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<br /> U.
<br />- V1,� � .� . ' . ` _r.. .. . ` . . . .. . . . _ ___
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<br /> � . . . ' _
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<br /> ..�7 J -
<br /> �y 1.11{h - �
<br /> �Y--� �.o��o��r � k�. _�
<br /> �;--. -. - . � -_
<br /> �� .`. thA Pru o Is oo tnkon or d�mnpod,Landor phall havo tho optic►n,111 It0 8o1F1 aqd fltlEUllUtO dli�tlrqtlpn,to apply flll ounh Procaoda, � t�" ��
<br /> p ►N � �„
<br /> � pfter da�uctlnd thoratrom all coata and oxpoi�saa Inaurrod by Il ln connpotlan�vtth auoh Prnaoad�,u��on�ny Indabtodnnss ooaurod , __ .q..-
<br /> � hvroby And In suoh ordar ns Loncfor mny datarmino,Ar tp apply E1��BuGh PraGaod�.ait�r eu�h d�duat�c���N,to thn roatoratlan ol tha � -��°.
<br /> „ '
<br /> ; __ ga� _
<br /> Praporty upon auph�ondltlons no Londor may dotvrminp.Any nppllcAtic►n al Proc�adr�ta Indc�btc�dnaay ah�ll not oxtand a►poatp4no • -
<br /> � Iho duo dnm uf any pnyments undor the Note,or aurc�Nny do}n�tN tharnundor o�hprnundc�r,�1n>>un�pPllad lui�de ehall be p�ld to � - �'w
<br /> ��t-` ` , � Trustor. E"— • _ -
<br /> =- 1 8. Perta�mencs by 4ender.Upon ino oacurrc�non ut an�v�nl ut Datault 1���rc�undnr,or It any act la tahun or lapal prc�ceadinp �;
<br /> " commoncod whlch matorl�lly aftacts l.onder'91ntt�ra8t in lhU F'ro{�Orty,(.QI1tfC�f rttfly ifl ihi UWtI Si1t�R1��S�QI1,6ui wHhoui ahli{}�ttAn tod4 -- -. .-;L,= -,
<br /> � so,pnd wlthout noUco to or demnnd upon Tru�tar and�vllhp�d rptoaaln�Tru�t�r Ir�m�ny anIl;�Atlan,do pny t►Cl whlah Truntar hne �, . . •;��.�:• .
<br /> Aflruod bu!lalle to do and moy nlso do nny othpr aaI II dc�oma nflGflasary ta prataot 1��o aQau�lty hereol.Trustor nhAll,Immadlotply ;.:. „ - ti4,;,�
<br /> ' upon demnnd thorotor by Lond�r,pay ta Londor all c;osts c�nd oxponaas inaurrnd und�umfl expc�ndc�d by I,ondor In aonnaau�n wlth ti;.,�;��.;�,,, . ,.,,.�:,_`,"`.,�t ;;i
<br /> _ •.� tho o„erclso by Londer ol the tc����7aina�i9h�s,topathor wlth Intarc�sl thc�rppn nt thc�dcitauli��tn prpvldod In thq NotA,whiah nhnll be ;`� :
<br /> s��f�;�i���� ' added to the Indebtc�dn�ss sa:,ai�-�� �+���b�• londor �hnll nat Inaur �ny Ilt�hlilty beaaus�a ot nnythlnp It mAy do or omlt to do ;
<br /> .'.�`s�r,(��an:5,,:`1�,S�ff'4i�.'_l�'l: h��rc�und��. �� _ . _ . ,
<br /> `, i�''� ,��ti,,;;� :' �. P1t�aasdc+U�119a9�jIa1�.Tr�iy�tOr shall kF.�p tho Propflrry fn aamplianr.,o�vith pll t�Ppeaahlt�tan��s,Qf(IU1pflC0�QI1d��Qlll(lll�llfl
<br /> �'"�'�'{°���v� { � ,� r01;�9ii�y lo Indu91ria1 hyg«nc�0"�11VIf0111118MQ1 p�QlQG11pI1(CpI1�1GIIVpIy I9}Clff(3d lQ hflfA�fl Q9"�t1VIfQt1t110f11t11 LAWU").Truotnr eht�ll • .
<br />,'�'�'•t2:;i•. �„�a.
