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<br /> 17,'!'�•nnsPcr�!thc!'���pc►�ty ne tt Ucacilcltd Intcrcwt In Ilorr�►�vcr, lf nii nr miy piin ul Ui�• {'rureny ur unv intcccst in ii I � -. _
<br /> is�ald u�•trm��fcrr��f 1�,�• il'ai h�n�iicinl intciest in Nurn,wrr iti,uld�►r irunyfrrrcd;�nd Nurrowrr iti uul u nnturnl prrunil�vllituut �
<br /> � I,und��.r's ��rior �vrilteu rans�iu, Isndcr mny, nl Us �►ptiun, r���idre hnm��liutc ��+iymrnt fu 1'uU ul ;dl y�nu� xrur�d hy ddz ' . -
<br /> � S�.�urily Insirumcnt. Huwcvcr, Ihis uptiuii rhnll mri Ix��xrrriscd h�� I.endc�ii'cx��rriu i�pmhihla��l hy I:dcral Ia�w ay ul'Ih���latc _
<br /> uf this S�rurity� �nstnimrul. � �
<br /> �. 1F Lcndcr excrci�cr thi.r•upUun, Lcn►Ior sNul1 }1iw` I�urru�ver nutire ul a�r�:cl�rutiun.'1'hc nuticr,h�dl in�vid�a prriu�l��1' n�+l ! :
<br /> -- Ic�� Ihun �0 day;: fr�mi thc d7tc the nutic�: Is ilcliver��t ar mellad wllhin �vhich liurru���cr must �+ay alI�umr ,�rur�:�{ by thir __ �; -. . -
<br /> 5crtvity ii�.i�uu����t. tt't;ornm•rr faits tv�?ny ih���r��mi�rriur tu thc�xpirtAlun+U'�his periad, L�adc�u�u}� inv�.kr;u►y r4�nc•licv f ,.-----__--_.-
<br /> - �xrndttc�i by thi�C�curi�y Ins�rumont wit huut Furthrr nuti�x ur�lcmai�d an I�u►'rmvcr. � : ;
<br /> • • 1H. H��rrnwcr'� tiluht lo Rcinstute, IF 1lurruwir mc�ts cehnin run�l�UUn+, il�uruwer �h�di hnv� th�� ►ight tu {tav� ,:
<br /> Cntim:�mrnt ul�thl.r• Scr�irity Inytn�mcnt dis�untinucd ut uny tinw prior i�� thc c��rli�r ut`. liU S di�yti lur ,uch nih��r p�rind ur f �
<br /> IIp�lUG:3hIC Iliw nury spc�ii'y Por rcfustiu�m�nU hut'crcc sulr ul thc Pniprrty ptu�suunt tu +my puwcr uf,ule runtainrd in thi� �
<br /> S4wurity Instrutnont; ur lhl��ntn�ui n,jud�mcnl onti►rcinti this 5crurity In�uvmcut. 'I'hutir cunditions:ira thut I�arr�,�vci: lul��uys ,
<br /> lamda�ull >;ums which th�:n wuuld ba duc undur this 5cc�u•It�� in�trumcni +md th4 Nutc a� iF nu iural4rnliun IuiJ urcurr�d: (h) � . .
<br /> cun:s nny dcliuip uf'c�ny uthcr r�wcn,�ntti or u�:ro�mumts; (c) pi►ys ull cxpansa, Incurnd in cnfm•rint; thi� S�tiu�•ity Instrumrnl,
<br /> in�lutiing, hut not limitcd tu, rcasunuhlc +iuurncys' Ic�s; :m�l(d)t;ik�:,xuch uctiu�u.r' l..:nder n�ay r�u+anably ruquiru la nti�ur� .
<br /> ihut thc licn��f this S�curit�� Insutun�:nt. Lcndur's ri�hts in thc Pru�irrty imd Hurruwcr'ti ahli:atiun li� pay ►I�u ,unu scrurc�l by �
<br /> � this Sccurlty lnstnimcnt .hall continuw un��hunbe��. Upim rcin•tutcm��nt hy Uurru�vcr, t�ii� ticrurny In�uUmrnt und Uu�
<br /> i�bli�;atic�ns scrured hcrchy shull r�nudo �i�lly uf'trrtiva ns il'uu ucccl�riniun h�id nccun•rd. Nuwcv�r. thi�right t��r�:intilutc.htdl � .
