\\ . .., ...,. .,
<br /> ' ��'` - ^, .1P�:.:'.1� `� i�'�1`� , � .�t. . . .. . . . � � . �1 , ..�. -,... . �4i.� . ,it':i '
<br /> � 5- .; tt'.�,�:t1:�J: �:t� . .-.. , �. . _
<br /> .�`'. . l'- , i� " 1 �.:'. � . . . ` �1�.. . ' . . . . , � \� • . ,. . . . .. '�. , .__. `_ `��_'_ --
<br /> ,. �. .. , . , '�.'Y� _' i .. �\. �. , ' . - -
<br /> .. .. . . . . . � .
<br /> '. . _.... . � - -
<br /> uawmir�+c+►----' . .. ..... . .__. �fi. • i`ss�:
<br /> � � �`.
<br /> ��� a.�.��oN��� � . , . ...._�.�:
<br /> - -�__._�.
<br /> - E�CKNS9INL,�.���ME:I�T �E�1���1 C'F TRt1�'ti� �>� � . -
<br /> ` .. . .. .���
<br />_. , � �
<br />. . . � . . _ ...._
<br /> F • TFiU�TOFI READ TNIS�F:FORF.SItaNIN�i: ' ��"�� .
<br /> Tru9tar underAtnndo lhclt lhp doaumoM that Tr��ntar In flb�ut to unu�uu�in n tlpad of Truet c��id not a mo+tflnpo c►nd thttl lhc�pawnr ,
<br /> ' ot onlo provlded t�r In tho Qoed o1 Truol pravldea aub�tantlatly diNor�ant riphl�tmd obligetlnne to Truatar than a mo►tgngo In thv ovonl _ _, ..
<br /> ----- .
<br /> of o dt�fault or brQ:roh a1 ob1►gclt4on uadAr 1hA�oed ot Truat,inaludin �iut��c�l Umitod to,tris l.andor'n rlph!lo�fifi avo tht�Prpporty aotd • ; __... _
<br /> .-- =---� by tho Trust�o tivHhot�l eny Judlolpl proanodtnfl. TtuetAt rqpruflont nntl w�«t►nta�qnt t aCknowlpdII�oM waA oxocutad by �
<br /> . _ ] TtU�tot botOtc�Iho oxooutlon of th� Uooq of I ruot. , j; I��'��b,•' �._.. :......_ � .-`- '
<br /> r�,� i . ._._..._
<br /> (A11� ��-f�`.����' h rus�� ~ .
<br /> �t �
<br /> � ammy . �sh) Trustor
<br /> .. �
<br />`;;;,' �;,�: :;�: .;:;; `; ���� ��'8'��I.�aT WOTb �!lTUR� AL1Vc�(�1�:�5 ',::� . ,:,. ;,,;, ; :;
<br /> i�t�tl-��i� ,� ,,`'� - - ;`5 y� t ,1��..�
<br /> , tS TNIS OEED QF T�WS�'.�s mec�a�a at ihe_. �'��� dTN�'f.��G�n�. _,�9��,bv Aitd Ampng � ,
<br /> , �; ,
<br /> •4 h9ich�el t�. Ea�st� & 1'ammy J. G69S�'1� h��sk��nc� & wlge �1 : ��� :
<br /> �� ' ''� ' �,' '� ih0 Tru9to�, --•_________ � '
<br /> f
<br /> whoso mullinq addrase Is ypZ S CI aussett Ave� Gr'arxJ 1 s(and� PlE 6s80��,{��j�91'ruator;'wh�athor on�or maro), , '
<br /> F ivt� Po i nts H�nk..A._Ll.�'�►r��k��4.�.F�.4�'���_2n_��_ .--- ---. �
<br /> tho 7ru9tee, i
<br /> who�v malllnflpddrosa Is P 0 �ax_ 1507.._Grand_ Isl�nd, N��68802-1507 _�__ �i�orc��n°Tr�i9lQ�"l, and � '
<br /> � i �
<br /> Fivo Polnta �ank _ _ . , ± t �•
<br /> iho BonOticitlry� _..._�-.------. ...-. � , .
