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���� ri f,�.� ra�.w .__7 {� � �. 5.�_ . �. f , . 1; <a v _ <br /> �` <br /> 3r - . _ _ _ . ' '—== z iSL:; ��.�. . � ._ <br /> � � � • } .� ...___.,.._. . <br /> - �&?rarrum�y Wra quqA R OsiauR enA tdnaWe.�� P�4Mded N PN�+Dh iB Dy C�u+�p the actlon oe pmcq8tlN9 lobe, -; , ` <br /> _.-.�"r - . ;•.�p�66311�t i tUs`�l$ax Ll S2fidd'6�Od Pv'A Qm''wT:q'CC+�,ar�a r�-r;urr or ma eara:xe ur�e�.+n u:a�r�«�rr ;> ,:._-- --. <br /> — , ._ olhar rri�IMkl Qr�atreAt bl Ne @en crea:40�ty tAls BeW•M IpaWmsnt or kvcdNd �eew�hy/nteredt. Borrowi+eha71 e:so bv _ ; <br /> _ ,_�n M datauD 17 Batowu,QJrtnO��e loen eDpiaBOn procel4,p��te mdc�l Nlse m hta4nte Ntormalbn a�4tcma�ta-to LenQer- . <br /> (a NLaA to provlda-lenda wM u�y-mtahl htorm�0onj h.wnOxtlon wllA thA bin aMpnced by 1M Not0. hdu�C�,Dul�,-�� - <br /> _��-.��� � not L�Ylea to, reprwcnuuona coneam�p Barowe+'e ooapmv� al N9 Aopapr ee e pr'ndpd rasldmce. M SNe BoW�Abr , : _ <br /> �';;,s^_'.�`{'' InsWmant ta on n iueohWd. Bortmver aheu ampy wAh eB the proNsans ol tha kaeo. C 8ortowN naq�"roa tu Nda-to(ho--- .. — <br /> Y- :� -� ffopmty,U�e kasohdd end tAe 1te We sha7 not maBe uMps�Lander t�eas lo tbe merpa 6��ttPonp. <br /> 7.PtOfeotton of lendsr'e RIghW in the(�rop�Ry.n 8oeowar ta4 to v�orm mo ooren�nte a�d ageemw�to <br /> ,re� �� an�dneA N INe Sewrity InaUUment or thera b a IepU proceedln0���Y a�£R���b���e dphte h tlia Rapuly_ " �— <br /> .�,�;� (evot�ae�D��9�b�wP«ri aroba�e.lor oondenwalkn or toAaYure a to mtorca kw�or reguknmq, thcn tendw may <br /> <.-', do and p�/or whaiwer U noeeeaery to protetl the�w4e o1 ths ProPC+H�d lenAere rl9hle N Ne ProD�'. lendere adbna 4 -.•-4 ----..-. . <br /> ,>v� mry§�du0e pryN9 eiry aum. aewred by a Em wAich hen P��Y�'a thU Bxwly InsUUmen4 epPeuhg N coun. DayY�9 -- <br /> ,r�� rcaeon�ble attomays'fea�end mtetng on the kope`p�to meke�epeire.Although Lmdar mey teko aUlon undw Ihle pe�e�rph �__ - <br /> 7,Lmdv doea not have to do so. � «.,�. - - - <br /> � -n•. My emounU msburoed by lenEa under pera�ph 7 tha0 beoomo eAditlonal debl of Bortowcr eeaurotl by Wa � <br /> t sY� J� t 8eourMy InaVUmmt. UNeae Bortuwer and Lender a�ee W othw to�mn ol paymenL Ne�o emouMe eh�l beer Infere�t 6om -r,`r a �=�-- <br /> i y�i �,� the dale of dabmsement nt the Note mte end tha7 be peyable,veXh hterest upan notloe kom LenEer to Bonowar requexNng _ t L� ro>,c.t�e�". <br /> Gsllmen� .e -�.`' <br /> `�,�F d. B. MOrtgage InBUrano9. II lenaer requhed mortgnqe Ir.euronee ae e eai@Ilon M maldng the ben aeoured 6y IMa .f�� � <br /> +� -� Bawdq NeWment,Bortower ehe9 pey ihe premwma reGU!red to mWidn iho mortp�po h�eursnee N elleet N,tor vry reaeon,Ne �'?