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<br /> ' 'PntiE1THF3t2�VI'1'H aU the Impenvcmeiits notiv o�hc�enR�r erecteil on tho pro�:�ty, i�nd ull eiisementy, np�tutennnrca, nrid ,.��-��-°
<br /> ' � ' ilxturev na�v i�r herei�itcr n purt uf thu pra��:�y. All rctidi:cenv:nis und udtNtlnn� si�uU ulsu hc ruvrrrd hy thi� Sccivity , . , , � -
<br /> � Inrtn�mcut, AU ut'thc fi►r��;�Hnf;Ix rei'crrcd tu iu ihis Srcurity In�trumcnt a�;Ihr "Pr��pcity." ,
<br /> ' t3URR(1WI's!Z('OVNNANTti Ihut ll�rrrawcr is lawll�lly�el+cd uf tho 4slalc hcrrby�:anvcyrd �utd (►uv Ihe rigltl tu�lruiU oud
<br />' '�. � cunv�y thc !`n►p�rty und thnt thc i'n,{mny is uncncumlurc<I� �xccpt titie cncumhnunc���I'rcrurd. Nuirowc�•��•an�unty uud �vlll _ i. _
<br /> . .._. _... .. . .
<br /> --- dCfrnd gei�erally thc�itle ta Ihc I'raperty a��inst all cic±hny nn�l dcmnnd.r•,ruhlc.t tu an}� cn�►unh�uncc,uf rcr��rd. ,....__.. _... .;--_..
<br /> . 'i'HtS SL'.CUt:fTY IN5'1'RUM�N'Y'eu�tthitu+�unil�a'ttt ci�drmc!+t� 1iu�t:{N�111i1I UMt 111LI It�lil•U/lllllflll l'/1Vl'11111Iy \VIIII IUIlII6YI L._____� __�;�-_•
<br /> .:.._:.—.._�. .. ._. . -
<br /> �:if�:stiuns hy ju�f�dictiifn tn!•nn�dtutc a unitiutn sccurity inctrument cuvcrin��r�al prupcny. �-�-..---- ---
<br /> ... UNIFtIRM COVfsNAN'I'S.l3urr��w�r i�nd l.endrr cavcni►nt nnA ugn:c uv fuUuwti;
<br /> 1, i'nymcnt af Frinclpitl ,uid Inte�csti P►'ctmyourni und I.ute Chiuyi�w, liurruwcr tihnll piumptl�+ puy whrn duc thc .
<br /> prin�lpal uf�uid lntcrest on tha dcht evidcnrcd hy thc Nutc;uxl nny prcpayment und liuc �hart3cs dur undcr thr Nalc.
<br /> 2. Ntmdy Pur'i'i�!uw tmd In�;urn�uc, Sut�jcct t�� iipplicablc luw ur tu u wriucn wuivcr hy l.endcr. Ilurruwrr �hidl puy to ,
<br /> . l.endcr un thc duy manthly paytn4nts urc du��utd�r thc N�ita untH thc Nutr is pttid in I'ull.a tium("Fund�") f�ir: lu)vcarly ti�xcs
<br /> und usscssmcnts which muy nttuin p�lurity uvcr this Sccurity li�suumcnt us u licn nn thc Prupcity; (h) >'carly Icusehald pt�ynt4itis
<br /> . i�r bn�und ronts un thc Praperty,if uny: (c) Ycarly huziud ur prupc�ty inti�nxmcc pnmiuins: (d)ycurly tluud imuranrc premiunts.
<br /> If uny: (c1 yca�ly mangugc Insur��ncc prcmiums, iP luiy; und t t) i�ny �unn payuGlc by kiurr��wcr �u l.endcr. in arrurdnncc with
<br /> thc pmvisionti of purn�;ruph R, in licu��Pihc pi�yment af nwnt,agc insurimrc pn�miums.'1'hcsc itcmti urc rull��d "Fxrro�v Itums." `
<br /> I.,endcr nmy, at ;�ny tium, collcct and hald Fundx in i�n amot�nt nut t�� cxcccd thc mnximum umuunt a londc�ti�r a t'cdcatlly
<br /> �. rclntcd mm�gugc luan ur,i�• �rrquir�: (��r Ilorrowcr'ti rscruw n�cuun� und�r Ihc I'cdcrul Rcal }'s,�ntc Setticmcnt Pnxcduros Aut ut'
<br /> 197A��x iuncndcd t'rviu m�ae ta timc, 1.',U.S.C. ScrAun 2601 e►sry. ("RtiSPA"), unlcss unulh�r luw thut applics tu�ha Funds ! .
