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?�j e�{ _, •. � - . . . _• - '-'i - - _ �. "� (- `�;.—_-_'__ _ —__ <br /> ' ' _ .. . . . . _- ..-_. , __- <br /> i . <br /> :. <br /> __F_--.–,–_.—` <br /> . _ ..• .__ . . .. . <br /> ._ . ;.:. , .. � " .. ..'�.�A sr"/g--- <br /> $3: <br /> wnd�rtuj;Non or omer Wcing of any panot�ha Propcny,ortoroonveyancfl in 11cu ot condcmnaion,aru�enDy asslgqdlana — <br /> �fieUCepalAtoLenQa. . _ . . . r <br /> In�ha Ovrns ot a rotal�aeing of�he Fropeny.�ho piooeeM�hal) be epplled�o tho wms ecciwced�bK fhJe 8aurjty , <br /> Gistiumen4 whuAer or nat then dua,with aay oxas���Id lo Bortorvcr. In�ha event cf o paniat nking of tho PNp�ny tn <br /> — � whioh�he fal►market veNo of Iho Property Immedlateiy beforo Iha ulcing 1�cqual�o orBrc amr I�m tha oriount of tM w�s <br /> acured Dy Wa Baudty Inem.mem tmmcdlutely 6ctoro the�aking�MIC85 BOROWC(WIA Lender othcrvriap egrpA lny�Itlng: <br /> tho suma ceeured by thls 8ecudty Luwment the116e reduccd by iha nmount ot tho proceed�mu1Uplied 6p tLa folbwing : <br /> fraeNon: (a)the wtnl emouni ot[he sum�securcA Immcdlaeely boforo tho roBir.g.dIv14Sd by @)�he fdr make�yatueof�ho <br /> Froptrty(mmeAiafely 6eforo Uro�eking. My balenca eliatl Do pelE to 8prtowtt. In tha event ot a pnrdal roiclng o[the <br /> _-; Prope�[y in which the telr mulcu value ot the Property Immedlntely baforo�ho taking ia le�!then Ihe amouat ot tha mms _--. . <br /> � cecumA immedln�ely 6eforo 15e �akIn�,uales�Bonower and Lender otheiwisa agree In wrlqng or wless epplicaMe law " <br /> othotwito provida,�he proCCed�nha11 Le applled ro tM eum■cecured by[hla Secudry Inauument whe�her or not Ihe su9s ara <br /> —_�__ thendua <br /> I(the Propnry is abendoned by Bortower.or it,aftcr naica by Lcndu ro Borro�vcr[hat�ha eondemnor oNcrs eomako <br />� —'°'° an award or aeule e clalm tor damagen,Dortower fetb to rcspond to Lender wlthfn 30 deys aRer�he diro�he notice i�y'ven, <br /> --= Lender Ie euthodzed eo collec�a��d apply�he proccede,at fu opdon,ehher m rutoredon or rcpair of ihe Prope�ry ono the �_ —_- <br /> —_•=_ wma securcd Ey Securtty Imtmmenw whuher or not tMn due. _ . _ . <br /> � Unlus Lendsr a�d Bortower mhenviso egrce in writing, eny�pplicatlon ot proceeds to pdneipal ahall not exuod or <br />.:�y�� putpone tha due date otihe monNly paymenn rcferted to In paregnplis 1 end 2 or chenge the unour.t of wch paymenu <br />-�,�,;;- 11. Rortoeer Not Releavedi ForCearence B Lender Not a Waiver. Bxremion of the Gme for paymea[ or <br /> r modtflcedon ot emortization of the euma eecured by t�le Saudty Imtmmeat granted by Ler.der to any euccessor in Wercst <br /> "�', of Bortower shaU not operate ro rclease�he Ilabil;ry of the odginel Borrower or Bortowerh�uecraso�a in fntercat.Lerder — <br /> � fi edali not be rcqui:ed to commena proceedings ageinst eny�uccusor in la:ecest or rcfuao w exttnd�Ime for paymmt or __— <br /> �vi_� mhernfu modify emonGaHoa of�he euma eeccrcd by�hls Sear(ty Inswmen[by rcason of eny demmd meCe by�ha oA31na1 - <br /> - --� Borrower or Borzowerb mccesson in inrercst. Any torbe�rance by Lender in ezercis(ng eny dght or rcmedy shall na bo e --,---.