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' ... . _���,. �.�?''�'�'.�� , .. _ '... " - <br /> , . <br /> ,�"� - : •,-_�..• -t " , , . - � � .,� - - _ z� - - <br /> . . . ,, r� _ _ <br /> . . : � �t�._. . ... �: <br /> .,..�... . -- , . <br /> .. � .__.,.__. <br /> -,.,�. � � :� � - _ ._..,_.�._....•..�._...,.._.-.,._� _._�`� �..�,.�,:_.�.�.�:, . . . .. . .-� ___ . -- -_...._ ___ . _ <br /> .._.��s'... ......� � � <br /> �.�.�— - <br /> __"r` �d����'� <br /> — <br /> ._ <br /> �� <br /> - - - co�t�icmnsuian or uther tnking af nny pnH oY tho Mrup:rty�nr t'ur convoya�zco in licu nti candcmnaNan,n��hec�hy�iv�,ig�tcd�u��l <br /> ... <br /> -- ------- eNnil(w pni�i ta i»enctcr. <br /> _—" - tn tlta cv�nt of s► t:st�f tlt;in� af tho 1'cap.rty. tfic n�:.r�.d5 �hnN h,, n�lt:.�i tn th� �;unt, s�ct�i.ii by ti�iti ��4uiity <br /> ---- <br /> � _ - - <br /> --° - instrtimcuti�vhcihcr or nut thcn diro.witii uny cx�axs pni tn I3nrrowcr. In tho ovom n�n partint tnkin�of rho lrra�ety in � <br /> - _ ___--_— w1�irR�d:e fi�{r m�rkct valun uf the p�+��ony h►m�cdlately hef�►�j It��tt�klug iw eq�tal t���s Lrenter ihan ttte amnunt af the rsumv - <br /> -- _-,-�----��_----- seaur..�1 hy this Seru�ity {nstn�ment intimediHtelg hei'�,�1{�a t:�klnp�unlQys Hossuwer u��d�.r�ntcr��ti��visr-nprc In�vdting, <br /> _ _-��== tho sums cecurcd I;y this 3ecu�ity tn�trunzc�t shall tw rv�luc�;cl by thc��ni�unt oF U►o pj•ureeJs�r�uUipliC�1 hx 1hp fi�ltpwi� �_ _._ ___. <br /> --- fmcNon: (u)tho tutal nm��unt uf thc aums scrurcd immediiu�ly bcTu�•c thn tnkin�,dividcd by(b)tho lair mnrkct vnluc uf t}�c - <br /> – :=;i�;"�''�' �id}2�y �i'iiiilZtl{8f2{j+ I��Oi2 t�io fttlt{�i�;. Atiy h.t�un�C sh:d) bo puid ta �vrYa���Cr. ln tho cvcrzt af a �anial tak'ing af fio <br /> Property In which the fnir market vnluo af tho F'ropc�ty i�amedintely bofbrc ttn�Iakicp iA Icss thnn the nmaunt uf tho�;ums - <br /> , - sccurcd immcdfutcly bofaro thn tukin�, untess Ciarrower nnd I.ender ntherwiso o�reo in �vriting ar unless opplicnbte law -- <br /> . _ n4hec�viso provides,the pmrecdy xhnll be appliect ta tho Fuma ticcu�r:d by thiy Sccurity inytrument wheiher ar nat thu fiumy are <br /> - � � �hen�1uc. ° <br /> _�,,.,��, �; ! !f the E'rapcny Is nbundancd by Aarrawe�,ar if.oftcr nuliro by I.endcr ro B�irnnvcr th�►t tho condemnor offcr�to mnka � <br /> _ �� `=;`'•� nn c»���►rd or nettle ci clnim fnr dmm�gc�,Rurrcnver fidly ta rerpimd ta l.ender within 3l1 dny9 nftcr the dnto�hc noti�:e is�;wcn, <br /> "f��''� �='�-'' ` l.ender iy ttutharircd tn cuil��t und npply Iho pr�x;ccd.r•,ut its optian,oither to resturiulon or rep�ir af tho F'r�peny ar ta�ho --- <br /> . c.�h_•�- _ �. <br />._";�• aumx xccured by thiy Scourity lntitnnnunt,whethcr ar n��t Uicn duc. <br /> �� , Unlesy l.ender nnd eorrnwer atitarwise iigrce in wrlting. nny upplicuUan �if pnKCedti!a principul eh711 n��l extend or <br /> "'+� � pastponc tho duc dntc af ihc manthly puymenty refcrrcd to in pan►gruphx 1 and 2 ur chan�;a ihn amuun�af�uch puymcntr•. - <br /> •�. _-r��„�'�; 11. llorrowcr Not Retensed; Fbnc�i�rnnce Q�y I.ender Nnt n �Yaivc� fixt��nrlun uf tl►e timu far �uymem ur � <br /> � '�: :•-- modificntion nf iunonizmiun uf thc i;um.r•securcd hy thlx Sccurlty lnhtrument�rimtcd hy I..cndc�ta uny surrcy�m•in fntcresY <br /> '��j''":`.