<br />`"��'`�j?'""}�`� � koep tho Property trae trom zlt subst�ncos doamc�d to ba hflzardaufl or taxi�undcir any En��lr�nmt�ntnl Lawe(collt�ctivAty rt�l�nvd to
<br /> ..:...�.,,.
<br /> � � horc�ln as"Hazardous Meteri�ls").Truator hproby wnrrnnta and ropro8ontc�to londnr 1h�11 th�rp nre na Hazctrdaue�MAtorlqlii an p�
<br /> � undpr tho P�oporty.Trustor heraby�proes ta Indamnify nnd hold hc�rml�s9 4andcir,Itfl dlepctt��n,oftlaere,employups ond ap�nto,nnd _
<br /> t�ny successors to l.ondor's Intara&t,lrom and apnlnst flny and nll clt�un�,dF�m��o9,I�:��fl F�nti Il�biutlea ari�lnfl In connuctlan wHh
<br /> tho p�osonco, uso, dloposal or trnnaport ot Any NEixardau0 Matc�nE�lfl on, wtdnr, Irqm or tihout tho Proporty. TH� FOREGOINQ ,:•;.;..
<br /> � SURVIVE R�CONV�YANCE OF TH15 p6�D OF TRU37. � y"":"�`
<br /> ' �o As�lpnmml o!Rante.Trustar haroby oasi{�n�lo l.ondc+r tho r�nt0.is9ui�a tjncl U�p���H p��hu Proporty,provulad thm Trunta� . , __
<br /> OhAll,untll thU ocCUrrOnCO o1 nn�vE�nl 01 pfl1i1u11 hproundctt,l�pvo lhp npht tp COIIpGt:lnd�olAln BuCh rpn�s,ianuo0 ttnd prohte uq thoY 4_�-=
<br /> � bocomo dun Und pnyabto.Upnn tho ucaurranc�o�nn Fvom at l)�tpu�l,l.uncl��r mtty.mthar m qaraon or by��pant,with or w�thnul � � ,,,, _
<br /> Gnn�InU nny ncUon or pracoQdlnfl.or by n raao�vor nppo�ntod by n cnun anct�v�th�►d rri�tuU to tho ndaquncy ol Ita ooauity.�ntpr � `,,,^_
<br /> upon ond 1ak0 poanosslon o1 thc�P►opcxty,or nny pait thpraol,in�I:i uWn npmn�r In tlio nttlnt�al lho 1'n�PtoEf,nnd do nny nrl�whiah i� __
<br /> daoms n�cosenry or daaimblo to prosorvo tho valu�,�no�kotabil�ty�r rontnb���ly al th�Prnporty,or any p;�rl thor�ot a►u�l�ro�t lhar��n, i
<br /> InCroQeo tho Incomci thpralrom or pratact thc�naaunty hc�roof and,with or�vdhput tt�kin(�pot�9on4�on of tho i'ropurty.oun lor or � •
<br /> othorwlae collc�cl thp ronts, lasuc�s and prol�ts Ihc�roat,incluclinfl thon�p�►;�t du�t�nti unp�Ud,�nd apply Iho enmo,luas coatn nnd f . .
<br /> • a�pon9os o�oporallon and collpcllon lncluciinfl ottamoys'}aflt�.upon any indt+btt�dnflna st�c:urod heroby,All In euah ordar t�n l.andor � .�
<br /> may dotarmine.Tlw flntaring upon and t�kinp pa�9oss�on ot thp Prnpflrty,tho c�Uaotipn o1 auch renl�,IS3uoa and prolitfl And tho i �� R=
<br /> appllcAllon Ihereot as aloresald,sh�ll nat curo or w�ivo nny dc+lt�ult ar npticc�ot dcitnu{1 horounder or InvAHdata uny pcl done �n ��
<br /> � responso t0 euCh d8lAUlt or purauElM to 9uCh nptiCO Of dnitlult and,n�t�aithntflndln�thfl co�tinuflnoo in posseaslpn pl tha P►opprry ar ( � A
<br /> tho collectlon, recolpt and appllcntlan of rents,lesuas or prol�t�,a�d 7ruEtc�p anU l.�ndt+r ohall b4 entitlod to onerCi�n every rlght i .