<br /> . na� upply in�hc riisc uP aeccicr�►don undu�paruE;ruph 17. ''`,
<br /> 19. tiitle uP Note; Chunke �►1' A.v�tn Scrvicer. Th� Notc or u purtiid intcr�4st in th�� Nut� (tugethrr�vith thi, Secu�•ity �.
<br /> . Instrumcntl muy hc suW unc ur nu�r��inic>��•ithaut prior notic� t��Nurruwrr. A+ulu may resuU in a chung� in thc rntiiy lkn��wn •
<br /> u� thc"l.aun ticrvic4r")thut rullcris nwnthly paym�nts�1u4 un�k r thc Nntc and this\r�ui•it�� In,trumcnt.'('hcrv als��may hc anr ,
<br /> ar miu��rhungcs af thc Loan Srrvicor um�alatcd ti�u sale��t'thc NiNC. If th4rc is a rhan�r ut'thc Lui►n ticrvicur, Hiirrawcr�vill Iw . . _
<br /> givcn wriucn ni�ticc uf thr rhan;;�ia urrurdanr�with��aragruph 14 ubuv�imd upplicah�v law. 'I'hc nut���c will.tut�th��nam�� amd .
<br /> nddr�.�y���f�hc ncw l.<�an Scrvircr un�1 th► i�ddresy t�� �rhich pnymcnts shuuld Nc m;�dc. '1'hr nutirc will also ruitluin un�� athcr ; . .
<br /> infnnnatiun rcquired hY upplirublc luw. ��' �•� .
<br /> 2Q. Hu�.urdouy tiuh.r•ti�nc�w. f�urm�e�r shaU nal �aus4 ur permit 1h4 prr,�ncc, uzc, di�pnrul. �turus�e. �+r rclra�c ul' uq�' ;.
<br /> Hauirdmis Suhs�an�eti un ar in thc Pruprm•. Horr������x shull nt�t do, ni�r i�lluw anyun� cltia t�� Ja, a��plhitig atfcrtin� Ih�
<br /> Pr��peny that i.r• in viuliUiun uP,my k'.nviromncn�;il l.a�e. The preceding twa ,cnt4nerx shall nut applg tu the pi•esrnea u�c, i�r ''i.
<br /> st��t'.tr4 un thc Pru�cn�� af smull quuntitics ul'NararJous Suhct:mrcr thtU arc �enrrall�• rcc��gnirc:l tu hc i�ppr��priat� ti,nu►•m�il
<br /> resi�lcmiul uscs�uu�to muintcnuncc ul thc Ympe�7y. , . �
<br /> ftoeruwcr shull prampUy givc I.�ndcr��•riu�n n�,tir�ul'any im��ytigutiun, rluim, dcm:md, luw.ruit��r nthvr;ictiun hy :u�� •
<br /> govcrnntcntul��r rc�ulul��ry ugency ur pri�•at�pun}'im�alvin�;�h41'rupeny un�1 any Harardntn Sun�t,uicr ur L:n�•irunnt�ntid I..a��•
<br /> ut which Borruwcr hu+ uctuul knuwlcdg�. !i Rurri���•.r lcurns, ur is nixiticd hy uny ;�u�•�rnnx�nlul ur r��;uliuury nuthuritr, thut
<br /> any r�aiuvi�l or othcr rcmcdiitli�m ut'uny HatarJuu�Suh.tancc i+t'I'ccting th�Prup�ii�• i�nrres�ary. Burrrnvcr yh:ill��rumptly� tiik� ; .
<br /> ull n��,•cx�ary i'cmcdi�►I iirtions in iicrurdancc«•ith k:n�•ii�rnnunUtl l.uw.
<br /> As uxcd in thi. paru�;ruph 20, ,�Hitr;irduus Sub�tamres" uru th��so suh.t.�nres dclined iis iuxic ur tuuaudi�tis .uh,tanc�:, b� .
<br /> Envinmmcntul law und thc tuU��wing suh�tanrrs: �;n�ulinc, kcru.une, uthcr Ilammahlc �lr �uxir pr�rulcuni �r��durt+, trri� :
<br />- - pesticides�md herhicidcs, vulatiir�aivcntti, mum�iak ci�ntaining a.b►�t�,.�,r i'��rnt�itJeh}•�lz,arzl r.�cliaacti�: st�:ete:ial,. As u�L,!!ro -- _
<br /> Uiis parugruph 211, "t:nviranmantul Luw" ntcans f�d�rul law� and la��'� ��1' thu lurisdictiun whcr4 tht' Pn��xrty i+ lo�•atcd thut
<br /> n:lata a� hcalth, sulcry��r cnviranmcnlul prutcrtiun.
