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l . i_. � . .� -r�.pj��.��-''}?--n17 .����.n• �qt'ttl�`.Sr .i_- i � .=h "� <br /> . . : > -_._- .—. <br /> � � - -.: . � . -..t..- <br /> .i — . -. ._ „ - � � -"- <br /> . - 2�. � ! � . - <br /> �.v <br />__:ttiz=.;i..�� . . . . � --'�.._-.._�._. ._ .. <br /> ".,,.�-.�au }� - <br /> Y <,^.:.� • pedod�thet l.ender 2qufrw. 7Le inaurence cerder proviE!ag tha Nsurance�hell 6o choun 6y DortOwor aublest�to.rsd�Te�Y . - <br /> ,.,,,-, � approvat which thall not bo unruwaably wlthheld. If Bo�rower td6 to malntaln eoverega descrtbed�bove.Lender may,M <br /> x,�_�,� I.ender6 optlon,obtaln coverago ro protect 4u:derb dghu In Q�ep�aperry ia eoco:dnnco wiih pungreph 7. . <br /> - All inmwnw polldw and rcnewale sheli be aaaptable lo Lender and cheA incicde a rtandard monga$e cAau». LenOer --- _ . <br /> ��x� shall have�ho tight to Aold�he poliolea end rcnowad. If Lender reqciros.Dortower sheli promply glxe to LC11dCt flll fCCCIDtf <br />- _ ot peid prcmium�end renewel notiaa. In�he evem o!lou,Dormwer shdl give prompt noqro ro�he inurenco¢srtler md <br />_--:.,'?i^;� Lcndee Lendcr may make praotof Iau Itr.ot mede promqly by Bortawtt. __ ----: <br /> .=_�'3?.�� Unlus Lender and Bortower o�henviu egee in wrlNng,insuronce prootede shell be applied to rcsroretlon or repalt ot <br /> � �;� tho Pro ny damagW,it the res:oratlon or ttpair i� economlcaily feaaibte end Lender6 uarity u no�leasened. It Uro - - <br /> - rcsromt�in or rcpair 1�not xonamlcaliy ka+ible or LenderY suuriry wwld h lascned,the Insunncn pra�eecL��hell be . -.. „ . - <br /> .�F7iJ�'� epplied lo�he:ums axured by�hle Secudty Guwment,whe�her or no��hen due,wlth any exces�pntd ro Hortowsr. It — <br /> s'x�'S<•;= Bortower abandons the Propeny,or das not enawer within 30 daye a notico hom Laider�hat the Inmrence cartler A¢+ ' _—_ _ � <br /> :-����-•°�� offercd�o aettle e delm,then Lender may collect the insmence procada. Lender mey use the proceeds ro rcpalr or resroro <br /> -��`-'�"r�=��� tho Propeny or ro pay�uma sceurcA by thia Sceudry Insaument,whe;her or not�hen due. 7Ue 30-day pedod�rt1i begfn vfien = <br /> - C'•.�-;; Ne noAce fa given. <br /> c�' h —_ <br /> `� -.; Ualen LenEer a�d Bortower otfiemise agree in vrtit!ng,eny eppliudon ot pracecds ro pdncipal ehell not ex�end or <br /> ?�� pos�pone tha due date of the monthly paymenp rcferted to In pare6rephe 1 end 2 or chenge�he amwnt o(�he peymenro. If -- - - - <br /> �'� under paregaph 21 the Preprrty if acqutttd by Lender,Borro.vrrti right to eny insutenct pollcin end proceed�tt�ultlng �- - ..-. <br /> °"^� from dnmage ro�e Property prtor to�Ae ecqulaiiion shdl pan to Lender to the ex�ent af iha suma saurcA 6y thia Secvdry �+; ---� <br /> L L ' •-- <br /> � - --�� Inswmentimmediatelypdorrotheacqu�atNon. �'j,--�---� <br /> �'',r: 6. Occupancy; Preserratioa, Melntenence and Protectlon of the Propertyi BorrowerY Loan Applleatlon� �� --� <br /> ���+t ; .( Leaaeholda. Bortower ahall accupy,esteblish,md use the Propeny u Bortowerb princlp�l midena within sixty daye aller �_-_,_� <br /> ` � �he eaecution of�hla Securit Inatmment end dull conNnue to oav the Pro n a�Rorrower§ nnci al rcaldena for u .ti�- <br />._, ,�l�..