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,f ^�'.�� ... -._. .. jrlh+,. , ."F��d1�'�f 5�lDK�' T _ ,j f� . ._..___ <br /> __ Qqymenieauynoio�gerbereQula4�Mthpopt(qeotL�ndt�etfat6ttg6geinaun�iceEavud�y�{���iel�tP�lslrsid,fafi$4I�Y� � - <br /> ce <br /> — tbe4}�,����s)Ftnvldrd Dgin.luxu�r u0P[��6Q IRnderegalA 6ecou�a�vWrDl�di9)e obt�tned B�n3WSS ATu'•E PFY' <br /> __ ^ d�eQrtrotumsaQUirodfoa�.efntainmort�a$6tnsorPncilneifect��iopr4v(dealus3tesptr�t�9t�tt1lltiert�'ofrfdi5ritfotYm+r��e :-- ` <br /> _— = lasu�icg�nd�Ipaccordenoowttdenyadtit�agroempn�bpwcea8ormwereridf.eo�.*ErcrqppuuD!oLSv � + ;• - <br /> ' f��IAl�dCTion:l.�det oi.iu�geht-inaYiSut�e�eifotuble enldea upog ead I�S�alom ot,�lis FS�percY IxMeralwi!glve ` . <br /> — . Roircweinotiooettiwtimo'otorqdprtoenftsptfidonapoctiyingre�qbncb►o;c�usqfd}�b�tuFccN4n ' ' � �_ , <br /> 10:-COndemnetPon:7Le pmoeeds ot oqy tiwaid�ar etalmQor demegea,dlteCt or conu�uerilel,!n cor,uatloa'.w1�dny <br /> • oondemnsdon or othcr tetciny of uny pen oi�he Prope�ty,o�fov tonveyenoo la Ilcu otoDndcmngHon,arp Fer¢b}�etslgntd,end. — <br /> �ha116o Deld to l.endor. ' , , . ., . . . .� f � , <br /> - -.-:--. In tho evqnt of e totei teking otthe Propeny,tAe proaeds ehdl be�pplled to the surtu uwred by thie Secu�lry IasWme�t. <br /> wheaher.or not then due,wl�h eny exces�pald ro Borrowu.In tke event of a p9rtlal kkiag ot�ho pfopeny 1n w�ilch ttw.tdi _ <br /> mnrkee value ot the P[openy fmmediaroty betore tAa taidng-le ee,u�t W or gmtu Nen Uw imount of t�e su�sMU�51 DY�� `' <br /> 6esurlry ipstmment ImmediaeplY befom tAe uking,unles�Ro�cqwu qp4lRndu othenvlse.egioo in w71d4g,1ha s;unf 6eta�tal�y � ._ ° <br /> _ tlLi 8aut�ty tnthument e0e11 ba roduoed by tho amoi;nt of the ptooxQa moltip11a1 by tha"fouowing tt§ctlom (e)thc rotel � : <br /> anYount of tlw sum+sacunA fmtnodlatety¢efore Ou taking,dlv�ded fiy(b) the telr merket vatue of the Propciry tminedlatUy� <br /> —_= 6Cfore the�eking. Any bala�ce ehaU ha paid w Bortowu. In Q�e avem of e puUel teking ot the PropPaty In vMe6 16e felt - __._._ .. <br /> madcu valuo ot We Pmpeity immediately before the taldcg le Icsa than the eawunt ottAe eurta sewrpd in�mcdiatelyboforo Uig <br />