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sr�.�f � y � •;C l� 1� s � ��f,JttL .#�U1 ° <br /> 1_!1'__�_f� 1 __ _�! 7l ��4 t !-- jj. -t°�`�"� f ! t --_" -_ <br /> -- � t - -- _` �' ` , :�� "�9���f�"; r �. „ _ <br /> �� : o ;': , . . " , ; . . • <br /> , y; s ` <br /> � eurdemnafionoroihcrtckingofaoyputof4tiePlvperty�orfarconveyanctrinquioteo�dmmnadon,,erahuebycs�f�rted��°'J <br /> - . ,6hallAoDaldJoG54der _. c -� � ,:, , —_ _ <br /> In sht ovGct ot a�ot�I taking ot 0e Propeny.Aep sha74�epylfdd to the euma;cec4red Dy'Uii�Sµ�dty ,�;• <br /> - �- Insm�.Tenr'av�c,PU or nb�t��SNe,w� �u�bny axssss paid ro orrowey. n aha eveat qta panial_{, g ottho P�peny�A �+� <br /> wF.IchtAetalrmarke�val�obt�oPNpLnyUnmWlatefyy�foro�Aeia/cingle2que{�oorgreaS�rthar��amoun4'QttDasum� �v " <br /> seci:rcd 6y thtq 8uv�(�Y t�sirumenr immedialely befo�q tho rekln8�pnlbs�Hocro}v![anA LcnQu4!�enya0 qgr�e1�fvrltlnB } ` <br /> the wme tecurcq 6y thie Seciidry inaqu:nxr.l'�hati bo�ddad tiy fib emount of.the Droceedi ina1A�pflpd b�y�he,follpwing , � '+' <br /> _ frectioni (e)�e atnl amount ot�a eu�e securpd�mtnediettly D�efo(o the tekidg,dlvlAcd 6y(6)the tAit marke�ve�uo ott'm .: <br /> - ----- Propeny immediatety bstore the taking. Any bsl6nee shel►be p�ld id'Horrower. in tF.e event ol e patCal takl of the -� <br /> _ _ _, which tda falr niddcet vdue of.the Yropony immedletei betota Ihe taking W teat mart tbo=amamt of�o aumt. -:. � <br /> � ,-. <br /> - seca�cd Jmmedietely 6etore:�e taking;unt4srBOttower enA Len er oil:ernlee egrW In writing o►(y�2eaf app!ic¢bte,lap�- � --� � . <br /> otherwlso provider,tho proaed�shali be appi;ed to tha tum�sebured by ihie Secudry Jrurcutnent wheiherui noe iHe suma ero <br /> �hm dua. .. • <br /> ----- If tho Prope�ty f�abandoneA by Bottowu,or it,eftel����6y Lcnder to Bwrorvet that the eondCmnor of(ore to meko ' <br /> @n e�vud or eettle a cla(m for damagu,Bortower feiG to rupond ro f.ender w3tNn 30 day�attet tde dare(A9 Aodce,l�atv�,�, <br />�--=-= l.ender!a nuthedud ro coilecc md apply ttw procad�,at lu opdon,Nt�u ro rostoretfon or rcpeU ot cho Propeny or to the - - ----� <br /> �- ---� sum�scecrc4 by�M1ia 8ecudry inshument,whuher or not then due. • - -- . . _ <br /> Ualea.+I.ender and Bortower othereise�gree In wtiting,eny epplicadon of proceed�w prineipal nBali noc exmiM oi - . � <br /> _ -..�� postpo:ro tho dua dato of�he mon�hly paymenb ttferted to in paragrepha 1 end 2 or chenge the emount ot eueh peymenu. . <br /> __;;�'e.� 11. Borrove� Not Released{ Forbearance Uy Lendu Not e Walver. Bxtension ot the tim¢ torp�ym rnt or <br /> —..:-. modfflcation of emoNzation of the eum�cecured by�his Secu�lty Instmment grented by Lendu to eny suceeasor in N:otest <br /> "'-��tv�}j ot Hortower shall nm opwero ro rolease tha]iebllity of the origL�el Borrowu or porrowerh�ucassoro in lamrcat.CeqdU <br /> m,�,� chall not ba rec�u(rcd ro rnmmence proaedingi a5tiinst eny succe�wr tn Interett or refwe to extend dme fm pnyment o� <br /> _-� othe�wlae modify emonizedon of the iums securcd by this Sauriry Instrument by reawn of any demend made 6y the o�iSfnd <br /> -- Bortower w HortowerS sucttsson in Interest. Any[w6eerance by Lender in exereiaing eny dght or rcmedy sAnll notbe�e �-�.