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pciCl� .���. __'i '_"1Yl111�=�Ji� fl �fl� Kl'4 ' � i%��.y �.._ S�_�i— !)- — ��.__" <br /> . , ....� i .. y . : ,.+ <br /> [y y / L � <br />��� `I t ' . . . . _ __ . . __ � . . .' _ _. _ <br /> ( � L� <br /> ... .� .. . � } - <br /> .,� '.UNtFd1iMC+6veNAN/'8. iJoitcwNanAi.�nQuwvauntdnd' �eem�olJowu � � �� • L — _-._ -:. <br /> = f. Paymwt o►Pdacicel uid Interaq 8reyr,TC�ea4 tcd�te�ugta.' 6o��'p�fltl prompttY 9aY When due . <br /> �___-,,;�� thaprinctpalotendtnterqtonthedebtev(drnadDythel9oteendenyprepayuenten le r8esdueundenhatl0tp <br /> �t� 7•.FandstorT�ea�aG�asa►�nce. BubJattoapp:Iubklawor�qetvrltanwAiverbyl.endep8otrvwu��at4�Y —___ <br /> � , - _ to Lenderon thq dey mont4fy paymeate aro Que ur•du.tha Note,datil tiw Noic li pald 1n 1hU,a�um C'PuqOa?')eQu to <br /> � u J:,;� ono-tweifth of�(e)Yeetly taxa and as�essmente vihlch meY atta!n pdority over this Secudty iriazrumeint�(�)Y��Y <br />, - .,,,_,G, ., teasehoid psymwu or 6round rmu on the Preyxrt9� If eny� (c)yearly hezerd imurenee p[emfums;end(�yldtly ___ <br />^"' mortgegeinauronxpecmlum�,Vany.TheaeRem�arecallcd"eserowlcemx"LendatnayestimerothePundsdueo8the �______ <br />��=5;r��{, bu(sofcurtentdataendreasoneb:entfmataofi4turaescrowttema. <br /> °' y��• 'ILeFunde�hallbedddineninstitutlon[hedepositaoreccouauofwhfchareinsuredorguarentadbysfcderalor <br /> ��� � suw agcnoy(Includtng Lender It I.ender!s tuch an insUWUon).I.endu ehall nyply the Fund+to pAy the eserow hem�. - -- <br /> ` 1'' La:der may not eherga Por ho!ding and app7ying t4e Fundf,eAalyting the aocouat or vuitylng t1w eacrow itemL un.aa <br /> 3 X .;'� <br /> ; ,�. ;r�. Lender payn IIortower imerat on the Fund�end app9ceble law pemd[s Lender to make�uch a eharga Bonower and <br /> x n4�•� Lendu mey agra in wdGng thet intercat shaU bc pdd on the Fuad�.Unlas en egreercent 1�mada or appticable law ��= __ <br /> ,�zi-�.'�� requira intttes[to be pdd,I.ender�ha l l rot b e reqt:vea to pay 8orrower my in:a a t o r e a m i a 6 s u n I h a F u n d,.L e u d e r -__ <br /> , nbeUg[veto8orrower,aithoutcharge,anannueleocounticgofthePhndsstowingcredivanddebltstotdePund�andthe <br />-��-N?.--t?>�r:_ pm{wseforNhleheachdebUtotfieFundsaaemade.TheFundfarepledgedmaddiHonalwcudryforthewmaacuralby �`_-__ <br /> r r _:�; tfils8ecudtyInsuumenG . <br /> : ,__Y+,,,; If the am.ount of the Fund�held by Lendu,ugether wl[h the futurc montM1ly payments of Fundf pnyable pde•tr -_. <br />?;t. >;,�„:,_� the due desea of�he eacrow item�,shall excad tfie amount requlred to pey the acrow items when duq�he excess s6a11 be, �:�= -- <br /> -""'-�;?""`°� at HortowePa option,either promptly repald to Horrower or eredital to Bortower on moathly p�ymenu of Funde.If the �'=..� <br /> _ 5�` <br /> '�;i��XF�gt emount of the Funde held by Lendtt i�not sulflctent to pay the escrow itertu ahen due,Borrowendall pay to I.ender any _ _ <br /> �'C;�-':_"";>':` amountnecesseryromekeupthedeflckncyinoneormoropeymenuefreqatredbyLmder. -- <br />�'-.��s''�"�' Upon paymrnt in full of all wma aaurcd by ihis Sandty Irotrumen6 Lender ihdl promptly rePond to Borctmu <br /> tt"'f,i en Funde held b Lendec If under am ro h 19 tAe Pro ia wid or a ulred b Lender,Lender shell n 1 ,no lata °,_. ._--_ - � <br /> . ;� Y Y P B P P�rt9 W Y PP Y _ <br /> �;,.°\t:�y�y.:� tfim immediately prior ro the wle of the Propeny or ite acqaisition by Lender,eny Fund�held by Lendu at the dme of <br /> _ ...