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' r�1"l.ti �' , - - r'f 'i)� _° �t • sm� -�i.L. -�t' - .i,ir _ <br /> � { � • J/r�viv._� . l L <br /> �fti4(-•: ;. -�.� "�54�y 'ri� #s` " n-r .. . =,r�r — _..____ <br /> { � -._ - . . _ - . . . ...( . �I < _ 4 t31 — - __ — <br /> ..1 . " •�� 1 1 � <br /> �a,Y ' . TMk'l?t-J41'�RII-t4 the Yr�rovc�is now 4�l�Nr.ltv .v2Nt�iPii ihe� s+�?s4� rr�,ti lee�,:i„w�ta�.t,�,f — — <br /> — ftaui�a now a hqt6iflr�,put a1 t�e propdrry.Mrepk�pJ(�enfe epd�ddllona e�bd wrqea cy inti_s«��iy y�qu�h+.`. , <br /> = , �M di N�(Or+CON.y 1i ntxnd t0 N 1Pb Ba�pr��eEVneni ia lhP!ROpet�.• � - - - . �. . . �, <br /> 40nROivEf1 coYttANTd fhu eortan•et Ip kwMy aHsed M 1� esbtq.nmeby'�irreyed end Me ihe A�htW�Sane ena� 4� <br /> :a.:�.s oonYey�he Ptcpdpr enA �het tho Propciy le unenwrnCered. exaDt tdr_ .p�.cu�}Neecar of reoard- Bortawe�{+'urt;nte an0� <br /> �+�8 tletqfA O�nu�y tne thJs to Ne Propa�pr aWnat d daMne u�d dxnuitl�.eMJrot to a�y mairibr�.�oep of Yeow�d. , °--- <br /> - � TH'S BECUtiRY.IN6IqV1dEM ooMinaa un9am oormmte fo� n�7orwi u�e and nonan!foim- wY�1e rAM1_ ' ` <br /> CMIld rYftlbna Ey�A Won�lo OWi6tllNa N tnMOml eCWtlryl NsftomlPOcoyOMp rW properql� - - • .. - .. � . •�' <br /> � - �� UHaOflM COYENNJr& Bo��a end Lmdv oormint en0 e ee u folmro: •� ., - <br /> "`` ' `�� 7.P�ymmt of PrinatA�t md Int�ro�P{�p�ym�n�md IaN Chupsa.Barowa sn�qomp.y pag whin <br /> �,. - „-� O�e the ptNdptl o1 end Ntaeel on tAe Eebt e+IdenaA 6y Ure Note end mq prcpeyment�nd lele ohmge� due uhtla Ne'� .__ _ ._---. <br /> - - ---� Note. _- ..__ .--.. <br /> �—°�° 8.Fund��or Yucas ond tnwraqo�.BuDI�to�pp7aNe kw br to a wAUxl wWa Oy laWa, Bortowx ehtl pay <br /> r"�.-'+� ta Lenda on I�e dny monlhy peymenU ue due unda�he Nota �m�i the Ncle!a p+ld In N9,e aum('FUnds')fa: (aJ ytady - <br /> r,� �� 1!%0!69d 6II8006111MG whlCh IMy 6C•eY1 p110�1y aa thb Sea�Inatrumtnt as�len on the Prope�ty; @)yea.M laneeiwla ___°_ <br /> ` :r�. WYmenu or�ound rcnle on tAe Propuq.H nny. (e)Y��9 MzerA or propttH ha�mnee preMume; (�YeufY 11ooA Inauranco ._ ---- — <br /> }, - ,„,.:: prtmNma,If any.(e)Yeuy mongapa Hn•mnce praNum�.U ery,end Q1 ary aume pry�bla bY��wr�ro LenEer M tecordenca - <br /> , -^3��� wph Ne provlelone ot psagreyh B,In Oav of the payment ot mortgwe Neura�a pre+Ame. These Ilema ere oaled 'EBaow .:- �- <br /> + - � ttema.' LendV mey, et eny 1Me, eolled enA hold Funde tn en unount not W exoeed 1hB mmdmum amwnt e kn0e� for q n-. <br /> ,rr r, r S�'� ���1 retetad matgeye loen mry roiryie lor Bortawa'e eaermv �eoount unda ths lederal Neal E�Lte SeNemmt ProceAuee ` - <br /> � Ad o11874 ea emenEed 6om Vme to tlmti 12 U.8.0.@ Y801 N eeµ ('REBPA'�, unlese�nothw law Net epplas to the Fwde . -- <br /> �y,� �`"ti�;�� . sete e lefaer amount R eo, Lendx mey,al eny tlna eo0ect entl hold Funde N en unount not to aeeetl fhe leuu ertwunt G'� __ <br /> _�.