--_ _._ <br /> '-�'�%:"�-`'• waiverof or preelude the racerctu of any dght or temedy. _ <br />�,' �s..; 12. Suecessors end Aaal�s Boundi Jolnt end 3avwal Uab;lityi Caslgnere. 7Tie covenanu end egreemente of thle <br /> `_:�'�-t;;i� Security Imtrument ahall bind end beneflt the rucussora end essigns of Lender end Bortower,subject to�he provialom of - -- �� � <br />-�'�,�-';'�.i��` peregmph 17. Bortowerb covenente nnd agrcemanu�hall be Join[end eeverel.My Bortower who casign�tAla Saudry <br /> -��-=`°�-�'%' Inswment 6ut doe�not oxecuro the Note: (e)le ca-s!gnfng thu Secudry Inswmmt only�o mongegq grant end convey tAat <br /> -��"��"-`��• BortowerL intercu in�ho Pro n under�ha tems of N6 Saud Ins:rumeng (b)In not rsonall obli eted to a tho wm� <br /> ,''_;-.,c�r,-.; P� Y �Y P� Y 8 P Y <br />:�_-��t;�±xr;, �ecured by�hls Seeudty inauumenr,ond(c)egeea�hot Lender end eny other bortower nay agree ro exter.d,modify,forbear <br />�.,:zn;{tiQ ii, or meke eny aaommodatloru with regud io[he mrms of�hia Scccdty Inauument or tho Noro w�thout that DotrowerY <br /> •..,..... _. consent. <br />.� `�:;���:j?'� !3. Loen Cherqes. If ihe loan cecurcd by �hii 3ceudty Inswment la eubJect to e law which seu nuximum loan <br /> _"="•.�-��. chargc�,aM�hnt Ima l.flnnlly inlw m�M enlh�r�I�r intercet M nlher Innn chnrga cntlx1ed ot M hc enllceiul in fonnhXiMl �. -- . <br />-.-,.�.,r::; <br /> ::,;,._,,h� wich�hc loan cxcced�hc permiued I miro,ihcn: (a)any such loen chargo�hell be rcduced by tho amoune neceaery ro rcduce <br /> -° ino mn�go to iha pertniiied limit:nnd ibi eny sums dRady wllediJ fi�im Buriuwor which eacadco p"ctmiiiid li(ciia wili bo °.-°'.°------- <br /> ' � � rcPonded ro Borrowec Lender mey choom to meko ihis rcfund by rcducing�he pdncipal owed under�he No�e or by meting a __ <br />-:.-`';-`:;;;a.j: direet paymem�o Uortowee If e m(und rcduees pdncipal.15e rcduct!on�vill te�rcated a+e parti�l prcpayment without any -- <br /> �- `���� prcpaymentchnrgeundcnheNo�e. . <br /> :�:;(,trL,�,•; �._ <br />- ,.�s,_,,, 14. Noticea. Any nolicc lo Dortower proyided for In�hfa Sauflty Insuument ahdl bo given by delivering It or by _ <br /> - ma!I!ng It by firat class meil unlw applicnble law requircn uu of enother me�hod.7Le notla ehall be directed ro�he Property -_ <br /> t`', Addxu or eny aher eddrcsx Uortower designates by noUce ro Lender. Any noiice ro Lender shall be given by flrt clese � <br /> { +,y.y; mail�o Lenderh addrc.av steted hercin or any other xdCrcss Lender designatea by notfce to Bortower. Any norta proviCW tor �:-- <br />--:�:�.���-�:'� (n �his Security Inswment ahdl be deemed m have been given �o Bortower or Lender when given ee provided in this ��' <br /> r - � Paregrnph � ",.. <br /> F ,-_i;; I5. Govern!ng Le�v; Severebllity. 