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�,Sm . ..:- . . . ..— - .- ` ' � n�:_ r <br /> .��r�t►�$�g � _ _._. _ <br /> .__� .., .: <br /> . .: .. . . . . , :� <br /> � � - :1'Q�A�YIElt�VPf�t alI t1�o 1a�rovcm,enp noN on c�r�afkr uuSM an t4qpropeny:adA eU s��F�+,eppu�-ncra.� =. = <br /> � ffxtutta ouw or hCrcaRer`e pare o4 tho prop�riy. All �epiacee�enro end ad4ltlon�'ahalt etw De covaod 6y"Aile SSCUrity .. <br /> Inst�umrnt.Atlot�hetOrcgo'.ngfetehrrodrolnthl�8uuflryiimn�.:nta�the"PropDrty.• • : ''. - =''.-- _ <br /> _�� . '.80RItPWBR COVBNANTB tlwr 13orromt ie inw(ulty eSisoO ot�he eata�e hercby conveyed and he�tho dg�t W grant and•, � - <br /> _ convey Ne Property end ttue trte Property ta oneua:mbcrcd, oxoept for encum6ranocs ot reourd. Botrower wertan(e end 4AI? . _ <br /> -- -- deRnd genEmlly tfie Utle to P.e Property egaitut ett claims end Qcma�tds,subJea to any en�vmDr�cea ot rxord. `'` <br /> THI9 9H4YJttITY IN9TRUMBNT minbinas un:form eoveaanu for naUonai uao and non•uniPorm cover.anu wt:rt Iimlccd <br /> varladmu Dy jwlsdldion to wmtttu[a e uNfortn eearity iasuument oovering reai propeny. ' � � <br /> ���- UNIPORM OOVBNAN7`9.Borrower ead l.cnder covenant md agree a�followe: ' - <br /> ' 1. P4ymmt o!Prh�dpal und Juterest�Yrepayment and Lete C6acgea. Bortower ahall prompflY Day when�hiq tT+e F .' <br /> pdnclpal ot and Interat on the debt evidenad by the Note end any prepayment md lete ohazgee duo u�er the Note. <br /> 2.FL•nd�tor 7faxes aid Insurance.55�bJect�o appliceble law or to a wAtten welver by Lender,Bortowu ehall pqy W <br /> -- I.endu on the dry mon[hiy paymeme ere due under�he Note,uatil tho Noro 1�pald In PoII,s sum('Fund�')for:(q yoarly texW <br /> and assasmenu whicA may�ttafn pdodty ovu thfa 8ewriry Tnatmment a+e Ilen on the Propeny:@)ywrly leaseho:d paymenro <br /> - __ or ground ronu on the Proputy,it any;(c�yearty�vard nr propeny Inaurena preiniumr.(d)yeady flood Insurence prunluml. <br /> If my;(e)yearly mortgage Inauranoe premfum�, if eny;end(�eny curtu payabie by Bortower to a000rdmce wlth <br />---_---= Na proWsiona of pangreph 8,in lieu ot the paymer.�ot mongege inwrence prcmiurtu.Theae liem�are celled'Bscrow Item�.' <br /> y•T-'s Itnder may, at eny time,collect end hold Aunda (n en amunt not to exceed tho mazimum emount e lender tor a foderelly <br /> '� � tel�ted�r.ortgage loan may rcquire for Bortower's escrow wroun[undu the kderel Real Eatate Se�qemmt Pmoedurea Act ot <br />,-`_".� 1974 av miended from time ro Hme, 12 tJ.S.C.Sacdon 2601 u aeq.('RHSPA').unle�enother law that app0ea to the Funds <br /> ---'�iy-� teu e le.uer amunt.If w,Lender may, at eny time, collea and hold Funda in an er.:ount not ro exoud�he lesset emount. <br /> �` '-��"" Lender may esiimatt the amwnt of Punds due on tlrc basia of arrcnt dau ond msonoble eatimates ot upendimre.v ot lhturo � -...