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<br /> �_ ,. _ _ 1B. N11eaAll�n�ou�ProvlW�n1. - `_��`,
<br /> �� __ _ (a) Bbrrow�r Nat Retaaoe�l.E:xtAnAlan a11ho tlmo 1ar puyment or niodliloatlon o}amartl�ttttlon o11hp suma saaurod by thl� — .
<br /> �:; '-� baad o1 Trus!�ranted by luntlor ta An�r suGao�sor in Intt�rost al8orrower ahAll nol oporata to rolonao,In Any mnnnm,tho Unt+liily ` ��* ,-•
<br /> = of the orlpinnl EortOwar and�orrowo►a aucooaaore In Intatp�t.Lundor ohpll nol be roquirqd to cOmmanco ptoceedinos a�elrt�l
<br /> �'` nt�oh euaaa3sor or roiune ta oxtc�nd timo tar pnymant ui oti�attvis�modity amoriir.ai�on�s/th�auma sacurad by ihla Qsed oi Trust �_ —__ _
<br /> — - - ,._ .. �. , -
<br /> •� •+� « by►oa�on o(any dc�mfln da mAdt�bg ihu orl�fn[il Hor�owar and Sormt+�er's sueaesse�e In Intoresl. �
<br /> '-.:`�;' � (b) Lendar'�Puwaro. WRt�au�t�ftacUng thc�U�pllity ol Any othor paraon Il�bla tor the pnymant o1 any obltpntlan haral� � �� �, -• - =�
<br /> =�_�: montic�nmd,a�d�vithrus aN�cu��a ih�+u���vr cnarge of this Dnod of Trust upon�ny portion a}tha Propnrty not th�n or thorotolaro
<br />��. . � ', rc�tet�i,od as 9FCUr(ty far tAv lull am�ue�!ol All unpAid obll{�atlone,l.andor may,lrom tlmo tu tlma and wlthout notiaa(l)rolanea any .
<br /> _.,�,�t;�r�.:�:,1�;,,,•,�. . • , .
<br /> ,} ; porflen a�Ilablo,(Iq ext�nQ the mat�riry or�Itar any o1 tha tarm9 of��ny suoh abllpnpona,(III)yrnnt athar Indulponnp9,(Iv)►elac�av
<br /> �.���^.;•.� � ;;:: o�raoonvoy,ar oause ta bo rc�tp�apd or r000nvayod c�t nny tim�nt l.ondvr's optian nny p�rcol,portlan or nll of tho Properry,
<br /> . � �� (v)tako or rolpnaa Any othar or�ddltlonnl soourlty lor nny obiigntlon horaln mentlonod,nr(vl) meko aampoeltlane or othur „
<br /> � a►rnnpamanta wlth dobtaro In relE�tlun thorota. �
<br /> �o) Farhearnnae by Londar Nol a Weiwr.Any forboerpnc�by Londor In oxorclslnp nny rlflht or ramqdy horoundor,ar ,
<br /> - - " othArwlsa nNarded by appilceble law, ahc►II not bo a walvar ol or praoludp tho oxurclso ut nny euah rlpht or ramady.Tho ,. . •
<br /> ��•• �� praaurnntent o1 In�uranco or tho pc�ymont ot laxoa or alhor Ilone or chc�rpas by 4ondar flhflll nol bo a wuivor at Londar'e ripht to ,
<br /> acavlerata the n►nturity ol 1ho IndoQtadnoss eoaurod by this �aed nl Truet.
<br /> ' (d) 6uaeaton and Aalp�w 8ou�di Jotnl end 8w�n1 I.leblllty;C�pltom.7hp covqnante nnd opraomonts hotaln Ct�n•
<br /> talnod�hAll bind,and tho rlphte haro►andor Ohnll inuro to,lha rospoativu ouaoosaore And t�eaigna ol4ondor�nd Truetar. All �
<br /> � -- covo��ante and t►grnemonta ol7ruetor eholl bo J�Int c�nd eovoral.Tho cuptions nnd hoadlnpo al tho puruflrnphe of thls pood o1 �
<br /> � � ' Trust aro tor conven�anco ony pnd aro not to bo uaod to Intorprat or datina Iha provislone hareot.
