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� .° _ . . <br /> , . : <br /> , . . . . , <br /> ,� . . , ,. x .. <br /> � 7pptilHB[t 1YPIN atl tT.o Improvements now w hCrqeRer ucaW on Uw y:opCny,47i�e11 ea�um�e+�W���a4cee� - --- <br /> and Oxturce now or he�wRor a part o!the proyerly. AQ[eplaaanean and additiope ohnit nlao be cuvered by t le 8ewriry <br /> -"°"�� InctNment. Ail of tde tocegoingb rofe[ced to In Ih(a Becudty Tnsbuntent es�do"Pcopeny." <br /> �"" BOAROWBP ODVBNANf9 thee Bortowe+le IawfuUy selsed of�ha es�ata hereby conveyed end has the dg�t to gretit <br /> — -- end convoy iho Properry nnd Nnt the PmGnU'�a unencumberad,except tor encumbrance�of roowd. Horrower warrente end � ------ ---- - - <br /> �� will defend gencrel�y tha tltlo to the Propeny ageln�t�i clNm�end demande,rvbJsct to eny enu:mbrenoea otrecoN. <br /> "��� Tflt9 9HCUAITY IN37HUM8Di7'combinee cnifoem cover.enu for nattonel use and non•uNfortn covenante wlth _ <br /> — Iimited verie�lona by Judsdictlon w constirou a unitortn eecudty Ir.stmment wvedng real proye�ry. ----' — <br /> =;,1 UNIFORMCOVBNANf9• BortowaandLendercovenenter.dogreoe�tollows: __ _ <br /> x�,� 1. Papment oT PrInMDnI end Intueatt 8repaymenf and Lete Chargea. Dortower anall ronDtly ay xfien due the . -- _- .,_, -, <br /> - --� pdnclpaIoti�dinterea�onthedebeerldeneWbythallotaeadanyprepaymen[endla:achergeaNeunderu�eNata <br />� "`�r 2. FLnda for'Nxee end In�urancw SubJat�o appIlcable law or ro a wr{t[cn walver by I.ender,Bortowu eha11 pay to - <br /> s�.::•.: <br /> "�-" x LenAer on tAe day mon�hly paymenu ere due under�he No�a until�e Noro is pdd In full,e�um C'Pmds')for.(a)yarly - <br /> �1� taxp end essesamenta which may ettefn pdodty over�kis Sea:�1ty Inewment ea a Ilen on the Propeety:N)Y�1Y teasshoid __ <br /> '" - ayments or ground rcnu on �he Propeny. it en p. (c) yearly huaM or propeny insurana prcmfum+: (�yearly flood `_ <br /> z"'n -'% �nsurenu pccniums, if ony: (c)yterly mortgego Insurence prcmiums, if eny: end(0 eny �ums paynbla by Dortowu w <br /> aG �� Lender.In aaordenca wich t�eprovisioro of paregroph 8,in lieu of�9epa yment of mortgage insurena premiums. 1Lese -- � <br /> . ---::,-f- ileme orz telled'Escrow(tems. Lendcr any itme,wllect end hold Amde In an emount nnt m exceed tha meximum __.. __ . . . . <br /> �- ` amount a lender for e kderelty related mortgage loan insy requiro tor BortowerY esttow eaount under the tWernl Real - _-� <br /> `R�4 �; Eatoro Senlement procedures Act of 1974 u emended Gom time ro�ime.12 U.S.C.¢2601 er srq.f'RESPA"),unleas anaher �:_. <br />-• �-�;!'.-.;< law[hat applies to the Ponds uu e leaser emount. If so.Lender may,et any ti:na,eollcet end hold Funds In en amount no[to ,.__, <br /> '� �°-"i excad the lesur emount. Lender ma atlma[e the emount of Wnd� due on�ha bssis of curtenl dara end rcasonable �` <br />.;.:::; y �,=. <br /> ' ' •+-- estimates of expenditura of tmure&crow Irems or o�herwlse in eaoNance with eppIicable lew. <br /> `b �� The Ai�d.