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�€�" _ _ � , ? -- ;n?° � '� �s -.�.\-. •. , ��� _ --_ <br /> � __,� . �—�.y�Y��±e�a"-�z, ..._�,�.-_-.__.�.�...._-_._.. _ - _.'T . ... _ r " ' .. . . - . . -. ..�......v __,..��:�__ °__�'���-�c-:�. � <br /> r.�. . "_...� ��'�,� �11�'�'i�� ----=----- <br /> )tur��►wer eh;�ll pr�mi�;t.y ��ivo i�c�t�ic�tvrittr.�y undee ni't++►y Iuve�U};nti��i4 rini�u, �Iem��Ni, in�vs�iit�r���licr ae�i����h} u�4y .. <br /> __. -_-__-_-��_ guc4tu���cnt�ii ar�cgul�UUry ngettcy or pti�ividG��,.uiy i�waluD��thc 1'r+��x�►t�rm�l nny N;r:smlruy Subst�ntiu or 1?nvii•umnrntwl I.uw <br /> F�f«�hlrf��arrr�r��r h;�•�uc:tunt kimtivinl�e. [f Hn���c+��rcr E.amy.or is notl�iccl by�ny�;Ervcm���nlhi •►r rr�nlc�ta�y auttH�,ity. tl%�t . - _ . <br /> - any i.n��w.ii„r c�ther rcmcdi+�tiun of nny lia7ordnuv�E•��i�ft��ct8�t��frr.!'t��f�:fly Iq(lfF.'t'SS;Itjl,lk��r�tiwc.r�Irjll t►mn�pti,c t.�t�e - <br /> ull ucctssn�y��wuN:1)7tC1I0119�Il 14@k1qtl:utic�Nith'i3�ivlr��ywtentai l.ntv. ' <br /> As uscci io lhle��ar;i��ap!►Z0, "tiuzarduuy Substu��:cs" L111: �}IOtiO SUhti(pI1CC:i {11;�IIlC(I ilY(0%IL' UY hi►zar�tuus euhst,au�ca by <br /> _�_- <br /> -____--=---,- �r��vlfutt!nt!t►tEal 1�:w :3fx1 t�te !'i+llawiu� euhcw�u�c�:: gns��Unv. Ice�u:nc. othcr flt�um�ablo ur t��xic ��eUuic��+�t l�r�N�iu�ie, toxic <br /> ;�rsticidcs a�d he�bicldes,vulutilo nulvcn�5,uiateritils�ontnir►iug asbestos or fam�aldehyde,nnd raJioactiva m:�teri�dN. A�+�is��t i�i �-�. <br /> --_-.------- tiiie parug�rnph ?.il, "t?n��lronment�+t I,�av" m�uny fediu�l la�va aud li►�vv uf't�iG juri,dlctl��n whur4 Ihu Frap�tiy i5 incttt�! that <br /> r�l�te ir�#te�lth.+��feE•tw er:vis�►ntims}ta4�r���k�n. <br /> _�— �__-.= N�N-tllVl�tlR�C4)V�MANTS.liUrruwer�tsxl Le�xier ll�rther roven:inl i�nd a��ree ny Cs�lirws: <br /> ------ <br /> _ __ �1.Acc�lcratton;lteme�t�v, N,entler t+ttaU gtve nutica ta Hnrro�ver prlor to ueeclernttm�Pollowinp Horr�»vcr's hrcach <br /> -_` - of any covenant ar agrccnient In this �ecuelty Anstrriment (but nat prinr to acceterutlou u�tder pnrAa�ARh i7 untesv� � _ <br /> - _= uppllrnbto Inw pruvlcic�othe�•�v��c1.The nottrr�►hu11�peclt�: (a)the dcPitulti (b)the uctian r�tynlre�l to curU the detaultt <br /> --- (C)a datc�nnt Irss th�n 30 duye frun�the dute tho noilre Is�Wcn to Rorro� whl�h the defuutt musi ho cutrdi nud <br /> - (d) tlu�t tuiluir tu cure Ihe default on or hrfore the dnte spcclpc�l i��thv natice mny reyuU In arcclerutlon oP tUe�ums <br /> - _ hc�u�v.vt hy thls ticcur(ty instramc��t i�nd xulc nf tiw Pmprriy. Tttc n�tico Ahnll(1�Mhcr Inform Ho�ro���cr i�f thc�r1Aht ti► - <br /> - rrintit�tc u�tcr nccclrrnlinn und the right tu brinu a a►urt setlon ta assert thc non�existcnce at u dePault or nny uther <br />;�;,�' deirnsa aP Uorr�►wer ta nccelerutton i�nd hide. !S the defuult la not cured ou or beFor�.�the dnte�+peclficd M the notice, <br /> / i,endci, nt Its optlun,may rcilulr�.