-5:a.�.. <br /> ;_ �e ., app!ICatloneeacreditagainstthewmesecueedbythBSecudtyInatmment. <br />=���'="1r"�`� 3. Applleetton ot Paymente. Unias appliuble law provida otherw(sq ell paymente received by Lender undtt _,__ <br /> ?�;'-_ =.��;'. paregrephs I end 2 ehall be eppl!ed:flnt,to late chargm dueunder theNotK�econd,to prepayr�mt chacga due under the <br /> - "•:?,�cS Notr,thQd.toemounupay9bleunderpazagraph2;founh.totnteratdur,eadla:t.topdncipaldua _ _,_ <br />'2.��',%-?,y°=�`�: 4. C4�nrgp;Ltenf. Dortower sha!1 pay ell l[xes,suessmenta,char6a,flna and impositions nttributable to tde �- <br />;`l't,rt'*;r�ir- Pmpeny whieh may attain prioriry over thia Secudty Instrument and leauhold paymente or ground rent�,if eny. �----- <br /> �.�. :rn Aorcower�hall pay these obligeHons in the manner provfded ir.psregreph 2,or if not pafd in that mnnner,Bortower ehelt _ _ <br /> r,;3n.__.-Yi•i» — <br />�a:_;,.,.�„e,.; pay them on time direc�Iy to the person oNed payment.Hortower eAall promptly fumiah�o Ler.der all nodcee of amounta _ <br />-r.��,:•+,i�;��,-;� to be pa!d under thia parograph.If Borrower meka these payments dirrsdy.Horrower aF.ell promptly Nmish ro Ixr.der <br /> � t - !� reulpiaerideneingthepaYmznu. — — --_ . <br /> ::,,,t-.:;,;�„.;, B'ur.roser chall pmanptly dia.fiarge any l:en e:h!ch h�•priority ever this s!��!riry In:�rumen[unlm Horcower.(a) -- --- _- <br /> =�'a�•K':+-i; egrasinwriting�othepaymenroftheobligeUon�ecuredbythelieninamenneraceeptableroter.der.@)contatdngood .,___.�---- <br />�?rn;�::;�,.��,: 5�== — <br /> �/-,i_q�_�_,;;rj feith the lien by,or dehnds egainst enforcement of the Iko in,legel proceedings which in the Lender'i opinlon operate ro F__,���_�_� <br /> provent the eniorament of the Ilen or forfeiwre of�ny part of the Propeny,or(c)secura from the holder of the Ilen an � . <br /> --- -�t - egrxment setBPoctory�o[.ender subordinaiing the lien to thla Security Imtrument.lf Lender detertnlne ihat any pan ot �-��._- . — .-._ <br /> { j�r�_; the Property Is cubject to e lien which may ettaln pdorlty over th!e Secud�y In:trument,Lender may give Borcower a �-;?� � _ <br /> notice identllying ihe Iien.Borrower�hell ailsfy the lien or take one or more of�he ec�ions aet forth ebore withla 10 deya ,�, _ <br /> ' t�`t of�hegfvlagofnotice. . -' <br /> � ��--���4 !. Harard In�cnnce. Dorrower�hall kcep thc faprovemean notr existir.g or hercaRer arec�ed on the Property �i1; , :x-� - <br /> Insurede6aina�los�byflre.he�ard�included�vithfn�heterm"extendedcorerage'endanyo�herAazerdsforwhlchLender �_,,�;�__ ���;;_:q <br /> , _' x <br /> _.;.,; requira Insunnce. This inaunncc che�l be meintef�cd in the emounta end for�hc periods�het Lender requlra. The 4r , � Y <br /> - insurance cerrier providing the insurnnce ahwll be chmen by Dotrower subject to Lenderb epproval whieh iball no�be i. --_ :�- <br /> ' a -`--'. unreasonably wnhheld. � '{`+y -' — . <br /> All Insumnce politiea end renewels shall be eecepteble ro Lender nnd xhall include a ctendard mortgege clause. f. ,_ �!r,'S,,`.:�,$'� <br /> � Lender shall hare the right ro hold thc pnlicies end rmewals.I(Lender reGaires,Bormwer shell promptly give to l.ender -a �t� � �t�7-. _ <br /> all receipts of p�id premiums and renewal noticn.In�he even�of Ins+,Oorcowershall give prompt noticeto the insurana �'� vi�' ` '- <br /> - _ cerrierendLendecl.endermaymakeproafoflossifnotmedepromptlybyBorruwec "� �- -�y�ir3-,�,.