<br /> sets u Iesser umaunt. N'st•, l�:nder may, :u i�ny time. cnllect anJ hold Funds in un ��nu�unt nut to excecd Ihu Icsser innuunt. i
<br /> � `�;�;� . L�:ndcr may cstimatr tt�c�m�uunt��f Funds duc un thc hu�is ut'�u�yrnt diuu imd reusum�blu cslimutr� ui ex��tdituras uf'I'uturc
<br /> � � ' �scraw Items or rthen�i�e in accurdiuice with applirable lu�v. � ,
<br /> � Thc Funds sh.il� bc ncld In im institutiun ���h.>>� dcpusils urc insurcd hy a Icdcrul uEcncy, insuuukr.tidity, ur entiry •
<br /> � ' (including Isndc�, if I..en�ic�r is such an instituiiun�.v in uny f�cdcral Humc Lou�Qunk. L.unacr�hall :tp�pl�• th. Funds t��pc►y thu
<br /> ' , ... ���' �scrc�w Itcros. Lendcr nu��• nut rhiirNe �orru�err tl�r h��lding und upplying the Fundti,imnuatl��a,esly::irlk et�:rs�row ucruunt,ur .
<br /> ��� .`' vcrifying thc�scr��w Items,unlcti. 4end�r ra}•�6arr���vcr intcrc.r•t un th�Funds imd upplicaM4;I:��s perniit� I�cn.lcr tu ut.�[cr•urh , �.
<br /> n churge. N��wever, Lender ma�•ra.��uam Burrr��•c�t��piiy uime•time chcvgc fur iin indcNun.l.nt real�statr tax rcpnrtin�; �:;�•ice
<br /> uscd hy l.cndcr in ronnecti�»i ti�•ith il�is loan. unlrss upplici�blc li��v pmvidrs ��thciwixc. Unlcss un u�rccment is ntndc ur ,
<br />., . nPpUcublc luw rcquires intcrest i�, bc E�aid, I�nd�r shall not hc:rcqulrc�l to puy t3nrr��wc�•:my intcrc�t ur curnin�s un�hc Funds. �
<br /> i�` �3pno�ver imd I.cndcr �nm� tigrce ii���riiin�, hua•c�•cr. �hut interest tihall hc pnid on thc Funds, Lendcr sh.ill�ive tu I�urruwer, .
<br /> withuut chi�rgu, un unnunl �iccouniin�; uf thc Fu��dr, shiiwinF credits and dchits u� thc Fund�ci��d thc puryH�su fur which cach ..
<br /> dcbl� tu thc Funds��a�niadc. Thc F�mds ure plc�lgcd+ir udditionul ururity for all sums ��y��m�t h��this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br />_�°: ,�-__----- -- !f!!le I�Uttd�I�el�l(n• Lendcr�x�ced thc unluUtti�pCt7nilt�d lu h�'hcld hy applicablr la��, l.Cnder �hall acruunt t��Bi�rruwcr -_
<br /> • " for tho rxceti.r• Funds in uccardimrc with the re��uiroments i�l'applir+�hlc luw. H'the umuan� rC th�,FemJs t��ld hy I.�ndur at any
<br /> ` timc is not s►rt'ficicnt tu pay thc F.�cru���Itcniz whrn�luc, l.�ndrr ma�� +��n�,tily t���rmwcr in ��riting,u�d. in�u�h cu,c Hurr��wcr -
<br /> ' shall vav to I.�ndcr thc amuunt nc�c�•ary tn mukr up th�drtirirnc�•. f�urruwcr+hull makc up thc dctici�ncy in nu mun than
<br /> ��. ' . t�vclvc monthly puymcnts. ut l.en��ce'� �nl��di�crctiun. . ' --�'
<br />- un���, n�►y�»��� ;�� ��t�u ul'all ruiur`�cur4d hy this tierurit�� In�trumcnt, l.�:ndcr �hnll pruuiptly r�i'und to l3arra«•cr am•
<br /> �undti held hy L.cndcr. 11', undrr para�riiph �I, l.�nd�r,hull ci�Wuirc ur s�ll thc Proprny, l.�ndcr, priur ta�hc ucyui�ilion ur.atr .