�Immcclli�te pi�yment In fbll nP nll xumy r;ecured by Ihly tic�►urity Instrumcnt �vlthuut <br /> �`�`-=• furthcr demnnd imd mny Invoke the pcnvcr of RAk nnd nny uthcr remedicsi permitted by upplirt�hle inw.I.cndcr shull br <br />--�`�� rntitird to a�licct vU expenxcy incurrcd t��pur�uln�thc n�mcdicy provldMl In thly purngrnph 21.including�but not tim(tcd <br /> _._ to�rctisottublc uttorncyx' Ccev nnd ru�tv of Ntle cvldcncc, - <br /> 1P thapn�ver uP r+ule Is invakeci, Truat�ti r+hull r�KO��d�� nutice of deCt�ult In cuch county in �vidcl�u��y pm•t u[the � -----,-_----- <br /> Pro�mrty iy liMUted and yhutt mnil cnplc�+uf xucQ noti�r In the mt�nncr pr�wcriiK�cl 6y iippNcuhla luw to Norr�����cr und to <br /> ' the athcr pers��nv pr��cri6cd bv npplici�ble Inw. After tho tiu�e rrqutr��l by appUcuhle I���v,Trutit��e hhnll plve puhitc a��dce _ <br /> _ oY K��ie to thc pen;uirv m�d tn t1�o mnnner prescribed hy npplirable luw.'1'rustc�.wlthuut demtind nn Rt�rrmr•cr, bhufl scll = <br /> ' td�c N�operty nt public aucUon tu thc hlgh�wti blddcr nt thc tlmc m�d placc imd uucic�thc tcrmy dcwl�nsUcd In thc nMicc aP _- <br /> �vAle In anc ur moro pnrccls nnd In imy ordcr'1'r�gtm dctcrmimw. 'CruxtE�.�mny pnst�x►nc Kule af�11 or uny purccl u�f fhe =__-- <br /> �mnrMy ny ubile nnnouncement i�t the Ihne i+nd plucn ��f uny previuusly srheduled �nle. I.ender ar Itx Qi�lgnm may _----- <br /> r p <br />_. purchnse thc 1'ra J�ert y nt an y scilc. _- <br /> ` ' _ Upnn nerefpt af ps�yment of the price hld, Trustcc xl�ull dclivcr to the purchi�scr Trustcc•v dccd c�►nvev in� i he .. - <br /> � 1'ruperly. 7'I�e rccitats in thc Trutitc��•�d�rd xhull bc primu fi�ctc cvidcnce��P thv truth of'thc xti�tementy miidc thcrcin. �_,� _ <br /> �:�,��;� Trustce hhuil upply thv piv�ccedv of thc hale in the falla�vin}{��rder:(u)to ull covtr+iind cxpen+��nP excrclyln�G the pmvcr ui _�,- - <br /> �� �"J` hale,nnd 1he nnle,includln�the pnynicnt of the Tr��st�w'x Pecv nctuiiliy tnr.urred.not to ex��tid tha)oP $S0.00 or �% ��' "`+. <br /> � "`� �" �4 ' `` aP the pt�InclpAl umount af the notc at the timc ai'th�• dcciun�ti�►n��P dcPi�ult�und remonnble otturney�c' ferti u4 permltted � __ __ <br /> ; �";"���� . by luwt (b)tu uil num.y Htrurcd t►y�I�Ir ticcur•Ity Invu�ua�c��tt and(c)uny rxccws tn the�Srr�nn�►�per�un�+It�tully entltled tn F====- - <br /> . �,,��,.,.�,.,� �,•.�,-.a— <br /> .-�.>:-. ._ >. - ac. � �_._ <br /> � '"� � ' 22. Rcconvcyuncc. Up�m pnyntcnt aP ull sum+ �ccured hy thi.r Scrurity Instrunknt, Lcn�cr shuU rcqucst '1'ru�tcc tu <br /> '°` ''�;�.�:-_�' recnnvey the 1'ra�x;rty und �huil r�urren�lcr thi+ Serurlty Instrument and ull nut�� evfdenrin� dcht �ccurrd hy thiz Securiry :�*�-�;�� <br /> '���:4 ., Instrument tc�Trunlce. Tru.rtcc shail rec�mvcy thc 1'r.��x:rty withaut wurranty .md witlu�ul char�c ta thc per,uu ur pertiam IeNi�lly �°"�'�t :. <br /> �;�,T.•. � • �•. � � --`r.�.�;:. <br /> .�: - eniitieci to It.;uch �o�c►F r�on�shait ay any recnrz:�tia�ce:vi�. ..,:, -„ <br /> �'�-�-. •'• ' 2i. tiuhrtltute Tru�tet�. I.endcr,ut it�aptiun, mn}• iram dmr tu timr rcmuvr Trutitec and i�ppuint u yucrc,�ur austr�ta �� _ <br /> - ���`';' '`:"':. any'frutitcc tip�x�intcd hcrcundcr hy un in�trument rrrur�l�d in�hc ruunty in widrh thiti SeruNt�lastrumciit i� �r�urJc�l. 11'ith�iut .