�,°��, <br /> i^�2`' E� Q matpaye Inaurenee eorerege requYed by Lender lepae�a ceasea to be N sRect. Bortower sha0 pey the Dremiuma requ4ed to - n �,����- <br /> 1 - ' .(� oblaln eor0re nub+tenlleGy equNeitnt to Ne mon inwienee P�W in eflat. et e eost subatan equlvalent to Ih9 *>lrl�"Hr�;��.-. <br /> .,Y"fr � Ca 9s9e �Y �Y -.�ri±q..� <br /> 4 - " wet to Baramr ollhe mortyapo Inaurenw prevlousy In eHeU, from an eNxneU monpe9e Naurer upproved by Lentler. U a :: .4,?-�'::'_-� <br /> ,�'� ::_ substenty6y equNelml matyepe Inwrenee oovae8e N not mvkbla Bortower ehJ pay to lenAer wch month a sum equN to .f�'�s�"�++Yr'==: <br /> .�5ji �'t�J�,: _ onaMrelAh of Ne yeMy mortgape Insuranee prdNUm being pW by Bortowtt when Ne Insmence oovweg�lapaa0 or eeaeeC to �bt ' <br /> �- 6e fn eReN. Lendm w�aecepl, uee and roleN O�ese peymmis ae e loa�res[ive h Beu of matg�pe Nw�anee. loas reswo -���s, ,.�'•��-- <br /> 3 4' s f{ peymente mey no longu 6a requlretl,at ths oD�� ol lenAa,tl monyeya Naurenu covemye Qn 1he emaunl end lor the D�oO i J � -_ <br /> �`a�x� Uet L¢nAer reQUtea)proHEed 6y m Naurvi epproved by Lrndtt egaY�beoomea maileble md ia obtelnM Bmoww eha9 pay ��7. + - <br /> ,,,;,��,,,� tha DremWme required to maNaN moNgaga Inurtanee h e1feU, or to poMde a bse reaene,un41 the requ4ement Wr malg�ge �r.i r i+ -____ <br /> �3 Nwrenee enG In eaordenee wah eiry wfRlen�yreement be!ween Bonower end LenAer or epplicabls kw. -tir�r t{� �.� <br />.. ,17^i`- 9. IOB 80t1011.LenAer w Ile a ent meY�e renaoneble mMee uPOn end InsPeellons of Na PropMy. lmCar she7 gMe - ' �..-::-� <br /> �.::4:,�:.7�_ {� 9 .ri�G`ti't;i<;_..� . <br /> . Bonawa noUee at tha Wne of a pdor to en NWealon apedyN9 reaeoneble raus�1or the hnpectlon. - -- � . <br /> y y -? 10. COIId0II1119S1011.Tha proceade of eny ewuA or de4n 1w demege9. 6raat or cDnanquentlel,h conneqlon wlih eny yi �� ;, <br /> i � oonAemwllon or other taldn8 ot airy pert ol iN PropMry, ar tor wnvayance N I:eu of eon0emnetlon. ma he/ehy aesl�ed md t-- f r�� - _ <br /> �� ��- ehel be peld to Landtt. }) t,j,�,�1 p <br /> { �� ` In Lhe evmt ol e toW leldng ol t�e Noperty. Ihe proceeEa shaE be appled to Na sums seared by Ihla 9eMRy I�5 �la�.,�-Q - � <br />.,. ,...,�._:° IneWment whalhM�ar not then dua wllh eny excaae peid to Bortaver. N tha ment ol s pMlel teNnp of Ne Nopa.y In _.��1_�._.�..�."�� . <br /> ' : :�� wNeh the kh merkel rWe of Ne Propuy Immetlleley belwe lhe takNg b equel lo or gratnr then the unount ot the eume �,9,.,.