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r� - :r. h v. >�v_�;a...._ -• `° , . . ,.. .a_._,,c.J'k/� — --- <br /> r � . . ' . ' : . � .......:_,.......„ - ." ' _ _ ' "'_ <br /> �'�"'�. ; . ' �` 17.TrCnefOr ot the Prqpedy pr a Bens40iaf intorps!In [ioiiowpe.It e�pr eny part o1 mo DiovCAya' , , � - <br /> -�e enY bt6reat N B li wIA or Ual�6ferted(a d a bcobGGW fnterpst N Bortmva te tald Or VanalarrJ and Bortperd b n01 Y oqNm�l�, - -�--_ ---.— <br /> _ _a..;� DC+3oN�Ihout lendetY pdor wdllen Oal�cnt,LEnQa nleyAt Ne opllon,rcqu&a Nm�d'a:a p�menl In A.9 of-OB CumO sCwretl Dy . .. - .... <br /> = U�b Bew�ny N�vumpnt.Howova.Nb optlon sht9 not bB exH0lsed Cy latdor tl exerdae b prohlb::ed by fCdael lew�e ol ll;e '- ' <br /> �� Qata ol thb BcauAry IntWmen6 �--- <br /> ,.«m.c�fq <br /> ,y,.,,,, II LenQa¢xcrdsw thla optlon, LmAa aAeD pke Bortovra ratice ol aocdetallon. The nolloe�na7 proyldo e pedod o1 r - _- __.. <br /> "N:- not laaa Nan a0 daye from the date Ne notica U tlsWwed o� nu7ed vANln wNCh Barowa muat pey e;l�uma eeared by ' ' " � <br /> ':�-^� thie Beoudly IneWment.If Baraver IaYe to pay Noae wm6 ptla to the e�t�tlon of thle pN.otl, Lender mey Imoke �ny - -'---- <br /> �;;' remamsa pertnrtteA by Nla Bearily InaWmenl wMoul NMe�no8ca a dmiend on Bortower. � -;_ . . <br /> ' 70. BonowaPo Rlght to Relnthta.n eonoxrer maete certW oonQNOna Borrowc+ahel havo ihe dght to hivo ' =_ ' <br /> �f,,, entaeement of Nis BawAy Ne6ument 6soontlnueA at eiry Wne pda to the ea�0ar ot (e16 day�(or euM olher polod ee r— - . <br /> E .�.�hTi, <br /> - cppicebb lew mey 6ptdy fw rNnelelgmaM) betore sele of Ihe PropMy pwauent to eny power ol sela oontalned N Ula � --:. <br /> � Beaurfly NaWmonk a@) enuy of a Jutlgment mtadng thle 8aaflry Inetruman�Thote condlbna ua thnt Bortovrer:(q p+qs tl}s4^"� <br /> '`'.�' lenEa d auma rrhleh Nen wauld 6o due unAer Nle SeauAry InaWment�nd Ne Note ee fl no eooeleteUon Md oopmed; (b) -"� �'s"'g�`�� <br /> +��',�� wrea eny deWult of airy ol�er oorenant or aprunente: (0) peya e0 emenae�Incuned N mlordrg thla 8eourtty 4uUUmen4 � i,-.�n n .,,, �• � <br /> �` Indudfng, but not Gmnea to,renaonehle euaneye'feee: ena(�Wcee evoh eetlon es lenear my reaeonaoy requ�e to e�eure ' � ^ j - <br /> �f i'-� thet Ne Den ol ihls BawrRy InsWmen6 LenCerY dghU In the Proptaly anE BonoweYe o6Cyetlon ta pay the wme eearc-0 �st' F� �.-�-. <br /> ,`, `, by thle 9eaMy NaWment ahaY eon'lnus unehenpe0. Upon rehule:emmt by Bortowv. NU SewiAy IniWment enA Iha � r: 3 3 �'-_ - <br /> . �:, , ob�gnYOna aeared hereby eha0 remain tuGy efleGXa es B no aaeleratlon had oewrted. Haiever,Nb ApM lo rNnt4tle nheB K� -. p ,��,r; <br /> rrf .�r nat eppy N ihe uae ot aaeleretlon under peregroph 17. e ��'y l �._,_.� <br /> C ���:. � 18. SSIB Of NOlBi Ch811gB bi L080 BBN168►. 7M No:e or a e petlW Nirest In 1he Note popelha wXh � _j{�i,� '. <br /> �� S A� th:s Sewtlly NaWmenq may ba aolU one a more Wneo wllhout qbr notice to Borrowec A We mey�esuR N s ehenga In the y j�_5 }Y�!-�^; <br /> ` � � � enliy pmown ae the 'Loen BeMea'J thet ooOeNa moNhy paymmis Oue unda the Nole entl this 8eouriry In6WmenL Thero r'!.-?f � ,k '" <br /> - n�;, � alao may be one o�mae ehenpea of the Loen BaMeer unreletM to e eela ot tha Noto.M Ihere b a ohenye ol ihe loen !'� �' �` ` ?". <br /> -.3-kfr BeMeer. Bortowa MO 6e 9Nen wfXCen no9oe of the ehange N flaordenee wCh pera9faph t�e6ova end eppleable law. The `..'3'-�`tif� � h:--=. <br /> 1`-j� notloe rr�slale ihe neme and nddreaa ol lhe nen Loen BeMcer mtl Ihe nUO�eu to whleh paymenY ehould be meGe. Tha ���;n � � } `;- <br /> noUCe vM elw contein eny otha Ntormelion requ:ed Dy epPOCable law. s '° 1 i i <br /> _.� _` Er.i°x' � f�� -iewst,. <br /> ,3s;'? 20. HBZe�dM18 BUb8t8n�98.Bortower eha0 no[ceuee or pemit the preaena.uae,dlaposY, stonpe, or rNeese ol �u,. I-,[� f s t�_��,-. <br /> ���� ony Huardwa Subslenras on w N No P/oporty. Borrower ahe8 not do, nor eCOw eiyone else to Ao. enylhing eXeWng the -;-� _„j ,�.��,.,;: <br /> - Popary thal ie N vb�tbn of eny Em4onmentel Law. The praoeding lwo amlenea�nha0 not appy to the preamoe. uts, r - �%(r . �-� <br />