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(�, f _ ,. _;3" � %.1f �y,,y��Sj : v' ri. _f_ ._..__.. <br /> —._ C \' t J _� _ �. / , ) � J ♦ � � N 9lY�SMt� Y � — <br /> _� - , A'4N�1N��Rt'�fb�{Af�I�QrrowetandbqYdfr�fl�ths►cyvsh�r�t4��'��}fo7I6§��f� , � �a _ _ .... _ <br /> ; : 1vt A6atsnqons�cmed�ta lbcnder sh�f1�tTa aodee J3$drto�rq 0�?oi1�a�tFtNo follpwle,y�qrx�e ; T',� T <br /> .: brafkRt�Ycorealheorr(�rsmtnttntE1r�(�toi(.cum sat(but+lo prtorEoJ!�tcr aqxndfryltt�l3�� -. <br /> : mdsa�� �te�pieuw yro►tdaj�olbar�d+sh7�uoqai�l.�tlbt�tdaAetautt�(6 th� ctfyntequfrtdtveuro+5e � <br /> - — deT+Plq Ipdajl,no}IeWtAs4�D . afte�thedate e�ogcep��nf�ieaEerw2ic�asReecar�ec - <br /> - ��nR(d)�!lpllareto6utaf�He¢kT��oPe�LGtofOthe�dde�pttiflpdt�ltUeG9t(Cd,�iY�eSPIlidAC`tel0rlflOD.o/t�ORUlhf - � ' <br /> Eeeq�A pktdfa�qcnrlty Iai�enl dpd eue pltLp Pioytity.4�e noNce eLa1i fu�tr ipivraj Bonoyerot t5e ttALt to ;,, <br /> -= ktnsi te etter atce]entiou NId Na rtgLt to 6rtnp R cdert.isstiob to As�ert tAe b6c�difiteaca ot s defiulf P�inY other_ <br /> � <br /> — ¢et9�olBotio�erfofp�enUOnaidY�te.i/tHCdxPtrltlaaotairedopor6etorat6qdateayecaReAtnlqoaoHC�Lender . <br /> et ite opHaa ioey nq_otre tmmedtate D�eat Iatall ot�11 aamt iaared 6Y t6tr Be�arltY:i�itromeptRtt6q,ut Mrlber .- r <br /> ""�'T°= demandaadmaYLlfrtkgthOCcnerotAald6ofta�+yotherremediet ttedbya�DUsaAlaJaw�l.stidw..sfjattCa.e�qtleQeo , <br /> coRect.wl cxpensa ineu►red-ln p�v�Yfni tAe remedter.ptoild ln ti�pWM�Od i9.InetuNn&buY not ilmited tv.; " " <br /> „�•,. rasnmDteaitomeys'fceewdcasko[Htleoddeda. � ' ' <br /> '�-� It�¢a poaer of wde le tnioked,Trostee sA�ll rscord e coHce of defaoli in eaeL comW��W WW A4��ot the <br /> �° ProyerlyUloptedaa864aUmailoopiwoituw4'vlttaLiWiID:�ac:i���l9flDClltible4nW8ortexetYndtothe '-. -- -_--- _ _ _ <br /> t s`f� other pucors preaulbed Dy aDDllable las.Atter tbe Hme reQol+ed Oy apD���bla law,ltustae�hall g�va puDltc notice o! <br /> w sile ro the pereotu end In the maoner preserllied by appHcabte ItA.7Yuste0.��aut demend oa BortoAer,sdall eeqtAa <br /> - - Propertyatpobllcaacttontothe6lgheat6ldderatlGedmoaad➢�a��doaQetthetermsdui�ateAlnthenadcaolaelatn <br /> ooeormoreparcebandlnwnyorder7Yosteedeterminea.7tuateemaypostpoae�Weofelloreny parcelo(tboPtoye+tYDy <br /> �-; yuUl:c announcement at the eW e end D4ce ot an�Dretlwsiy ethedu'.ed eale.Leader or tN dea[gr.ea may piuc6ase the - � <br /> ` ��k Properp'strny�ple. _. <br /> � 1.,;;;,„ Upon recelpt ot yayment ot We Ddae btd,Trwtee s6a11 deUrer to tEe D����"�«'�deed conveyln8 tke _._ <br /> .:_>v,p':.:,; Proyerly.lhe reeltat�In tha 1Yustea'e dced sb¢A be Drlme faele avlder.ce o!t6e