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,�rii� -��n i�, y T . . . „ } j � ' - ` . � ` 1 �' -- <br /> - o,} - � � ,-�s <br /> j' ,,�w ' . __ '....�' ''' �' _ .. h `� . _ �.���{s-..�. . . � - . ��Sf- _- <br /> :_ .n 3 S� .,�X _ .............. ..... _ ..., ..1�- , .. � "_..._.:.^...S�..T.-�'�.� � , � � - ` .-.. . . _ .— - <br /> . . . . . . ..A:.� . �..��...�L�.�.���.�����H���a.r ... .__..__.�n.- ���, — <br /> � — __ <br /> .�i���a.��T'+r-.1����� a_�. <br /> r <br /> �_...�r�R�...�...�.+�...v�...� � <br /> - � ��M� ��� �,.T:<.�.�.,_.__��_ <br /> .. :.S]::5� � �___—__ .._ . ._ <br /> - �� � <br /> 'W�,'�:�- ; 'CA(ifs"i'I�GR WfPli all iho Impn,vemciu�nc�w .s�hcreafter cncted on�h��prupc�ty,uu��II cuscincnte. uppurtenanres. <br /> '-� �� ^•���:;�::�.� ; n�td Qxlurrs now��r h�rcuflcr o parl of the�Sroperly. All rcpluc�men��:aiW a�1[tlunx rshhulf ulsu be cuvcrul Gv ttiix iea:udlN <br /> - <br /> ' - =�-��-.. :�•; (��5t�vin�at. All uf thc f..m��;ut»g ta rcfemcd tc�in tt►I��ccu�ity Inserumcnt as tho"l'r��xrty," - `-"""___` `- —__ - <br /> „�'�: �,' -----....._..___._.,—. <br /> . ... , <br /> "' "��: � f�nRCt(1�i►[dR COVUNAN'i;�ItuU Rarrrwcr ix inwft�ily�c�iscd oP 1hu ewtet.�hr�ei•y ivinveyeci and lu�v Ihe rl�hl to �rnnt -�-- —..--�_ <br /> �*�' �•� . i«xi ca�FVCy tl�e I�ruperty aiKi that the Ik��ny fy unencumherecl,e���ept tar e��euuihrmi��s af rxeuY�l, ii�n,�»vc�wt�rrn►�ty��ml =_ _ _ _. _. <br /> �����.,.�... �vill defrnd generufly thn ttUo to Iiw I'rapeny agulnst all claims and clemc4ads�du�Jcet to��y e��cun�b�mic�s uPmcuril, �-�----— <br /> c#�� � ` � THIS SHCURITY INSTtZUM�NT ro�i�bines uniCorm cuvenunta for iwtiwwi u�'o and nun•unifc►m� cuvenant4 with "` - <br /> ' :;�.:-,�•.� -`•; �, limited vurluUony Gy Jurisdictiu��tu cnny�itute ii unifnrn�nerud�y instniment c��vc�inE rcnl pru{nny. �-» - �--` - <br /> � ;-:,:,--'—__— <br /> ° �'- � ,.' '" �' ` UN1rORM�'f1VFNANTS, Dorrowcr und Lcnd4r ruvcnnnt iutd nt,�cr.uti fullaws: -- - --- <br />�.�� � .�' • . ' 1. i'uyment atPeinelpui and Intentr•t:P�epuyment nnd I.nto�:hnrRev. Hurruwcr xhi�il pmmplly puy when duc thc �""''`����� = <br /> �.,il ra.:Y:::;�...�-�, <br /> �� ; . � .. � „ l princfpui nf imd interost un tho debt evidcnccd hy Ihc Nato c+nd any prcps�yment and Ime chnr�cY duo und�r�hc Nute. �i{'� �. �' <br /> t. l�ti�nd�fnr'q�xca u�d Insu�•unca SuUJec1 tu uppNcnblc luw�r►o u�vrittcn wi�ivcr by I.cndcr.l3i�rrawcr shnll puy ta � � `:° <br /> • + �` '`���' ���� Lrndcr cm the d��y monthly pnymentx�rc duc undor tho Nutc, until th� Naro is paid in tl�ll,n sum l"F1mds") for: (ii)yc:uly ��'�r...�: <br /> ,. ' , t�xes and a��;essmenre whkh m:ry u�tnin prlority over�his Srcuri�y Instrum�•nt uy�� tlen un thc t�u�x�ty:(h)yrurly Icuschuld . <br /> ... . . p.�ymcnts or gn�und rentK un thr Prnperty. if nny; �c) y��nriy hu�ard or property in.rur►aicc p��:ntiums: (d1 ycurly flual .�-�-;`="-Y= <br /> ��� � • • insuranco prcmiums,If uny; (c) ycurly murt�;ngu Intiunmc�promiums, iY uny; i►nd(f� +my tiumti p�ryi�hlc F►y 8ormwer�n � "�� �'}' �'`�•j:. <br /> .. . . , ' l.