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— : ' �� ' � . ��,�,- ��,j,� <br /> - • � j' „ � _ ` _,. ' -. _r . ' , , ,. �•• . . __ e= -.-:r=� <br /> - .� � � .,.... Y._..1•:�a�i7.i-..�Y-.:��.�'�t�:'..�._.�...=..��R"iiw:.f*.`,�..�s:'.�en•� .. .. ._ _.......�x . �y__ <br /> - .,.�-:�.s� . <br /> � .��:.�r��rifdlr�ra�� Jp.�� <br />--- � ,� � .�-..T_.—..- ..--------' V�� ���r� --------- . .. . ... <br /> __ _ __�9-� periudn thnt Lc�ulcr rccp�l�cs. 'i'ho insurnnco cnn�icr psovidln�tho Insur�?nc�Fi�nil hc chnscn by Aoc�r►wcr Fuhtoc�t t��l.cnQcr� <br /> - — � aly�rnvul w41ch utu�p ncu!��u1n.�u��.ltily wltl►lirld. If itc�rtawi x f+►Uu u�mnin�nln v�►vi+raoa d��:.�rli��l flhnv�,�!flt�eler�►tHy.t�t <br /> -_ .:�-4rot� �—. — <br /> "_ ��---- <br /> R � � LrnJcrb upUun,uGt�6�6u�crage tu prut::cl Lendc���rfgttts tn ih:.Pru��iy!n Arcutdu�tcw wlth para�tuph 7. �� <br /> _ I►1!lnsurpnco pallcics and nenotvu��:shuU ho ncrcptab!o to I,en�tc�r nrul r,h:tll lncludo n stunclnr�l�ttnrtB���e clnu4c, t-cn�tr.r <br /> _ — -- --- - HhA�I Itt1VC tI1G+ti$Itt!tt htll(1(ItC�11fIICIC.4�tri1l F8t104YUI8. IY Lo��±r�cctulrus.liurt�wcr�;hnit praan{uly�Ivo ta l.c��ler all rccai�t.9 <br /> - --_ --- of Nutd proadunis mid renewut notices, In tho ovcnt aP tosa,Barrowor efwll pivo proa��i notico to tho lnsurnncp c�utiet wtd -- <br /> ��= , _ . _ __ - - <br /> s� Lcndcr. l.cndcr���ny mako praof ot`losy if nut mncto pmmptly by Harrow��r. <br /> - -= � � ltnte:,l�ncl;,:a�c1 8afsav:re ashcru:l�agra itt writing�i�snrance prac«�Se�:��1! t�a appl€�-d to rGstaiatE��i vr��►-�i�vi' �---_— <br /> tho Prc�pr.��y�Inmaued, if tit� rcsti�rnlion or rcpair la cconamicnlly fcmible� nnd Lcnctc�� nccudty i5 �iot te�.�ened. If tho <br /> • �e.r•tomtion oe r�ptdr iy nat�co�tunticnl{y fe�t�{btn ur l,cnderi+sccarity woutd lr�tesscnrd, thc tasumnce pra:ceds eha8 bo �'"_`�"� <br /> upplicc: tn tho Nuuia tiecuccd by thie Sec�uity Ina�n�ment, whether or not then dn�.with nny oxresa pidd tc� Narn�wer. If <br /> Nnnowcr«bnndan» tho Nraper�y,ar daeN nut unwwer withln 3U doyx �notico fn�rn l.ondor that tito insuranco corcler hus <br /> _ � � ��ffercd t��se�tlo n cinim.then Lender muy cnllect the insu�ance praceeda, l.ender rnay us� the pr�ceeds ta repair ar�storo - - <br />. �f:,� -}i.�, , tt�o Pro�xny or to pny xums eecurcd by tliis Securlty instn�mont�whethcr ur not thcn duc. The 3U-dc�y perlad will l�c�ln when -""� -�� <br /> �-- , ��� • thv naHcc ly given. � -- - <br /> ,t '' - ° `4 n�Aat:r'.` Unlcsy l,endcr und qorrawer�thenviso ngrea In wrlNng, nny cipplicntion uf nmceedx tn pr�ncipal xhidl n�►t extand ar <br />:�� � �, �`.�;, postpcmc thc duc date of thc manthly pnyments�efcrrcd ta in pan�grnphs 1 nnd 2 or chungc thc nmuunt af tho pnymcntq. lf <br /> � �M:-��,5 �ti� µ.,,` under p:lfilj;fll}1F1 2) Ih0 P1'f1F1C�'1y is licquired by Lender. HOIi[1WC��1 (�eltt l0 ilI1Y I�19UfitIlCl' pulicice nnd praceeds resuldng ___.___. ___-- <br /> Yrum dumni;e ta the Property prior ta the acquiaiti�n c;hnll puss to l.ender ta thc oKtent nf thu h�imti hccurc�d by thi�Sccudty -- -- - - <br /> ��.= --- <br /> �.�r., __.,.�.,w i� Instrumcnt immcdiiUCly pric�r to the acquisition. � <br /> �{�'� � � � 6. 04cupnncy, P�eservuUon, Mulntennnce and PratecNun uP tha Property; Horruwer's I.oao Applicntlon; �_�_ <br /> I.ei�sehold9. Hormwer nhufl occupy.etitiibifhfi,nnd utio t ho P rc+p�rty as Hnnc►wer b pr 1nc ipa i rusi denco wit h in sixty duys aPter �=�;.:� <br /> � � �� '�f+ thu exccuH�m af thiK Security Inx�n�ment und�hull continuo to uccupy the U'rnpeny ns sarcnwer�princlpnl nsidenco �or nt ,_�=�,�;,� <br /> " Icnxt onc ycnr uftcr thc duto af �ccupsuuy, unicsx I.cadcr iHhcnviso ngr�es In wriUng, which consent ehi�ll nat bc - - <br /> - . • unrea���mi�hly withhuld,or unless extcnuntin&circumxtnncos oxist which nre beyond Burrawcrk cantroi. 8orra�ver xhnll nat '��"���;_y <br /> � . deslr�y.dnm��go nr lmpnir the Pruper�y, cilla�v thu F'roperty ta detcrlorute,or commit wasto an tho�koporty. Banower shull ;:: _ r <br /> . t+p in defnult if uny foneiture netion or prc�ceedinF;,whother civil or crimint�i,i�c boFun that in l.endor4;gaad Pidth Jud�mont '�'°� <br /> . cauld rosult fn farfoituro o1'tho Propeny or otherwiso materlully impuir thc lian rrouted by �hia Serurity Instniment or �""�'''�",n�. _- ._._r <br /> l.ender!�security interest. Horrmver may curo,uch u detauU nnd minstnte,ns provldc�d In pnrt�gruph cnusing tho nctlon -;; �a�"'.=_ <br /> ar pracceding tu tw dismisscQ�vith u ruljng thul,in l.endcr4�good fiiith detcrminmiun,prcriucks farfcituro af thc Borrawcr` _ � . _ <br />