly h� Hi�rru��or, �' <br /> Unlr.ti I.endcr and liarra��•er nthcr��•i,c�+�ree in �vritin�. in+uranrr prurrr�l,,I�all hu�ipplicJ ���r�,tur,Ui��n��r rcpair�+t'thr �. <br /> . . . _. rri�perty ui�mu�cu, ii tnc resturutiun u�rcp•ur i�re�m�►miri�ii�•ica�inic on�i�irr'ti�rcu�iiy t�iiui ici,ciiJ�i� =i i=i.i.;t::i:d�:iti::; - -_.`._.y'__ <br /> ropair I. nut ceunuinir;iU�• tcatilhlr or Lcn�lcr'� �rrurit�•«��uld hc I�ru�l�d, th� in�urunrc prurccd� �hnll hc upplicd ta thr +uni+ ' � <br />. �ccurcJ h�• thi� tirrurUy In,U�unirnt. ��•hrlhrr ��r nut Ilu�n duc. ��iU► �iny e�re., puid t�, 11��rr�+���r. II' I3��rru��•ur aha�ndun. thc ; <br /> Pru�kriy. ur duc� nut an���•¢r wi�hin .�U�luy�:� nutir� huin Lr�ulrr tli�it thc in.ur;mrr r;�rrirr har��Ilcrr�l t��u�ulr u rlc�iro. thri� <br /> 1.CUdt r ntuy �ulle�•t tltc tmur.�nrc pru�rr�lti. I.rmlrr n�;�� tt�r Ihr pru�'�'r�l, lu r�•��:�ir„r ro,turr lll� P�•�,pertr ar tu p,►y' tiult�� <br /> ,rcur�d by Ihi.Ser�u•Ity lii.tnu�i�nt. ��h�thrr��r nat Ihcn�lue.'1'h�;l1•,I;��•periu�t ��ill h►Ein«h��n thr natirr iti�i�•rn. <br /> • Unlcti. Len►Irr und Nurr����rr uU�en�itir :�crre in ��rilin�. un� �ipplir;�tiun ul rru.•ecal, tn ��rinrip;d tih.dl rn,I exlend �+r <br /> c, p��,tpunc 1he du� d:U� at �I�c mun�hly pnyin��m. n�i�rrcd tu in p;u�agr:q�h, I an�l � ur rhun�r thr nm�,unt ut tlie payn�ent.. It <br /> undcr paru�traph 21 tl�r Pruprrty i.,�r��uin•d by Lrnd.•r. liurru��rr',riNlu w uu� in,�u,inv.�pulicie, ;uul pru►rc�1,rc,ultin� (r��rn � <br /> dunri�!o t��thr Pruprm�priur 1��II��ar�pii,iti�m ,h�dl��:�.,t��Lri�d�r t��tl���ettrnt �N th►�.um�,���•�u•.�•I h� �lu,S�ruritq In,trum���it , <br /> immrdiawl�•priar a+tiir:ir�p�i,iU�m. . <br /> 6.thcupune�•� 1'rcyer�uUon� Mui�q�nunce und PrutecUun uf'th� 1'r��pert�; Norru��cr'. I.oun,1ppllcuNon: Leu�eholtl�. <br /> • Hurruwrr tih:dl nreupy,e,t:ihN��l t►,r Ihr Ih��prih ti. Huir�►��,r',prinr►I'al rr.i�l►�n�•r ��ilhin,i�l�d;»•ti:�Il�r 11�►et�ruti��n�►1' <br /> Ihi.Scru�•it�• Imu•um�nt and�hall c�,ntinur a� �,rrupj th� 1'ru���r�� ;�,liurn+��rr'. pnnr���:d rr.i�lrn�r li►r�il Iratil „nc�e;u� ;�tt�r o „ <br /> tl�►dutr ul'u►rupan►���. unlr�� I.�ndcr „thert�i�.. u�!n'e,m «ritin�. ��hirh r�m•ent ,ludl n�,t h� tuti.•.i�uouhly ��ilhl��ld, ur unl�•.� <br /> . r�tcnuutii�g cirrum.���nr►�� r�i.t �ehi.•h ur.� h.��m�l li„rru��cr'. c�,nin,l. l��,n�,��r� .I�.�11 nut �le,tro�. d;una�r ��r inq�ai�• th� <br /> ' � Nrupeety. ull�x�• lhr 1'n�prr��• t���tet�riur,����. ��r i�munit u;itit� �m �h�� 1'ru��rr1� H�n•ru��.�r,h:dl h�• iu �letault il un� IrnTcil�u��, • <br /> ��rlian ur prur.e�liu!!. ��hr�hrr ri�il ��r riinnnul.�un tic�� in I.eud��i',��uul t;uth ju�l�mrnt :nuld r�wlt in I��rli�iuu•���d�th� <br /> �• 1'r„prrt����r uthcn�•iw�natcriall�• imr:iir thi�licn rn•a�.•�I h� Uii. tirrurftc In.trun��n� ��r I..�nd��t'', ,��.•urii� interr.�. N��rr���►�er ma� <br /> rurc rurh u drthuU un�1 rrin,tutc.;�.���„����i,�i��� r�►ra��r��ph 1�+. h� rau�in�ihr;a•u�m ur p���rc.��liu� �u h�•�li.mi,,.d ��iQ�a ruling � <br /> . �. - . 1�1��1. �ll �.cluicf�♦ �:��u�� I.�li�l .�i{il'lllllld11��11, jtil�::�ll.