�ndcr. in ucc�udnnco with thc provislun���f �u�ragri�ph H. in liru ��f thu puymrnt uf mailgu�c insurnnci�prcmiums, ThcAc ���"�',. <br /> � items nro ci►iled"Escrow Ilems." L.endcr mny,ut any time.callect cnxi hold Flmilti ln nn nmuunt nut tu uxrced Ihu mnximum ^• ' <br /> � , ' , ' !j a►maunt u lcndcr ti�r a tcdcrallv rcliucd mart�:�igc Inun mi�y rcyulro for Borrnwcr�cxrro�v urcnunt undcr tl�c fedcr��l Ftrul '•`!�"��,+f; <br /> . .. Bztute Settlement f'rcx:edures Act��t'ih74 as urnended frum time to Nme. 12 U.S.('. q 2G01 c�t siv.("ltGSpA'7.untesy anather .'��4�tr�- <br /> ' • , luw ihnt applies to the Ftend.,et+a�Ietisrr umuunt. U'�u,l.endcr muy,nt iroy tintc,callect nnd hu�d Ftmdz�n im umuunt nnt to �, .��.�`�t,."-_`_ <br /> ' � c�►cecd �hc lextirr a�m�,unt. Lendcr muy estimntr lI1C AI11�tUItI af lUnd,due un thc hc►siti ��t'currcnt din+i und re;�snnnb�e . . �''=�?`•-==- <br /> , ostimntrs ut'ex�k�mliturrs of luture�srrc�w Items ur i�therwire in iircurdimce with upplicuble law, ;� �;� <br /> . , , •' . Tho Funds shall hi hMd in un intititutian wh��sd depnsitti tiru Intiurcd by i� federi�l i��;ency, inrtrumentuUly. ar entity '; ��`;�„-. <br /> . (includinF l.ender. if l.e�idrr ix such nn in.r•thutiun 1 ar in imy hederal Hame l.uun kiunk. I.endcr hhuli i�pply thc Fund�te,pi►y �' �1+�-°°�- <br /> thc �scrav Itemti. Lender mi�y nc�t charge Hnrrowrr fnr hnl�iing imd upplyin� tl�c Fundx,c�nnuully thc c+cmw � <br /> , urc��unt. ar verlfying thu Esticruw Itemv, unicss Lcndcr puy� Horr��wcr liucrcwt un�hc Fund.�md npplic��hlc luw prnnits ,:���. <br /> . Lendcr to mukc such n chnr�c. Nuwrvcr,l.endc�muy rcyuirc ti��rrowrr t��pay u �matime rhnrga fa�nn inde�ndent renl ��' <br /> � ctitiUV tnx�eporti��;�crvicc u�cd hy I.cndcr in ranncrtiun wflh Ihis Ic�an. unics�nrplic�iblc la�v pruvldcs i.thcrwlsa, Unless►�n ,. �` <br /> agrecmcnt in miidc ar�ippliruble Inw re��tdros intcrest ti�t+c puid.I.ctukr shalt nut bc rcquircd ta puy}iarrawcr cmy Intcr�rt ur • a1r <br /> • . . eurningti un thc Flmdy, Horrc�wcr and l.endc�mny i�grre In writi ng, ho�vever,that intcrc�t ahidl tx puld un the Funds, l.under � - <br /> +� . shuil give ta HnR�»vcr,wl►huut charF+r,im:omual s�ccc�uming af'the t��mds,tihawln�credits und Qeblt�t�+th� fl�n�i,nnd the -�" <br /> puqxise for which cach dohit tc�Ihe hunds wu�mude. '1'hr. hl�ndti u�e pledged��s i�ddtti�nnl secudry f'nr idl rwns secured by , '� <br /> � IhiySerurity Insirument. � � - <br /> IP �he Fund. heid hy l.ender e�ceed thc.►nwunts pennitted ta he held hy upplicnble li►w, Lendcr nhull uccuunt to . <br /> • � Burrowrr for the excess Fl�nd+ in uccardance tvlth ihc rcquircmrntti nf .