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� � - .-�\��. -1 - -.._. . . .. , . . ..._-_ _ .. - _ --.. .���.i.:::_ ..� _'.�.._ - �_. <br /> l�\ l: '_ _'_' l`�t,�- �1..,� .... . .. . . - - .. !`_ ._ - , , .-'"� .. <br /> , . �, • <br /> , 1� ' . <br /> � Q-. <br /> � .....vnn=-�-.,.,....�.. . . . .�.. .. . .. .. �� . -... - '� ' ... _ '_ <br /> ... .... ._ . . ._. �... ._ . _.r.�._.._. . .. , .,.:.. .:.�'L`°.;..- . ` -__ __ <br /> . .. — . . -_ •v' .. ._!t'_-_ _" <br /> :�; . ��...,� �p�0�t? _ ._= .�`y� <br />` .��� 5. H�r.n�tl ar 1'n�{xrly L�st�rAnce. Iliirrowcr shull kcc{i thc impruvrmcnt.r• nu�v �xl,linb or IicrCaRPf Grcctcd ��n thu . ', '�" -. <br /> Pn►perly Insurcd uKniiut I��xr hy tlrc, h;►��irds Inrludcd witl�ln thc tcrm "catcnd4d r+n�crn�;r" +ind eny uthrr hiv,inlx, inrluding �.. <br /> � • �1�►ud�ar Iluudin�, I��r�vhlrh l.4ndci•rc���•tu�unc�. 'I'hlti i�itiurun�c ,h�►II hr niuintnincd in �hr iimi+uuts und ii�r the prri���ly <br /> : _ : that l.4udcr reyuir�s, 'Ph��in,urunrc�i�rricr pravldln� thc in�uranre sh�dl hc .hatirn hy Nurru�v�r ,uh�e�l tu Lcndcr'�; iqspravnl , '' •, : <br /> --.- ... ` which �ha�l) nut hc unrcu�unubly withh4ld. U'Hurrowrr iails tu midntnin r�n�rrugc �Ir�cril�cd ubuve, I..ndc�• nn►y, at I.�ndcr's "� • <br /> - _ . _ _..� �ptinn.nhtuin r�iver.ip� tu��n�tect LenQer'r rights in tii.rr„n�ny� i��:tcc��rdanee�ti•ith par.�gr.�pt� 7. . _._. .-. _ __ <br /> � � All Inti�u•,mcc puli�tcti and renc�va►Iti shidl ha urrc��tu{�Ic tu 1.�:nd.r and sh;�l1 a,t;s»�l:it-,4 ����,n��a;�,, .�lauu�. l,endcr �... ._._... . .- <br /> � sht�ll huvc th�rf�lU tu huid thc puiicics i�n�i rcnuwr�lh, if L�r�d�r r�i�uir�s, tic�rrc►w•cr sh�d)pti-amrtly�ic�tu lxndcr ul!rccci�►s t+t t <br /> ' puid prcmlums and ronewnl nuUres. b�thu uv�nt uP Intiti, Qurruwcr,hsdl givr pr��m�t nutirc tu the in,urunr�rarrlrr und L�ndcr. ' <br /> l.cndcr muy mukc pruul'��f la�x iY nut madc prumptly hy Harr������r, . <br /> � Vnlcr•s l�:n�lcr und llurr���vrr i,thrrwisc ugrr� in w�itin�, insur�u�wo prrcccdx.hull hc upplicd t�� r�yturiuii�n ur rep,►ir uf tho <br /> Prupeny dl�magr�l, U'thc rotiturution ur rcpuir iti ccunuuiirully I.ntiihl�:nn�l I.vnd��'s,crurit}�i.nut Ir�scnrd. If Uu rrtituri�tion ur , <br /> . r�pair is nut cconuntirnlly 1'caslblc��r Lrndcr'+scrurlly wuul►I hu I���enad, thu insurancc prucc�ds .hi�ll hr uppllcd tu thc sun�r <br /> sccurcd hy this S�curity Instnimcm, whethor ur nut �hen duu, with nny c�rc„ p�iid tu Hurn�wcr. If llu�ruwcr iib;utduns thc <br /> Pra�xrty, ar docs nut;►ns���er within 30 duy�u nuUrc 1'rum l.cndar th�U tho inxuraii�:c carrier ha,uficrcd tu .cttlr u�laim. thrn , <br /> ��. Lendtir nuiy �ullect 1hu insurance pntcccds. Lendcr miiy usc th� pr�xccds 1�� rcpuir ur r�st��re thc Prupert)• ur tu pay tiu�rr. <br /> • securcd hy thiti Securlty In�trtu�wnt, whethcr ur nut �h�n duu. 'fhu 3U-d;�y periud �vill be�ii�whcn thr r.r�icc i.