<br /> whoso mAllinfl nddroa�lo . _� 0 f3ox 1507, C�rt�nd Isl�ntl, NE 60fl0�-1507 �i,or��n•��.andor"►
<br /> Fpf1 VAI.UA86G CONSIpERATIQN,inaludinp l,andar't+nKtanni�n oi cruclit id�n�ilicd norflin to M�G�����- P' 4c���� � '
<br /> & TA�[t2x.-J._._E�u��.---..-- (hnrnm "F3atro�vor" whf�IhHr One or mort�)tlncf thp Uuet hewin crontOd. ' ,
<br /> th�recolpt ol whloh Is hAroby aakna�vlodpod, Tr�iotc�r horoby inr�voaably grnnts�, t►anAlor�, convoys and asei(�ns to Tru9tqo,IN , t
<br /> TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE.Iar thp banphl nnd ea�unty of 4undtir,undat nnd 9uhlQCt to tho terms and candibon�harp�nuftet sot
<br /> Iarth,Iha roal proparty,d�saribetl nn fpllmva:
<br /> ____.,—. . . Lot One (1). Bloctc Four (41, Gla�.+asen Co�m�ry View A�lclitlan, Hall . ;.
<br /> �---_--J- _
<br /> County, Grand Islancl, Nebraska --
<br /> ..__... , _:: . „�:___ :_....,,,.,,�, ... u � �o , �� uN a n-+asaowwavs.easemenl8.riqhts.Prlvil89os and aPPurte- �.
<br /> _ iogaiiin�wiii"i aii uuu.,���ya,����N,..,�����n.... ..;:.;�:....,s.ce...�.3....y_ .-._ � . _ .... -_-
<br /> ni�ncE�a laantod thorean or in enyw�ee pertiiinin�tl�p�ata.and the r�3nt�.is�uos and pro6ts,reverslons end remaindera ihQ►eol.and '- - -
<br /> such per�onttl p�qporty tlttlt la etlUChed to tn�t�mprqvpm�nio en un Ic�constitute a lixturo,inaludin g but nol Innited to,heatinfl and
<br /> co011ng 0quipmpnt;and tapt�ihar w�ih tr�e namastttt+d or mantal mt�3rgst6,if any,which interpSts Etre herpby roleased�nd waived;all .
<br /> ol whiCh,�nCludln�replucomE�nip and tiddilionF thnrc;to.re h�reby dac�ared to bv a p�rt o1 the reai estatc SeCUred by the lien o1 this
<br /> ' � Daed ot Truatand ali of thR(qregping being ref�;rred to ht�rqin as the"Property'. ,
<br /> Thia Deed Ot t��u51 shall seourq(a)ihe payment of thc�pnnc�pal Sum and interest evidenced by a promiasory note or credit
<br /> . ': agrAam�nt dAtad ���Q Z4, 1991 _._._._, hnving amaturiry date ol ��°�Y �' ��94 ,
<br /> ` . • in ths oriqinal prinnipal emaunt of S��-031.50 __�__.., and any and all modihcations,oxtenaians and renewale
<br /> tharqaf or ther9ta and nny and all lutura advancoa and readvnncos to Borrawer (or any ot Ihem d more than one) heraunder
<br /> • • purnuAnt ta onn or mpre promiasory notes ar credit agrac�menta�harein ca�led"Note"Y(b)tne payment ol other sums advAncad by
<br /> ' l.�ndar to proloat thp aaCUrlty o1 the Nate;lc;ihe poAormanCO o1�fl I covenanta and agreements af Tru9tor set lorth herein:and(d)�II
<br /> �, prnsan�and luturo indebtednass and obl�gation,ol Borrowor(or any ol them�I more than one)to Londar whether direct,IndireCt, :
<br /> • aqfloluta or continpent and whether ar�smg by note,guaranty. overdratt or othorw�se.The Note,Ihis Doed ol Trust and any And all
<br /> pihpr dpCUanta lhat�ecure the Note or othenv�se execulod in connecUOn therowrth,includmg without hmrtatian guatanleas,9ecurity
<br /> apfqem6nt9 and asslgnment� of lepaes a�d rents,shall ba r�ferred ta hE�rOin:ts Ihe"Loan In9lrumen�9".