<br /> __ � NAN-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Hurrawr�uild L�nd�r I'uilhcr cuv�nant und ugr�r as li�lloa'�: _
<br /> 21. Accelerutioir lteu�ettieQ, I,ende��hul1 µ(��o n�ntice to Horrower priur tu ucc�icrz�tioa i�►iiu�rin�;i�orn►.:ri',i�,�•�a:�
<br /> of a�y covcnunt ur nur�timcnt In tbi.r• S�YU�ity Intitrument (hut not prior tu iuccicrutinn undc� puru};eWph 17 unlm�:
<br /> nppliwble luw pruvides othc�wi�cl, 7'he notire�lu�ll .r•p��ii,r: (u1 th�.�deG�ull; lfil the ucllou rcquired tn cure Ihc ciciuulta .
<br /> (cl n dute.nut Ie�r thun 30 du}•ti f��►m the dule the noticr i� �I�•en tn H„rrm��er, hy ��hich th�deP��ult must be cured: und
<br /> • ld) ths�t fullurc to cure thc defi�uU on or hef'urc tl�e dute tip�rii'icd in Ihe iioticc mi�y rerull in ucccicrutiou ��P th4��unty
<br /> • �:�ure�1 hy thls y�tiurity Intitrumdnt and sule o1'thr Q'ir►perty. 'I'he n��tice �h�tll f'urther IuPurm Alorr�►�ve�oP thc ��I�hl la
<br /> reinFtute i+fter a��celeri�Uun i�nd the rl�;ht tu brin�; u court ucUun lu as.r•ert thc num�xistence oi'u dePi�uU ��� uny i�ther
<br /> de�'�+pse nf Hurrowcr to acccleruti���t und yalu. li'Ihe dcl'iu�lt lc n��t cu�ed nn un c�forc the di�tu hp�xlfi�vl In Ih�.�nntice..
<br /> Lendcr. ut Nti opti�►n. mu�� requirc immediute puyment In i'uU ��f'ull vums��YUnd by this S��urltv Inslrumcnt �vis�onZ
<br /> fiurlhcr demi+nd i�nd muy I�n�ake Ihe pn�scr of yulu i�nd i�m� uthcr remedi�w permltted h�• upplic�nlc lu�r. I.endc�sht�l6 ha
<br /> � , e�Utled ta c��U��ct ull expens�w incurred io purtiuin{�the remedi�y pro�•id�d in this puro�raph Z1,lncludin�.hut no111miled
<br /> ta�, reasanuble attnrneys' P��nnd c��rty oP tUle e�•idence.
<br /> IP the pawer uf' si�le is invukcd. '1'rust�r sM�ll r�r�a•d a nuticc oP desiudt in cuch c��unty� M���hich ��n�� p��M ��1'thes
<br /> i'n►perty Is locutcd t�nd�hi�ll mail cnNics oP zuch nulicc in the mt�nncr pr�wrrlbt�d I»� uppllcahle lu��• to R�►rK���r•c�i�nd t��
<br /> thv uther penon�pnscribed bv i+ppllcablc lu��•. Ai'te�the tlmu rcquircd I�y npplicvblr lu��•,'f rustec»hall uivr puhlfu nnllcc
<br /> • af wle tn the persons i�nd in thc manncr prescrlhed !n� upplicablc la���. '1'rustcc. «�ithnut dem���d nn Ho�rmvet�� shHU xe11
<br /> tMe 1'rv►periy ut public t�ucUon to Ihe hl�;h�wl bldder s+t thc timu und pluce und under the tc�m�dcyl�nutecl in thu nnti�:c uf
<br /> sala in one ur mo�r purccls und In uny urder 'I'rt��t��detct'min�w, '1'rust�v atu�� potilpane�ide of ull nr uny pi�eccl oP thu
<br /> Property bv public unna�uncemcnt i►t Ihe Nme ana9 �lucc oi'imp prevlou�ly tinc�dulcd tiulr. I.cnder ��r itti d�wltinee may
<br /> purchnsc thi Propurt�� at un�yulc.
<br /> Form a028 9190
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