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-r i fin � ��. _ -•-- r �� ' . Is� "`� <br /> 7 .t . . . . . .. i I '�'i 1 f-�RF tr t Y '_--- <br /> .r�.1VLL} .- - . . . 1 iC <br />�9R�D1fIP1'� ' � .}�{ <br /> /_i_1 . ' .z L -� "_ - - .� - _ i —�.. ... <br /> .. .-� ,' .". _ _�- - ::. '_ <br /> : .�� . . . ' - '. . ' - 9 9 i - .. _ _. <br /> - � ' " - ue-�s.+�a+a+.Xcsia f na.ya .�. - � s : --_" <br /> _ '��n���u��ri1N'r.�CEt>.rtlb'R - i ls-.' �'� . <br /> — .:i � ��p t7It1£A51EN6Ek n , � �r � ° � � <br /> .� � W'au�t�c,r.t�nnttes�r;±� iv3' y/� ' <br /> . . NKa. crw�fRY+A1V4N.}M' ..�Q�I�� <br /> '',,: It Lrnder requfred mongage Insurance eb e tondiNon ot making 1hq loen sxnred�h$Q�?!+�tY.lp.l�➢mf�t;� `� � <br /> � Itoirower�i+attpsythepremi�iin�requlredt6melutetntEdin'sumilb6bleCectuatil�uohNme+uyherequlrecuRtfort e .- �- <br /> � inwsencetertninetainascocdencewlthBortower'�eadl.endeP�wHttenegrumenforeppAce61al4w, .` <br /> , B..Iespeitlon. Lender o�ita ag;ne msy meke repwnabte rnMW upoa eud inspeatlons ottLe Ptopecty LenQa : . <br /> � �6eUgiveIIorroNeraoticaettketimaoforDdortoanlnspeetlonspecilyl�gMesunaDtecnvseforthelnsptcttoa. : <br /> ,�r°� 9. Condemn�tton. Theprocad�otanyawer0orclalmfordemega,dueccoroonsequrndal,inconnecdonwBh ' <br /> �ny wndannnAon or other taking oP any part of tde Property,or for conveyar.0 In Ueu of eondimnetton,"sre hereby <br /> '.:°!=�?' autgncdenqedeubevalatoLeoaer. Q , <br /> 4 :f*�,i.' in the acnt of a tatal taldng ef ths Trepzrty.tho pr,tie:�is sMall bt appil;d ta th:mr•:xured D,lE1:��F=:�Y <br /> Instrument,w4etder ot na then duq wtt4 any exceu patd to Borrower.In the evcnt oPs panial taking of�he Ptope(ty, <br /> unlas Dorrower a�d Lender othernicea�ee in wriHag,the wmt secuted by tWs 8eu:dry Iostrument ehaA 6e reduad 6y <br />'`-`,= tho amount o[the proacda mu1Np1(ed by the foliowing frectlon:(e)thc mtel emount of tde wma acured immediately <br />��'#:';rt�f_� beforc�hetaking,dividedbY(b)thefalrmarketvafueofthoPtopertylmmedlatety6eforothetakin6.Mybalmceehallbe .. <br />;a;_:; ;'F:;': paldtoHoROwa. - <br /> '-'�"�%�'-�r Ittha Property b abandoncd by Bonower,ot if,aftet notica by Lendtt to Borrowu thnt the condemr.or o6en to —. <br /> .:-.yc;...r - <br />- °-.s,��� makeenewardorcettleaelalmtordamaga.Horrowerfailatorapondtol.enderwlthin30deyieRerthedetethenoHceb -- <br /> �:-�--�=�r,�r_ given,Lendet�+authodzedtowllcetendayplytheproceeda.eNiwpNon,e(tfiertorutoretlonorrepalrofthePropectyor _ <br />:���_�'.�=''i' tothewm+sceuredbythbSxudrylnatrument.ahelM1uornottAendua ---- - <br /> ' r ��:� UnlcasLcnderandFlozrowerot6elwlungreelnadtlng,myapplicatlonotprottedaropdnelpal�hallno[extendor __- <br /> t F .+`� postpor.etl:eduadateofthemontfilypaynentercfertedtoinpangtapluland2orc4engetheemountoPsuchpaynmtt. �.=�w---- <br /> ,,;.,. S,�!'� 10. Bortoxer Not Relea�edi Portearauce By I.ender Not e Wehu. Hxtenalon of tLe time for payment or - <br /> -��'T'.^.a�� modi9cetlon of emort(zadon of the eumf eaured by thia Sccurlty Instrument grented by Lender to any wccasor in t�. <br />-==;r.�:..:,::� --s;_c <br />_,,.