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e . - > :,•: � - 4 ; Y -_ •a x.i . .tio.un <br /> ri{} ,LLt - . . , - _��- i � .- . .__ •: . . .. <br /> I� � . 97.T�lAlif�f D}{h�Pf6p8t{J/,0�4 Ff�IIY�IQ1811(itCt�82 IO BOft6W1P�If eU 0�a7(O�t 01 �ho Vroperty bi ' '/t . <br /> -- • -• eny N�eest N e ta ama or v�natcire0(or II e deyeEdd 6iI�T�H In Oprtowar b aolA w Iranatcfrcd end 8oRmra H nut a mlurPJ - __ -__ _ _ <br /> D�4oN�out Lendde{xia w+it ten o o h'smt L d n dp�n dYA t k e op U O q V Ya M me 6 t:6 Pt y m e t l t N N i O f a 9 s u m 9�e a 7 r o II o j r _;- , <br />_-';"'"� � � � �Ne 8eanfry N3WmML H6iYdvu�tAls oplbn ehpil tlot De exerdee0 by Lenda M oxudaa Is prohlblted 6y fedenl4w nq oltha � - : ___ __ <br /> ace orthls aeamlty InsW:r.ent � �'� <br /> .��. . _ - n Lender axadsea 1�W optlon� Lenda ehe9 gYa Bortmve�notico ol nadam;m. T�a noLOe�AeA DrovWe h peAOO df •-+-•._=---. <br />�.�:?�`��. not Icsa than SO Orye trom fha dsta Ne notlae la deNaeO a metad wtlllC� whloh Boaovrn muat pey ef eums aewrod by . __--___ <br /> - ` :`�� NIO 60WAly IOBWlAML 11 BOnOwG IeAe �0 pty thCSO aut�u pdW�0 1�0 o�lnllon 01 MU pH10d, LenAer m6y ImokO eIry R--- <br /> , - �� remomae pMMtBd Dy Lh18 BOpl�l N1Wment w11ho4R NrihN no11Ce o�deMMd On BaroVIBR - - <br /> _ ' 'r" 18.86rrower'�Rlghl t0 Ritnsl�te.11 Borrowa meap cerlaln wn@tlon�, Bortaver nhe7 havo No tlght Io ItitvB .�•«-==�-�' <br /> ^r,�_,:.. mPotoane�t of Ihh OewrNy Ina6ument dlnontlncW nl anY 17na DMOr to tha eaAa oF. (U 0 deya(or sueh olher P�d ne .- -_ ___-- <br /> -,,JJ yipGOep19 law m¢Y epedy Wr r'ensCtemmp boforo eclo ol ths Roperly pu:euaM to ary porrx ot eeb oonteinetl N m1e F , : --- -;, <br /> � f� 8autlty NaWnenC a@)entry of a�ud�nmt antadr.e tnu BeaAly InaVwienL 7�oee eonmllone that Bortower. (e)pqa -_ <br /> Lendor a9 eum�wRdi then woNd be dua untler thle BewAry Ineuummt end Ihe NoW so X no eaNaatlon htd qocmrt0: (b) � <br /> t � j ouroe eny dekufl of eny otha oovemnt or egreemente; (o) paye eB e�m�e� Ina:�ad In enlordnp thle Seaudry NeWm�t. �., ,� �� - <br /> Ndud,ig. but mt 6iMed lo.rea8onabH ettomsya'fecs; end(�takw sueh netlon ea Lenda rtuy reaaoneMy requYe to etture �� � �' �'t-' <br /> - � thal Ihe Oen ol thl�&anily NeSUment Lendele rlgMe In the Propwry end Bortowale obOgetlon to pr� the euma eearetl `'_ �- s�N "`-'� <br /> ,. f-rµ� by fh4 BeaRlty Innhummt eha0 eonllnue unahen9etl• Upa�reNStetement Cy Bortowa. Wa Bep:My InM�ument an0 the � y-�+' +`�r� _ <br /> f �°_ ob0yetlons sewred hereby eha0 remW My e4eaNe es tl no aoceleralbn hed oewnod. However,We dghl to rNneule ahell ":--;� �- _ r.�y � <br /> r r`!.,. not apDN N the eete of eeeelerelbn under P�9BPh 7Z y!.''���r > z7� �`. <br /> �"ta; - Y , 10. $8�B O? flOS9i Cbenge of Loan 68N1066 The Nota w G 0 pe�Wl InlMeat N Ihe NOIB (t09�� �h i° ` ' t - ��„ <br /> ' °i Nb 8eourlry Inal�ummQ may ba eold one or r.wra tlmea wllhout qbr noUee ro Bortarer.A�ele may result N a change N the ' .� �.