�ivcn. <br /> ,,k . Unlcs� Lendcr imci Durrowcr athcr�visc +i�rec in �vritin�!, uny iipplicuti�►n ut pnk4�ds t�� prinr��al shttll nut rxtcnJ �+r <br /> ���t imc dtc duc dutc ut thc munthly puymcnts refcrrcd tu in piirographti I und .. or chun�.r thr �u�n:�.0 ��I�thc paymentr. If �:i.: <br /> � , . � <br /> P •�P �.����>�' <br /> under piuu�;raph�I thc P���perly is.icWuired hy l,cnder, H��rr��wcr'. right tn uny insuranco pi�licie,ama E���ceeds re,ultln� 1'ru+u ; <br /> dunu��c ln Ihc Pruperty prior tu thr ucNuisitiun tihull pa"ta Lcndc�tu thc cxt�nt��I'thc sum��ccur��!M tt�is Socurily Instrumcut �,,;: � , <br /> immrdiutcly priur tu�hc urqui.r•itiun. ':''•' : , <br /> 6. nccupi�ncy�, PrcrervaN�►n, 111t�1��tcni�nce untl h'ru4�i8��n oi'tim Pri�part}�: Hnr�ow•cr'.ti Loun AppUci�llun; I.cuceho�v�,�, • • ; ,- <br /> Arrru�vcr shuU uccupy, cstublish,und usc thc Propcny as R„rir,�vcr's principul rctiidcncc�vithin sixt��da�ys aQcr thc exccutiun��t' <br /> this Security Ins�ninunt imd shuU c��n�inuc tn�x:cup�• thc 1'rr}�crt�� us ti�•rrawcr's prinripul residcnre fur ut lcast onc yuar attcr ; <br />� thc dute t�t'urrupanry. unlcss Lendcr�,thenvihc agrec� in��ri�in�, which run�tnt �h�dl nut he unre;��unnhly withhcld, ur unlca, , <br /> cxtcnuuting clr�uui+tmucti rxist which arc hc�•und Rarru�rci•'• ronu•ul. [ii�rruwrr ,hidl nut dcsti'u)�, damu;;c ur impair thr ' . <br /> ' Praperty, uUuw thc Propcny ta dctci•iu�n�r, i�r rumntit wi»tr un Ihc Propuny. Rorr.���•.r +hull hc in det:�ult il' uny furf�it��R � — <br /> uction ur pru�ccdin�;,whclhcr rivil ��r rriminul, iti hc�un �hut in l.cndcr's�uud i'unh iudcmcnt cuuld resull in ti�rfcitun of chc ; <br /> Pn�perty o�•otheMVisc matcriull�• inipair thu liun rrrutcd hy this Srcurity Intitrument ur Lcn�lcr's,crurity intcrest. 8orru��•rr it�a}• . , . <br /> cure such a detituU und rein,tirtc,ur provid�J in p.iragraph 18, bv riiusinu thc urti��n or pmc�c�iing tu hc dismissrd��•ith a rute:��: : � <br /> thnt, in l.cndcr'� gu�xi Fiith dctcrminutiun, precludc, tiirt'�iturr uP thc H��rruwrr'. inwrctit in thr Prc�perty ur uthoi• iu.9trreal ; , <br /> � impi�irment ��f thc licn rroaud hy� this Sccurity lnstrumrnt ur L.cndcr's �crurity intrrest, fii�rr�����rr.hall atx�� k+: en det;et:[t if ; � <br /> �L--- - • . . . � 1. t��1 .ei�r(a��l.�i"s�{ �- --- ----- - <br /> �: : ti�— Aor�rnvcr, durmg thc ioan appi;caii����j�i���c,..�'.+lVv iiiiii�i'iii�I}"1�.tISC+if ii17CCiii'.�te sstl�t:•�ziat3e:n::s�l:�tcr.k:t..:.. _ti....t- , r-- <br /> ';ti'�•� to providc Lcndcr with any nuucrial inti�rmmion) in runncctii,n with thc I�u�n cvidenccd hy thc Notr, includiuc. ?�t:t »rt ti�ee:tc�i ; �-- - --� - <br /> • t��. ropresentntiam r�mrerning B�,rr��wcr'y orcupuncy� of ihc Pr�,neny a�u prinripal rctiidcnce, lf thi.Scru�ity In,tnuvcnt ex rn a ; <br /> '--..-.--�.:..... , . : �.. ....1=„1� �.Z.......... .�hal! �i`::2�.+l•� w!