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;� , . . _ ,.. . V. ; -' . ,5 � . ± 4. <br /> � . - ; _ �` - - . ", ' . _ . -._ .,. t i-. _ p A j�� .. - <br /> l , <br /> c ' � tOC�tiE�l WaN aa the urotoreme��dnow arnRedq� ueas4 on"uw p�r4Dyb`md�ff oedcnq�fa ea��ruloea end : , <br /> ,- `.�GUmr rtp+i4i Rpep2a a p:rt cl Ne _ _ AA rbp,yc¢mmfe and aEdnkne ahQ 6Yo De Qoverad Dy tN!B�Wti�II�ONNIML � `,' <br /> -- - � - kB Nitio folt,Yrg b rt!erted tC N thl0�N9hµ�.S�t ee the'FioP�j.'. '� �- - , � . - . - ' .. ..---� -- - - <br /> . BORRWYEIi OOV€NMJfJ N+e�ona+rw +4VMty 6l1atQ oi the OilatO�ete6Y Culiveye,d }nQ Atd•1h0 Aflhl SO ylvl yp0 r � <br /> — ccm the t'rapc�q�in0 ih�t the Ptopaqr le un�stumbered,. ex�p1 tor mcui�rmcee of t�d Qomowa.rl�u an0 <br /> _ ,��, ' wID d�ert0 Gxfenty the W�a�M Cropmy�yWat d CL�tnd den�nda�uDJqU to�nY anaumhnaas ot racord, , ..� -- -- <br /> . � 1HI8 BEOUA(iY IH8TIIUMEM aonbNu wyortn CavmmU ta ntllonN uae �nd qonantlam oovonants w'Uf _ ___._ . .. <br /> . -� P.nYtM vukUone by IvAe�dion to aonaCNt�o untlortn sear"y InaVGment oorc+Ng re�l propay. <br /> UMi0M7 COVEtUM� earowa�na lenax oovenen��na• ee ae rotmvo: <br /> rs=!s�!7 1.Paym�n!of PrinctpU md Int�n�ti Prop�ymmn�md I�ta Ohug�a eaiower eheE o�ortyUy vAY�� " <br />-"-�-°-=�°e(Aa dae Ne DMt/ytl oi�nd N:erest on No Cebt eAdencaA by Ne Nole�n0 s�y prepoYmenl end lete ohugea due undn_Ih0 . -- <br /> :�� N��4. Funde fo►Tauo��nd Ineunnoe.Bublea to eppOcea�a luw or io e vrtnen weker by Unaw. Bortowu slul pey �- <br />'�u?'d�n to lenaa on Ihe day monWy pqmMN ue Que waa t0o Note, una Me Note u pefa In 1�,e aum('iun0a°►1or. (+�ywy . � �_-- - "-- <br /> �, texea end a�wa�manu wTld�miy 4�Wn ptloAy wd thle 8aciaM/NaWmm1�e�Ren on the PropMY(b)Ye�uN�asahold <br /> _�� paymrnk o�gound renN on the ProP�Y�H eny; (o)YedN harerd a prope+ry N�w�nee Prernluma; (�Y�Y OooA In4imnoe ,-- - <br /> preMUme.X any,(e)Ywty mortQ�ge Ntunnce preMuma,M eny, nnd 41�Y�e pnyeDle by Borrowa to Lander N aceadence � �— - <br /> -r,��777 wllh Ne provlelons of pe.�effeph&H Beu ol tha veYmant ol mortpa9e Neuronoo praWUme. 7Aese tt[ins �re eaCEtl E�ao�n d, y_ —. <br /> 6p <br /> �q�`�,�,��'� Itemti• Lender may, al eny Oma wSed and�old Funde In en snount not to a�coeed Ns ma�dmum amount a londa to�e �S �� _ <br /> foGe�ay relnlad mortgepe loan mry royulre tor Bonoy[eI�etaow aaount unda�Ne tad�l Real EeYle BeGl�t ProoaGU�ea ��,�„�,,, <br /> ACt ol 1871 af emetlAed hom Ume to 14ne,12 U.&0.B 2601 a1 eeq.('flEBPA'). untaae EnNhw lew 1hBt sypAOS to iho flmd6 - <br /> �`� eeta�leaaer emount II e0.Lenda mey.