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IP n�uri�ta�;c insurnnec ruvcri�gr lin Ihc nmount nnd G�r Ihr prrl�xl ! ,. _ _ <br /> ��� � • . thnt l.cndcr r�qufnsl provi�lcd l�y un In,urrr nrpr�»c�l hy i.�ndcr u�;i�in hcruit�cy �a�nilnhlc nnd is��hlaincd. ifur�u►vcr�huli pay , _ _ <br /> dto pitniii�n»nqulr�d���nu►Intafn murttzai;c Insuri►ncc�n cl'Iic1,�u�a►provld4 u Intir r�ticrvc,wrill thc����quir�n�rnl fur mon�;a�;c <br /> In::u►:�n�c cnds In tt�curdnncc tvith niiy wriucn attr«ni��u hctwrrn Harru�v�r mtd l.�n�irr ur u��pli�abl� luw. •.�` � , _ <br />:. _� <br /> - .`- --.- 9. Inspccdon, I.cndcr ur its ngcnl iuuy mak� rcasanr,hle emrlr�u��,n �snd io��nctirn,��I'il�r Pruprit},I..�n�icr +ludl �iv� --- -------- . - <br /> .�:` � DIIIl�lilVl'f IIOII�ti:I►��fll't�IflC Of'ar priur ta:in Intiyh'�tl+m ��k�'���'II��(�4:1\lll11tI114 l'Ull,l �Of Illl`IIlS�II'CZ�P11, __ <br /> �1�. LUIi(�CI11Ilillt011. �il' pcu�cecir „t any i11t'iUt� Ui C{:11111 Itl� �IHlltlt�;l'�, t�11C�, ui t��Il.���U�=i1l1:i�, fA _ttflt!t'Cl�t�!1 W�1�1 HnV �+�.. <br /> - .� - cuttdrtntt�tEiti�p��Y uthir takittig ��f uny p:ttt titt'th•_ Prep�•rty,t►e i'�n' runv�yanr� in li�u ��I�'��nd�111natiull, tu'� hcr�hy us�iglt::�l nnd � - . <br /> � shiill he pidd tn �.ender. � <br /> . , In thc cvc��t u1�u tutnl Inking uP ihc Pruperty,�n���,��,«<�,•i►��u ►,���ri,n«i<<►�n� �un�,r�c�uie�l hy thi, Scrurity In�u•ununt. <br /> . � . whcthcr or nat thcn duo, �vilh o�ly oxC�s+ p�dd lu Hnrruw��r. In thc evcnt ut'u purli�l U�kI��H uf lhc 1'rup�Yly 111 whirh tha fuir <br /> mcu•kct vnlu;uf'thc I'roperty inuncJliucly h�furc thc tukin�; is c��unl ti,��r graucr�hun de4 unwunt nf �h� .tnn, ,c�urcd hy �his <br /> . � . Sccurity Instrument hnmcdiutcly bcti�rc�he tnkin�, unicss 11��rru�vcr und Lendcr uthcr�vinc ugr���in��•ritink. Ih�� .un►s�ecurcd by <br /> this Sccurity Instrumcnt shull bc rcduccd I�y �ho umuunt al'thr pra�cc�k muhipllc�l hy ih�: 1'ollu«�ing t'�:icti��n: ial thc tutnl <br /> � uniount oy�thc �ums sccu�•�d immedintcly heforc Ihe tnkln�, di��ide�l by (hl the lilll' I11I11'I�l'I YiIIUG UI lI1L' P�upeity imntcdiutcly <br /> . — .�, � bc:for.:thc luking. Any haluncu �hidl hc puid tu H��r�u�ver. In the cvent ��i u pi���tiul Inkin�; uf thu P�•u�xny in �vhirh thc fuir <br /> 1 ';.�,�.::;, ' markct vulua aY thc Prupeny immcdintcly bat'arc U►c tuking is Irsti Iht�n tha umount��i'�hu ht►mr�cctu•4d immcdia�tcly hcfurc thc <br /> '::'�;;�;. uikinb, unicss Dorr��wer iind (.cndcr othenvisc u��'ec in writing ur unlc�ti �ippllcat�lc liiw uthcnvi�c pruvidc�,thu praccc�l+ shnll <br /> ' • bc nppllni to thc swus sccurcd hy this Sccurity Inrtnnucnt whcihur u�'aot tha sums urc thun �luu. <br />_ ' If thc Property is:d�mduncd by pnrruwcr.ur if, aftcr nutirc hy l.