truth of tbe statemente made t6uefa. <br />��--�t�:��:�': ltuatee�taA aD6�7 tAe pracceds ottlie eele In t6a toUoeing ordui<a>to WI e:pensea ofthe sale,Indadin8.6ut not UmitW <br /> tq 1Yustce's f¢ca as permttted b9�pp��61e!ew ond rextonable attomeye'tcesi(D)to ap sume seccred bY t6te Becurtty �y�—_ <br /> ; «' Instrunentl�d<clanY��toWepersonorpeaonalegAllYeoHtledtolt. - � � - <br /> `�=��%t�' 70.I.eoder in Posswton.Upon exeleretfon under paregraph 19 or aba�donmmt of the Propeny. Lender pn <br />��•.ir-'.r'r� ----- <br /> -,���Xr..,i.:: person,by agent or by Judidally sppolnted recelver)ehall M mtiQed to eater upon,tako possasion of and manega the _ <br />�..'.:t�°y�_;n Propeny and to collat the rcnta of tho Property laetuding those pest due.Any renu co!!ected by I.euder or U�e reaiver �- <br />- �y=:�;-g �hell Ix npplied Nnt ro payme�t of the crots of manegement of the Property end cotlallon of rent�,ineluding,but not �-�_ <br /> - '�•F`.''.� limited�o,receiver'e fca,prsmtums on recelver's bonds tad reasonable atwmeys'fea,and then to the tuma eecured by "`:-�_ <br /> :�,'�>;i'=;S'�+� this Saurtty Instrument. --- — <br /> ry��;y 21.Rewmeyaace.U n payment of all aum�saured by[htn Secudty Inatrumer.t,Lender eMll requat Trusta to <br />: :;�':;i:?,,.. po <br /> '�':+;'�i*y;?; raonvey the Property and�hell surrendu thli Securiry instrummt end all nota eridu:dng debt secuted by this 9ecudty <br />_^_;�}:,��; Instrument to TrustEa Trusta ehall recomey tAe Property without warcanty and aithout cfiarge ro tfie person or penom <br /> legelly mtlHed to it Bueh penon or persom eLall pay any rccordedon costa. <br /> y '� ai.suonttute�iruaeee.i.ender,aiiwoption.mejtros.tihatotimercnoe:T:astaendspM!nte•���seor��� ..-- ----- -. <br /> �r' �� roany7tusteeeppolntedhereunderbyanlnatrumer.trocordedinthecountyinwhichthi�Secudtylnstrumentisraorded. � <br /> - =�'- Without conveyancc of the Propetty,the tucauor crustee�fiell succecd to all the dtle,power and dutlea cankrted upon ` <br /> ,{ ',=� Trustahcreln end by eppBCablc lew. �--. .- . . <br /> ,•� � . 23.Request tor Nodew.Borroxxr requcsu thet copia of the noticea of detaul[and�ale be ant to BorrowerY [-�-.- <br /> -- ' addresswhichisthcPropenyAddrw. �"" "-- <br /> si :. u <br /> '`? -� 24.Rldero to t6u Seturtry inatrument.If one or more ridero are exautcd by Borrower end raorded togcther with . <br /> tf ; ."•. tAlaSecudtylmwment,theeovenentsmdagreemenuoteaehsuchriderahallbeinwrporatedinroendthaliamendand ;- �i "� ,_� <br /> ;�:sr.'G' t¢pplemmt the wvenenu er.d egreeme�ta of th'.e Seeuriry Instrummt as if the rideRs) were e pan of thia Secudty F:.�:;};ix•��-�-�-- <br /> r� !