-�� <br /> UnlessLenderandBorrowerothcnriseagrainwri�in6.insumncepraccedsshallbeapplicdtoratoretionorrepsir ��t -_ �.e�,_,�, �- <br /> � ,-�1� of ehe Property Cxmnged.if the restoration or repair is eeonomieally kasible and Lenders securiry•is no[teumed. If�he ��is d a � �_�. <br /> - ratoration or rcpair is not economicelly kasib:e or Lenders securily would be lessened,�he insurance procads shall be >-; } +�t+tiit�<. _ <br /> �_ - e lied to the suns saured b this Securit Instrummt,whether or not�hen due.with en excas aid to Dorrower.If -"O '�: ,,�-�� <br /> Y P �. <br /> �a-�:•� �` - - - Ibrrower ebandons thc Propeny,or daes m[anzwer withi�30 days a no�itt from Lender that thc inmrence carrier has -� �''}`%-`� <br />. . .� .� ';�{-:.�..:-._.:-_ <br /> oiferedmutdeacteim,�heniendermaycollentheinsura�ttpr«ceds.Lendermayusethepraeedstorepairorreswre �_`�?':;�Jt�-- <br /> � the Property or m pxy sums secured by lhis Secunry•Instrument,u�hether or not L'�en due.The JO-day periad�vill begin '.:�'�;_;;.:r.:, <br />� �vhenihenoticeisgiven. ' ' ' <br /> � -- Unle«IrnAeranAAnrrowero�heruiceapreemwriling.anyapp:ica�ionofprMeedstoprincfpalshallnoteztendor <br /> postpone the duedale of the moathly payn:entc«ferred to m paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change lhe amnum of the pa)'menls.ll k <br /> under paragraph 19 lhe Property is acqmred hy Ler.der.Harrn�eer'.nght many msurar..e po{ina and proceedc rcsuhir.g ' - ` - �'�� <br /> � � fmmdan:agelothePropertypriorto�heacGmsilionshallpa�stoLender�nd:eextento(�F.ewmscecuredbythisSecun�y <br /> -- � � Instrumemimnediatel�-prior�olheacqm+fuoa �' - �� <br /> � - "' - 6. Pretervation�nd Mtintenence of Pmperty;Leateholds. {lormu�er cha:l nN desvm'.damage or whs:emfally . � <br /> _ _ , ehange Ihe Propeny,allox� :he Prnpeny�o delennrale or comm:l x�atite If�h�s Secunq� lnsvument is on a Icatehold. � - "" <br /> _. �: Borrowershallcnmpi�-uithih<proais�onaof�helea.e-aoddBortoocrarqu:rc��ec�nkm�hePrnpenp.�helcaxF.nlda:W � - _ -- <br /> @e utle sMall nn:merge unles.Leuder agrm Io the mergcr m u n�mg � <br /> � �� � 7. Prottttlon of I.ender's RiRhta in t6r Propeny; ]1artReRe imurnnce. I(Unrrnxcr (a:l. io perfnrm ihc ' _ <br /> -� " eorenents and agmemenla coa�amed m thn Secun�c Imvumen6 onhere�w iegal pr.weeding�ha�mac ag:�fica�tic aRe.� _ <br /> - Lender's ngh�s m the Prnperry�(wch m a prweedmg in Aankruplq�, proM1a�c.f+r mnd<mnauan or to en4�rcc _ <br /> re¢ulatioas).then Lendcr mar dn and p�)-fnr x�M1ate�cr f�nrcncan-�n prrnm�he�aluc of�he Proxn�and LenJcr'.ngF.t. <br /> in the Properq-Lender i ac�mro may mdude pa}-mg an}.�ms.ecured 6� a Len�ch�ih ha�pnnnq mcr thn�crunl} - <br /> � ' :mtrument,appearing m cnun.paymg reax�nable avorneyC ke.anJ emenng o:�the Prnperry �.+mai.c rvpa�n.Althocgh <br /> . . . l,endermaytakeactfanundenhnparagraph7,Ler.derdcxsnotLa�ewdom- <br /> � � AnyamocntsdnbuncdbyLcnderundenhisparagnph7shallhen+n:caJJmnualdcht.�Bnrroucr.ccurcdMihu <br /> - - Seeurip-InstrumenL linlecs Borrox�er and l.ender ag:ee mo�her�rm:a a(parmem.�hc.e amoum•�hall hea::ntcrt�t Gnm <br /> - � the date of dnbursemrn� a� Ihc Nn�c rete and shall tu pa�aAle.��i�h iNCreV.upnn r.nt�ac L•nm lender w &�rmxcr � _. <br /> - . requalingpaymrnl. <br /> _ ; ; <br />,_ '\� ,1 <br /> i ., <br />- 'c'.. . <br /> _ � � _.�.._ ,� <br />