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� _ -: . <br /> r. . . _�- --,� <br /> � Y . . . . . - - � _ . �, - . :r <br /> _ ' .. Q�'m�_�Q►�:D��� -_� ' - <br /> Y�ppglHBR WlfEi qli t�e,)mproycm,cn�a now on c�reafter crcoted on U�o proparty.end elPeasemrnu,appunenance�; � ' . <br /> - end lixmxca now or�erwfter e part ot the pto�. All reyiacemems end additiona�hatl Weo Ce covered by tlils 3ewr�ty <br /> = lnsuumencAltoftMforcgolagleroturedtointhsSecurirylnstrumemastM"FMDcny." `_� _____ <br /> ----- BURROYVRR QOVBNAti7'A tbat Bo�rower ta lawfuity eelaal otihe auro ha�dy convayed and hae pro�igfit Io g�arit- " — <br /> - eqd ca�vey the Yropeny and that�o Propeny b unencumbercd,except tor enwmbrenua of ruord. Bortowu wertaGU end ^ <br /> .�;�;�3� wlll de!end 8�eralty tho Ntle to[ha Propeny agatnst all cteim�and demands,ubJcet to eny enwmbruioes ottaord. - _ <br /> 1Nt9 98CUl1A'Y INSTRLMBNf coa�bina unUonn covenants for mtional use and non•untform with <br /> _:..:.� Ilmieed varla�tona byJodsdlalon to cons�imie e untfoim�ecudty inatrvment coverin��ea1 pmpeny. : _ <br /> --� {,7�.pRM COVBNANI'S. Hortowu and I.endcr wvcnant and egree a�toilowa: _" - _- -- . <br /> 1. Payment otPrtnctpal and Interett�Prepaym¢nt and Late Cbargea. Bortower cMll promptlyP�Y when due the <br /> � princl ofendin:erestonthedebtevldencedbyeEeNoteendanyprspaymentendlatechargaduemder�heNo�e. <br /> _ '��'� �Fonde for 7�cen end Insurance. SubJect to applicab:a law or ro a aritten wdver by Lender.Hortower shall pay ro � — <br /> -�` Leadu on Urc dey mamhiy paymenta era due under the hote,umil the Nota le pild in full,�am('PUnda�for.(a)yearly ____.__ <br /> � ,,,�, �exea md eeeumenu which mey ettein pdority over thb Secudry Jnsmment ea�lien on the kopeny:(b)yeerlY leaschold ---- <br /> 1 , payments or gound rcnis on the Ptoperty, if any: (c) yeafly hazard or propury Nsurana premtuma; (� ysarly flood - __.. <br /> inturanca pcemfum+,if eny;(e) yearl� mortgage lnaunnco prcmiums,if any: md(q any wms paysble by Ho�rowet to <br /> --;,�'. I.endu,in eocordena with�ha�rovla ona ot paragraph 8.L�Ilw of tla payment of mortgega insurence prcmtume. 7T�eae <br /> items ere ealled"Bscro�v Item�' Lender may,a[my tlme,colleot end hold Wnde In��emoun[r.ot�o exceed the mezimum <br /> �r-=+1� emount n lender for a federally ttlated mortgege Ioan may rcqairc far Bortower� escrow eecount under�ha federal Real =j-^-°- <br /> `�-- '��'� Estero Settlement Ptocedure�Act oi 1974 a�emer.ded from Iime to Nme,12 U.S.C.$1601 er rrq.C'RESPA'�,unlese enother �£�,- <br /> - i •i_ law ttut app'.la to the Wnda sus a lesser emounG If co.Lender may,et my Gme,eolla�end hold hnda In m emount not ro � S__�;;, <br /> � '4`-`" exceed Iha luser croount. Lender may esUmaro the emocnt of Amde due on[he b+sfe of curtent Cate md �asonable � -- - <br /> k i- eatlme:ea of expendiNrcs of futuro Eurow Item�or othenviu in eccordance with�pplicebla I�w. � -:= _ _ _ <br /> ; �p� The Wnd� shall be held 1n an instflutlon�vhose depositc are inmred by a federal agency, insuumenality, or endty ,v�:' <br /> ' "5 (Inciuding Lender,if Lender la such an InafituNoN or in eny Federel Hame Laan Bant. I.ender shall epply the Pundi to pay � -�.