` af HuRawer�hall not opcu�tc ta relei��o thc liiihil�ly af thc�rinin�d L�armwer ur Horrawcr4 sucressan in inter�st. Lendor ____-_____ <br /> . ,,;;;+�;�^'+ • � � �'� ehnll nat bo requimd tu rcmimenre pr�x:cedingv ugninst imy s��ccessar in lntcrest ar reflise ta eKtend time far payment�r ��� <br /> �t . :Y r,° •� �i. othenvlse mcxiify nmorti•r.c�tinn of th�sums sccured by�his SccurUy Instrument by reasan af uny demund mude hy thu ari�innl = ---- <br /> . . �" . " H��rrower ar Borrnwcr4 succasxorx in Intc�ust, Any fort+ciiramre by l.endcr in excrci4ing uny right or remcdy shnll nat bc a �,:�_��� <br /> }•, . r '''' .� �=, aniver nf ar prccludo tho exen:isc of imy rlght or remcd�. • <br /> _ . ,,� �~ 12. �ucccssars nnd Assignx Nound;Joint and tiovcrnl Llnbllityi Co•SlHncra. Tho cavcnunty and u�mcmcntb oP this � W�; .__ <br /> � Security lay��ument ehnll bind nnd benofit the sucresr�►r� nnd nnsi�;nr uf l.ender nnd B�rrower.xubJect u��he pr��visiuns ot' r � '="' <br /> "'°'`a�-''-_ <br /> ` " "" parugruph 17. Borrc�wery cavenunty i�nd uKreemrnt�: rhall he joint imd tiuverul.Any Borrawer wha cn•si�;nx thi� Security _ -- _-- <br /> , � � lnstrume�t but doeti oat execute the Ni�te; (n)i�c��•tiignin�thiti Security Intit�umont only to mortgiige,�;rnnt i►�d cnnvoy thnt -' <br /> , ' Horrawcr4�intcrest in thc Property undcr thc tcrmti uf thtti Sccu�i�y Invti�anont; (h)iti not Rcrsonuliy ubliguted tu pery thc su►ns � . -. <br /> , „ sccwcd by thie Sccurily Inxtrumrnt;imd(r)ugrecy�hut l.cndcr imd uny��ther Nu�mwcr mi�y iiyrca tu extend,m��dify,fi�rbcur . ' �- _ <br /> • nr mokc i�ny nccomm��di�tionv wUh rcgunl to Ihc tcrn�s af thin Srcurlty Instn�ment or thc Notc withaut ihut t3i►ttawcr� .'_ -_ - _ _____ <br /> , .` . ' � . canscnt. �_:._�...:�;. , <br /> 1J. Luim Chargtw. If thu luun sccurrd by this Sccuri�y Instrument iti tiubject to i� luw whicl� ,cts muximum lonn ' <br /> � • � '` chnrgex,i�nd thiu inw f�finally inte�mcled ti��thtu Ihe interrrt ur n�her lann chnrges rollerted ur to he culiec�ed in eunnecUan �"""''-"�"01i�- <br /> • ' . with thv loun cxcced the pcmiiucd limitr,�hen: (u1 any huch loi►n churgc zhull tx�rc�iuced hy�hc umc���nt nccessnry to rcducc .::�:.Y.�'.- <br /> � `� the chnr�c t��tho permitted IImU;und(h)cmy�umn ulreiidy rollectcd from Borrc►wcr which exrcrded p�rmiucd Ilmity will bo � S�° <br /> .. �on►ndc to Hurrawcr. Lcnder mi�y ch�x»c t��mukr Ihi.rcfund by reducinN thc��rinripal owrd undcr thc Nntc n�hy mnkinp c� .�,„ <br /> direct payment m Hi���owcr. if u rofund reduceti principal.thr rcducti�m wiU t�c ireutcd u��i pnitfiil prcpuyment without uny ; � <br /> � prepAymcnt cl�nrgc undcr th�N��tc. • ���� <br /> __-- --- -- --__ l4. Notice�. Any naticc tu Burruwur roviQed lim in th�5�����i 'tv I� rn . � o(y_��.� ((_��Yi'lJll� !! u! by - -�'�a <br /> �+ 1 C!, ! nl_ 1 h!ll F,v_. u � v � u ..�,��� <br />- ..