��. <br /> •• ��=-,:{ � mtlry pmown na the'LOen SeMCer')fiet eo0eda monthy peymmu due unEer the Note entl thU 8ecutlly NaWment. There - - -�- --- <br /> �- - -' ebo mny 6e one or moro ehan8ea ol the Loen 6aWeer uMelnte0 to a We of the Note.If there b n ehenpa of Ne loen --'� '""- " �—� <br /> �` ' -t� � BeMCer, Bortower w0 be BNen w�Xten no9ee of the ehen9e h eaadenee wAh pen�aph 14 ebore end epplenble lew. The �`! -�` � __ __ <br /> ,t,+ `,�- �r notica r�Y•ele Ne�mo and eddrw ot the new Laen 8eMCm end the edCre�e lo w�kh ` 1�-°N x� ���� <br /> paymmu ehwW be mede. The � <br /> syr � ;��: � no0ee w91 elao conteln my olher Nfom�etbn raqutred by�ppLCnble kw. _,,� ^ �._ --' <br />-<.c:j'.�•% 20. Heserdoua Subffi9ncea. Bonawer sM1 not auae ar pemin 1he presa:ce. uaa dlspoaa: stomge. or releese of y`�:� J,�-_� :��� <br /> r �_ <br /> eny Haierdws 8u4eteneea nn a 4�Ne ProD�Y• Bortower nhaC not do. nor eGow enyone e�ee ro do. anylhinp vfeeEnp tha '�- f .�.--- <br /> �4��!'• prpp�r thet le In Hoktlon of any FmlronmmW lm. The preeemng nva tmtenpe ehall not eppy to Ihe pretmta uee. �' r�%,��� xT°,O".� <br /> F.: <br /> _ i--�; or etorege on 1F.e Maperty ol smdl quanCtlee of Hazertlout SubaWCee Ih�t are genemly reeognlzeA to Ge eppropMla to > i t.e <br /> - f- : nomW re�iEentlal uaa enA ro melnlen�nee ol Ne Property. i- �.'� .. <br /> r -� '; Bonowu eha3 promptty BMe LenOer wAtlen r.otlee of any inwea9pe9m. dalm demsnd, law�uR or oNer eetlon by eny - �e K°� �:-.- <br /> � $ . }i�� govemmenlN o�regulerory e9��Y or plvaro p�rty NroMng t�e Propary end eiry HawOOUS 8ubatenca or EmYonmmNl law o1 }- '+ '�� 4_�:•. <br /> > > .- wNeh Bortaxer hee�cNN�mwAedge. 11 Barower kama,ar is no9Aed by anY Gm'anmenlel a reyNatory aNhoAly, that eny -i�:��#J�1 T} ----- <br /> "�7`���` remoral or other reinetlle9on ot e�ry HezeNOUS Subslence aNedhy Propwty le neoeasery. Bortava ehel promptly Wce ell '%.fl,.��';.�:__���*,z'��+nz <br /> i -'�� naceeaery�dneJiei 6�Nwr�e 6�awordanca with Emrirmmmtei ien. A p-: x . _ .. <br /> J � Ae usad N ihla pueg'aph 20. 'HtzarCaro SuCeuneea'ue mwe suuetances daned es ioAO w fiawdaue subaienoei uy � ��-. -- _' � <br /> r ;�� EmironmenW Iaw end ths follorMg eubstencee: gesolNe. keroeme. o�he 11emm�ble ar todo pa6oleum produqe, toxlo r �, -���� =f <br /> ? 7`.:•:�.ei y hyde. end raCbedNe melMela. Ae ueed In ; -i:�...:}^..,-,_ti�.'..-,. <br /> � �. PBOIIdd89 611tl h816kJC8l.YOIG�9B fONplis,1�191211W8 C0 1118 111 5 1 eabettoe or tomWde -- . <br /> - puegteph 20.'Ern4onmental lew' mwna teCarel Im�n enA lawa ol Ne lurisActlon MierB lhe ProPeM1Y la located thet rtlale to -t_ :'> >� ��f ,�L._ <br /> � � �'� hedlh.enlery or enWOnmenul proleGbn. . t 'r ,..-ti` ° <br /> : r = .13: _ <br /> � ' 27NAcceteetlon; Remedas.�Lender�ahellhglemnoticeato Borrowsar prlar to acceleration � w �ir�,1:'��:'- <br /> :yr-: . ' .: <br />..,.(•`:::�<si' ...:. _(.-.-•_: <br /> � - r tollowing Borrower'e breaah of eny coveneiit or eg�eement In thia 8eaurity Instrument (but not -, ��� - � i b�� <br /> `-` '- � prlor to aooeleratlon under peragraph 17 unleea appllcable luw provldoa othorwlse). The notioe -:, -�;�-�_,s^:� <br /> ' ahall specify: (e) the defeulk (b) tho aotion reQuirad to cure the dofault; (o) a deto, not losa than - ;: cj � ti, �_-,— <br />. � ..-+; %� 30 deye fiom tha date ihe notioe la givon to Bonower, by whioh the dafeult must bo ourad; end �{.