` <br /> � ° .�..... c�mvc unre ut thc Nr�� crt .thc .rurrrti�ar iru�ice shtdl�uc�'��d lu ull ihc tftic. n�vcr und dut�r�c„nlcrrwd u�xw Trutitr�hrrcin '.`•`,.�- -_ � <br /> _ �AL.=. .�.-_ y '. --- <br /> and t�Y aPpiicnbi�taw.� y :�� i���_ <br /> - �`;�s�.t�� ` '� ;�'' 24. Ii�v�ucst Pnr Noticcs. 8nrru�vcr requcstti thnt ci�pics of thr nutice� af d�tiiult �utd snlc hc sent tu Harr<�wcr'r�uddress :'� �-. <br />_ ,^;.:�; � . *... whirh iy thc Nraprrty Y s <br /> `: .+�.''"`�-`• 25. Riders to q�ly 5irurity Inrtrument. If'u�w i�r mur�ridcr,a►ru cxrcutcd hy Hurrawor und rerurdcd tuget her w it h t h iti �;,' • _ <br /> . �ccuriry Intitrumcnt.�F1C l'l1VCllilillh i1111I tl�:fl'l'I11CIIlti OI Cill'il tiUl'�I 1'1tll'1'�IIiIII I/l•inrur pur�dal i�du uod .hull umcnd an�l tiupplcmcnt ' _ <br /> • ' • � . thc ruvcitunly tind ugfeoulenir ul'Ihi�Scrurlty h�titrumcnt iic iY thc rl�lcrl�l wcrc'u part�►i'thi� 5ccuriry In,trum�nt, � ' ' - <br /> • �Cl�crk uppUcuhlc M►xlc,)) , <br />. '.t. ' '�" . .- <br /> ` �'•''�` �Aaiu�t.ihlc Ru�o Ridrr I �Cuixl��minium Rider � � 1•d Finnily Ridcr , <br /> � .. �.._I(3�u�luutcd Puymcnt kidcr ( �I'lannrd Uni�1)cvriopmcnt Kidcr I .J Hlwrckly Puyment Ridrr ..�` <br /> :,,x;,,� • I. . Hullu�m Ridrr � �Itatc Impruvcmcnl Ridcr I . I ti�runJ Homc Ridrr � <br /> •M. �_�Y.A. Itidcr IX J t)Ihcrl,l�tiperil'y� Acknowledgampnt af Powar of S�lo �' � � <br /> .� ' - L •- .� r <br />- .�.-:;-'ha � ' <br />� .'��..� ,. <br /> � �,::.�� ,;*, � pY SIUNIN(l HHLUW, Hurruwcr urcup�.un�l ugro"tu Uic trrmti u�hl�u��ru�uu,runtuiucd in thi�Scrurit�• In+trumrnt und <br /> , t.�, ; ' ' .,, in uny ridor(r)executed hy Hui�rawcr�md ncarded�vlth it. , <br /> . ._.: _ �1,'ittticss:.s: . � � . <br />= � .- -� ��� ���-�- _ ,��.,,�� <br /> ,. �, . <br /> iip Hd'I. n Hi�n��r <br /> ::,�,_...._.. _..----- --- -.. . . x �,f�.,l� �•. X�/v ltic�d) ' <br /> •�. (,�( , <br /> _ �.�r'�� Axlano E. HA20It •li��rru��rr � <br /> ; . <br /> - �r.,_ _.:.�.. . .... . <br /> — - .. --r:----°.;.-= <br /> r��. ��i,�{titf r � . <br /> 4,�S:Si.�."n�:,'���. <br /> � <br /> ' ' ��Cil�) (Sl'll�� <br /> t.•...� .__- -- -- - - -- - - _ <br /> _ 4� ��'`;�i±� '��tffPN�( 1lufhfNl'f <br />- `. �.�� , <br /> ,x.,. . . <br /> �Sk�; . � . , <br />- � '�� tiTATf:�)F NI:BRASKA. Hnl l ('ounty w� <br /> �`�': ` . Thc fa•cgaing Inrtrumcnt wiiw urknnwlcdged hrf'orc mc Ihly 20th iliry nf MaY . 1993 , <br /> � � hy Phi'lip a. Haxan and Arlena �. Hazen� HuebAnd and Wifa • <br /> ',��'�� ��.�. Witncss my hund und natuNul ycul ut Grand Islnnd. A81(A� y, thc diur iNi�rr.�iid. <br /> in.•d�l('uunt <br /> , , .e?!��v��f _� <br /> . �.,wf«.�i.a., ,�.. <br /> . My Ci�mmihri�m�xpirer: 2-14-94 .f . <br /> $;:(: �.r''F� ' nt,��:uy Punur / . <br /> •;�:,-, : �iMl�illb M� .�: <br /> , � i,.��;. r,�ti�� Al10AtrL.lY��1�11 a, � ' � <br /> - ;�_;.-- i��a��i a Form 3�28 8180 <br /> :`-,:.� ,_, �'a. • . �. <br /> ; . '-;, d . <br /> • , .�,. <br /> .,,,.,..�ih-� - -- __ . <br />