��,:....,.. Latuat otHorrower ehall not opemte to rclease the linbility of tfie odginel Hortower or BocrowePt suaawn In IntuesR �:��'__ - <br /> f-�- � Lender ehetl not be required to wmmenee proceMing�egaL�tt any iuccesmr in interest or rduic to extend tlme for ��_ . <br /> ' paymentorot6erwixmod:tyamoMizatlonoftheeumsseeuredbythie3ecudtylnstrumentbyreasonotenydemandmedo ry4'-S;{y:.. <br /> � ,..;,,,�.; <br /> _ .4,;:�:�-�� bytheodginalDortowerorBortoweP�eucceasoroiainterat.AnyfotbeerenabyLenderinexerdsinganydgAtorrcmedy :.;;;;�� <br />_�.;�'.ty-;�}:; �hailnotbeaivelveroforprecludetfieexudaeofenydghrorremedy. —'_'--` <br />�t,:.�:.r„. <br /> ,���:�; 11. 3ucceaxon and Aast�u Doundf Jotnt md Se�erol LleDllity�Co�el�en. The covenants and ag2emenn o e;_? <br />��'�°i`-�'f(-�`'r thleSecudtyInstrumemehaUbindendbeneflphenucuswnendessigmofLenderendBonower,cubjecttotfieproWdo:u =___,_ <br />"'�"`r'"`-�i of are ro LI7.Borio�rar'scovenentsnnda eemenusfiallbe ointandseveral.AnyHormwerwAoco-aignrihia&cudty <br /> � c_;_ Instn:ment but das not exxute the Nota(ais co-signing�h(s Secudty Inatmment only to mortgegq glant end comey ---� � <br /> <r� , -S'� that BorrowerY Interat In the Property under[he rcrtne oi fiu 3ecurrty inserumrni:(b)is not pc�wnailr ab6gn[2A tu yey �-""` <br /> '� tbe wms tecured by thb 3ecudty Inntrummk and(c)agrea that Lender end any other Borcower may agrce to extend, <br /> ' �� modiry,forbur or make any accommodatlom with regard to the[erm�of thb Secudry Inswmrnt or the Note without <br /> .r- __,�_. . tfiatBorcower'ecoasent. <br /> "��=� ` If, Loon GTerB•.�. If the loen secured by thi�Secudty Instrument B wbJect�o a Iaw which uu maxtmum loan <br />_ ����;t;�'.�__ cfiargc�.ond that law b interprcted w that the intere�[ or other loan chargcs wllcetcd or to be collectcd in <br /> - �:,;�_•� connxHon wi�h thc loan exceed�Ae permiued Ilmiu, then:(e)any such loan charge nhell be reduad by the emount ! <br />��,.,�'�_'�,,�;; neassery to rtdua the charge ro the permitted IImIG end(b)any num�elready co�lated from Dorrower whieh exttWed ' <br /> � � � permhted Ilmlu will be rcfunded to Dorrowec Lender may choose�o make thif rcPond by«dueing the principal owed <br /> �"-'- �,�'+` undertheNoteurbymekingedlrectpaymm�toBorrower.lfarcfundreduceepdncipel.the«due�ionwlllbetreatedne °`-. - <br /> rtial re a mmtwithoutan re n nentcher eundertheNote. 0. <br /> -�- Pe P PY YP PY• 8 _ .. . . <br /> - 13. Leglsletlon ARccting Lender'e Righte. If cnectmrnt or cxpirotion of npplicable la�vs has the eRa�of <br /> -.�,; rendednganyprorlsionoftheNouorthisSecuritylnstrumentunenforceableaccordingtouscerms.Lender,etitsoptios, � ` <br /> - ,, , may require immediete payment in PoII of ail sums secumd by�his Saurity Instrument end may invoke any «med!a - , <br /> permittcd by pare6raph 19.f(LenAer cxercisa this option.Lender shall take the srcps:pecified in the ucond paragrtph of �-g J .� <br /> paraereph l7. r� � :. <br /> ,,� .-,,__,._ I4. Notica. Anynoticeto0orrowerprovidedforinthisSecurirytnswmentshailbegirenbydeliveringirorby ���._� ..�._ <br /> s mailing it by flnt dass mail unless applicab;e la�v requira ux of another me�hod.The notice shail be directed to�he -� ,y., • <br />.