-,,x. Y PY P� Y P� P <br /> -,;_,;-:�>; leas[ one year afler �he date of occupancy, un!ess Lender othernise egrces in wdt:ng, whlch conun� ahall not 6a �`�<,':-,•_ <br /> ,. -' mreasonably�vithheld,or untess ex�enuering circums�anca tacist xhich are bayond Bortowerk control. Dortower chell not �t:� _ -�--- <br /> � N ` � deavoy,damege or fmpair the Roperty,ellow the Propeny to Cetuinrete.or commit wea�e on�he Property. Bortower nM1all <br /> r��t�� -: be in defeult If eny fodeiturc actlon or proeeeding,whe�her civil or criminal,la begun�htt in Lenderl good fe0h Jedgment '�-Y� ,� _ <br /> could rcsu:t in foReiture of the Propeny or otherwise materially impeir�he lien crceted by this Security Inatn:ment or <br /> i -- -� LenderL security ir.tercs�. Bortower may wre auch a dePowt end ainstete,m provided in parag�eph I8,by eeusinX�he ac�ion �' " `-- � � - � <br /> i�f�'-_��� or praceeding�o be dismissed wi�h a ruling�het,in LenderL gaod fai�h detertnineUon,precluda foReiwrc of the BorrowerY ��`�� ` _ <br /> .,- .�� interce[ in [he Property or o�her meteriel impaim�ent of�he Ilrn creeted by �his Seeuriry Insuument or Leaderl mevdty s'��J y'" <br /> ' -d"C�'�� interest. Borrower shall alw be in defeui[ if Bortower, durina �he loan epplicauon proass, gave matedally felse or L«�; -,,;�,_^��� <br /> }r --j�r,. ineccurete informetion or statemenu ro Lender(or feded to provide Lenuer wi�h eny mecerial Informa�ion)Im m�nection whh -"P>. r,�- '��„�— '-�- <br /> � �- -��� �M1e loan evidenttd by Uie Nore, ineluding, but not limited to, rcprcaen:ation� conceming Bonower§ occu ancy of�he f"{: -^- <br /> �;�,:-:�.�' �;:��._,:;�,L6 <br /> ;.,*:,�;;: Propetty as a principN rc:idrnce. If thia Securiry Instrumen[is on�leauehold,flortower ahel I rnmply wi�h ail t e prorisioro ' � <br /> a of the leau. If Bortower ecquires @e tiUe ro the Property,�he leesehold end ihe fee�itle sholl not merge unleu Lender agrea - +-: � `"6�—�° <br /> " lo the mer8er in wfitinS. % � �t�ti_r_T���� <br /> f ,F.;� 7. ProteeNon of Lender4 RIghG in the Properfy. If Bortower feila ro perfomi �hc covenen�a end agreememe � ;�'r � -�"'----'° <br /> �� comained in �his Security Inawmem, or�herc is a legal proceWing that may significantly af(ect Lenderk righu In the "���''$+q��-��"o <br /> .. '=- Propeny(such aa a proceeding in 6ankmptcy,probate,formndemm�ian or forfdtnre or tnentame laws or rcgulations),then -�ax�.��...',,.,`,'��'° <br /> :':i,°:::;!. .:_v::A.,,..,9'.q1s,�..._;_C <br /> , , _ ,. . Lender may do and pay tor whe�erer is neceasary�o pmeect�he value of�he Propeny end Ler.derk righ�a in the Propeny. .�`c�J i � ,� .%sa,-A <br /> , �:_ Lenderk xc[ions mey inciude pxying any sur.0 securcd by a lien which has priority over�his Security Inswmrnt,appeedng ti.,_ r �n= <br /> � �-�.� in court,paying rcatona6k auomeyx ftts and cr.tering on the Propeny ro mnke rcpairs.Although Lender may�ake ec�ian �,,,-r,,,,_„y_fz.,,,�.,�, <br /> ' under Ihis paragraph 7,Lendcr docs�m[havc to do m. ( ; i�; - .'