'ILis Security Inswment shnll be governed by federel Inw nnd the law of the E : <br /> �°�'"� jurisd!ctian in which�he Propeny is locosd. Ia the event that any provision or cleuse of ihia Seturiry Instrummt or the Nole �:`s=�-- <br /> - �,�.} conllicts wi�h appliceble law,such conflict shall not eRect o�her provisiom o(�his Securiry Insuumrnt or the Note whieh can --'� ;-'S� <br /> ' ��r> be rven etfect wi�hout �M1e rnr.flictin rovision. fi this ead the rovixions of this Saurit Insuumrnt end�Ae Nae are c•:"f� <br /> Z.�� ; 8 S P P Y -`.�i _ <br /> . '. dceiared to be sevcmblc. % - <br /> - rf �4-:; <br /> : •,; 16. Qorro�rerb Copy. 6ortower shal I be given one confortned copy of the Note ond of this Saurily Inslmment. , ,�.� .?..�- <br />�--<'+.'_���`<'�- 17. 7ten.shrotthe Property or a Rene�elal lnterest in Oorro�rer. If n:l or ony pan af the Property orany intcnst in '��Ci,.-.�:�;�'> <br /> .'...i vr- . <br /> - s.3,:•: i[is wld or transfcrted (or i(a 6cncficial imcrcst in Bovo�rer is sold or tranafcrtcd and Bortoxror is not e nam'al person) -��`=�`��-��;; <br /> ,- -i�� , wi�haut Lcndert rwr wrinen con.em.Lender mu a�i�s u tion,rc uirc immediate n ent in PoII of nll sums ucurcd b �����•�' <br /> ;`�'Y- P� Y. P 9 PYm Y b;:.�-i�,. <br /> 4�;�;%�-�{ this Securi�y Insaument. No��ever,this op[ion shall not be cxercixd by Lender if exercise is proAibited by fMersl In�vac of `^..�'i-=-€- <br /> �'- [he da�c of this Securi�y Insvument. -�ti� s .�, <br /> � , I(Lender exercises this op�ion.Lender shall Five Borrawer notice of accclea�ion. The no�ice shall provide n period of y`�� <br /> na[lexs[han 30 days(mm�he da�e Ihc no�ice is delir<rcd or mailed�vithin�vhich Bortower muil pay all xums secured by thia `�s�"" �� <br /> Security Inswmext. It 8orto��er fails�o pay�hexc+umt prior m�he expim�ion o(this period, Lender may invoke eny � �`� <br /> . .,, ,. <br /> ' rcmedies pemiiucd by Ihfs Stturi�y Inswmem�•�ithom further no[ice ordentand an Bortoxcr. : (� ` - <br /> -` � � 18. 6orro�rer's RIRh[ to Relnsfele. I(Bormw�cr nscb cenain in:�Ailiun+. Bortower shull have �he right to F.avt -� � � <br /> ' - cn(orccmcnt o(thia Sccurily Inwumcm dixommucd ai an���imc priar tu Ihc wdicr oL W)$days(or such o�hcr period as _ '�.-���� <br /> -.; - _.'.x�..� . <br /> \ : ` Sm IrFamd�-43nnle]I�aFredEie\7or1'9IL"ORAIhSTRC]7F.]T-l�mfamC�.mam. 9.'90 � R J., n � -�- - <br />. - F N� / MRnI _"�:-, <br /> ::1.= <br /> ..j, :t�i_, <br /> �.'�;: - `�n:; � <br /> :::�t^t-'�'� .�+. ... __ . . . . . .. _ .. - _- .9 _ . . <br /> l� .. . � - . . . - . - _ . . <br /> _ .:''c _ .. . . - . - _ _ ' " � _ ._ ' .. <br /> �. . Si __-� . - . _ _ _ . : . . <br /> .� �� . � � - _ . - � _ . . . - .. <br /> �';.'�. - , <br /> . _ . . . - ' . - <br /> , ..._ . <br /> • . <br />... � :r - , - . . . <br /> ".tt::� . . _ . .. _ <br /> .ti. , <br /> i _ . - . -' _ ' ' ' . . ' <br /> „ !�. '� . . � .. � - . _ . `. . � <br /> � � • � <br /> � �'. <br /> -i _ , :�r �,... c --.::. . . . :-'� '.-,!-:_. . . ;. �-_ . , -_ ._ _"_�_ _ _�. .. ._. . _�: .. .__ ... . . ."."_ '. . <br />