�:'. ��ti�:lllli-C ��� I�II' �it�tlu�li•t�•� Illl:lt'•.! I11 1�1•. ��f���':'11) ��f ��l�k'1� nl�llrt'i:�l � . <br /> � imp��irm�nt ��1'Ih� lien rrrat.�l bp tQi, ti.�.•in�ii� Imuument ��r Lrn�l�r'. tircurh� intrrr•.t. Hurru����r,ha�l alu� hr io �I�•Ia�dt if . <br /> H��rr�►a•rr. dttrin� Ihr luan��ppltcatiun��r„rr��. �a+r ni,arnalh I�d�r w �narrur:u.� int��iniatiun��r,tatrm.�nt.h� I.rn�lrr Inr tatlrJ <br /> t��pravid� Lendcr�vith:�m m:urrial inti�r�u;iuutu m�•um�.�rli„n ��i�l�Ihr lu:in r�i�trn.•ed h} lhr �„Ir.m.•lu�lin��. I�ut n��t lintit.•�I I <br /> In.rcprc,��nl:uiun,runrcrnio� Hurru«rr',��rru�r,wr� u1�h.Ih�.pr�l> :iti a�,iinr���al ir,iJ.•ni�� U �h�,ti�:uril� In,Irun����n i. un a <br /> , Ica,rhuld. Hurru�rrr ,liall .•�niq+ly ��Uh :�II Ui.• ��rmi,inii. uf thr Ir,i..•. II Hurm��ri :�r�pin.�, 1�•r nilr tn thr 1'ra�,��rn. U��� � <br /> I�u�chuld un�l Il�e fe�tiUr �li,dl nut m�r�:e unlr�. Lrn�l.•r;i�i����� tu Ih�•mrrl�ri in��iiun�. � <br /> 7.1'rotcrdnn uf'l.endcr'�Ripht�i»thc 1'ropert��.If 1lurru��rr(ail�tu prrli�rnt Ih� ru�•�nun�. .wd a�nrnun��runtuiur�l m I <br /> - '-;-=--__�'_�_______= tlai�tirrurity ltossru:amrit. i�r tl:�rr i�.� Ir�*:�I pr<urrdisa�:t:s:tit u1c:}• :i�:n�fi�:�suly� ::!ltct I.c�+acr', ri�!►!ti ii� thr N►�,+pr►t} 1�u4•h u. :� [_. . - <br /> � pr�KCrdin�! in hankruntry. ��r��h����•. ti�r r„ndrmrnitiuu ��r furli�iturr �n�t�+ �nfurc.• la��,ur r.�gula�i�,n.1.�hcn Lrnilrr nr,i� J��:m.l <br /> ��' � ��ay li�r�vhatrvrr i. n�ce.�at} ta ��r��tecl Il��' r:due ni Ih�• 1'ru��rrt�' an�l L�•u�lor'� ri�!bl� �u thr 1'r�►prrl�. I.en�lrr'� arli�,m nu�y 4 <br /> � � � ncludc pirying iuiy .um, rerurci h} a I�cn ���hirh hi�� prii�rtt� u�•rr Il�is tirrurit� b„lruntrnt. appc;�ri��g in �•uur1, payinp � <br /> • �,.� t rcu�unnblc uUurnry�' Icr. an�l cmrri�►�!un �h. 1'rup��it� tu m�d..• rr�r,iir.. Althnuih I.rndrr ma� tal..•ar�i��n un�lrr thi.�r,ir;��ru�►h � <br /> � 7, Lcndcr dncr nnl havc t�►dn�i+. I <br /> ' ; Any umuunl. di,hur�rd i>> I.rn�lrr unJrr tbi, p��rapraph 7 tihall hrr„mr a�l�liti�►n;d �Irht uf 11��rr�n�rr ,rrun�l h� �h�, ; <br /> � . s..ur��Y tn.�rum�m. tini��„ti��rr��«�.r �nn� t.��iulrr a�rrr���nUu�r�rriu. ul��a�m��nt. �hr�r�imwnuti ,h.ill I�r:ir im��r.�t I'r�,m U�r ' <br /> ' �� • dutc ut ditibur+rmeiu at Ili�� N��Ir r�U� uud tilu�l) he �r,ryi�hle. ���uh inl.�r��.l. up�,n nutir� li��m I.rrnlcr iu liurrn��rr rr��u�•�lii�r I <br /> � puymrnl. ; <br /> „ 8. M11urt�nke ln�uruncc. lf I.rnilcr r.•quirr�l murtg+i�:r iutitu;mrr a� a c��u�luiun ul nr�l�m� Ihr Inau ,rrun�.l h� Ihi,ti.runl� � <br /> I�i�U'umcnt. Hurn�wer til�all pay Ihc prrmium� r�quir�J tn w;iintain tlir mnrt��:��c i��,ur:�nr. �u .Itrri. 11, t„r ;u►� rrar„n. th►• <br /> , � `. murt�ugr In.uronrr c�+vrru�e rrquirril h�• Lrn�lcr lap.r.ur r��;�.cti �u br in.dl�r�. 1l�rrrn��rr,hall ��ay thr pr�mium, rr�purrJ tu f <br /> uMtiin cover�i�!e tiubtitamicdly r�p�ival�n� i��U�� uwrl��:��c�ntiur:mee pr��•iuurly� in rltcrl. :�I a r�►,t �uh,i,inti:�ll� r��ui��drul 1„�h�• i <br /> �,. c��til tn Hurruwrr uf tlir murl�aqtc imurancr in r1f►•r�. 1'rum �u� altcrnatr nu�rlF����r in,tnrr uppr„���I h� L.�nd.•r. 11 i <br /> � � ' <br /> . , ,�.,.,,,,,.,., Form 3078 0�90 <br /> � <br /> +s ; <br />