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:. <br /> fi'� � •s-' ' �- - ..,,� t _ � � t .� <br /> �}6 � � i. -- = - , , --- , <br /> .� Y ' _ ` <br /> ,,_ • . <br /> . � .�� - <br /> .if t34} . . - . .. '. -. . _ .. ._ s.. p.. . .. ._.. -Ir.�...._ <br /> - �9�- �0��� �� <br />--- condemnetlort ot other roking of any pan ot�e Property,or fnr mnveya.�ce In Qw of condemnu�[on,era Ixi4Dy o"silgned enQ - . <br /> �hatl¢e pald to l.ender. __ <br /> .�„ rn the ovcat ot n rotal teldng o!the Woperty, �he procad� eMll bo applied to�ha suma aceumd by thli $earity' <br /> ,_ -__ Nswment,whuhtt o�not then d��o,wfN eny cxoa�pdd to Borcower. Tn�he cren[o/e paNal pking ot the PropcnY In �-� _ _._._ <br /> -. ---_ wl:ich the felr muket valuo ot�he Propeny Immedl+idy 6cfore 0e taking 1�equ�l�o org�tu than�he eaount of�he sums <br /> � -- � cecued by�hle Sxurity Ws�urrent immed:�tely 6etore the tnkir.g. unlus Borrower and Lender o0erwiatl egree in wrlMg, <br /> `"�'�=`�_�;34� th6 tume tuurcd by tl:is Securiry Instnr.nent shNl ha rcduced by the amouat ottAe proceed�multipIIW by the(opowing <br />_ tmetion: p)the ro�el omount or tho cume ucurcd immedietely hetore ihe tekfng,divided by!b)the fad rtnrket velue ot UHI <br />,,.,,t,t3,�� Rnperty immediate�y beforo�he teking. Any baluke tlell be pald ro Bortoxtt. In�he event of a part!al takin ot Iha <br /> �-� - ��° n u�which thn fa4 markot vaac of tho P rt mniedWoly beforo the Wcin ti `----"-'"-----� <br />---=' stc�uce6 Immedintel Ixfore �ho lekin .uniete Bo�irow�r end Lender othe�wise 8 ie Icas Nan t..a amount o( e tums . _ . .. .. . <br />_ =�w� y g igrea in wdUng or unless applkable law <br /> "'" " ahervilse provldw.the proceedv sha:l ba applled to @e sums eearcd by thu Security Inanument whaher or not 4a�ume ero <br />-�;�y,p �hen dua �-- <br /> � a. � IT the Pmperty ie a6andoned by Bortower,or it,eftu notia by Lendcr ro Bcrtower fia[Ne condemnor oKen to make <br />�-'�Y:���,, en award or settle e da!m for damaga,Borrower filli ro respond�o l.cnder withia 30 days aRe.r[h¢date tha nofta ie glven, <br /> �'-�!�•=�-si Lmder is w�honud to collect end epply tM proceeds,et itn opion,either ro rcsioretion or«pair of�he Property or to the <br /> .,- ..,,..�_.: <br /> ,� n --� sum�securcd by ihis Suudty Inswmen4 whUher or not tAen dua � <br /> - Unles�Le�er nnd Boimwer oihend:e egree in wAtins,eny applicetion ot procced:to pdncipal shall na extend or _ __ _ <br /> r ,' iK postpone tha due daro of we monthly paymems refemd to in pangraplu 1 end 2 orehange the emount ot euch p¢ymenu. -- � <br /> ,,.�;�,�i;y Il. IIorroHer Not 2etwsedi Forbeeronce By Lender Not e {Veiver. Extensbn of �he Hme Cor paymen[ or �.°.'-_- �-� <br /> - �- modifice�lon of enortizetion of�he cum�saumA hj�hi�Secudty Inawment ga�ted by Lender ro any eucaswr in fatuent r�:? <br /> t ,. -' ;� ot Bortower shal(not opere:e�o releasa t�e Ilebiliry of�he odginal 8ortnwer or Borrowerh sucauon In in[ercst.Ler.der �r� - <br /> . . ,.`; ,.�:' sAall not be rcqui:ed to commenw p:aceedingt ngainst my suaeswr in ir.:erest or rcfuse ro extend time[or payment or -- <br /> H 5 t' otAe�wise modify emonizaHon o(the eurtu secured by�hu Security Insaumen[by«aion of any demand made by tLe odglnel ���, _-.