�t any tim0. eo0acl end hdd Funde In m amant nol to mweetl the 103aer emount - <br /> -'�'' lentler mey astlme:e the amoum ol Funda Oue on the beNs of wnmt deu end resaonabte estlmetea ot emendiuret of tuturo "' _ _ <br /> s ' <br /> �,�; Esaow Itema or o�Aemba N aoaordanee wM eppknble law. - �fi- -' - <br /> � f;- TAa Ponde ahell be hdd In�MaU1WOn whae depoelb ue Inaured by s fetleN egenry.InauumaiioAly,or on9ry pnWc9ng SE <br /> � � lenda.R Lender b sueh an Ns1lNtlonJ or N etry F¢derd Home Laea Benk Lenda eha0 eppy Ne Funda to pey the ftaow t ��. 3 <br /> rx�� � Rema Lender mry not cAerg�Bortower tor�olAng end o,PN�9 the Ponda,ennuaP/melyLn9 the eeaow a000un4 a vMt�Mg 7 ? _...-. <br /> NB Esaav Ilane. unleae lenAn paya Barmv¢r NtHebl m tha iunda en0 epp[ceDie lew pemdle Lender to meke weh e � )� — <br /> -_ �„ . charga Howeve�, Lender msy nqalre Bortower fo pay s onetlme dwge tw an Inacyendtnt real eslato fm� repoNng aaNCe -- � <br /> Lr'i.`-. <br /> usetl by Lendu N connecllon rAlh thle loen, untese eDDBeebla lew proNdea othdwise. Unleas en a�pecment b m�Ge or `�:! -_�_ <br /> �..,r�,�bfi, epp8eeble lew requlres Nlereat to ba peld.Lenda ahell not be requ5cd to pay Bortavaz eiry Interest or eerrin8s on the FunEe. .:r.-•. ,:.��� <br /> - s F. BoRaxer enA lender mey apree M w�Xkig.havax, tMt Nlerest �IwO 6e pald on the Lender ehaG gNa to 8araver, t.1-:.� ,i _ _ <br /> }c. .'y wNhoN eherp&en annuN e000untlnp o/iha Fund�, showhg ceARt and O:MIa to 1ha Funda end lhe purpoea lor whleh eaeh -�r�.'- _- <br /> �,:y aebR lo the Funtla wes mnda The FunAa ue pledgetl ee eddillonN uwdly tor o0 wme eaa:ed by Ne 8eartiry Inelmmmt ��; `a -_ <br /> _ ;,'_,r 4S If the Fundt ha'A by LendOr exeeetl ihe emwnle P��to 6e�eld by ap0�19 lew. LandM the7 exount to Barower,S;ai�-,'-r�i-_` <br /> ,�„y�r•..:_ tor Ih�extesf Funds In ecoortlance wM ihe requ4emanb of eppl:uda law.11 Ihe emount oi ihe Funds heid by Lmder�l eny .;���,_:i..;,t.... <br /> �r +` LLme b not aulAdent to pey Ihe Ewrow I[em�whm due.Lmde mey eo noYy Bortowu N wAWy. en�, N tueh eesa Barowa ��+�;��r, F., <br /> ..._t�.,� she0 pny to Lender Ne emovnt neceaanry to meke up the OeRdenq. Barower sheG make up the aelldwry In no mon ihen ry��?::� �-� ,._ <br /> ._� 4.� tweMe monthy Lendefe eole daaeEOn. >r,��; r =. <br /> � t�i Upon paymmt;N tu0 0l e9 wms searad by thla BeouAly In�Wment, lender ahel promply reiund to Bonwrr e�y i- r-r,i'.e �._ <br /> rr�: Funds hdd by lenda. It. unda�:aps;.R 2:. .c:Aer-M2 eequtre ar ed t�a Prope+ry.lndar.PrMr to Ne ucqulenlon a sela __ <br /> "'� ef L`.:Prop�ly.:.hs9- F^.da he!d b;Ur.Ux et!1!e !9ne d e!�!!�!�n n!a�o aa.neAl�gaN�l the numn aeated 6 - , i i <br /> -DF`i��Y -- <br /> �y .t.� by Ihu 9ea�N6trummt ' + t . <br /> �,\'� 9.Appl oatlon of Paymente. umese�vaaeebie ew prorides oNmNSe, e0 peymenU �eeeheE by Lender under } !-j 1 � - <br /> � perayrephe 1 end 2 ahe0 be eppktl: het to vry prepayment eherpe�due untler Ne Note; eeoonE.lo amwnte pnyeble under s -',t` �`+ <br /> pereqreph Imereat dua ptlndpel Eue:entl kat,to eny le:a eharqn due undu the No1a r� <br /> '�'?'