<br /> provlded for In Any of the Loan Instrumvnts or by law upon ocGUrr�ncfl ol,any�vont of Ao1auIL Including wlthout Ilmllatlpn the rlght ;
<br /> __ � to exorclso thp po�ver of&ale.Further,Lander's rlflht:�and romE�dlpfl undor IhiF pflrpgrpph shnll be cumulativo w1th,and In no way a � , 1
<br /> —_ :
<br /> IImltAtion on,Lentiers rights and-��tii�i�i'vs�lniar i�y�ssi{�titrtZrl!a!!�s�S�atld��nt9 sec�r�e��S��nat ihe ProQorty.Londor,Truatse
<br /> and the raCelver sh�111 be Ii9bIQ t0 ac:.ount anly tpr IhpnE�rant9 AntuflUy r[�carvod. �� l
<br /> :.;
<br /> . 11. Evcnt9 ot Dataull.'fh@ toll��viny ahall can�tltutt�an Evont o1 potAUlt under tlila Doed ot Truat: , •. • .
<br /> , . .. . •
<br /> __ _ _ _ (p) Falture to pay any�n�tallmont al pnnoi{�E11 ar intf�rast al eny ath�r aum sacured hereby when du�;
<br /> - --- - - . �..-- ---._�_ u . .ti� n.,oa..��inm� anun}1halnanlnAVUm6�t0.Ot911V �.:;__'.___- �
<br /> (bl A oreacn oi or aetaua unaar a„y N�o�„�u��.:.,��������a�;�:�1R..R.«.....^.......-.-. ..__.._ . - --- _--- -
<br /> othpr Ilen or encumbr�nco upOn the Proporty;
<br /> (c) A wnt pf�xoCUtion or a1laChmpM or any slmilFir proc�s�sh�ll bc+ontered against Trustar whfch shall becorno A Ilttn on ,
<br /> • • •���`� tha Property or any poAian th�reof or �nterqat thprqin; ' .
<br />_ �:��..���; (d) There shail be���ed by or ag��n;.t Trustar or F3orron�or an acuon under any �resant or luture fadarAl,stato or other ,
<br /> 1�;;:;:i�;� • ' stptute,law or regulAUpn r�+lnting ta b2nkruptcy.�ns�hanc`y ar othar rohat lor debtors;or there shpll be appolnted any truetee,
<br />• .' � � • roC0lver Or liqui�ator ot Tru9lor or Brrrqwer pr o1 all or any pttrt al thn Property,c�r the ronta,issuea ar profita thoreal,or Truotor
<br />� � � or Borrower ghall mt�k�any g�npral ass:gnmE�m tpr thp pt�npld a1 c�eddors; y part ot or any Intareal in the
<br />- (a) The s:11p,tranafer.Ip�se, �ss��nmc�nt.canv��y�nGa or lurther encumbranCe of all or an
<br /> _ Propany, eithpr v01;lnt�rily or �nvaluntflrily, withput thfl axprass wr�rion cansent ot Gonder, prov�ded thAt Trustar 9hall ba ; .
<br />- � pprmlflpd ta execute a►e�sa of tha Prqp�rty that da�s npt Contain 2n opt�On to purchase and the torm o1 whfoh daes nat exCeed
<br /> an�yair; .
<br /> (i1 Adandonment ai the Proporty;or , .
<br />_ (�� :!?'.•;r!7•;�t;0:;,;t���i����iuu�.�itp�.�:Utl�Gp,Sc1�H.l�p�81Qf,895i9��118f11,convoyanco or pnoumbrance o1 mo�e than a total
<br /> I
<br /> p� �1p►CP�)0)I�1 a COf�0�0U�f11 rtf�SSUOQ a�d OU181af1ding StOCk O�(11 i1 pAftl19f9h1p)a lOIAI O� perCent ot �
<br /> � partnpral�ip intarest�durinq thfl ponpd Ihis qopd ol Tru&1 romam9 2 I�en on tho Proparty.