<br /> ' � (p) R�quo�f for Notice�.Tha partloa horoby roquoat ihal a copy ot any notlaa o1 dafnult herounder nnd a capy at any notica , •
<br /> � � ' of eAlp hprpunder be mallod to oaoh parry to this Doad ol Truel at tha addresa sot lorth abovo In tho mAnner prooarlbed by , ;,
<br /> appilcabla Ipw.Excopt tar any othor notlao roqulrad under nppllGt�ble law to be gfven In anothor mannor,c�ny notlaa provldod ; '; +�
<br /> � lo�In thlp Dead of Tniat ahAll ba plven by maltlnfl euah notlaa by cerllliPd msll addrassod to tha othor pprtlos,al tho pddrpss set
<br /> � tohh ahovo.Any notlpo provlded tor In thl8 poed ot Trust shAll be ettectiv�upon mallinp In tha mannei daslgnAtod horoln.11 �:`;�-..A
<br /> � � T►ustar la moro thAn anp perAOn,natlCe sent ta tha addrass sat larth Abova shall bA natiGe to all euch persona. _,Y�"
<br /> (I) I�epeallan,l.endar may m�fka or oauso ta be made rea9onablo ontrlos upon and Inepectlone o1 tho Property,provided
<br /> � � l��at I.endar ahall fllvu Truotar notice prlar ta nny auah Inspecllan specifying re�sonablo cauat+tharafor rolatad to Lende►'e _
<br /> " intorp�t I�tho Property•
<br /> • (g� Reaanveyanae,Upan paymant Oi all sums seourad by thls Deed of Trust,l.onder ahall request Trustae to reconvey tha , ,,_
<br /> • Proporty and ahpll surrender thla Qeed ot Truat and all natas evidencing indQbtedness s�cured by this Deed of Truat to Trustee. ,
<br />;; � T�uatap ahHll roGanvoy tha Praparty wfthaut w�rranry and without ch�rg�t�tho pprson or persons lac�t►ily entitlod thereto. ; , �
<br /> TfUflSPT 8hall pay 811 G09t9 01 IfjCO�dptl0il,11&fiy � ' t"
<br /> (h) PerRO�al P�oqerty;8acu�ity Agroemanl.As add�tic�nnl secur�ty ior the payment o1 tha Note,Truator hor�by grants .
<br /> ` Lender under thp Nabraska Unitarm Cammerclal Code o security�ntereai m aii tixturos.equipmem,and other personfll proporty ,
<br /> uflod in conneatian wi98 i►ta reat 8stata or issspvovem�nts IQCaeQ�tnc,��pn,and nol otherwise deClared or deemed to be a p�1rt ot � i_.
<br /> • ° the refll eatAta aeaurad hereby.Thi9 InetrumeM shall 6a construed as a Socurity Agreement under said Goda,and the Lenp�r ��-
<br /> _ _ ,_ __ ,
<br /> ahnll have oll thv NghtB�nd remodlea o1 a securod party undor sald Cudo in addition to the rights and remodios creatad undor ,.�� ,
<br /> and aocorded the Landar purauAnt to thl�Qeed ol Tru81;prov�ded that Lencier's ilphte and remadles undflr this paragr�ph shall � .
<br /> �� �__.,'-�--_.-._._.... „__ .,.. �.,., ,..� .i..�.+�n..�+.ama��a4�,ndAr anv other aecuriN agreement aigned by � ._ :, - _. __ _
<br /> -�------�._:.,.._ .__ .. ,
<br /> .. be CUfIlU1StIV8 Wlltl.Af1U IIl nP Wtly a ii��iitatiu���+��,4u��d...�..v...-...._._..._...__ . , ..... . ... . .—. -_
<br /> - - � ._ :
<br /> ' Borrowar or Trustor. , `
<br /> (�� Llanu And E��umdrnnaoa.Trustar horeby warrants�nd represents that thara�s no dalnult undvr the provislona o(any ! :
<br />_ mOrtgp�e,deed af truat,leasp or purchAaa cOntrACt dascrib�ng all o�any part o1 tho Proporty,Pr other cantraat,InalrumpM or `
<br /> agreemenl canatituting a Ilon ar c�ncumbranco a�c�lnst all ar any part ot tho Proporty(collecllvely,"Lfona"),oxloting as ot the �
<br /> dAta ot thls Oeed a1 Truat,and that any And�11 exlsting l.i�+n�rom�m unmoddied except as disclo9ad to Landor in Truatar's f
<br /> wrltl�n dlsclosure a1 Ilons and encumbrances pravlded tor herein Trustor shall tlmely parlorm all 01 Trustor's obllgAtians,
<br /> aovonants,repreoenlatlona end warrantias under any and�II ex�&iting and luturp Lians,ahall promptly lorward to Lendar coPiva ;
<br /> ot all notlpP9 01 dotAUll aent in connectlan wilh any and all c�xi5�ing or 9uturo llena,and shall not wlthout(.endar'9 prior written ,
<br />