__..___, <br /> v 3 4�� Hortower or Botrower6 cuccesson in interest. Any forbeuxna by Lender in exertising any righi or rcmedy ahall not be a { r <br /> f rj � weiver of or prcclude the cxercix of eny right or remedy. R�� <br /> 4 ' ' 8. Succeasore and Assigns Bound;Jolnt and Several[Lblltty;Co•signere. 77ie mvenema mid aytemenw of thi� - <br /> �r, "�:� Security Inttmmrnt ahali bind end benefit�he succwon end nssigns of Ler.der uid Horro�ver,sub;cet to the provfsiom of ; � <br /> -° °3ne�,-.- paregrnph 17. Hortower6 covcr.ants and agreemenu ahdl be join[ end aeverel.My Bortower who co•signs this Securi[y -�-- -- - <br /> 't ' "' Iastrument but doa no[execute�he Note: (a)ia co-signing this Security Insnume.^.t only ro mongage,grent end convey ihat `�'J :`=- <br /> t � i'"xj- Dortowcrt interesl in the Propeny under�he�ertna of�his Security Inslmmenr, (b)u no[personelly obllgetW to pay Ihe sums `� Y.Y_ <br />-��!4•i'�-' �'� securcd b thix Sauri[ Imirumenh,and(c)e rces ihat Lender and en o�her Bortower ma a rce ro excend,madif forbenr =���" - <br /> �.f:-;' Y Y 8 Y Y 8 Y. ��,;L`�;;si_;-�.�� <br />�?;"':z�-j� or meke any acrnmmoda�ions�rith rcgerd ro the�emu of this Security Instrument or�he hote without�hat Borro�vet6 ^����� <br /> !S rf• consent. � t — -" <br /> j ?i} ' 13. Loan Cha ea. If�he lonn xcured b tM1is Securit Instrument is sub' t m a law which sets maalmum loan � - �'�'a <br /> � v �'@ Y Y JM i_ �== <br /> � -- •.. chergp,end the�law h finally inte`preted so thet the incercst or mher loen chargu collectW or w be wlla�ed in connuifon .�;�.- y�_�_�� <br /> '�l` ,- -` t�ilR II�{Imq w�r{M�h•M�m���•�!limei�!iwn: :a;_,rmh l�::h�se sh_:!�w¢c:.d Cp th:ama:r.:n,w-;:��ta� F.._:� Y- _.� <br /> - i �he charge�o the pertn!tted Iimit;und(b)anv sums alrendy coller.ed fmm Bortower which exeecded pertnined Ilmi�s will be -;;� 1 '���_� <br /> l� ;'" � rcPondW to Bormwer. Lender mey choou�o maY.e�ws rcfand by rcducing�he primiyel owed under the Note or by making n „�.; �`,� �; ��•� <br /> ,.-�� direct paymrnt ro Borrowec If a rePond rcduas pmrcipaL the rcduction will be wted m n partial prcpayment wiihou[nny _ � .y� � �';`� <br /> r'_ p:epaymentchargeunder�heNotc. �� r ��a r?;^� <br /> - ' 14. KoHeea. Any notice�o Bovoxer prorided far in �his Security Insttument sheil be given by delivering it or by �"�� -,r� �•��� <br /> '�. <:�.;•..: -.}.�:_%. .. ��,:'{� .,.._. <br /> �. �_ ; meiling it by 6rs[tlazs mail unless applicable Imv rtyuires use o(another me�hod.7Le noiice shull bC direcled to Ihe Property �";?"'j{ 'p� �s _�en"'s' <br /> _ „ .,. .__,� � Address or any other addrcss Dorto�ver designa�es by na�ice to Lender. Any na:icc ro Lender shall be given by first class �.g};s`-�• 'j�'ry. - ` <br /> + '� mell In I.enderk pdArecs atated hemin nr nn olhrr nddrc�.Lenderdrei n�tes b nalim to 6orrower. An nolite rovided for z-� - �--.:_���� <br /> ; y.,.,;, Y f • Y Y P .'1.-s t}1{� a - <br /> In this Security Insirumen[ shall be dtcr.ud Io hare bcen givrn[o Bortow�er or Lendcr when given ns provided in �hie �q`��?.