<br /> of Ihc P��uperly, rhull ��pply uny i�und,hcl.l hy l.rndc�ut thc timr ��t arquitiitiun��r ralc .is a crodil�►►�ainst Ihc ,unis,ccurc.t P}�
<br /> thiti Scrurit�• lnstrumcnt.
<br /> 3�AppUraUon ui'Paymcn�s. Unl�s� upplirahlc la�►- prnvidr.ath�rwitic.all puymcnt,rcrci��cd hy (.��td�r wutcr puracr;iph�
<br /> 1 und 2 shall hc uppli«f: first. tn any prc(�aymrnt chargr,duc undcr�hc Nutc: +�cund. tu:miaunt.puyabl��uidcr parugraph �:
<br /> lhird, tt� inWtCsl duo: t��urth. Iu principal ilu�: an�t i,�;t, tu uny lute churgc.da�un�lor thc Nutc.
<br />� 4. Cht11'�cti; Licns. Hurrawcr.�:ill ra�} u31 t:���,,a+�c.r•smcnt., chargc�, can�ti imd inlpuylliuns uttributnbic tu thc Pruperty
<br /> . , which may uttt�in priurity uver Ihi�S��:urit�� Instnim�nl, ana Ica•chuld puym�ntx �u�eruuizd rent., if any. Hurru�vcr .h:jtl pay
<br /> thcsc uhligtitions in IhC manncr pr���itled in puragraph�. ur it'nut paid in th:u munncr, Grrrua:r,hall pay thcm on timr d�rcc�ly
<br /> tc�thc pcn��n uwcd p:�)•mcnt. Bnrrowcr�h:�ll prumptl�� I'urni�h�a l.cndcr aU nrtiecs i�l'ann,unt�tu hc paid undcr Ihis par:�,r:iph.
<br /> . lf Borruwcr makcs�h�sr paymcntti dircctly, f3urru���ur+hull prumpUy t'unai�h t.�l.�n�lcr nccipts cvidcnring thc payntcn�s.
<br /> Hu�ro�vcr�hul1�r�,mpUy di,churgc any licn whirh hu,prinrity�•�•��t5i.ti;ruriip hi.rtrum�n�unlc,+Hurn�wcr: (al ugrcea in
<br />- �vriting tv thr paym.�n uf thc uhligiuian ticrurrd hy thc licn in a ii�a:�►nr:�Ca�plahlr tu I.�nd�r,(hl runtesls in��xxl Puith lhe li�n
<br /> -,'. by, ar ��cfCnd� acain�l enfurccment ��f Ih� lion in, le�:al pr�xcc�iing� t��bi.h in thr l.ondcr'� upinion i�perulu Iu pr��cnt the
<br />:;:'•;� enfancmcnt uf thc lirrr ur lcl+ccurc,fmm thc hnl�frr i,l'th� lirn.in uprcrm:�t�a�i,l:irtur�• to l.cndcr�ubordinuting tho licn la
<br /> �: this Sccurity lnstn+mcnt. If Lcndcr d�trrminr, ihai an�• part uf thc f'ru�rt� e..uhjcct tu a licn which n�a>atuiin prioriry ovcr
<br /> this Scrurity Instrumcnt, l.�ndcr rnay gi��c Nurro�rrr a nutirc idcmifying thc licn. ljurn,��rr�hull.ati;t�� .l��li�n ur takc�,nr u�
<br /> �� mi�so uf tfie actiun+sct tiirth abu�•e��ithin 10�lay,��f Ihc giving �,1 ni�ticr.
<br /> = Form 3028 8190
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