�� b. Chargea; LI0I18.Bortower ehel Day eL texee, eeeeasmenis. char8ee. Mes md imposlllone atVibute6le fo the ;54i�;ay-'`•:-. -. <br /> t'.t! _ -- 'rt;:��.[:`, <br /> �: Prope�ly wY:ch mry elieln qloAy mer thie 9aadry Insuument. a+0 IeeaeholA pe„nente or qround rente. II eny. Barower � �� � � r : <br /> ahe:pey thoae o6tlga�lona In the menner p�ovldcd!n peragnph 2. a X no1 pald N Net menner. Bwrowa shel pay thdn on '� 'Y:. �� _ <br /> ��� Uma&eel.y ro Na pu�on owed Wyment Bortawer shaY prompty Nnbh to Lender�II noliws ot emounla to ba peld under '.;�'.�'r, i i ;,. � <br /> •t�'. th4 pu¢gmph.M Bonower mekea Ihene paymente dlroctly. Bonoavr aMl prompM L+m4h fo Lmder reeep�a evldnWp - `: a 1 , - <br /> F . ', . <br /> the pqm¢nla �.�_--. " � c <br /> Bortower aheA promplly tllarlurge eny Oen whlch �en qlority orer fhle BecmMy InaWment uNesa Bortower. (e)egeea •� 2 �, -: <br /> - In wAINg lo Na paymant ol lhe obligetlon�eareO by the Yen in e nenner accep�eble to LenOr. @)conlesle M gooA taAh the � , . � sc` ;- <br /> �-- Oan by.or dMenOe egeinst mforcenenl of Ne Den in. legel proceedngs whkh m tha LenOefs opinion opera�o to q�rent � � � f r N=-- <br /> � x � ;:: <br /> >.t; the enbreemenl ol iha Ilen;or(c) aearen trom Ne hWdtt ol th� Den en agreenent aeliskdory to Lender auborClnellnA�he �- � : <br /> . i'-;'E'-i Ilen to tNS 8ew�Xy Inswmmt. 11 Lender tlelermNes thel ury Dert W 1he Nopeny 6 subJec[to a Om whlU mey etlein plodly .=-`��'•j:�;;;•-_:;. <br /> mn We SeaAry InsWmenL lmder mey pWe 8ortowa e noUCe WenYfyhg lh�4n. Bortower 6heD 6eLLs!y Ihe Den or take `��.,�;�_�_- <br /> - '� ` one a moro N the atlbna sa[Iwth ebove wilhN 10 tlaye ol tha gMng oi nollce. ' �t :- <br /> - "`' 6. Heza�d or Properly Insuranae.eorrower sneo keep mo Mpo.emenu now maaung w hneaner erec�ea m me { .�: ` .� _ <br /> � .. . <br /> � Proptxly Nwretl ayelnsl loss by ke. hezardt Ndudetl wllhfn Ihe tmn 'ebmded wrera9e' end eiry othc hazetAa. NWdlny + ` ;_ <br /> .:.:l: ..�)G\ <br /> flwGe or 11oodNy,ior wMCh LmEa requ4ea insuranee. Thls insurence nheA be mehleNeO N the amounte end lor the pei:otls ��:�;y��..._;S=!- <br />--��`�+. �"' that Lmder requYea. The Nsurmee eartler proriGm9 the inaurana thell be ehosm oy 8arower aub)ect to Lmdefa epyroral ...�r.;�,j,;- <br /> whiN a�a0 not be unreasaubly wilhhNE. Il Bonower faai lo m''vilaln corerege tlesenbeA e6ore. Lendx mey, e[Lentlerh k <br /> optlon,obte6i covuaqe to proteU LenOer n dghu in ihe Rop�My In�xordan�e wXh pua9��Oh�� � ;5 <br /> � M Inaurenoa poYdea antl rmeweb ahell be eccepuble to Lmder en0 e�a� NuLde e e�enAerA monqege deuae. LenEer , f � <br /> aheG have Ne tlght to�ad Ne po11Gx antl rmewale. 