`�_ Lender mey asWxte Na amount ol Fund�due on Ihe beela ol cutrent detfl and reasaneDle e�tlnatea of e�enGiturca o1 fNUre 4 _ <br /> ylJ, _K � E�aow Ilans a olhembo In aowrdenee wRh epPlea6le lew. rr . <br /> ��4 Tha Funds elall be helA N an NaINWon wlwae depoelta ve Inm:ad by e lederel i9�aY.��menWRy,or ently pnduCnp .+'- �t <br /> � + `` � Lwder,M LenCa b nuch en Net7lWOn) a N eny FedeN Home Los+Bank Lend9r�MI appy the Funda to pey No Eeorow � � <br /> i i. •1 tlena.lender mey not eherge Bmaner 1or holdng md eppyNp the Funda,ennue9y wydnp Ue esaow nawnt, or veAyNp � a� __.____ <br /> � > ,:r' F�7 tho Eeaow Ituna, uNae LerMer prye Bortower Ntaen on the PonGa end�pP�� law pamRe LenAer ro m�ke eucli a ., <br /> � `'�ra� ehvge.Hqvevq. LenE¢r may requYe Barowm to pey fl oneEme chvge!01 N IntlepCldeM real eetale tax repoAng ae�hoe �4� ` <br /> "niy�,'�.; _S� uead by Lenda N connectlon wAh thle ben, unles�eppliceble lew provldaf othe�wNe. Unlase m a�eement b made or s � <br /> i ppplcede law requ4ea Ntereat to be peid,lentlx etW not be requ¢ed to pay Bortowa eny hlereal or eamhga on Ih9 Fuetla. �' i ---°- ��� - <br /> +' �r r'f�)'. Barowa end Lender mry ngree N rrtitlng, howavee Net Nfaest eha0 be peld on U�fuMe. Lenda shM gMe W Borrowa, `� z� � <br /> "��-yr '-'.4, w11�oN eher 9.en ennutl eaountln ol Ihe FuMa. 6hox7n aetlMa�nd UebM l0 1M Funde end the puryose twwhleh laeh -'� �s� - <br /> r i °y�y;� debtt to the funAa was meEe. The FunG uo pletlpe0 ae edaEOnel aewriry fu M eumf eeared 6y the BewAry In�wmenc s z ---� <br /> s �r. Il the Funtle heltl LenAer�ceeed Ihe emounU emUlleO to be held b �p0�����aw. Lendet ehell a000unl lo Bortoww �:� » q, :--- <br /> - �.":'.'s:"-,��;�f• lor the a[ese Funda In ecoorEence rAlh ihe requlremmb ot�pP���e kw• Il lhe flmant of the Funtlt helA by lmder e��ny �=�'s3=-r."- <br /> <- ,�i `;�k Ume le no[suMdmt to pay the Eeaow Ilema when due. LenEer mey eo no�Ny Bovower in wAWi9• end, N sueh eau Borrowu !-��`4 _�.- — . <br /> �i -�7���, eheA pay to Lentler the emoum neeessery to meke up Ihe AeMenq. Bonower aha9 mJce up No dallGenq N no more then '�.�t� '` ,��_ <br /> -'=ti-<' trreNe monthty pnymmla at LenAer'�aole AsaeOOa � <br /> ,,?, , ,r�i...� Upon papnmt:in N! 01 a:sume �ewrad by Cila BuauAy 4uWment, LenAa�haN pranpfy roNnA to Bmower vry �:_�t i - -- <br /> -�'r;:- funaa nd0 Dy LenCen It, untler pY6grupn 2t, LenEM 6h80 eequb�or se0 Ne Propay.Lender,priw io ina noquawa� or stie - - � ----` - '- <br /> �� Y��•� ol tha Property,eM�eppy eny FunEe heW by Lender et the Ema W aoqu:aNm or We as�ae0tt eqaNSt Us 6Ynb 68Wfld ;;i� ,,, ��3—_ <br /> � ' . tf1 by thle 80curiN Inetrumtnt. �, �, �4`s t <br /> hi� - 's •': 9.Applioatlon of Peymonte.umeae appkabia�aw prorWea o1�mNSe. d peymenle receNed by lenAer under _-�',' �Ji f-t�_b'; � <br /> - ,:i-. pelayyhe t enA 2 ahe!be appled: eny prepeyment cherqae due unda tha Note: emounta pryabla unEer f _ �-� �} � ��_� <br /> � '"_.