�, , �nz , <br /> � ._�. Ins[rument.[Chak epplicable box(a)] -,,�4:,, � . <br /> i `' - ^ 7�J Adjusteble Rete Rider ❑Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider - <br /> . S .-_c; --ti LY t� .� <br /> ' z�� ; � aradunced Peyment Rider ❑ Unit Development Rider ,q;,E s „ f '. <br /> ::��.-+:'. � d) �Pu Y� `.`�5�.- .�.y' .- <br /> _ny? `f Othe s s d } ��;' ; <br /> ; � <br /> �il _f :-':� � vo <br /> QY SIOKING 6e�ow. Borrower eccepts end agrea to the terms end rnvenents conteined in [his Security � ;t +'-� ' <br /> r �'y�. d.. � <br /> ., _ - , Ir.strumm[end in eny rideda)exauted by Borcowerend recorded with i�.�f `' _- -�y.� <br /> Y �//�\/ ���(Y� �//{,^ •0 /�� Sti f � <br /> -.�' �...�(..�N.Y.V.SR.�../.:..�K.......... ...................��� �j, <br /> �i i � ( ��.1 t � <br /> _ )G\ <br /> -.�,.�.,- �... !` L�J�XI(G4Y'�`nT..A.� ��C9�� � � 5 f c <br /> C. <br /> ' > <br /> . .-. ' . . .. —BM�M( <br /> �.' . . . . '�!_ <br /> al <br /> . . - — �SVa<e Oebr Ttu wx ta �cuww44[�"'^�I _ '_ _ <br /> - $fk�'�OP .....dP�1LeA�l&................:� ' t :i-: <br /> t ���t", Her�11[On �� �� <br />- :',i _ � _.- OOUNl7f OF ............................... _„ :_ . <br />. �.. .-•>� . - - <br /> -�� Rita E. Petersen �-'-_ - - <br /> ],,,,,, ,,, n Noury Publ!e ln and for teld county aad rtate,do he[eby oattty thet _ - <br /> - .: . ... ...... ' . <br /> Are1e L.�and']Yonne l:'Wfll'f5...• ...................................OenonellynOpcarcd - <br /> .-.::'_,..-. � ....... ................................................... <br />` � - be(Oro ot and it(ere)knox�n or prm'ed to me m be t::e person;s).rho,bcing informed of thc mntrnts of tht foregoing Inswmeuq _ <br />. ... : - : <br />-- - bare aauted Wne.end ackno�rledE�snid instmmen::o he...LheSr���•-�������<<M end vp:�ntery acl end doed Bnd tLet .. <br /> _ .;:_ .A^.. (his.her.theL•) � <br /> ' - `°�7...........ecavtcA saiC tns�mmrn[ ror t�e P�N�x+and ma inamin aci iorin. � - -- <br /> _ .......... r <br />.. - (he�eLe.rLerl i <br /> : ,, , �. <br /> •-�:�.-. �'-- 28th May 93 ( <br />._�-� ..,.� - <br /> ---:`��::%-"i Wlmes�mr uana eaa otndat ceal�nt�..............................deY ot.................................19...... � <br /> .�: t <br /> r. <br /> t -' My Com�issoo Hxp • � � <br /> ot, ix.;' ��IY�a� " i <br /> .s ItlTA8.�6iFJtsfH .... .. ........�: .......... ..... .......�1'? 'y <br /> ... -F.:-.. vJ0.�aa EP 6nOCSQ 1936 Noury Pub9c ' <br /> .--s,: . <br /> i <br /> S �- .'(t� Lvtruaent waf yreparcd by.... RSI,9.T'. PSxersen........................................................ � <br /> F . . ♦. . ....... <br /> M/I <br /> .'n.-_. . — — — _. _ —_- -.- __. <br />