11 LenGer requ4es. Bonowtt nhell O�ompCy gMe to LmAa eE realpU ol - <br />- - � '� -1 pelA pmJUma entl rmewai notices. In lhe ermt ot bsa. BoRaxer aheG ghe prompt notlea to Ne L-suranee certkr entl 4� <br /> � Lentla.Lenda msy meke prool ol loae il nol m�de promp�ly by Bonower. <br /> Unfesa Lmder entl Bortower othmvife eyee in w�in9.insurena p�oceeAS sha0 6e apPlieO �o res�oralion or repu of � <br /> :::j tne Property tlemegetl. M Ue resbreuon or repetr Is economica:ry leanrole ene teneers securXy la not lessened. 11 t�a ; -_ - _ <br /> - ; _l� restorelion Or repnir B not econOmimZy 1easLle Or LMEera aecmlly wWltl be �easenetl. the InSUrenW proceetl! 6he7 ba _ <br /> ' epDled to the aums secured by IDie Securily Inswment. whether w no� �hen Uue. wllh eny ezceaa pa�d to Bortown. 11 <br /> Bartaver eES�done Ue Prope�ly. or does not ensr:er wl�hN 30 Nys e notice hwn Lendn thal 1he Nsurence certia hea <br />- otlerM to aeille e tlalm, then LenOer mey co6ect �he Nsurence D��eds- LenAer m�y use�he poceeAS to rep�h or I <br />- roalae the Propetly or to pey sums seWr¢0 by Ihis Seturity In3Wmmt.wheNtt or noi lhen Aue. The 30�dey pE�bU vn5 � <br /> _ begln whrn Ihe notice b gMm. . <br /> - � ,, Unlea3 LenCH entl Bortowv othMMSe eyee in wr'inp. eny eppGm7on ol proC¢etls to pKr.opel ehe7 r.ol o! <br /> „� poslpone U.e Ave tlale of the monthy peymente rp.erted lo �n pare9rapRS 1 en0 2 or cheage �he amounl W the <br /> - � ,` -_ pnymenis. H ur.dM pengreph 2f Ihe PropMy�s ecquire0 tr•LendM. Bonower's dghi to any insurence po6dea entl p�aceeds <br /> �.��.'��:,� t25uXhp from tlemege fo 1he Properry P�or to the etquisi4on 8M9 pass ln LenCa to the eatent ol l�e zum5 by this Secudty <br /> ';'. Ins4umenl NvneJE9toIy Otlor to the ecqulsl5on. <br /> --��------�'-- o. vccupancy, ?resorvaiian, maini6uancu 6na' �ivinci7�0 vS �GOy'v.iy. °vJ.:t.:�vi�o i'vnP� <br />. - Appl�Catlon; Loes9hOlda. Bortovrer anac occupy. es�eblis�. enA use the ProDeM as Bortowers pdndpal resWence <br /> - wdhN 61#y dayn aIIer Ne executicn ol thia Sewriry InSWmmt end�"a71 un:inue�o occuDY�he PmpMy as Bortowers prindpal <br /> - �-r�` rea�EOncs:x al least one year�9er ihe dale ol ocwpanry.unlese lmtler a�ercASe egreee N n:Nny. whkh consm� shel no� <br /> be coreeeona6y wfthha0.a ur.kss eaenua9nq c4cumalenus edsl which em beyond Bonowers controL Bononu sN9 not <br /> - � - Aestroy. tlamage or hnpat 1he Prope`ry, alow the Propery to Ce�cAOrala.w w�mM waale on the Roperty. Bortowtt s1aH Oe <br /> ' ���' ! In tlMaut X e�ry foAelwre ectlon or proceMng. wheihtt cMl or crimNel. U begun Lhat m LPnd¢ra pood Lilh JuAgmeni wuld <br /> '- '� resull N 1MOAUre ol the Propeny or olherMSe neteAa:y Ynpa4 the�m aeatetl Gy tMS Sewriry ma�vment or ender' my <br /> �,'.�+.;"��� Intnesi. �� <br /> d�Y%y A3�6.PAU ItOM1 vaq.] c�5 <br /> .��� <br /> . .. � � <br /> , . ...1 <br /> :-. .'.:.: , <br /> � 9lWJiM <br />