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. T ... .� . ♦ v <br /> � j �_�' ` , ' ' - , ._ . -.0 - <br /> � � ry �: . ..� . .� • _ .- � . .a: . 2 -.. <br /> -- ` �- �BortcwN.tyr aro-sucM1,n 4EtpAI and(�alsta ns`piovtdea N parp�ayh te,`RY auNn�Ma l�a1' ot(xotatdrq l0 4e�� �' i_ _ <br /> _� '' dstiYUeG�h k n��,1 Mat i1 ls�a.�.0a0d gnn detamineNaii,DncNd/s ta1�Yr_+otu�e Kravl�r't fhtqwt n fn�PropNtY a' : , , , <br /> _. J , ;:. -` .�oNfk��MSnH�Mi1i5p1EM 9t Ne CUI GiG11eo0y Ws-3cf{IIAy M1Wmmt a LsiC91'e, seC{nRy 6iif(ete:-ba11W�n�'hd�iso-6� ::� _. .�—-.- .. .- <br /> � -- ,� - - H"E�(�dl B gonbnia�duMp Na bi��ppk�1oh proWf0.ON�m�tedWy tis�a Inacavefe WotmaOOe a el�leminU to L(nda'- - +� - <br /> . ��� (m ta86d lo DrodQe'LenQM��1N anyr mei4dy NlortnaydN H �nnectlon wA.h N� IoNi MQ5n0ed hy N�No10. Wdud79 �--- � " <br />- �-=� nol &dte4 tv: reprosmwtions.canceminp Oonmvete oaaupuwy ol tha Vroperry a a prtnalD� re�ld�nee. H IINIe BeWAy -__---_--- <br /> --�,._°�� • Irouumeni b-on Y Ieaaehoid. BorroHA a��1 eorrab wM WI rM V�°Ma°nA ot N�tasti If BarOwa uqu4ai fw Utlo�(0 tlle . , <br /> —___= Propaly,ihe lenehold�nd Ne Ue QOe eh�A not merpe unleaa lender a�e�to Na ma7n In m4Ung. . • - <br />_ °'"�""'� 7. Protaotioa oi IAndir'�Rlght�fn tha Vrop�rty.II Bortor�a ta➢s to Pertam the ooven�n4 uW aqexnenb <br /> r �j-�� eonlalna0 N thb Bawrtty IhD4uma�6 or Nere U e IeOy D���9�t mey el�tBCan�r attoa lenda'e dghta N tAe Propeiry -, <br /> _ (aueh w�D�+�9„��0«P�G�bita 1or oondamatlon or toAdNro or m rnfaa I�ws p�repuldUons), Nen ltoGer moy <br /> �"'u`°' do end pey tor rAfatww le necea�ery to protad Ne velue of tha Propc+y end LendaYe�Ip�ta N 1he Dropaty, lenda'o actlom _„ __ <br /> � i..�- •- <br /> _, .�-;1' ^xY Indude Da�n9 any eums eeau0d M a im vih�ch hae P�oAtY mtt ttde Becmlq MaVUmml. eADesrinp h oowt. PaN^9 - ... ---� - .. . <br />,r:�,'=�`.� reraonWie attomrye'teee md enlaNp on fha Propaq to meke tep+Ya/V�hwph Lmda mry t�ke�Won untla tldn pua�aPh --- <br /> 4 >�_. 7,Lenda doea r.ot�rie to do ea <br /> r��''`��`� My emounu daCureed by Lande� unCa peragraPh 7 �IieO beeome adPNond debT ol Bonower eewred by thb r�-. - `""'�- <br /> �°'� Seourty NiVUmcnt UNess Bortaver end Lende a�ee to oNer Ixma of pqmen6 theee unounie she➢Ow NtNest from . ;_ __ <br /> "'' Ne dele ol AlsWnemml at the No:a nte and eM0 ba payeble,vA1h Intorost won no7ee fran Lenda tp Bortower requeeWp ��r <br /> �'�ut�r`?. Day711M6 ..•���--� — <br /> S -{t-Td -'— — <br /> , �-3',rn;�, 8. fNortg�ge tnauranoo.B Lendu rcqu:ed matga9e Inauroneo ae a oondPoan of inelMg the ben eea,raa oy��ue ��_ _ <br /> r - 8ow'lly ImWmenL Bortower ehe0 pay ihe P��^s reWred to nw'nWn the malgage Inwrenee N en7l reaaon,N� E-..; -- <br /> , ? - �r_� - moRgage haurenee eoverage requYed by lenCer lepaea or cerses to 6e In e8ed. Bovaver nhaG pay the preMUma requirod to :-- <br />:.