__ � +`S�'�- <br /> s � �. paragraph. (• �� - _ <br /> � IS. Gaverning Le�r; SererebOlty. Thix Scc�rily In+immenl sha;l bc goremed by kdeml IL�v nnd the law of the :t�'fr r} �-. " <br /> ' jurisdiction in which�he Propeny is 1«amd. In�he e��ent�hut uny pmvicfon or clau+e of t!�it Securi�y Ins�mment or ehe Kote �-_s• a� -�-�}�� <br /> :y;�. A v 5��, ., <br /> � t, , -_:� rnntlicta�vi�h npplicuble law,such conilia shall no�a.Tec�other povisianx of�his Sauriry I�strement or the Nae which cen � _ i,- �s`i,;._ <br /> 6e given e(fec[�vilhou[Ihe conllicling pmvi,inn. Ta[his end Ik provi.inn+nf ISi+ Security Inslmment and Ihe Note am +'��; �r -��fi �;<;{�;.`• <br /> s ; -� declared to bc scverablc. - n � ;, , <br /> a � �' 16. Oorrmrer•s�opy. 6orto�vcr.ha:I6e Fivca nncmn�immed rnpy of�hc No�e and of�hi�Sewrity Invrument. r'�' P �5�-_ °e�- <br /> z � `5 17. 7Yartde�of the Property or e BeneOcful Interez�in Darrouer. I(all orany {un nf the Pmpeny or any intercsi in F�:, �i + - =' - <br /> w . }� it is sa.d or Irens:erted(or if n beneficial imernt in Bom�x�cr i.aild u:tmmk`ml and 6nmm�cr i.noi a naturnl personl �} <1p <�?`f` <br /> ., __�± :vilhout LenCer's prior�rmlem m�.em.Lendcr may,a� it,np�inn.reyuirc mnacJ:me paymem in(utl of all sums xcurcd by � V ?`S- �- �- <br /> - - �-(, Ihis Securi�y Ins�rumenL Hoacrer.Ihia opUUn-.hall nnt M excrtved by Lender ilucrcue is pmhibiled by fedeml law az of ; �y .-9-r�;;;�s <br /> x � �he dotc o(this Stturity ImlrumeN. ���., � _-r�' .,R;-_ <br /> I(Lender exttcises�his op�ion.LtnJrnl:all Ficc Bomixrrnu�iet nf acttler�umt The nntice Qedl prnvide a pericd a( :-m `t tt <br /> � not lecss ihan 30 day:a(rum the date U:c na:ice i+dclivemd or maikvl���i�Mn which 13nrmaccr mo.�pay a;l+umi secumd by Ihis �' 1 `j �• <br /> •` ..-c:;:�;� Sea�rit Inswmcnt. If Dortoncr taih m ay �hc�c+u:ro +rinno �hc c: �ralion nl Ihi+ ``{��'.,.;.,'��-.°,-`:�'�'. <br /> .;�.. Y P F P periaJ. Lcnder m:ry im�okc my "- '..;•.^. .� . , <br /> _ rtmediespemiiucd by�hisSecurity Inaru:r.cnt ai�huu:lunher nnn.c urJcmand nn Qnrrnxrr. ' "`�,%. <br /> .. I8. Borrower'x Rtgh� ta Relnslate. If Romn�cr mre�,�cna:n cunJniort. 6urtawcr .hall 6avc �hc righ� �o har< ` - - <br /> C•:� cn.'orcemrnt of 1Li•Security Imvumrn�J6cnminuc.l a1 ar.c �mn pnu:n,IL`l f0lllff OI: I.II S J;��l IOf�GCII OIIICf�IClIUfI 8] .,fi;-' n-:�-� �4' <br /> r . <br /> s���EkF,����q-e.��i.�i.��i.�i�snae�msTxu�tv -i�.i.M�c.�.��u:. vvo ��....�..i..�,r�.� ! ._. + <br /> ..� _.''. f__ - . <br /> - `-4.._. . �; � - <br /> _ '_ �_ <br /> . ,e__ `�s.. ;a'_' '_._ . _ '_ . _. <br /> . . . - _ . _ . . . - . . . _ __ _ . . .. .. .. . >i` <br /> �u.. .' . . - '. ". _ - <br /> ' i'' - - `..-. <br />�- .a.'_. - - . . <br /> _' .. <br />� - �;_�i:.. , . _ _ . <br />�„ ' " ' ' _ _ _ ' . <br /> ��_'. . ._. . � , . <br /> - '.i�r;.-` - _ - . _ . � . <br /> (�hA"._.�!' _ . . . . . - . <br /> ': .J:. <br />��e:�.Y1`, _ - ' . � . <br />' � � { ` .. . _ . . <br /> ;� s . . - . �. _ _ , . � __,'� - . . '� ' <br /> _ . . . .. . . . t . . . . . .r.�-..- _ _. .. . ,r - . . . . .. . _ - . ._.. <br />