-. -- <br /> `i', weiver of or precl�do�he exercise of eny dght or cemedy. �` - <br /> s-' 1]. Successore end Aesigna B�and1 Jolnt and 8everol Liebllityi Co�ignen. The corenann Nd agrcemen[eot�hts — <br /> ys,� Secudty insw:nea[shall bind and 6enefi[[he cuttasors ar.d essigm of Lender end Bortower,subjat to�he pmvi�kas of � . , <br /> ,y ,.� paragnph 17.^urtowerS eover.enu end agrcemenn shall 6e jolnt end several. Any Bortower who co-signs [hia Sen:rhy <br /> i F � Inst[ument but don not execuro the ho�e: (a)Ia co-aigning this Sen:r.ty Ins�mmmt only ro end eonvry�hat L , --:: <br /> BortowerS in:erest In thc Property u�der the tertns of�hia Secudry Ins�:�menC (b)is not personally obllaated ro pay the mms p,;+!;r'-=;_ <br /> � ' ceeureA by th6 Sauriry Imdumenr,end(c)ugrces thei Lender end eny other Bortower mey egree to extend,modify,fabear �F�;��T�`,-_ <br />-;;-.�;i;; or meke eny eccommoWtlom with rcgard ro�he iemis of ihis Security Instrumen[ or�he Note wi�hout that Bortoxerk -,:��;2:=r.=-- <br /> { � yi <br /> �i .• wns 13. Lofln Chergex If�he loan secured by thi� Security Ins,r�men�ia subject to a I�w which uts me:imum loan +� '�h`-�±- <br /> charges,md that law i:f:nally inte�rcmd so�hat�he iateren or o[her loan charges callec�al or to be rnlletted in wnntetion r�>;�:". � -" <br /> __= with the Xian ex�ceJ thr{rnnined 6adts,ihen: (x)nny�ud�loan charge shall tr rcducrd by ihe amwnt nara:ary tc rcduce --_- ---- ._-- <br /> r�..-.� the chorge�o tAe permilled lin:t;ena(b)any cum�alrcaay collected imm tlortawer which exceeded pcmiined iinits mii bo ; _- <br /> - ^•� nfunded�o Hortower. Lender may choose ro meke ihis rcPond by rtCucing the principal o�ved under tAe No�e or by making a _,.4g -' �3: <br /> �t �T-' direct payment eo Bortowee If a rcfund rcducs pri�cipal.the redunion will be trea�ed ai e putinl pmpayment withoutany #'�;,'r`� M*-.- - - <br /> -<':ii� prcpaymentchargeundertheNore. >';�s•i?:•.k-:ry>;�--=_.��rt <br /> - -i-` 14. Notitta. Any notitt ro Bortowcr p:oridW for in thix Security trutn:ment shall bc given by delivering itar by �hr"V{�_J� - <br /> '-� ` mailfng it by fint clua mail unlesa epplicabk Iaw rcquires use of ano�her method.The notitt shall be directed[o�he Pmpeny ,F4�b?�.FZ t�J:3ry-�:�: <br /> ?t'�" Addresa or an o�her eddrc�e Bolrower desi mca b natice w Le:�der. An rotitt lo Lender shnll he rven b flrst cteas t; -- <br /> 5r;. Y 8� Y Y • @ Y � _ <br /> mdl to Lenderk eddrcss s�ated hercin or nny o�htr nddrcss Lender daignetes by notice to Bortowec Any notice provided for t i� -:.f� � p' <br /> xSt 5` in �h(e Security lasuumem xM1all be dttmed �o hnve been given �o Oorrower or Lender when given es provided in�hix � ---n'"ii5�� � <br /> z?.ic. PareBleph. Y{ ' -.