�.r.,.'�•i:..-� obtaln eorwage substantley equMlent to�he mortgege Nsuranea D��uay N�Hea. et a oat eubsWtlaYy eOuMalent to th� ;,!i_, -_- <br /> _. . <br /> - �_.`.ti",�y: <br />_ . t� , � oost to Bortowet of the morlpego N6urenea p:eAouey In e1kU. 1rom en Memete matgaga haurer epprweC y a. -z�;."c;-:.x___ <br /> � i eubatenUey equNalent monge9e Nwrenee coveraqe b nol eraeeb�a. Bonorrcr�nell pry lo lender eaeh momh e eum aqud to +', _. <br />- -'�-f�V� C7 onalwtllth ot the yee�y mortgeye Nauranee premNm bdng peld by Borrower when tha haurenea covae8e Iep�M or xaeetl to `', „� <br /> '. � be N el!nG. Lender ve�neoept. uw en0 re�e'n lheae peymenu oa e bes rwme In leu ol mortqege Neurenoe. Loe�reeave �, <br /> �' � µymenle mey no bnger be the op'Jon ol Lender.R mortgape inwrtnce eoremge M 1ha unount md lor tF.e pplod -.� r _'------ <br /> � "� � �t;'� Net Lenda rep�.tlrea)prorlded by m Nsurtr epproved by LenAer age4i beoomet avEteble end Is obleNed. Bortorrer the7 pey ,�r;`'}�r . - <br /> � �-" Ihe prctnNma raqufred to melnWn mortgaga Nturence In aNed. or to proNde e losa nserve,untl the requlrement(a mortgag� ; � <br /> z' ���''� hnuranee ende h aocardanee wRh u� wAlten e eemrnt beMreen Bortawer md Lender v eppArable lew. ii!� 4 }`..��:--. <br /> - :'SL.StJ.�: Y � 3�(lr.i::-:a','rj:_'`... <br />_:,`;-,�F.;�-;..� 9. In8p00HOn.Lender or M agant may meke tm�onabb Pnula upon mE InapcWOns ot the Properry. Lender�he0 gMe . i}y„ „^�. <br /> '.-�- �:,..�-�' Bortower noJee�t ihe tlme ol or ptlw to en InsP�n 6De�9�ameble ce:ue 1W Na InapeWon- ��', I�'l�'-%-i�-� <br /> .,4G�:i. �:. li�<<'- <br /> r, ' �-_ 10.�roceea�oi onr ewera or deM�a aarneee�. d!.ea a conseyuemw,h cannecuo�wieh eny �,:� s� y <br /> �- ��" condemn�YOn a olha te1M9 of ury pert ot Ne Propury. w 1or oomeyance A feu ol eonde�metlon, are horeDy easigned end -�u�f�i.y,�� _ <br /> � s1R'��: eha0 be Wd to lonEer. .. ,�„ . <br /> _ �r;�..";: In Ih� erml of e tolel taWng of tha Proparty. the {xoeeetla ahell 6a �pP11eG to the wma eewred by thb 9early :;M1.(i,:f�.y' <br /> - �-'!.•r��, IneWmenL whelherpr not then due. vAN any exaess pald to Borrower. L�Ne evmt ot e peNel laidng of the Properry h _ ,;,._„r.,,__ <br /> lt=*-f� xi�ich the la,r ma�lcet va��n et tha Propary Immcdbtdy hntarc tha tak'ng U Cq�l to a greeter fhsn the emount of the eum� _':: �t-':--- <br /> �` �.-:� :auu:Ld '�-;th�°q:':;L�sN_•m��!!!nn!_�(_�Y�!^tera me Wdng.uNaae Bor.axer enE Lender othenrko e�ee N w�:9n9. tho F!T" � i--`-=' <br /> `.. ��� 6uma eearOd by Ihle BecuM7l Insuumm[6he0 bo reMeed by Ue amount ol Ne proeeBAa muNp4ad 6y the 1olwAny fractlore �;� ^ Y a�_ -- <br /> � rJ.,,:, (aJ the told emount of the euma aeare0 Mmed�tey before the teldng,dhided by (b)1ha te4 mvket vnlue ol t�a Propery '�`ti, v Z��.-_ <br /> ';..y�?;.