+ shell 6e held in an ins�imtlon whose deposiu ere inwred by a tWere� egency, insaumentaliry,or antlty � - <br /> � (including Lender,if Lmder is such an ImtimtioN or in eny Federel Home Loan Benk. l.ender shell apply�he Pund�to pay -°- ---------- <br /> ��r` .,� �he Escrow Irems. Lender may not char6e Holrower Cor halding v:d applying�he Punda, er.nually enaiyzJng the escrow � = <br /> �.+��r � accour.t, or vedfying �he Eurow Icems,u�leas I.ender pays 6ortovier �rcercst on the Rtnd�er.d epplice6le law pertnits _ <br /> -.�t-�?';� Lender[o meke such e cherge. However,Lender m4y reqairc Borrower w pay a one•t�me ch�rge for an independen[real �._ :� <br /> ;" v,. 'E� esta�e tez rr.poning service used by Lender in conr.eaion with�his loan,unleu applicable Iaw provldea othe�wisa Unless an } - - <br /> .. y� :� egeement ie made or eppltcable law rcqcires imercs�to be paid,Lender ahall not 6e requirW ro pay Barrower eny inte2st or <br /> '"r�;:�i--��t eem!nge on�he Rnda. Dortower e�d Lznder may agrce in writing,however,�hat imerest ahall he pafd on the Punds. Lender �:,W°-'� <br /> `ti-; nhall give�o llorrowec withom charge,i�annuel aaoundng ot the Wnds.showing crcdhs end Cebite w�he Ponds and the ., -.. —°"�' <br /> "'�r .�` puryose for which each debii to�he FLnds wes mede. The Punds ere ptedged es eddttional sacdty for eIl sums ucuttA by �,����$ <br /> ;�.:t?;;. [hieSecuritytnstmmem. �"�-NV�'. <br /> .:-c,S zrt��_. <br /> `-�.;�-.,,. [f ihe Mnda heM by Le�der exceed �he amoun�a pertniued ro be held by applienble bw. L.ender aha!I ecwunt to a�a.��:� <br /> ,:,.,e�,�-tiS Borrower for�he excess FLnde in accoNmce wiih�he requircmen:s of appliceble law. If the anount of the ILnda held by �`�d-"�� <br /> ,`. �"��t,:� — <br /> �i� ° Lender ai eny iime ia irt�,.::.�%y tht°.berrs ft.::t:=ehe.".da^-.t°-.^.d!r m�y cp nmiF Borrower in wri�inY.and. in c . _ _ <br /> � i�, such csse Bortower shdl pay�o Lender�he amocr.t necesury ro make up�I�c deficienry. Ibrrower shell meke up the ��-i� �- � <br /> 't -; deficienry in no more�M1an twelre monthlr paymenu,�t Lenderk mle discrctio�. ' rc� � <br /> � ' Upon paymcn[in full of ali sums ucured by�his Securiry Instcumcnt,Lcndcr shall promptly refund�o Bortowcr nny ''}E;Y p�1�4;� <br /> „u_...y_�' . <br /> ,:;j_»,. Rnds F.eld by Lender. If, under pamgnph 21.Lender shell ecquire or sell�he Rnperty.Lender,prior to�he ecqulaition or ;�,,,�nt,' _i�,�_�. <br /> . sa:e of the Propeety, sha�� apply eny PoMs held by Lender at the time of ecquisi�ion or sale u a credlt the wma x_ �� <br /> 7,�. :i' secured by this Securiry lnswmrne f/.�?: "' �'=0 <br /> � u`.i: 3. ApD:icatton ot Paymente. Unless appliwble law provides o�herwise.ell paymems received by Lender under ` • `} i p�;p�� <br /> .r .