` ,,,r „ � - <br />-� ; � , �_(- (d) that tellure to cure the default on or hofore the dete epeolflod In the notiae mey reault in t* -.�a4: `. <br /> e¢aela�atton of the suma sscured by thb 8auurity IneGument end eaia of tho Proporty. Tha notloe , � ' 1 ,, - -,Y- <br /> �- � shall further Iniorm Borrower of the �Ight to reinstate eftar aocelaretlon and the rlght to bring a .�`.;.,- . .+->i-�a'` <br /> couR ection to assert tha non•exlatonco of a dofault or any other defonso of Borrowor to `. ��-y , ��t�: %-'• <br /> i - accola�atlon and ealo. If the default Is not curod on or before tha data apo¢Ified In the notice, £ �-, ;� �£-��� <br /> '� Lendor et Its option may requlre Immadlate paymant In fuwl of ell eume securod by thta 8acurity � �'4 --_- '!+:- <br /> Instroment wlthout turther demend and me Invoke the ower of eele end an other remadias �" •`�`� <br /> parmitted by epplicable lew. Londor ahell ba enttiled to coilect a:l expensae Incurrad In pursuing � ��:�� <br /> the remedioa providad In thls paragreph 21, Including, but not Ilmltod to, roaeoneblo ettorneys' P - <br /> - toea and coste of title evidence. -•`-� �•t - ' - <br />- �"�'���.� If tha powar oi eela Is Invoked, Truatea ahali record a notice of default In each counry in �``�� � �i - - <br /> "` � which eny peR of tho P�operty le located and ahell mall copiee of auch notice fn the menner � . <br /> � <br /> prescribed by epplicabla lew to Borrowor and m tho otha� pereons proacribod by applicabla lew. t ". - - - <br />� �� After tho time �equlred by applicable lew, Trustea ahall glve pu6lic notica ot sata to the pereone �- - - <br /> - end In the mennar preacri6od by eppllcable lew. Truatea,whhout demend on Borrower, ehell eell ;-� - , <br /> � the Proporty at publlc auctlon to the highest bldder et tho tlme and piaco end undor the terma '�-" - <br /> ���+��' doslgneted In tha notice ot aeta In one or more parcets and In any order T�usteo datarminea. . <br /> Trusteo may poslpone eate of all or eny percel of the Property by public ennouneement et the • _ <br />� time and placa of eny prevlously acheduled eala. Lender o� ita dealgneo mey purchase the - <br /> Proporly nt any eale. <br /> Upon recelpt of payment of tho prlce b:d, Trueteo ahall delivor to tha purcheser Truatee's <br /> �=-�':�- � deed conveying the Property. Tho redtels in the Truetee's dsad shell be prime facie evidenee of �'�-- <br /> � tha tmth ot tho stetemente made the�ein. Truatee ehell epply the procoade of the sa:e in the — <br /> - tollowing ortler. (a) to an coate ano mcpeneea oi oxercising cne powor oi aeio, and tne se:e, -- <br /> -_� Induding tha peyment of tho Trusteo'e fees ectually incurred, not to axceetl three <br /> 7e of the principal emount of the note at <br /> , the tima ot the declaration oi defauit, and reesonablo attornoy'a feoa as pe�mitted by law; (b) <br /> - to all sums eacurod by lhis Sacurity Instrumont; and (c) eny oxcoe� to tho porson or �-- <br /> '-- ,' peraone logalty entiHed to If. - <br /> - ''�.p��{`._:, cUl4Wt3 POB.'1 vaF�el S � <br /> �)'_..if._.` <br /> !_`t' <br /> YS �" <br /> .... -� 9]OS1IM <br />