�1.� ImmaAetey belae Iha teldnp.MY���aheB ba pdd to 9onowec In the elent o1�peNd teldnp ot the PropeM N whlM ,',;i,i .. _ i �- - <br /> - 5_ '--•' IDe fe4 mvket Wue ol the PrOpeM1y Immedieley before the teNng le lese 1Mn the unount o�the tuma beWred ImmeAatey :`�__..,-,<j.�-..;:��-- <br /> F,... ,,. <br /> -.�,__-,_- beloro the taldn9• uNesa Bartower en0 Lendet o�he�rMe �5ree In vrttUnq or unlea eppBU61e law olhercA�e providea, th� {r f r -`_�•• <br /> � '=- proceede�he0 be eppAed b the oume aewred by thb Bew'M/NnWment wheNer w ml the euma ere then due. �'; �5" { �.-"' <br /> � ed �'t- 11 N�Aopay b abendone0 by Bortaver. or it. eller notlee by lendu to Borrowa thet Ihe eondemnM oflero lo make sn -, ' %= <br /> r_ :r f'•� ewerC or eetlle� delm(or dama90e. Bortower iMS ro reapmd to lentler xMN 90 Oeys eRer the delo the notlee Is yven, -��. � �„;� <br /> .�::yc.«•;:,tn - ,..?','-�,_i� . <br /> .,=,r, L¢nder la eulhaiu0 to coOeU entl appy Ihe proeeoEf. ¢t 14�option, eXhn to rarioretion or repelr of tho ProD�Y or lo ^ .-. <br /> �- - the 6uma aearatl by Ihls 8ewflly InaWment whetner or not Nen Aue. f � '' <br /> ��� Unle+�LenEU end Bortower othawlse apree N w�lting eny�pD��utlon ot proceotla to pOndD� elul not e#end a . •,}, > --�;,-- <br /> i :� .� postpone Ne due date ol Ihe monNy D����etmeE to h peragraD�s t enE 2 or dwiga fhe amaunt of auch peymmle. {ti, i } r. -_„_ <br /> f-.'�.� 11. Borrower Not Reteased; For6eeranoa By Lendae Not e Walver. Ex:maion o�Ne wne ta wYment« . + �{ r,.c__- <br /> ,`x�.°•,-?,�^.=i-„ moAifiraUm ol unoNZeUOn of the wme newreA by thb Bea�M/�nsWmml gmrted 6y lentler to ury sueaseor N Mtwest ::',x�-s..?y�"- <br /> . - .r....., . _, <br /> - ol Bonowu eM0 not operele to�eleene the Eeb@y ol fhe o�d Bonower m BortowKe suooeasas In Ntereel. LenAer shel � � ° '�:_ <br /> ,+:;,.�-,-, not be reQUired to aommence proceedinqs egeinst eny�ueasaor in h:orest a refuae to wamd tlme for paymmt or oNe�vM� ��- � ''- <br /> modHy amoKlmlbn ol the sums aecure0 6y lhU Secmdy InsWment 6y �eason ot eny Aelrend mede by Ihe odgWl - ° �:�. <br /> ` Bortower a Bortower'a weoeanon N Nlereat My fa:6earence M Lmder h e�erclshp eny Ayht or remedy ahaY not be � ',x ._ ��".. <br /> �4 . ��,� wehM ot or predude Ihe exerdse o�eny tlphl or remadJ. ��{ '-`-- <br /> s `.-- " 12.Succaesore and Aesigna Bound; Jotnt end Saveral Lleblllty; Casigna�a The corenanta ena r_ x�`-- ,; <br /> ' e�reemenu ollhls 8aarXy InsWmmt sheG binA enC beneF.t Na aucceuorn en0 asafFie ot LenAer enE Bortowa.aubJeel to the < f '. -� <br /> �s `s� provialon�al percgreph 17. Bortower's corenente er.d e reemmla 6he11 60 oint end awereL M 8arowM who co-s �,�� _ <br /> 9 I Y lyn�thlt 1 31.i-.-.. <br /> 8ewdy Nsuument bu:does no[meewle IF.e Nole: (e)Is eo-siyring fhb 8ca::dy IneWment any to mongage.