•�� pe�agraph 2;thY0.tu Nlerest dur.lwnh,ro pdndpal due:end lext.W eny kta eharge�Eue under tha Nota �,;�} r y^y j�'�r - <br /> � � �_ A. Chargea; 118118. Bortorxr ahe0 pay ell taxee, esaeesmente, chuyea. enA Ynpo�lEOne �turouu6le to the } r,,y±,��1, <br /> � .'.Si� Propelly whlch mey alteln v�orXy mer lhls 3ew�Xy NawmeM, ana Ieaea�old payma:ls or grountl rmts. tl eny. Bortower ".r„�.t ` b ��-: •y� .��- <br />._ ::�P•'� ,.,: ehe0 pry t�eao obOgaliona N the menner DroWded Nµregreph 2, a H not paid In Wt menna. Barowa ehell pty them on ._ :.,::-!.�..�t�i: <br /> 't �-.c�,i� tlmedv ` . <br /> aWy to tho penon owetl ptyment Bortorrer ehell promprty Nmlah to LmtlM d nolfcee o(emounte to be peld undtt '_� ' k i��`� <br /> S --'?1'� thM pveg`aPh.11 Bortaru mekn theae peym¢Me�ecly. Bartowe ahall pranpty bmish to I.mder reuipte evldendng � r r ��C-•-'�jE �. <br /> � i. <br /> -" i�i: Ihe peymm�e. ;i� i.r�k�a :T. <br /> .,,t.e Bortower ehe0 pronplly dischmge eny Ilan which hee p�bdty wer thla Secuhy lnatrument unleaa BoRmier. (a) ep�eea �- <br /> �.,i'h.,'•:�f In wrlMg to the paymen!o/the obEpetion secureA by 1he Ilen h e mmner eouplable to LenOa: (b)ConlOaie in good f9Xh NB :��.y��.t7i3-.>�>v�l <br /> - - Ilm by,ot tlefenA!egaNal enlorCement ol iho Om a. :egel proCeeAN9s whlch N ihe LenEe(a opL^!on aD�te lo prerml -�� �f `t r+�� i:- <br /> ��- - f ^'. the enlorament o/the Oen: or(c)ieeurea ham the holder ol th� Gen an�yeemem aeNSfedary to lentler aubor�naUng Ne �-- k �-'r- ti ii�=- <br />__."�F.{„�::.." J i..,i':.::.T;`;..�::�.-: <br /> Ilen to Nb 8eatly InaWment 11 len0er de:emiNes t�al any part ot ihe ProD�Y li wbJeet to e Iien whlch mey�min ptbrdy _ r i_,.- <br /> orer Nq 8ew�!ly InaWment. Lmdn mry gNe Bortawer e no0ee ldentllyiny Ue Oen Bortower shel eatlsy lha kn or teke �:' -;-�i� i:;� <br /> one or moro ol the eclbns aet lonh�bme wi1hB 10 Oeys ot IM1e gMny ol notica. 5�,4 � 4jsG:' <br /> 6. Hezard or Property Inauranoa. aarowar ana�keep me xnprwemenu now masung a nereaner eredea on me t Yt -: - <br /> ""� Propxy IneureE egalnal ben by 6e.hanr0a InduEeE wRhln Ne telm 'm�lended coraage' enA eny othM hezer6f, InGudng ��� j' . ' <br /> • - .i: 4y_- �:-�. <br /> -.�,_. Ilootla a floo�g,for which Lentler reWaea Inaurence. Thia heunnw she:be mehiWned B the amounte antl forlhe pMada 4-,-� . Y���1,�� - <br /> °� - - thet Lmder requtas. 71�e Nsurcnca eeMer prMNng Ne Insumnce ehe0 be chosen by Bortower sub�ect ta LentlYa upptoral i�-� -1.j. <br /> -,� c� whieh nh�Q not 6e unreasoneby wilhhefA. II Bonorrtt taDe to m�Nlein corerege Aesulbed e0ove. Lmder mny. el Lendefn �. � <-�j���_ <br /> i opllon.oblein eorerege lo protecl LenAer s dghts in lhe Propwy In actOrtlenee wilh pt�greph 7. (F � ' <br /> A:Nsurenca polldea anC rmewals ahall Do aaeplable b LenOer enE s�all intluae e aun0ar0 mongega Uewe. LmEer f _ <br /> .. nhe0 haa the