�� -�i��--- <br /> �iL�f� 6lWfCd by Lhla BeaRy Inahument Mmetllacel�bofore ihe teldng.unlenn Bortower enA Lmaer olhewiee eg�ea n wmmg. mo , ��_:y t Y � a�'} <br /> - , suma 6ewreA by tMe 8eatlry InaWment ihal be retluoed by the emant of the proeee0e mulUpOed by Iha IoEOrMg hedbn: R^ � y ._. -. <br /> '::t?:.:=. l..r:: �i.4.:--rie:_�. <br /> (e)the tolal emWnt ol iha eurts saared YnmeAatey belore Ne teldny.tlM10ed by (b1 Ltie lalr mukat�+A�e ol the ProPMy . �i:•�i:,y.,-::=,�F•,- <br /> '� ---'- Nvnetliately bdoro Ihe teldng.My belanoe shW be p�id to Bortowec N Ne event ol a pNW teldng oi U.e Property In w51G� -'�p , �, -= _ <br /> • --� ``. the fe4 markel velue ot Ne Property Nmedktey befae the teldny la lese than Ne emount of the aum�sewrad MmedlNey ..r�r f �.� `�3 ` <br /> _,x bNore Ne Wdng, unleae Bortower enO LenEe othem:ee egree N miCng w uNesa appleeble Nw dhemise provitlai.lhe {� 4��-- �f�-� <br /> � z 4 q«I,N�eeProP m�0�donad by Bortower,�il.'�e/ler��e by Lmderhb Bartower Ihal the�mnA�emnor�otltte to meke en �i'.' y�},��1 � � _� <br /> ;�,.>_ hs_.� mrard w ee1W e wtn Iw damngee. Bonowel falla lo responE m lmder wXhN 90 dey,aRer the tlaa the nolieo le gNen. � �,,__��: <br /> lender 1!eulhorizeE w coQac�end eppy Ne proceeda. al M optlon. el�ha to teataatlon or repeu o/ ihe Property or t0 f.t-,�.r <br /> ihe sum!eed:reO by Nie SeWMy In:wmenl.xfiefhu or not ihen Aua -.��-..=-�s t•�-.. .. <br /> Unlese LmAer mA Bonower oNmMea �gres N rrtiMg. afry eDD0�a1bn W Procee0e to qNdpil nha0 not atlmd or �. . r`4- ;��;" <br /> posyone the tlue dele ot Ne monNy pay:nenb referted to In parcyreDhs 1 mtl 2 a ehv:pe the emount a:aueh peymms, r-'�� `,j � ��a�`;t; <br /> 11. Bonower Not Releaead: Forboarenna By Lender Not e We�var.Fx.ension or me ume tor peymm�or , s s - E _ <br /> i� moAlfieetbn ol em0il'vaL'on oi IDe auma necured by thb 8ecmity InsWment qrenih by LmUx to eny aueeessot In inlefest -f� T' i`s � �� <br /> � � o/Bonarer ehe7 nol opere:e to rNeasa Ne Be66M1y al the o�igNel Bortower a Bartower'e aucceseore N hlereri LenCr aMll ��+ -y� .. <br /> � nol De requirad to ammenee D�oeeeAnga ngWSt eny suuasaor In interasl or redae lo mamtl tlme la pnymenl w oNmrlse - } ' �• ' <br /> r moAMy emoN[a�lon of tha aume aecuretl Cy thie Sew d l y InaWnent by �wsoo ol eny tlemen0 matle b y Ne o�ipinel �__ � $ : :; <br /> � Barower or Bortowele suaetsore a inlerest. My foNeareace by Laider in exefdsing em� dght a reneAy snal not 6e a � - � -- � �� <br /> a <br /> - vreMer of w predude the exerdse of arry nghl u remedy. 4 °�7 �.�t• <br /> ,� 12. Successore and Asalgna Bound; Jotnt end Several Llability: Co-signere.The covenante end � - � i?t-_•�`. <br /> . egreemmta ol ihia 8eomily Ins�ummt nhetl binL anC benafrt the auccessoro �nd essigns of Lmda md Barower.aubjact ta 1he �_ . � <br /> ' � � prorbbm of pe�agraph 17. 