<br /> 12. RHmedlea;Acceleratio�6Jpan Dofauli.ln tho eve�t o1 any Event of Qefault Londor mAy,without notice exoaptas raquired by
<br /> I�w, declare 811 indebt�dness s�CUrod horeby to be due 2nd payable and tha samo shall thereupon becomct dua and payable
<br /> without Any presantmenL dom�nd,protest or noUCe of a�y kind.Thoreaft�r Lendor mAy�
<br /> - (al OamAnd IhAt Trusteo exerc�se the POVL'ER OP SALE grantod harein, and TrunlPV shall thereaftar Causo Truotor's
<br /> � intere9l in the Property to be 9old�nd thp proCeeds to bo diatributed,all in 1ho mnnner providod in thp Nebraska Truet Oeeds
<br /> Aor,
<br /> _��t ' � ' (b) Exerciae any and all righta prov�dod lar�n any of tha Loan Inatrumant:�or by law upon occurrFnco ot any Event ol
<br /> -i • DetHUiC and
<br /> �� . (c) Commence an acUon ta tarocioso�n�fl Deed ol T�ue1 as a ma�tgage,appoint a receiver,pr apecdically entorce any of the
<br /> Cavenants hereaf.
<br /> � No r9medy hareln conferred upon or reserved to Trueteo ar Londer is intanded to bo oxcluarve ol any othar remedy hHt9in,in She
<br /> Loan Inetrumente or by law provlded or permitted,but oACh ahall be cumulatwo,shall be in additian to evory other remedy gwon
<br /> � - - horeund8r,in tr�a Loan►nsirumAnt;ar no:v Cr hore�tter ex!,hn��!��w or�n oct�nt;r or by sialuto,and may bp oxercisad concurrently.
<br /> � independently ar suacess�voly
<br /> 13. TruatBe.1'ho Truslap mny ros�gn at any t�mo w�lhout causo, and Londer rnay :�t any ur��o and w�thout cau�e appoint a
<br /> succos9or or su691dute Truataa.1'rustee shall not bo I�ablp to�ny party,mcluding withoul I�mdaUOn Londor.Borrowar.Truator or any
<br /> purchaser o1 the Proporty,tor any loss or damu{�o unles9 duo to rocklpss or willlul miscanduct.and shall not bo requirt�d to take any
<br /> �, aCdon In connoCtlpn w�th Iho onlorcoment ol this Doed of Trust uNess indemndiod, in wnting, Ipr all costs, compensaUOn or
<br /> expon9es whlch may be Associalad thorew�th.In atldiuon,Trustae may bocomp a purchaser at any salo ot the Propo�ty QudiC�al or
<br /> under the powor of ealp drnntad here�n);postpono tha salo ol all or any portion ol the Property,as prov�dad by law;or sell tho
<br /> ', Praperty ae a whol�,or in soparala pnrCels or lots at Trustoe's d�scrot�on.
<br /> �Q. Fooa nnd EHponooa.In tho evont Trustc�o seu5 thc�Proporty by oxprcisa ol powE�r ol salo.TruslvE�shAll do antitlOd t0 E1{�ply
<br /> ; any sala proceoda hrst ta pnymarn a1 au costs and oxponsos ol c�xoro�S�ng pow�r ol salo.�ncluq�ng au Trusteo's foos.and Londer's
<br /> .:,, and Trusteo's atlorney's teea,actually incurrod to extant{�ormittod by applicAblo law.In tho ovont Borrowor or Trustor oxorcisas any
<br /> ��. right providod by Iaw to cure an Event of Dot�ult.Lender sholl be entitlod to rocovor Irom Trustar all costs and oxppnses aclually
<br /> • incurrod 29 a r88u11 0}Tru�tar's del�u�t. ��c�uding tiv�thout limitallon all Truatoo's and ariomey'&loes, to tha oxtent pprmrtted hy
<br /> ��� app��cable taw.
<br /> .� •
<br /> 15. Fu9�Qo Advano09. Upon requc:�t p1 Borrowar, Lendor may, at its opt�on, make addiflonal and luturo advances An re-
<br /> advances te Borrower.Such advancas and readvancos,wnh interest thereon,shall be securod by thia Daed o1 Tru9t.At no time shAll
<br /> ,G the prinapal amount of the indobtedness secured by thia Deed ol Trust,rl�b�n��i�r�ums ddvancod to protaCt tho seCUnty ol thiS
<br /> " t Deed ot Truat,exceed 1he orlpinal principal�moum etatod hore�n,ar$ � whiChpver is gro8ter
<br /> �
<br /> �k � �
<br /> �i ..
<br /> i -- - —
<br />