dphl to hWd fhe pa&ies enE rer.ewals. If Lenda requ4es. Bortower sha9 prompLy gha to LenOOr a1 rece:pb o1 C . _ <br />-- _ ..I peid p�dNUma end rmewal no0ces In I�e e+mt ol loss. Bonower ahall ghe prmpt no�ce to Ne Ineurena caMer end ; - - _ _ <br /> - . - - , -i LenEM.LmAer mry meke prool ol kse tl nol ma0e D��PnY M Bonarer. - . <br /> - � . '1 Unkse LmOer entl Bortorin oNerwtse eqree in wiNr.p,Bsurence pmceeds stu!be eppied lo reslorellon a reD�ol ! - - � <br /> � - �-�! the Yropeny Eemagetl. n the miwe0on or repeu B econaNCely feasible and lw0er a sewf:y is no: lessmetl. tl tna <br /> � ;� restore'JOn or rtpa4 b not eCOnoMCelly fea6@fe or Lmtleia aed:#y woultl De leumed. ihe Insurence D�oCeMs bhe0 be <br /> ' epW�7o the�ume secured by�Cb Sea�iry InsWnmt, vihNher or not t�m Am. wnh any �cesa pnld to Bwrower. If � <br />_ - � � Bararer ebantlons Ihe PwpeM� � does nol enswu wRhF 30 drys e natice fron LenCer that �Re hsurence cartin M1as � <br /> '" ofleretl lo seNe a cleim. thm Lmder may m11M �he insurentt PfOCQEAi IMEH mer use Ne proceeAe lo repek or <br /> . _� 1 reslore Ne Proper.y or �o pay wms secured Dy Ihis Secumy Inslvment. wnelher a not �hm d�e- The 90.0ar DedoC wiC <br /> � Degin whm iha no7Ge U gMM. <br /> . Un4a LmQtt entl Bo.TOrmt clhenv�e egree A wnting, any eppliwtion ot D�oceeOS lo ptlnapel SEall nol exler.0 or <br /> _ • —� poslpone 1he Oue Aale ol ihe mon(hly paymenls relerte0 to in paray:ephs 1 ��C 2 or chenBe Ihe amauol of Ih¢ <br /> paymm's. 11 undtt pewqreph 21 1ne PmOeny Is acGU�ed by lenAu. Bortowas righl lo eny Nsmance poBdes ead proceeds <br /> -'--' rew111np hom tlumge�o�he PropMy prior to ihe ecquis�ion sha. pess fo lmAer io Ihe etlm� ol:he sums by�his Sewuly <br />- _ - - ;�� ms•.rument Im�neSUley D��r�o ihe ecquuNOa <br /> 8.Occupancy. Preservatlon, Melntenance end Protection of the Properly; Borrower's Loan <br /> AppIlCBtlon; L08aeholde. Bonower ana➢ ocapy. esub�isM1. end use the Roperty es Bonowers ptlndpc reslaence <br /> wIINn sk:y daya�11er tM eaecuuon oi this Sea�9y InsWment�+tl s�atl continue to oca:py IRe Propttry as Banoweia ptlntlpei <br /> .� resiEence ior et leasl one year e9n�he 0ale ol ocapanry,ur.fess lenaer ot.".awise agees in wriling. wh:ch consmi snell no� <br /> be unreasonah:y rrilhhMO,or unless extmualing dracnslences edsi which ate Dtyond Bortowers conUOL Bortowar shall nol <br /> tlu:ray. tlemeqe or impn4 the ProD�Y. ��low iha Ropelly to Ge:alora�e. or commA xaste on t9e RapMy.Bonower shall be <br />. in AMeutl X eny IodeiNR aCUOn or proc�ng, wheNM CMl or e.MfY�el. is bepun IMl in LMOei s gooA lail�Judynenl wulC <br /> . ? rpul h IorfelM1:r.of the Vroperry or olhmMSe ne�eiYQy impe:�he Gen crealeU by thb Seeurily�ns:iument or leneers secu:.'.y <br /> NlereaL 1^ — <br />. " {•`���,.,•t'�� RJ�GlM3 PC9]) caY 0 d 5 'C.\ <br /> C� ;��- ,, _aLi�_ <br /> l c'. � <br /> � �.. <br /> ;� 9]C5�LM � <br />