�:ent er.E conve/ � � � ✓�'. <br /> �ti � -_, ._) Uet Borraver e Nlerest N the Properry unEtt ihe tame ot iM1la Insv�ment: @)la not personaily obSgeled to pay tha '- �`� ' <br /> � . I wms aeareA 6y t�W Sewnry InsWmem: entl(c) eprees lhet LenEer end my o:hx Bonowu mry egree Io m�imtl.modfy. � �. <br /> . � forbear or mnke eny eccommodellans wllh regerA lo lha terms ol IhB Secunly W W mCl or�he Nole wilhoul lhet Bartowel� i <br /> consant. <br /> ���•t-• -_•:'Z� 13. L080 Chete08. 11 iN loen eewrea ey mu sewnh mswmem u e�bl� �o . �aw wmcn ae�. ma�mnm ioe� �'�--�- - - <br /> _:°:_,.''., ?� cl�argea.antl 1M1 law la finally Inlcryrcted ao thet the Nlerest or othn loen clicqes wlecled or to ba coCerAetl N connxllw � -� . <br /> wllh the ban aceetl fhe Derm!IIeE Lm9s.Um: p)eny cuch bnn che�pa shaf be reCuaE by ihe amount neCeaaery Io rMute � • <br /> Iha eherqa to Ihe pe�mXled GmiC enC (b)eny sums ekeatly wQr.ted from Bonower wh!U exaeded pmMied im4e wL � <br /> - be re:unAetl to Bonartt. LmdM may choose to make:hb rcNnC by redu4�y the prinUDd wred unAM Ne Kole or by y - <br /> � <br /> - - _--",a meWny e direc!paymmt lo Bonower. 11 a relur.A reC:rtes pMdpat the�educlion wi be UeeleC u B parlWl prepaymml <br /> _ , , .�- w.".hoW em�prepeyment charga unEer�ne Note. � <br /> 14. NOtIC88.My notite to Bortowx proMOed for in IRb Sewtly �ns'aument s1uY be ghm by tlei�rerin9 F,or by meLng�t <br /> - -y- - by R�al tlass mel unkss eppllcaDk lew�equtres use ol ano�her nelhotl- The nolice!1n11 be Eirec�ed to fhe�roperry ACtlross <br /> °�� a e�ry olher etltlrcsa Bortower designe�es Cy no�ice to Lendtt. My no:ice lo LenCn she�l be gYm Gy fn� class mail to <br /> ' �"'�'`:�`' imde�e .aa�e.. aatM herHn w any omer eAAress �mEer Oesigna!es q notice to Borrowtt. My notice pmNGeO for h <br /> .w.....wnn�n{Wrnwar nr 1 manr wFm Mran is o mlAOd N thie onremM . <br /> _ —_"—= n °'� :.-.W.��.���u r��..��w u.w.. _ . .... _. . • <br /> .,;� � 75. �ovorning Lew; SBVBfBbllity.Tltls Seatlry:asWmen:sha! U�govemed by fede:ei law end the law ol the <br /> i + WAS6CJOn N w.".ich the ProOerty b localetl In the eren:Lhe� eny prorhlai or cleuse o11MS Sewrhy 1nsVUmer.1 or the <br /> Note wnlFcts wilh �yplkable lew.auch ecnlGCt shall not aHttl olhx proMSbr.s of 7NS Securily InaWment a iha Note whicli <br /> cen bo ghen elleU wi1�oN IAe Wn!Ilclinp proNSbn. To [his mA Ue proHSbne of U�Sewn:y InsWmeM i�d IDe Note ea <br /> � ° J` deUeretl to be sere261e. <br /> _�l::�:s:;r.1 <br /> :l_� ;�,,1 18.BOffOwO�8 COpy 8ortowe+s�a0 be gNm one mnlormetl eepy cl the Nole enA ol this Sewrl,y Instrumen!- <br /> • .-.:i✓,'. �. <br /> ::.F-..;. . - � � <br /> ' tF> '.,��L FOf6P41tl092) hYJO�S � �� <br />' ia: <br /> : .... <br /> 'r`�. .:Y <br /> . . . <br /> '.�'•���� <br />-' .- .- .i n:.�.� <br /> .v ."_i ' i�.:$ <br /> ....{. .�. 9%IOI.IM - <br />