<br /> Trustor COVenanta and agrees with Lentler a9lollows:
<br /> � t. Payment ot Indabtednoso. Ai1�nnebteaness secu�ed r�eret�y�shall b�pa�d when dae
<br /> ' 2. T811e. Tru9lor �&iho owner o}lhe P�operty.has tre r�qhi and authonty to convey�he Proporty, and warrams that the hen
<br /> Crvated hereby ia a lust and prlor i�en on �he Proper��. except tor uens and oncumbrarces se� lorth by TruStor �n wriUng and
<br /> doliverod to Lender betore execution of ihis Deod ol 7rust,and if�e oxecution antl dolrv�3ry o1 ih�s Deed o1 Trust does not violato any
<br /> comract or other obhgatlon to which Trustar�s sub�ect.
<br /> 3. Tt�xell,AeeaesmeMa.To pay beforF delmquency�iu��ir.us. auv���l assussmonls and all o�h�r cnarg�s ac���nst lne Proparty
<br /> now ar hereafle�leviod.
<br /> 4. InauranCe.To keep the Praperty insured aga�nst damn.ye hy hre.h��zarn5�nciuUUd wnhm ino tarm"c�xtondad coverago".and
<br />' such other hazards as Lond�r m�y requ�re,�n emounts rind w��h cumpanios JCCLplablr t��Lundc�r.nam�nq 4undor as an addiUonal
<br /> namod IR�uretl, w�lh l089 payeble t4 lhe LHnn�r In r.ase o1 loss und�r such uohcios.tno Lundar is authonxod lo ed�u�l,collect and
<br /> compromise,all clAime thareundor and shFi�l have the opt�on of apply�n�ali or p�n c�t thu insu��nco proceeds p)to any mdobtodnoss
<br /> secured heroby and m euch ordor as Londer m[�y dotprmine.��n lo tho Truslor io b�usod lor the rapa�r or rostoralion p11hp Property
<br /> or(iil)1or anyolher purpose or ob�ect saustactory to Lenda�wnho�t aflocUng 11�o I�on ol In��Doed ot Trust lor thp lull amoum 9�cured
<br /> hereby be}ore such payment evar took plACe.Any applir.:�tian uf proco�ds to�ndobtodnoss shall nat cexinnd or posipono Ihp due
<br /> date of any payments undar the Note, or cure any delaull Uioroundor or hereunUOr
<br /> 5. Eearow. Upon writt�n demand by Lencier.Trustor shnll pay ta 4endor,in such mannor as I.ondor moy designate,sufliciont
<br /> 9ume to enabin Lender to pAy as they become due ono or more ol the follow�ng ��)all taxes.assessmant:�and othor chArges against
<br /> tha Property,�ii)tho premiuma on the proporty �n�uranco re.quued horeundor.�nd Uu1 tho premiuma on any mortgago �nauranCa
<br /> roquirod by Lendor.
<br /> 6. MAilttoniin00, Ropalr0 and CompNanev wNh Lawo, Trustor shall keop lh� Property �n c�aod contlition and repnu, �hnll
<br /> promptly repeir, Or replace any improvoment which rnay be damagod or destroyetl, sh�u not commd or porm�t any waste ar
<br />„ deterloratlon of the PrOperty;shall not romove, demol�sh or substanually alter any o1 tne�mprovements on the Properry;shall not
<br /> � commit,suHar or permit any act to be done�n or upon the Property�n v�olauon of any Iaw.o�dinanco.or regulation;and shall pay and
<br />'� promptly dlscharge at Truetor's cost and oxpense a�l hdns,encumbrances and charc�es lewed,�mposed or assessed aga�nst th�
<br /> Property or any part thereot.
<br /> 7. Eminont Qomaln.Lender is horvby assigned all compensation,awards.damages antl other paymonts or ret�of(h�re�natte+
<br /> "ProCe�de")In ConneCtion wlth Condemnation or other taking o1 the Property or part thervol,or 1or conveyance in lieu of condamna-
<br /> i tlon.Lender ehall be entltled al Its option lo commonce,appear in and prosocute in�ts own name any action or proceedinga,and
<br />:� � ahall also be entitled to make Any compromise or settloment in connection w�th such lak�ng or damage.In the event any portion ot
<br />�' H8C 34871Nono9�KUUwU Dnaal Flav 10•08
<br />� m 10Ud N�twnoi Blnw o�Commerro Lun and Sov�npa Anouaaon.L��KOin.HeMOS�e
<br />'!.
<br />�- i _ . . . ._. . ._ . . . _ ... . ...
<br />