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_�r _ � __ '. F� _ t x _ ---,_ <br /> � allfl. ' _ _. � . .IA -y� r t --, ( '' { ( ,���w1���� $ — <br /> . � ( 7! �� �'li . __ - _.. <br /> S.1TsrarA 9s Bt�D�i9 �+9�a►34e �da�k'u'e�1'scP tha lmprdverowie aoW 4241s��itg b!hst¢aftet .¢��Ae *� <br /> � . Pio�tty to„wFql d$etmt fo3a Oy Ttrt�neza(ds inefuAOd,Wi!4f�A#o tt�'�iWdai aoVCt�ge"�cW nr,y'aip4T�ds,Ir�ci�W(�# *: ;: <br /> fiooQporqood��g.lotwNoh:seiderteq�Insurei�dd,7Cl�Insu�oOahflllbsmalntnldg�IntApatsS�ontl4�d-tot1ilapOda� <br /> _ tLatLEnd�e tequlta:".1LB{asure.�se cdM1T p:ovldinp thfi i7surance atielt 6o chaw�Dy IIorrowCe cut�est W LenQst`a�,royal, • <br /> which�h�1i iibt 6e v�rcewraDly wlthh�tA:it IIBnower faiti to n��,'atain covetegq'dcacri6cd eTwro�titaQea mp�,@S l.enEqe'q ` � <br /> opilon,oDteincoveregetoprotall.endePeHaNtninthaPmpufyinedo'o�dpacaryl4�par�eph� _ :,-, <br /> Atl litcuranco po1'dei and rennve!t sLell,(W ettyftaD:eto LeaEer end ehall inetu�ie a stabdetA'mortgeg6 c(aji;e,f,�tadet <br /> _ sna��na.e�er��ns�ohotarhopoi�ctcsan4+eoaweL:ietendereeqWC'ea;8otsowe{sIWll�ytpmptly8lveto[xpQerjilYtal}N70T � <br /> ---- paid premi�m�end m,hewal notica:Jn tha eveae ot io�g,liorrowgt sliell givo pro�p[notto�t9�he'Insufano0sdhi6�etkl�.tqdeb. � . _ <br /> : ' LaMer mqy metca prootopass ltnot ma{la promp�ty Oy Hortower, _ _ .. . . ,. .: : .. . .. ..... ....-.-...,_-,,- -,:._ .-, .-.- , <br /> UNesa Lepder end Uorrower o�uwise e�gree(n wd0:g;lnsut�noe p[oMed�sEell 6e opbU�¢to eeatoradon oi rpyalr ot(he. `. �_; <br /> _-- Prope[ry damagai,if tho restoretion or repa'r U eoonoMcelly feas{blo end LeoQer'i uwdty ia not IaseneA.IttGe rzsto[etlonqi <br /> repalr b ao[wonomica!ty teaaible or I.enduY sea:Nry wou.d be Iasened.the i+.uurenco pto�oed�sfieft be eppl3Ed td tEp'a�rm <br /> ____ �ewred 6y thie 8uudry instrumm4 whe�hw or not then dae, wltli eny excea�pald to I3otrotvu. It 8ortpwq abaMonn 1�t0 <br /> "°'- Propecry,or does not an+wer wl�hin 90 dayr a notioe from Lender lhat the Inaurmoe canter hm oftere4 ro set�Ie e cle!in,tLea <br /> _ -- Lender <br /> may colictt�he lrourenae procceAS.Lendu may we tha prooeede ro npalr or nstoro tde Pm <br />-__�.� seared by ihie Seaui insm�ment,whether or not then dua 71ie 30-0 P�Y ar to yay�ai�du _ <br /> tY aY period aW 6e31n afien tda aotice ia glrCn. <br /> _-- Unteas I.ender ead Bortower otAuwta ngroe in w�iCng, any epyllceHon ot pmoceE�to prtnc(pal ehell nbt•extwd ot <br /> �_�-m�,� pastpoae tde due daro of che monUily pnymcnte rokRed to in paregispha l end Y or cdange the mwunt o[the paymenro.If <br /> under paregnph 21 Yhe Property i3 acquired by Lender,Harrowor•�dght to aqY insure.�ce policlq end protted�rcaultlrg from <br />���A:S damage ro fhe Propttty pdor to�he earylaidon ehall pas�ro Lendar to Ihe extent ot 1ha suw eeamd by lhia Savrity Wuument . <br />::.-`.^�_-%�1 Itcrt:edlately pdor to the aoqulsitlon. .._. <br /> �:�:. 6.0¢wpancy,P�ervntloa,Malntenence and Protectlon of ihe Property�Borroner4 Loen Apptiarion;Leasehol6v. c <br /> 1-" Bortower�hall ocapy,utabllsh,end uae[he Propeny e�Bc[rower'�pdncipal usidence w(thfn eixty daye eftu the exaudon of <br />--�-`f;i.- thia Searfty Intiaument end shall conLLme ro ocea:py the Property a�Bortowu•s princlpal rcaidence for at least one year eftec <br />-";:r�;- tAe daro of oaupaacy,un:w Luder otAernix agraa In wlW:ig, wNch consent�hall rro�be unrcasonably wllhhetd,or uatzas <br /> % °'ti extenuatleg circumstenas axirt whieh era beyond Borrower's con�rol. Bortower shell not datro e or Im r �a <br />•_'�.,K�. Y. de�m8 P+t <br />---``., Property,ellow the Propary ta dUerlowte,or commit wu:a on tha Property. Borrower eAall be In default If nny forfelRro <br /> .":':'- aulon or proceeding, whether�eidl or cdminil, le begun dut in Le:der's good td�h Judgment auld reault In forhimre of the <br /> ',;:*L� Propeny or othernise matutally impair the Iien creeted by thie Security Insnument or I.ender'e secutiry intuu[.Hotrower tney <br /> :",-'- curo such a defeult end rcirstate,u provided:a pazagreph 18,by cawing the action or prooeeding to be dlamlased wtth a tuling <br />�,-���� thet, in I.ender's good.feith daemilnation, p:ecluda foReimrc of Ne BortoweP� Intercat tn the Property or otAer makdal <br />:,:;;,,,..:. <br /> ---,:i:-• Impatrment of rhe lien crce�ed by ihb Security Inawment or I.endub sxurity in:ereat. Horto�ver shall alw be In defeW[If <br />'�>y«�- Borrower,dudng t6e loan eppliadon procem,gave metedelly falae or inecarete informedon or rtc�emems ro Lender(or feiled -�� <br /> .�4;:�� to provide I.ender w0h eny metedal information)in conneetion wi�M1 Ne loan evidenced by the Noro,including,but no[Ilmited <br />'�`����- to,mprcuntaqoro coxeming Horrower's ompaney of the Pmperty as e pdncipal rcaidence.If thia Securlry Instnrment fa on a _ <br /> `;;._��r', leauhold, Borro�ver shail comply with ell �he provisions of the lease. If Borrower ecqulrea fa title ro tho Propeny, the —""� <br /> :'�;cr=� leasehold end the fa title ahell nat merge unlas I.ender agrea to the merger(n wri�ing. <br />