�ndcr tu B�n•ru�vcr thut thc cun�lemnur��fl'crs to muko un <br /> ' uwurd ur �ctUu u rlai�» ti�r dtunagcs, [3orruwcr ti�ils tu respund t�� IA�ulcr �vithin 3U duys aftcr thu Jntc thc noticc is givcn. <br />- . � l..endcr is auth��rixcd tu rullc�t und apply thc prorccds, at its aptirn, cithrr ta rr,turutiun ur rcpair ul'tha Pru�crty or a�thu tiums ( <br />. • • securcd by thix Security Instrununt,�vhcthcr ur nut thcn Juc. � . • . <br /> � .. . Unlcss l..�ndcr und Hi�rr�����rr athcr�vi;c ugrcc in writing, any npplir,�tian ot' procccdr t�� principul shaU nut cxtcnd ur � <br /> po.r•tpunc thc duc d�itc uf'the nu�nthly pi�yments rcf'crrcd tn in parabruphx I :��id� ar rhunge the.�ronunt�,t'such puyments. <br /> 11. Horrua•cr Na�t Rcici�ycdi H'�►nc�i�rimcc li,r•Lendcr Not a Wntvcr. f:acnsiun�,1'th�tlmc il�r pnyincnt or moditicmi��n ' <br /> '��:,�,`�``; ��� uf imiurllratiun af th:�imis sccurod hy thiti Sccurity In.�rumcnt grantcd by Ln ndcr tu any xurccxtic�r in intcr�+t ui'Burn��vcr shnll i • <br /> , i <br /> � , not up�ratc tu rcicn�r thc linhility uf thc uriginul Aorrawcr ur H��rruwcr's.urressurs in intcrest. l.cndcr shull nut ha r�quircd tu � <br /> cum�nra�rc prucc�dings��gi�in�t uny�urccssor in intcrest ar �•cl:+,c n� cxtcnd timo ti�r payment�u uthcrwixc mo�liiy :nnuni.::nion <br /> of thc �ams sccurcd hy this ticcurity Inxtruiiunt hy rriisun ra' any ikiir,►nd madc hy thc ��riginal Borru�ver ur E��rr.���•�r's , ; <br /> succcy�ors in intcrcst. Any t'unc�unmcu hy l.cndcr in� am• ri�fh� ��� rcmc�l��+hall nut hc a w�iivcr��f�,r prr�•ludc thc '.' <br /> cxcrcisc uf nny right ar rcntedy. , <br /> 12. Suc�v�ssos� :�nd A�.vl�m Huund: J��int und Sevcn�l I.iubiliY;�: l'o.r•i�;nern. "Thu cuvrnunt� and agrccnuntx ��C this <br /> ' -- a�cttrli} lnsis'tttit�=tt :h:t!! t:'tstd •��t�! !�`nCtil lhe •�!c�•e�,urx mid :i.ti.igns uf Lende� und prrruwer. �ubjecl lu thc pro�•isitms uf' � <br /> -- - -_,___ _ <br /> para�t.raph 17. [3ottu��•rr's cuv�na�nts und u�;rcements .hiAl hc jaint and .cvcro�L !1m• Harn�wrr �vho c��•�ign+ thi, 5ccurity ;�- - - -- _ <br /> lnstrumcnt hut d�xs noc c�cccutc thc Nutc: (a1 i� ra•,igninK thiti Sccurity Instrumcnt imly t�, mar�gti�!c, �rnnt and runvcy Ihr�t ,. <br /> ' R�irrmvcr'�intcrcst in ihC Prutxrtv undur thc tcrm,��t'this Sl'1L11�1Iy IIISIPUIfl411I: (h) is nut perxanidly ubligntc�l tu puy thc sums k.. <br /> -----....