___.ti;_-;.: Property Addras or any o�her address 13orrower designe�ea by mtice to I.ender.Ar.y nouce ro Lendcr shali be givm by — ° <br /> fintclessmailtoLendersaddresssleledhercinoranyotheraddre.ssLenderdaigna:c�bynoticetol3orrowecAn�-notitt �;`:�::ii� <br /> - - _ providedPorinthisSccuritylnstrumenlshallbedeemed[ohavcbeengiven1o11orro��erorLender�vhengivena�prorided ';-r<;�_:r'=-: <br /> in ths patsgteph. j�^ <br /> ' 15. Coremfng Lax;Sererability. This$ecurity Insirument sha:i hc govcrncd byleCCral law and tLc law of tht ..:�.- -�- <br /> � _ jurisditnon in�vhich�he Propeny is located.In the event�ha�any provision or clauu of�hiz Security Instrument or the - „� <br /> Note tortf!icis aiih applicable law.xuch con0ict shall no[a.7et1 other provisions of lhis Secumy Ir.stmment or the fiote <br />- - which can be aiven eBect wilhaul�he c� pmns:on. I u thu end the pmvu�nna uf Ih��Secumy Insirument and Ihc :.'�,,:,--- <br /> ,�''�+ Notcarcdeclaredrohesevernbla �I� f� �' <br /> 16. Oormxer's Capy. IInrrnwenhall bc giren one conCormM cnpy n(Ihe Knte and otthis Security Im�n:nem. -��',`-�- <br /> ` 17. Trensfer of the Property or e Oeneflcial Intercs[ in Uorroxen If all or an�-part of Ihe Property or any ::i:��� _ <br /> ' interei�m it is sold or lrerokrred(or if a benc5dai imerest in Ilarrower is anld nr tram&rred and dorro�cer is mt n nelural <br /> person)x�iehoul Lendds pnor ori�ten conern�.L<nder m+}.al nti n�iGnn,reymre immedia:c pa}�ment in fuil nf all wma � <br /> seeured b�-thi+ Secunly Imtrumrn�- Hnue+er. th�.npun •hali nm he exe�aad hc Lender d exere�u it p:nhibncd bp � ,�' _ <br /> t (ederallawasofihedaten(�hfe5ecunry Imvumcm- � <br /> If Lcr.der excrcS�c�th��nptinn.Lcndcr thall gn c Ik+rrn.�er nnum o(aaclerauna.Thc nn��ce•F.all prm ide a pennl <br /> _ o(m�Iess�han30Jaq�Gnm�hcdam:hcnol:cc��d2ncreJorma::eJxnF.m��h�chNnrtnwcrr.iu.ipacal1wm.i�YUredhp f � <br /> lhisSecumylm�mmtm.IfBnrrowerfa�F�npay�he�e+um.pnn:w�hrcap�r.rt�nnaflh�+pen�d.I.enJcrma�ui�ni.ea:n r <br /> " remediesperm�uedbrlhnSecurnylr.�tmmentw��hnm(enhernonccnrdemand�m[larro«cr <br /> n__..w:�o�..w...,n�t....�. It R,.. �..�.1���,�.. Nnrr+ ahall ha�r�he nehl In ha�t �. . . . <br /> '. .. ° - :.°.........._�. ........ ....._..�_.,. ...............�..a.r.��.. .uvr <br /> .,__. .. _"_""""'" """""""""_"""'..._._ _ " <br /> ' - enfnmememn(thnSecunlplr.arumentJnrnntfnu�datanyGmepnnn�+lhecad�erof(a)Sda7.(arwcho�F.crpemda. � <br /> - eppGcab:e law may spen(�-!or rcimtalemer.�l Acfnre sale u(tF.c Propeny punoaN m any pnwer�d.ale c�+mam�d ia�hn <br /> Seeunl)Instrumtnt:or(b)rnlq'nfa�udgmem rn(arcing IF.i.$erunry'Imvur.�em-Thnu mndfunn.are IF.aI N..:ro��cr. � <br /> (a1 pays Lender all wms which �hen.��ould he due under d�ic Securiq- Imtremem and �he tio�e had nn ac.clent!nn <br /> - oceurred;(b)eura any deCauh of anp o�Ler co�eoant+or agrcemenn.(c) papt all u�xn.n u�eurrcd m enf.+rcm�Ihn <br /> . .'�i:�`'_ Secunry�InslrumenL mdeding,bu� r.ot Iimfled lo,rea+nnable attomeyi fea:and(d1�akati wch ac��on a�Ler.d<r r..a� ° <br /> reawnably requirc�o a.sure thai �he Irtn nf Ihu Security I�sw�r.en6 Lender'a ngh�a m�he Prnprrry-and Rnrrnoer\ � <br /> obliga��on ro pap the sems �m:rttl by �his Securily InsttumeN �hall mntiwe unchangeJ. Um�n rcin+�a:emem M1� ' <br /> '��;�"� Uorrou�er.thf;Sm:nly Ir.slrumrnt and the obligatior.s secured hercby shall remam fcliy eRecu�e a.dr.0 arcemraunn had <br /> oceurrM-Hawe•�ee[F.isrighttoreinsta:eshallnotappl��iniheeaxo(acccleralmnunderparagraph�l1or17- � <br /> . . .�;er1. __ . . - _ — `_._ ... _. <br />