-,- paregrephs 1 and 2 sh�il be nppiied:first.m any prcpayment chnrges dne nnder the Note.second,to emouNS payable under '- -�' S �-��,-- <br /> paregreph 2; inmrest dur,fourth.�o principal due:end Inst,to any late clierga due under�he Nore. _?�i��� � � .__ <br /> �.:�--:_�-> 4. Chargea; Lims. Dortowcr shall pay nll taxes, nsscssnems, ch�rges,fints end impositlom eltribmtble lo lhe n� ,r,� r tU. „_: <br /> .�, ,,;. - Property which n:ay an�in priority over�M1is Securi�y(nstrument,end Iwsehold p�ymenu or grour.d rcms,if e�y. Bortower ,.�? � s;;. <br /> , --��:` sl�all pay�hese ob!iga�ions in the monner providcd in parag�aph 2.or if noc paid ia thac menner.Bonowcr shall pay them on .-;; 'i { -.-�_ <br /> �i.;`(',-�- �ime direcCy io the person owed paymene Borrower shxll pmmptly fumish ro Lender all notias of emouma�0 6e paid under „,,,;yp ,� .} <br /> . S -J.:,.!;.:;;^•;:�':�-. <br /> thia paregreph. If Bonower makes theu payments di�ec�ly.Borro�ver shnll promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing , t ,}'- <br /> thc pnymems. 7��� <br /> Ai_`\ e� _ <br /> ,� - Donower doll pTmpely discharge my lien which has priority over this Security Inswmrnt unless Bortower.(a)aarees 1-: .,, � yr;,.: <br /> z-;� -. > e <br /> in wming ro Ihe paymer.t of�he obligntion securcd by the lien in n manner nccep�able to Lender,(b)comests in good taith the .s , � ��f�-;,' <br />-- . lien by.or de(ends aguzst enfarmment o(�he licn in.Icgal pracecdings which in ihe Lender�opinion operete io prcvent�he �-�.� , y�;; �_'.,� <br /> y, _ entorcemmt ohhe lie�:or(e7 securcs fmm�he holder of the lien an agrcement smisfaciory to Lender subordinaling tFe lien ._A` 5 __ <br /> �i ro this Security Instrunent. I(Lender de�ermines�Cm any pan of�he Propeny is subject�o a lien which may a:tain priority -- _. �t y r4_�_ <br /> over ihis Stturity Ins�ramem.Lendcr may givc Dorroxer a noticc identifying�hc lien. DorroWSr shall satis(y�he Iien ar teke -r� y ;i _� ,- <br /> one or morc o(the actionc.e�(nnh ahove wiihin ID days of the givir.g of notice. :;�;�. x ;.i:.,- <br /> 5. Hasard or Properly Insurentt. fiovo�rer xhall kecp�he improvemems now ezis�ing or hercaficr ercc�ed on the � .. _; <br /> Property insurcd agaimt loss by fire,h:v�tCs incluCed with:n ehc lenn'ezter.ded mrenge"and any olher havrds,including e :? �r, <br /> � ` iloods or tlooding,for which Lender reyuireti inm�ance. ll:o insuance ahall be maimained in lhe amocniz aad far the - �•.: <br /> - Farm307s 990 �ry��2../nryxru �[ `I � -. `��� -. <br /> .Ji� _ , " 1,., . - . <br /> [. <br /> �•_i_�ra-. ...: . ..f �__ _ _ . _ _ . ." ' . . _ . .�.a'-T '. . �l _. . . <br /> l. <br /> .r � . _ . � . . _ _ _ _ � <br /> _ �fl_._�:. . _ <br /> ♦� <br />. y: � � <br /> l <br /> t�� y�. , . . . _ • <br /> I <br /> � 1'. <br /> `, , . <br /> j � • <br /> ` . -_ . .... . . . '._ ... <br /> � :.s. - - .�_ + .r . . ♦ . . .. �a: . ._. __. _ ____ _.__.. . . <br />