�,i�Y3 <br /> .,�r - --�_ Any mnocros disbmr,ed by Lender under Ihis pnrngnph 7 sM1all become eddi�ionel de6t of Bonower securcd 6y [his - : fi .s}-J4G;y_ <br /> <:=,�.�ri.:., Sewriq Instrumcm. Un!ess Borrowcr ar.d Lendc:agree�oother tefms ot paymen4�hese amounu she:l bear imerest from�he �f.•'-,'_�4;•�<�:"��- <br /> Y;S:v i c -y.y+7:s <br /> -v Crr•: de:e of disbursemrnt nt the Note ra�e end shall be p�yable.�riih ir.�ercti6 upon no�ice trom Lender�o Borrower requesling . � s:r=yr. <br /> ' .: pnymcnt. .-' �drY - ;i`a-.1,'-'--' <br /> � 8. Morigoge Inmrnnee. I(Lender rcyuircd mongage insu:aace ro a conditioa of making the loan ucurcd by �hie --. .-�t�y *); .- <br /> 'i;_�,- Security Inswn:er.t, Bortower sholl pay�he prcmiums rcqmad ro maintain d�c monguge insurnnce in etfat. It,for e�y `�;��`•�: ah`}y�;;,. `:-. <br /> i-_. reason, the mongnge insuronce coveroge rcqnircd by Lender laqes or mnse: �0 6e in e(kct, 6o:rower shnll pay the r�� f ,t t�,�; := <br /> r r 1::- prcmiums myuired m obtain cmenge �uMmneially equivalem m the mongage in.nm�rce prcviously in e(fett, ni n caq ! � 1 7 yn .: '.. <br /> r ��.,���;�' su6s�emiully cquivalcm ro�he ws��o Borron�cr of�he monguge imurance previously in effec�,from an ahemetc mortgeae '`-'�_;;_�,��7.�y,�1`',+«T;;��;:� <br /> -` msurtr approved by Lendea I(xubslaniiully eyuivalen[ mortguge fnwmnce cnverage is no1 nvsilable.Borto�eer shnil pay io - ` + -- - <br /> Lendcr cach manih n sum cyuul In anc•k•xl(Ih o(Ihc yearly mongagc insumncc premium bemg paid by 6ortowcr when Ihc � �!�l� ' ..S � <br /> � �-'�� insurunce mver.�ge lapxd or ceaxd to 6e in e(fea. Lender will accept,u.e and rc��in�heu payments ac a loss reserve in lieu �- �}�" ' <br /> �_- nf mongagc insutance. Locc reun�c pvymcnls may no longer bc reyuircd,at tAC op:�on o(Lender,i(mongage insurantt `_'-' '' r��__ ,°i,_� <br /> _ envemge(in Ihe amau.^.�m:d for t4e perial IF.aI I.enJer rtyuircs) qovided Iry an in.urcr approred by Lender again Mcoma -t';�.i. ,. ;4�.,,,•. :�.;;; <br />� � avnilablcandixablair.ed.Dortox•crshall a Ihc rcmium.m aired�omafntamr.iort a cinxur.u:ttineffec4orto mvidee `� "�"""� *`�1�=-°::°;-' <br /> PY P 4 BF P fi�;r;?��,?:�". •i.�•-. <br /> . Ims reservc.until lhc my�immcm(or mortgagc imu:ancc rndc in xcordn::tt wr.� aay xrincn agrceairnl bclwcen Bortoxxr . - <br /> and Lcndcr or applicablc law. °n`- �- - <br /> � �s` 9. Inspectlon. Lender or i��agrnt may makc 2awnc�b:c cn:riea u�n and impec�ion.of the Pmpeny. Lender tihall <br /> _ ... givc Bortowcr nnlicc ai ihc�im.c o(or prior to a�in.pntion.pc<i(ying rca.onahle camr fonhc inapcclinn. - <br /> 10. Cnndemnntlan. The prnceed.of aar awanl nr rlaim(orda::u�ge..di�eci nr can.eyuvntial,in cunnection�ri1h any , <br /> � - SmplcF+m:lc-FinNe\7�e}'�rydie\lalVF'O8\76\TRl-\1F:\T��1'nE�r..�('mcnam. 9A0 �rye�� . . <br /> - - rualaY.waWa�imnr.b[ w • •. <br />. . 4�16t411 IRUSLIAAlO�R61i]�1-1111 ' - � - <br /> ..:. �_• ' . . <br /> . . . '��r... � . <br /> ! .. <br /> ' t ... _ <br /> � :, <br /> , <br /> - - -y�, :-���... : . _ . . _ ' ' <br /> - 4 . <br /> , . <br /> y� ��q . _ , ... � I <br /> r , ._ , ..,- , <br />