- - . - mailing ie hy�r�t claxq muil unlexx i�pplics�hle laiw nquircr uye:sf c�nather methcxi.7'he notica shuil h�ctirrcted tu ihr Pru�r�ty -. <br /> Address ar imy rnher iiddresti H��rrowcr dcrignutrti hy nntirc tu Lrndcr, Any nuUcc!o l.cndcr tihiil)hr hi�•cn hy lir�t rluys � � <br /> � mc►11 to l.endcr�iiddretis.rliucd hcr�in ar��ny��ihcr�uldrcti�l.rn�lcr dc�iNnntcy by�unirc tn H�,rruwcr. Any noNrc pruvided fc�r „ � ' . � . <br /> in thiy Securlty Intitrumcnt �hull he dcemc�i tu huvr Ixrn given �u Nnrr����•rr ar Lcndcr whcn given i►+ pruvidcd in thix ,� <br /> � piiru�r,�ph. <br /> ,, IS. (iaverning I.n�v; tieve��tblllty. '1'hiti Sccurity ln�trumen� rhull he�;overned by federnl It►w ,md thu luw ui'!hr <br /> . Ju�isdictian in which the 1'rapeny is loc+ned. In ihe cvrnl th�n iiny pruvitilun ar ciauru�,f thi.ti Security In+t�umrnt��r the N��tu • <br /> ' cnnfliclr�with i�pplicuhlc law,ruch runtlir�tihnli nu�ad'lert othrr pruvitilun+ui'ihi.Srcurlty(nrlrununt ur thc Nutc which cun , <br /> . , bc given efi'cct ���ithaut thc c�mtlictinEc pruvitilcm. '!i� thl� cnd thc praviriun,uf thiti So.:urity In,U�unf�nt and tl�c Nutc u►c • <br /> dcclnred t�he hevcu►hle, <br /> .� 16. Barruwer'y Cupy. I��irru��•cr�hull hr�ivrn unr cunt'�,rmr�l cupY at'�hc Notc��n�l ut'this tircurity Intitrument. .. <br /> •• 17. 71�nn�Per oPthe Pr�,pertv��r u Nenef�cini lote�evt In Nnrr�n��er. It'idl ur cmy p:�rt ul'Ihc 1'�u�u rty nr uny interc.rt In ' � <br /> � it is�ald ar trimxfcrred lar it'u tnnrfiri�il i��trrr.t in Horruwc� is,uld ur trun�t�rroil nnd Harruwcr is nat u nuturai pers��N <br /> • , wilhout Lond�r�pri��r wrlucn rument. Lrndcr mciy,nt itti uptiun,rr��uir� immc�liiuu pnymrnt in full uf i�ll,umti ticrurc�l hy ' � <br /> this Securlty lnstrumeru. Ha��•c��cr,thi>.nptian r.h:�U not h�e��rri•,e�t h�•I.eutl�r il'��i�'�i�.�1�,p�uhihitcd by fr�tcral lua•.��c�f .. . <br /> ,. Ihc dato c+P thi,Scetu�ity Intitrumcnt. <br /> Ii l.endc�cxerriscti this uptiun,l.rnd�r ahull�;ivr Huri•ua•rr nu�irc ul�i►rrclrr�tiun. 'I'hr nutice.hnll pruvi�lr i�prri�xi c�l' • � <br /> � �� ,� � n��t leKS thim�ll dnyti f'nnn ihe dinr thu nutire i,drHvrred„r muUcd within���hirh Nnr�awrr mu.t pay u�l tiunn,rcur�d hy thi+ <br /> SccurUy lntitrumcn�. IP E3urruwcr 1'uil+ ti� pny �hr.� ,un►. priur tn �hr cxpiruiinn ��f thi� peri��d, l.cndrr muy hrvuke anry <br /> remedic�prrmiucd hy thiti Scrurlty biti�rument wi�hout further nutic.�ur dein;mJ un Hurrowrr. f <br /> , 1N. Burrower•x Rluht tu itcln�tutc. II' Hurruwcr nuc�ti ccrtuin r�,ndiUunti. Hnreuw.r +h�dl im�•r �hr right t�� htrvc I <br /> enforcemem ul'thi��reurity In.rtrument�Ii.cuntinur�l;n iuty dmr priur�u Ih►c��rlirr ul': la►S�I;�y.(ur,urh uthrr prri�kl i�ti � <br /> � � � <br /> _ tiiupL••F.+mll� . Fi���rdi!11ar!bresldlcltacl'ti!t'!)H11l��7'Y.l'�lt:\'i' t'mt.�rmC.titi:n,tnr, 9r?0 (p,��,a..l;.p,.,...; � <br /> � ' ` � , <br /> —'-.—_---_— �---. _._„_ -_ ' - - <br /> , � �._. � - <br /> . 'p U � ' • � . ' . <br /> k� . , <br />.. �7� .. . ' '.. - ' . <br /> �'� � � ' � <br /> r , .. <br />. Y�� �.. � � � <br /> � ~- •' •. ' � �' - i <br /> f ' � , � , <br /> � � � , , <br /> .: �; • .. � . ' , . ' . . . , , ' <br /> ,. <br /> , � . <br /> . . <br /> .. , , <br /> _ . , . <br /> . _.�, . , „ <br /> . :. _�. ��� __ __ ,.° � - . .. . ._ .. . <br />