{�`t Ft-"f __ <br /> �; I3. Governing Lnv; Serewblllty. This Sccurity Insuumer.�shull be govcmed by tcderel law und the lew of ehe j? +p' -. .�{, � <br /> Judadiaion in which the Propeny is Icemed. In�he event�hat any pro.i+ion orcleuu of this&curity Inswmen[or thNote �f��,{sky�° - <br /> i- � mnFlias wi�h applicablc law,suc6 conllic�shall no�afkct a:her prorinions ot�his Smrity I�stmment or the No�e whichcnn 7���y - ',,'a� ; ' <br /> �., be given effect withoue�he conFlicting pravision. To�hin cnd ihc povi+iom o(�hia Security Insvunent and the Nde nm �� ftr�S t��s`ei <br /> F;;� dalnred to be v-vewbtc. �r i#..f��y f F�y�jS�`, -• <br /> ��; 16. 6orro�rer'e Copy. Borro�vcrshnll 6e givcn u:ic mnfomicd mpy uf�he No�e and o(�his Security Instrunene. n> 4�K,+j 1 -- <br /> ' l7. 7}ans@r of the Property or n Oer.eftclal Interest in fiarmn-er. If all nr any pnn of�he Propeny or nny intcrat i n ��i u_��q�d ' _' <br /> � '- it is sold or transferted(ar i(a beneficial imcrc}[ in[iom+x�er is mld nr tna.(ertcd anJ Burtower is not a natuml pc:wn) t-K� �� -: <br /> ��•j,�_;� wilhoul Le�tderi prior uritren conxnl.I.ender it>uplion,rry.irc immcdiaic puymenl ia(ull o(all sums securcd by - *%�''- - <br /> --_ lhis Securily Inswmeni. Ho�rever.�his up�ion.hall nol be emrcixvl by Lender if cxerci.e i.pmhi6i�ed by(edenl law�u of �`-- 1ls�.� y � �' <br /> -_;i thedetcofthisSecurirylns�rumem. +ti.�f°i:i'� i - <br /> — If I.ender exerciscs�hi+oplian,LenJcr.4a11 gi�r Bormaer nrnitt of nttrlcraunn. Thc nnuce shall pmvidc a period of ; : � �y� <br /> ,'- t�';� not less lhan 30 days fmm[he datc�he nolirc i+Jclivcred or mailcJ��i�hin whid�Bortnurr mua�pay all•um+.ccu:ed by ih is ..,./,,. �,.,+�',{-�,,;._a <br /> _ � Sccuriry� lnsuumenL I(Durtmrer(aJ+tu pay the+c+um.pri��r lo�hc cxpinGnn.�!d:�. pari�xl. Ler.Jer may inwke any ! 1 4 ., i� <br /> rcmedies permi:tcd by�his Security In,uu:r.e�x�vnL•nm fi�nher nrnui ur demar.J an Bmm�ccr. i :-r-{ ' <br /> �--�- 1& Borrmrer'x R(Rlrt to Rdnsinte. If Unrtm�er n:ee�+ ccr.afn cond:t�nn.. Barto�cer�hall ha�r �he ri�h� w have � <br /> .� _ enforcemem of�his Security Imvumen�diunmiuucd a� aay G:ne pnnr w ihc rarher nf� �.n 5 Ja�.fnr.nch nlher penod iu � <br /> ti�npki-am�Y-F�nnie]LtlReOEk\Iapl\IFPR111\tiTNlf4\T .InA�mmtn.emm� P'90 ��,..f..p.Nr�„ I <br /> �-�� r , �: <br /> , <br /> , <br /> <<� , . <br /> � ._.__t__.T..�_ _ ,.- ._ � -� --- _._. _. . :.� �- - - - � <br /> .. _ -.,_ ..� . �.._ - . <br /> . :, , - <br /> ., ;,:- , ;. <br /> _ :.,:,- . : . <br /> :,;: - - . <br /> ,� : , . . . _. <br /> r .,_ . . <br /> si x • . .� , � � <br /> , <br /> r� � - • _ .- ._ e .- <br /> r 1 - '� r � . - ' t <br /> .. . 1 -_ . . . .. . -� .. _ - � _ - - ' . c . ". ,:Q: �o- ,_ ... � .. ' . . _ '_. - <br />