-.._..._ <br /> ,,� p�i,, &ttow Ttems or otherwiu in oxorda�ce with epplia6le law. <br /> -_.-,�„�� The AunCs shall be held In an Instimtion whose deposiu ere insured by e federal aga�ry, inmumenta!ity, or entlty _ <br /> R.,�,. . ��: _-. <br /> -�; � -- pncluding I.enda.If Lendu is euch en instlmtlon)or in eny Feduel Nome Ium Bank.Lender ehell apply the Funds ro pay�he ��-- <br />.��- '`�^�°�- Bscrow Items.Lender may no[cherge Bormwer for holding end epplying the Funda,ennueliy enelydng�Ae escrow acoount,or <br /> �,.... — <br /> - ;�:�tC� ve�ifyir.g�he Escro�v I:ems,unless Lader paye Borro�ver imeres[on the Fund�and epplicable hw perm(u Lender ro make such � <br /> r �:. y 4� <br /> =,','�t;..` a cAarge.Nowever,Lender may requirc Borrower to pay a anrtime charge for ea independent real estete tex repunir.g servla _ <br /> � '- used by Lendu in conneqion with �h(s loen, unles� epplicable law providm othenvise. Un!es� en egreement ia made or � <br /> `�1s':;. <br /> ,�},rz s epplicable law roqufra intuest to be p�id.I.endu aM1al l not be required ro pay Bortower eny in:erat or eam'.ngs on Ne Aunda. � =:--- <br />• ig;;�'-;'.� Borcower s�d Lender may�grco in wdtfng,howevu,that interat ahell be paid on�he Punds.I.ender shall give ro Bortowu. �-,-,__�— - --- <br />.•`..�.,_.y �'°,"`--- <br /> °;(s�� whhout chvge,en enaual eccountlng of the Funds,chowing crcdits end debiu ro the FLnda and�he purpose for whlch eaeh ---��•;.. <br /> w _�� <br /> .- ° i�!'M4 tn t�eUrvk Wao rtiaAr '�'hp fi�rvl�mm�lwAond a�odAirinnnl�wrndro fn. pll �m�p.i+n..A hv(hi�Gnrthv�naminenL -. - <br /> �,, � If ehe Funde held by Lender exaed the emoums permiaed ro bo held by eppllcablc luw.I.ender ahell eccount to Borrower .,�,;n, <br /> ° for the exass Punds in accordena wi�h the nquirenents o(epplicable la�v. if the emour.t of the Funda hdd by 4nder u eny � f l <br /> ,.{,.(�� time is na suffleient�o pay�he Exrow Rems when due.Le�der may so notify Bortower in writing,and,in such case Bortower -_ �,>�S —_ <br />��•'��"%'•'� sAtll psy�o L.aMer�he amour.t nece.ssary ro make up the deficiency. Horrower ahall make up�he deficienty In no more than ;�:i�,!+•'—_-� <br /> i�����"-;", �welvemoathlypayments,atLendcr'ssolediscretim. � ,,.'�"`' rrs _- <br /> _ ��,- Upon payment in Poil of all samc secured by this Securi�y tnsvumenL Lender shell promptly rcPond ro Borrower eny r, - �� � � �"� <br /> 7 . '` Funda heid by Lendec If,mder parag�vph 21.Lender shall acquirc or xll the Propeny,Lender,arior to�he�eqWsidon or aele `� -�i �'�' �-- <br /> r. -�=�: of the Pmperty.shall apply ony Fum1s held by l.ender at�he time ot acquisition or sele as a credit agei:�st�he sums seeured by ��.-..,,:`?5,,,?�?..-„-� <br /> �'..•:.� th!sSecuri� Inumment. :2i�d;i�l;i^.(t,�.