� , <br /> .f. -.t' .�.,nF.-.',"�.. <br />- .•�••'��.• �he 0urow Ueme. Lender may not charge Bomower for holding er.d applying�he Punds,annually enelyzing the eaerow , _ <br /> rt �`- nxomt, or ruifying�he Cscro�v Items, unless Lender payi Bortower intetest on ihe Phnds e�id eppliceble Iaw pe,miis -t=.' -_- <br /> -^--�:�^ Lenda to make sueh a charge. Howeva,Lender may«quirc Bortower to pay a orc•dme cherge for en iMependent reel . -;:5�.,>;, - <br />����%%%'?.`�: atete uz reportfng�ervice ueed by Lender in cor.nation�vith thfa loan,unless applicable lawprovida otherwise. Unless an �-�-,�;�;';=;+:`'�- <br /> c _ <br /> � ,,`; egeement B mede or applicebte law¢quiref in:erest to be paid,Lenderihall not be rcquired�o pay Bortower any intercs[or _�f� ��_ <br /> _ camines on the Aunds. Bortowcr and Lender may agrce in wrning,however.�het intemt shell be paid on the Ponds. I.ender �e.�:..•,,. - -- <br /> :q_- _ys ihell gfve ro Bortower,without cherge,en ennual eccountlng of the PY:nds.�howing crcdits end dabhs ro the Phnde end the r ti l` _3 .�cri�--- <br /> ,�S - - -(� puryou for�rhicA each debit ro�he Pond��vas made. 'ITe Wnda ere pledged es eddi�ionel secudty for all sume aecured by i.,� ��.--y -- ..�-- <br /> �_--: thteSecurirylnswmen[. .,� .1+��+ =-- <br /> Y � If the Punds hefd hv lender exceed �he mm��mrr.prrminul �n he hcld hy applicahle law. Lender ahnll aCCOUn[ to ' r r� '�-�� <br /> ;j�� -� Bor.oWer Fcr�he ecet«Fund��n nrr��lansc wi�h�he rcqui:emen�x o!�pplinble law. If�he mnoum of Ihe Wnde held by r Y:e wa ` -_ <br /> , ` LenAU et any time is no[sumcient to pay�he Pscrow Items when due.l.ender may m notify Borrower In writin end,(n � +r 3j,Cy1� ;t <br /> : - -:s,,-;� wch wse Bortower chell pay ro Lender�he amoun[ necessery to meke up the deficiency. Bortower shali make up �he ;;.;±;:._�.; .,.._�?�- <br /> �i ._�,7..': defielency In no mom thnn�welve monthiy paymenu,at Lenderh sole discre�ion. - .,;' + t x_�::- <br /> �4I� �_ Upon paymem in PoII of all sums sewred by�his Security Inrtrummt.Lender sh�:l promptly rcfund to Bortower any �v t� �° pt ���- <br /> � .- r :� Wnde held by Ltnder. It.under paragtaph 21,l,ender shnll acquire or sell ihe Proncty. L.endet.prior to the acquiai�ion or _ :,� 7J� -- -.- <br /> `�-!,?• �ele of�he Pmpeny.ahell epply eny Ponds he:d by Lender ae the�ime of aquisitim or sele es a credit egainst the sume -. 5 r, '��`r_ <br /> - �; h."�dti '[r� _ 3 .-.i: [-. <br /> ._�i- secured by�hu Security Ir.swmem. <br /> r�Y:;:r e'�' ' :.i!'.'-}:- � - <br /> �„ , 3. AppLcetlon ot Peymente. UMess appliceble law provides othe'wiu, all qymenu receivW by Lender under ��s;1:_�.gn,` <br /> 3�-�+ic,i paragnphs 1 end 2 shall be applled:firs[,to any prepayment charges dus under ihe No� emouma payeble under � �': � -i i``,N,._ <br /> -< ' ` paragnph 2:�Alyd,to inrercst due;focnh,to principnl due:and lait,�o ar.y late cherges due under the Note. -i�:- y fl� -��;-� <br /> ;-, - 4. CAargea: Liena. �orrower shsll pay all �exes, acsessmenu,charges.Fnes nnd imposi�ions attribmable m thc `-��� w � -- <br /> -�� -_ Pm n which ma avuin riorit over this Securit Ins[rumrnt,and leasehold mm�s or round rcnts,i(m . Borrower -� = " ' -�:` - <br /> Pe Y Y P Y Y PaY 6 Y .