(h ��II th�• nnivl�innc n�� 1�1C �ill�: �f �OI'I'U1VCf ill'11U1I'l`ti fCl` 111�L` IU �hL` Pr��pert). [�1l' -- <br /> _ - -- ...a.,....� ,......�. - - <br /> ��;,=:.: ' �� - <br /> _ . Ici�srhi�ld�c�nd thc tcc titic zhidl nat mcr�;r unlr" i.cndcr a�:�rr, �a ihc ui�r�cr in writing• , <br />- 7, 1'rot�tition uP l.cndcr'� lti�; thc 1'r�►pertc.lp'}��•rn,��•rr li�ily�n pert'urm thc�uvonunl�and a�recmcnts runtaincd in <br /> this Security Intitrument, ur Iherc i. u Icgul prurcedin�; that muy �i�nili�iintl�• atf���l l.ender'ti righis in thc Prc�peny (such uti a . � <br /> ' prncccding in h.mkruptcy, pruhatc, fur run�ICmnutiun ur tiirt'�iturc i►r Iu cnti�rcc law,ui• rc�ulatiun.�, chcn L�nJ�r nury �lu and <br /> pi�y ti+r �vhntcvcr is necc�,ury tu pn�trrt thr �alu� uf�hc f'rupcny :ind l.andcr'� rightti in th� P�a�rn}. l.�ndor's acti�mti m.�y, <br /> , includu puyinb ully' tiUplti .rcurcd hv a lirn ��•hich hati priurity ��vcr thi� Srcurit�• Intitrumcnt. a}�+carans: in ruun, paying <br />- n:�s��nublo uUorncy.' f�es und riu�rinp un th�Pr�,pri�� ���maka npair�. .4lthuu�!h Lend�r tnay tal��a�ti�m u��ier this paragraph <br /> ' . � 7, l,ondcr dnus nat hiwc iu dr.a. <br />... �' �:• Any antrt�nl� ditihurscd hy I.cndcr u��dcr Uiiti puriigraph 7 +h;�ll hcrum� udditiunul dobt �*t �rrer�tcr .:.und hy� this <br /> Security lnstn�ment. Unle,ti Rurru���r�and l.�nder�igrce i��uthcr tcrm, uf pa��ment, thcs�umuunt. .h:il hcar it�t�re+t fruo► th� <br /> diUc uf disbur.cmvnt ut �ho Nu�c rutc imd tihidl hc p,iy+�hlc, �►•ith intcrc,t. up�m noticc t'rum L��n,1;r tu Horro���cr reyu��ti��; � <br /> - • payment. <br /> 8. 11�n�t�u};c Insurencc. If l.cndcr rcNuirca mortLag�in,uranr�u,a runditi�,n�,t'making thr luun scrurcd hy thi�Sccurity <br /> ' Instrument. Bi,n'mvcr tihull pu}• thr prumi��m� rci�uirrd to m�iintuin thc m�»•t�apc intiw•anc� in ctt�ct. If, fbr an�� rca.un, �hc . <br />� . mortgugr in�ur;m�� ci�vcra�;c rcquirr�l hy Lcndcr lap,c��,r rra�r, tu hc in rffrct. 13urrmvo�,hull p:�y thc prcmi►uns rcquired tu <br /> ubtuin ru�•rm;:c .uh.tuntiullp cNuivulcnt to 9hc mnrtgagc intiurancc rr¢viuu,l�• in cllcct. ,�t u c�„t �ubstuntiullv�Nuivulcnt to thc <br /> C��si tu I�arrmvrr ui'thC nu�il�.ige in,uranrr ��rcviuu�l�• in rt7crt, I�rum an ultcrnatc mrrtgagr in.t�mr upprr��tii b}� Lendcr. N' <br />`' • substantiall}•cquiv:�lrnt mu�zcai� intiurunrr ruvrra�r i�not:iruilnhl�, l3urr��w�r ,h;ill p:� ti�l.�nd�r cach month�yual to <br /> - anc-twclfth at'�hc ycarl��muri,�a;�e in,ur,mrr rr�tttiune hcittL puid h}• Hi�rn+��rr�rhrn thc in,uran��c�nrragc::;�a:d or cca�cd tc� <br /> _- hc in et'fec�.l-cn�ler���ill urrcpt, u,c.m�t rct:nn the,c p:i�m�nt�a. a 1���. rc�rr��� in lie� ��t' »i.,rt�;a;_: inxuranco. l.u+� rr�enc <br /> Fcvrn 3028 9/30 <br /> � ,'adu 3 oi B <br /> l. <br /> �i,. <br /> � <br /> I <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> � <br /> , � <br /> �, ' <br /> �.� �7' __ _ <br /> , _ __ _ <br /> - __ <br />