�_._._... _ <br />: � ,crur�d by thir 5ecuritp In�trument:and lr)agrcet thut l.cnder and uny i�thcr Rorruwcr ma�• :i�rec to extend,maauy, func�ar or �-- -- `- <br /> � nmkc uny accummudutians with r.:gurd tu thc tcrms ut'thi, Scruri�y In�trumem�•r thc Nutc with��ut thut Burn,�ver'+amscnt. �` <br /> 13. Loan Chnr��w. If the Inun�crured by thir Sccurily Imtniment i� ,uhjeel tu a la�v which�rts muximum luan charE�es. ' , <br /> � und thin luw iz tinally intcrprctcd w thu� th� intcrc�t nr uthcr luan charge. rnll�ctcd ur tu hc ci�U�rtcd in ri�nnccti��n ��•ith the ; <br />_ luan excccd thc permiucd limi�,, thcn: lal um• ,uch luun rhurgc.hull h4 rcduccd hy �hc ,m�uunt ncrussary tu rcducc thc rhi�rgc <br />= W the {x:rmitted limic: and thl an�• �ums ulr�a�l� rulle:cted fram f3urruw•cr which cxcced�cl rermitted limits will hc r�funded to <br /> Barrower. Lendcr may rhnu�c t�� iu;�ke this relund hp rrducinp �ha �rincip;d �,�rcJ undcr thc Nute �.r hy� making a direct <br /> . p�ymm�t t�� Borrowcr. lf �� rrt'u�id redurc, �,ri�iripal, thr rr�iuc�iun will hc trrat�d a. a pur�ial prepiiym�nt ��i►huut any <br /> prapuymcm churgc undcr�hu N��tc. <br /> _ 14. Nutices.Any nutir�tu Horr�,���cr pr���idcd t'ar in thi. �ccurity lnstrumc�ii ,hal! h��;ivcn by dcli�crin�; it ur by muiling <br /> it by tirst cluss mail unluss uppli�abl� la��• rc��uirr.u+�:uf.muthrr m��h��d. Thc nuti�c.hall hc dircctcd t�� thc Properly Addretis <br /> - ur am• uthor uddres, I�urruwcr desi�natr, h� nu�irc �u I.cnd�r. An5 niuirc tu I,cndcr �hull hc �;ivcn hy tirst clu.� muil 1�� <br /> _ Lcndcr's addreas stalcd hur�in �n•:+ny ulhcr uddr�,� l.andcr d��ignatc� h�• ncilirc I�� Hurruwcr. Any noticc pruvidcd for in this <br /> Scrurity� Instrununt �hull hr dcemrd tn huv� hccn givcn a� H„rr�,w�r w• Lend�r wh�n civcn a,pi•uvi�icd in thia paragruph. � <br /> ' 1S. Guveruin�! l.u���3 tic�•crnl�iUt}•. 'I'hi, ticc�n�it�• In,aumcnl �hall h� ±�uvcrnr.i hy� frdcrul lu��and ihc law of thc • <br /> ju�isdicliun in ��•hich th� Pra��Yy i� luratrd. ln thr rvcnt that an�• pmvi+iun ar rluu,� uf�his ticcurity ln�trumcnt ��r the Nuw , <br /> -. conlliris with appliraMc law. wCh runlllcl tihull nuI at'fcr� rthcr pr„vitii�,ns��iihi.Sccurii}• intitrunum nr tho Notc which ran hc <br /> - �ivcn cfi'ect withuut thc r�mllirtinc pruvi,iun. 'f��ihi� ai�! tf�e pnwi,iun.��I'thi,tirrurin hutrumcnt and ihc Nutc arc dcclured <br /> �; tc�hc ticvur,�hlr. <br /> 16. 13nrro��•cr's('op�•. H„rru��rr,hall h�givrn imr runturme�l rn�,�•�,1 thr �nto a�i�l ut thi, 5crurit� Instrumcnt. <br /> � Fotm 302ti 9180 <br /> �,t,.,�„�t. <br /> _ --.. _.,.. <br /> � <br /> T <br /> �� <br /> . � <br /> � <br /> ♦ � <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> � ' � <br /> � __ . . .._ .. - . ._ _ _. .. <br />