� .: » <br /> �;�;.t:_� shall pay thue obligetions in the manner provided in pamgreph 2.or if not p�id in tha mnnner.Bortower shall pay them an - �� ` �f�_aS{;.:: <br /> ��-� time directly ro tlic person owed payment. 6orrower ahell promptiy furnish ro Lender all notices of amounts�o be paid under �?1'u��� .}t?;-: <br /> ''`�" lhis paragwph. If 6orto�ver makcs�hesc paymcnu directly.Dortower shall promptly fumish�o L.cnder rcccipts evidencing -. `i'.,;��x'•i�.�',.'";._ <br /> Y: �. ,.. <br /> -�- thc paymema �- . F af -..•. <br /> � = Bortower shell promptly discharge nny lien which has prioriry over�his Seccrity Inctrument unless Dortower.(x)egrees �� ��` s �c�s.-` <br />- � ��- in wri:in �o the a ment of ihe o61i a�ion xcured b the lien in n munner attr �eble�o Lender.(b)cantes�s in ood faith the r:p,,"'�--� �"' <br /> r �� 8 PY 8 Y P B .._, t �- --Y ',`_. <br /> s, ---- lien by,or defends against enforcemer.�of ehe lien in,legal procecdings which in�he Lenderk opinion opernte to prevene the _ j ,, <br /> � ._�`� enforcement o(the lien:or(c)secures(rom�hc holder of�hc lien an ag`cement w�ishnory w Lender su6ordinating�M1e lien -"-t� �s r�;;�y-: <br /> i -= ro�hif Security Inswmenr. If Lender detemiina that any part of the Propeny is subjec[to a lien �vCich may al[ein priority . � - ,.�'_�, <br /> � over�his Suurny laswment.Ler.der may givc Bortowcr a r.otim identi(ying�he lien. 6orrorer sholi sa�isfy ihe lien or teke -i }� ,�R�:�- <br /> , -�` one or more oh6e aaions ut forth abovc within 10 days of the ginng of r.o�ice. ' s � c..r-�' <br />�-z,:.::`.�; S. Hera�d or P�operty Insurence. Borro�ver shall keep�he improvcments now ezis�ir.g or hercaf�er erected on�he '•��-�-`"?`' <br />--�i'e ' Propeny insurcd agaiast loss by firc,hazards included��i�hin Ihc tcrm"extended rnverage"and any olhcr ha�ards,induding �� <br /> '��` iloods or flooding,for which Lendcr mquires imurancc. Thix inxura�xr tihail M mifmnined in the amoums and(or ehc � �'.�� - - <br /> 1, t <br /> - tivmJOH 9190 �MRr..'IM1NRri� f. .. <br /> k , . <br /> ..�, � <br /> � - � <br /> -�.�: , �..-...... � . <br /> , .sr..r. . . . _"__, <br /> .-2-r.._.. , . . .- . . -„r __ _' -_"-�:'—r--'"'i`-----"'f-°-� <br /> -�-s�sr.'_'�'..- - _ . . - . _ . . � ._ -.-.--� _ <br /> �i}��_ _ - ' _ . . .. - . <br /> . �.r: . _ ' ' _ _ ' _' ' ' <br /> _�,�' c _ _- "' __ _ _ _- _'___ <br /> - :t:- � - . _ . <br /> ::�j'=i�� - � � . <br /> . •.i � :• , - -: . . .: - . . <br /> _.+.__ �i_ _ - . <br /> : r;i - . " '_ ' . . - ' _ - . ' - . <br /> �. � ; - " . . . _ _ _ <br /> A:` Y . A _. _ _ ' ' � ' <br /> Y\ � 1J.i . ' . _ . _ - _ . <br /> .) <br /> � t. <br /> � .,l' . e . , i' • .. <br /> + <br /> _ ' r. ry .Y � . _ <br /> q + -- l.- } C +4 s - �• y • <br /> _ .. �....�.r .. . _ �. _:,' )" " _ . . _ . _." "_ " ._�7 ..Y...�� . _ .., .__ . �_ , _ _ _. <br />