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__ _ ' __ _ ,. <br /> F} �� __ � <br /> _ - --- � 93•soas�� <br /> _ -- . .. � <br /> pedoda�AU LcnAer rcqc:ra+. 7Uo insuranoe earHer provldfng Qti:lnsurance�hWl Do choxn by Oorrower�uDJect ro Lcnder6 ' <br /> -- . hpprov�tl whtch choll r,M Ao unressonnbTy wiihhold. rt tforrovmr fetis ro malntaln coverage deattlbed e6ovo,l.tndu may,ae <br /> _ ___ t,endub oqlon,obtaln coverege ro protcet Lenderb dgAU in tha Propeny tn exordanoe with paregraph 7. <br /> -- AU in+urenco pouciee enQttnaweie�atl Co epoeptaDlo fo Lendu and�hall InctuEe s�tenderd mort6oge cleus�. I,endot _._ _ <br /> � chatl Aava�he dgM ro hold the pollela end�cnowWa. [t Lender rcqulma,Borrowcr shall promptly give a Lcnder eA rccolpte _ <br /> of pad pranlurt:a end rcnowel noNcea. IA eAO ovrnt M.lou,Borrowct ehalt givo prompt aodce�o rho insurence earrier end — <br /> ----= Lendu. I.ender may m�ka pmof ottou itnot mada promptly 6y Bortower. <br /> Unia�Lender and Bo�rower aAerniae agreo in wdtlng,ir.surenco proxedi�hall bo applled to resrore�lon or rcpair of <br /> —.�,,.__..._, �he Propeny dame�ed,It the rcatoretfon or mpetr U eoonomlcally fwible end Lenderf secmity is na leuened. It the _ _ _ <br /> - �a reataazion or rcpa r is not cconomlcally feasible or Lenderh eecudty�vould be leuened,the ineuranca yroceeds d:�ll be ' � ---� -- - - - � <br /> epplied to�ha sum�cecutt4 by thb 9ecudry InstNment.whether or co[then due, w(th eny ucesa peid to Hotrown. I( <br /> __= Bortower�bendom�he Propaty,or doa not answet wl'J�N 30 days a noUca from Lcnder thu the Insurance carrler dea <br /> -`=-" <br />