-- <br /> � s'- 3.A Y1lcaqon ot Pa a licable lew rorides otlmnvix,all a menis received b Lenderunder a re he - �'i�F�`:�3;r > <br /> � . PP Y PP P P Y Y P �8 P �__ .. v <br /> T-: -: 1 end 2 ah�ll 6e applicd: firs4 to eny prepayment chargcs due undcr thc Notc:second,ta amounts paynble under paregmph 2: ;r- 'i" ,` <br /> {;`. third,to interest due:fourth,m pri�rcipal due:and Im�.�o nny late charges Auc undcr�he Notc. ??:.-�L 'g '� � <br /> +� (-__,� 4. CAnrge;Llere. fiortower shall pay a:i Inxu.assessmcros.churges, finez and ir.�positioas anribctuble to the Property ���+4�J�.J + #� r+,. <br /> wAich may ettdn prioriry orer�his Security Incwment. nM Icauhnld payments nr ground rents, if nny. Bortower shell pay r;�,:/<4t,1 i i'�' <br /> ii+ -�� �hrse obligatiom in�be mnncer provided in paragruph 2,or if no�paiJ in�hat nunner. 6nrmwcr shall pay Ihem on�ime direclly �s�,;{ e � <br /> 10 ihe persan nxxd paymenL Burm�ver shall pmmpCy(umish m Lender all nnlices nf ar.:ouals�a be paid under[his pa'agrnph. ,'�y�_: S1° r'` <br /> _ - -_. If Bntmwror maka thac payncnls dinrody.13nrrnwcr shall pmmpily(urnish In Lcndcr racipn eviJencing Ihe paymenls. �.' Y - <br /> �-c+�:. ;,-sr.. $'r <br /> S �_ Bonowershall pmmpily Jiacharge any lien which has prinriry over Ihix Securily Inxwmer.�unkss Borrower.(e)egrees in , �� 7ti ._�-_: <br /> -' I:?x�` �vriiin to�he meN of the obli alinn xecu:ad b 1he lien in a r.ianner acce tahle In Le�xler. (b)enniesls in nnd(aith d�e lien ''�'�!"y'' �-�- <br /> _ a. 8 WY 8 Y P 8 �,-,x�r. r r:.-: <br /> by, or defends agairo� enfrncemer.i nf�he lic:� in. IeFal prncitdingc �vhich in �he Lender's npir.ion nperale Io prerent tht a ., ti�}�s <br /> 4 - > enfarcenxnl ol�he licn: or lal.ecure.��rom�F.c ha1Jtt of�he lien an agrecmcnt vrti.fac[on In lc�xler.uMirJinating the Iicn to r _--, � � <br /> ' thi�Seeuri:y Imwnum. If LenJCr JNermina thal any p:�rt nf Ihe Prnpen� �..uhjca ia a Gen��hich nvr ar.ain priarity over � � ' . <br /> -�� ihis Securily Im:mnecnt. Is:Y!er may give &.rn+u�cr a nnuir idcnGf�mg �uc lica IA�rnmar hall..m.(c�hc hen or�.�Ae nne nr � `-'� � <br /> -4-�• more of the ac�iosc sc�(orth ahovc x�rtSin IO 4J\\U(Illl giving u(nntiar- i � <br /> � s <br /> + ' Fo�m3038 B180 ` -�� <br /> v�y.n w s � <br /> rf'-' . �' • _ <br />-'!•r_.-.c'� !' .-..- . <br /> -a...,.. <br /> 1•3' _�ti"^�s:f^.r-'�{^_ ^�:.- -- i.... __... _ _ _ l.. !.-:' � . . . <br /> .. .1 . . . . . . . .. . . _ . . � � � . <br /> ... _.`.. : �.... . . . <br /> . . . _... ._ . . <br /> � '.1"-.:- •- "_ <br /> ..i�-_ :�2-' _.J' ' - . <br /> O _ . . .. _ _ ' ' - <br /> ).t.t_-. '�5 -1.. .. . - _ _ <br /> . f};� ' �i^ -. . <br /> S_� `� z . - . . . . � - . <br /> - _� ._ . _ . . _ _ _ <br /> J"1f'� " _ ' . .. _ _ ' - _ . <br /> � -.-�.• �' . � - - .:"� :. .:. -. . . . _ <br /> _! . . . . _ - _ . . . <br /> � 3 '' ' � - - y � � ...- <br /> � ` l <br /> . .`}.l . .. a. . ,a . ' � � .. _ . ��3 . _.. . . r n.. . {.. . ����5 _ . _ _ . �� •• _.. . _ .. <br />