8q:owtt'a coremnte enG egreemenb eheY be�ofnt�nA aerW. My Borta+er who co�aipns Nia �S - <br />, •� - '� 3ew'lly L�acument Wi does not uceune the Nole: (e)is walgnin9 inb Seanry Wtrumm[or.y to mortyge, grenl end co.nry ;' <br /> lhel Bortowere Interesl h iha ProD�Y under NB temro ol Uis$ecm:ly IneWmmt @)Is nol pnsoneQ�obllgaleA to pey Lhe ! - . • <br />� -•r sums eewre0 by IDie Sewtlry inetrummC enE(e)agreee thet Lmder ertd eny other Bonower mey�yee to eztmtl.moCly. 1. � <br /> �� foibear a meke any¢commoAellone w:lh reparE to Iha temu ol 1MS SewM.y InsWment or Ihe Nale Mthout Ihal BortowKn � - <br /> ' coneent. �. <br />-� 13. L08n Ch9rg08. i1 tne loen newreE by tnb Sewety�nswmmt b s�bl�� �o a �ew whiN sele mavnum loen <br /> ` ' c�.nrqas.entl Sat lew le finaly Ir.leryreteA ao tNt the Nlerest or other baa cherges wlleUeO or to be collecleE N�onnedon <br /> - wl�h ihe loen rxceeA t�e permGletl IimXe,then: (a) eny auch loen c.^.erqe ahe¢be rtAuced Uy tha emount r.eceseary to reAUCe � <br />. Ue che�ye to 1he pemYned finn: entl (6)eq auma elreaAy wCMM from Bortower w.".ich exceetle0 perml11e0 OMIe MII - <br /> be rMundetl l0 Bortower. LenEtt mey choose to mekt Ihb �eNntl Cy redudng Ne prtndpai owetl under Ihe Nole or by _ <br /> ' -' <--. mei��p e Nreq peymmt to Bortower. 11 e reNnA reOucea ptlndpal. Ihe rcdut6on wili be Vealed as a paNJel prepaynent <br />�..��-[� wllhoul Bny prcpnym¢nt cherqe unCer th¢Note- <br /> 14. NO�ICBB.A�y nollu to Bortower pmrideA/o:in t.`.ls Sewr.ry Insimaenl shall be given by ONrcaing K or 6y meling M -- � <br /> Cy firel tSaas ne:l ur.fess Bppfiwble kw requ:res use oi anolher melhotl. Tl:e notice SheC be Crepetl lo Ihe PropMty AtlOress `- <br /> or any olher etldreef Borrower tlesignaite by notice lo LenLer. My nofiu to Lmder shell be glren Ey first tless mad Io - <br /> Lmtlerb aEtlma sUleA herNn or eny othtt edOress Lendtt des�9�a:ea by no!ice�o Barowec Mr noGCe ororidetl fa in <br /> . _ this SeWdry InatNmm:shaY De Oe¢med to�ere been ghen lo BortowM or LenCer whrn qbM as p[arided:9 this pereqroph_ <br /> . �-''.� 15. �overning Lew; SOVB�8111111y.This Securiry Ir.sbum¢nt she7 na„ea ny +eaeni m. aoa IDe Ww ol Lhe � <br /> t Juds?ctian In which t�a Propaty le loceted. In the ever.t t�a� eny p�ovLSbn p deuse ol thia Securiry Ins:�ummt or �he <br /> Note wn01Ue wit� �ppficaCle law. aueh eonitiU ahal nol e7ec1 olhej provisbna cl th:s SetuNry InsWment or Ihe Note wnich <br /> _ can be qNen elfect wXl�ou� the cor.SCINg prorislon.7o this md tha prmisbns c:lhis Sea:riry Ir.itrumd:l end Ihe Nole are . <br /> _�.i "z� EeNeredto be sevsWie. - <br /> 18.Boffower e Copy.Bo:rorrer aha:be ghm one conlom�ea copy ol the No:e enE of inis Sewriry Inswmer.t. <br /> ,f� N <br /> ;_r-.>-•: J -- 4_ <br /> ,.:..� ruinueo nohn VaC 3 c�5 <br /> ,i.f,. <br /> �. <br /> ..ti o�s:.u+ )(( <br /> . _. _ ' . t___..__-__. —"- <br />