�p�iict�n�o it���. If the ,imuunt of the 1'unds hcli!by , � <br /> -- l.endee a!sny l4me ix iz::s�ssfflrlen!to ptsy the��ssc�a�kesns wlsra dur. LCiitICT iiiR}sts iHiitt}� Bi1i'fititV�i Iii W'iIf{ii�?,nr��i,in - - -- --- -' <br /> — r;urh ri�sa Borruwc�hhull pay 1�� I.endcr lhe iimuunt necetisnry tr mnhe up thc defiricn�y. H�►nowcr shnll mul:c up the :; <br /> � de�cicncy ln no mc►re tht�ntwulve manthly pnyment�,At Lendcrw�nlc di�crotian. � ' <br /> ° U��on i►yn►c��t in i'ull��f ull num.srcureal l+y this Sccurity ln+irumen►, l.endcr shull pr�mi�tty refund t�� Horruwcr ,�ny �� <br /> � _ _-----�-- <br />' � � Funda hcid y t,cndor. ii',undrr p�ragrnph�i.i.ender snnii oc�utre or seil the t�roperty.Lencter,prl�r tn Ihe ucyuisltinn ar ° . - . :..:.: �_x <br /> . s��lc aP thc Pirperty,shuU apply i�ny Fund�hcld by Lcndcr nt thc Ilmc of ucqui,iNun ar tinic as i�crcd:t �iguin�t thc�umx ' <br /> hccurcd by thisSccurity Inyt�umrnt. . <br /> �; . i. AppllcnUnn oi'i'uyments. Unic+ti tipPNci►hle I:��v pruvidc� atherwlxc, ull puyments receivrd hy I.ender under ; <br /> ' par.�guiphti I imd 2 shnll hc upplicd:flrtit.tu i�ny prcpuynuw cl�arg�,du�uudcr U�r Nutc:hccund, �u iun�nuitti�ayuhlc u�Qcr <br /> "� p;uAgrurh 2;�hlyd,tu Inlercat duc;f'uurlh,t�►principiil due;und In,t,tu m�y I�uu chu�gc+due undcr Ihe N��tr. <br /> ' ` 4. Charpev: l.ien!t, Burruwer �hull puy idl �uxcs, A�yC�s011'll�ti. charge., i'ines ,mcl im���itiom uu�ihuti�hlc t�� the � . <br /> � Pre�peny which mc�y�mnin prlarity��ver this yrcuriry In,trument.�in�l Ir��xehuld puymeniti��r g�c�und rontr,if'i�ny. Rarre�wcr � � <br /> tih.�ll puy thc�o i�hli��iuhmr In �hc mimncr pruv idcd ln puru��u��li 2,ur if'�wt raid in Ih�U mnnnc�.Hnrruwcr�hall pny�hcrn�m , ' <br /> umo directly tu Ihc persnn nwcd puymcnt. Hurruwcr tihall prom{+Uy furni+h tu I.cnder�01 naticr,ui�umuunir Iu tx.�p.dd unJcr <br /> thi�purugruph. lf Hurmwcr mukcti thr�r paymcnt�dircctly. Hurruwcr tihadl promptly furnitih to l.undcr r�ccipts rvidunring <br /> . . thc pi�ymcnly. • <br /> Hnrrower shuU promp�ly di�rhi►r�;c uny Iicn�vhirh hn�prl�rrity�rver thi�ticruriry In,��umrn�unlesti A��rruwec(ul u�rees <br /> lo wriUnfi�o Ihu puymcm uf�hc c�hligi►Uiai ticcu�cd by Ihc Ucn in:�munn�r i�creptc�Mc to I.rndrr.lbl c�,nt�,ts in ku�d f��ith thc <br /> lien by,ur detends ugntntit cnG�rccmm�t uf'thc licn in,lrg�ii p�uccedinE� which in thr Lrndcr:upini�H�upen�tc tu ihe � <br /> � enforcemcn�uf the iien;url�►secures frum thc h��lder��t�hr Urn nn ngrremcnt ti.Ui,factury tu l.�nder suFx�rdinutin�ih�� flen ' � � <br /> to thla Scrurity Im�runxnt If'�icr detrnnincr thut uny pun nf Ihc 1'rap��r�y 1. tiuh�ccl lu a licn which mt�y auidn prie�rity � <br /> avcr this Scrurlty ln+trumunt,l.rndur niuy Niv. H��rrowcr a nuiiru idendfying thc iicn, Nurruwrr�hull�utitil'y Ihc Hrn ur tukc <br /> ! . onc ur morc c�f'ihc ucNan�,et furih utx►vu wllhin 10 dnyti uf thc givinN ut'nudcc. � <br /> 3. NAUird ar Pruperly lovurunce. [�i�m�wcr.hiill kcep th�•Impruvrmm�is nuw rxititinp un c�r�aRcr crcctcd un thc <br /> • Pro{xfly intiur�A u�sdnst lu�x by f"irc.haziird+includcd within�hr tcrm"extend�d a�vca�gr"und uny uthcr haturd.r,including � <br /> iloods i�r flo�►dint,. far whlch l.rndcr rrNuirc, in�uroncc. 'fhf� ln�urnnrr.h�i�l he mnl�U�iini��l in �lir umntuns iuul for thc <br /> : <br /> . i <br /> ' Fi�tn�JOlN V/90 1/�i��P«n(n�ruqc�� �. <br /> i <br /> I <br /> . • � ( <br /> t. . <br /> _--- --_ <br />