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� f ..- . .. . , k i . <br /> . .. _ . ___ _ _.. <br /> 3 ( � .� " . _ ( J. <br /> � I l <br /> � . . � Il __ _____ <br /> - �[�J ' _ ( . __ :F ... . -. . _ ��'����� I t.t <br /> pe�infle�heii.�derroqulrea�_?Ae{nsurenoecarticrproy.idingthelns�rar.oeihnUboehoi�zbyBonowets�bleetfal,ai¢.nY � +: <br /> aypiovel�r�tehsHalinaDeut.rfasonaOly,wltldfol0 (t8otroa�ettpltstorqelntatqcpvemgbd�scdbede6or6.1dndcrn�Y.6A <br /> - LmQC�lopion.obtelnsoXerage[�praecti.endttDdgryeslntl�oPropenyiqncaoMenSO?(�t�Para&'oDhT � �' _ _ _ <br /> .AI{ipaursneqpoticJeaendrcpew4iehNlDeac�pWb,e�oLende�and�fiallir,cludeestandardmohgaga��lau8e..�inder �- °. <br /> �Iieltfi6vethvddl�trohol4YlidpollclaandieneweJ�. ULenderrequUes.Borto�Yershellprompt1ygl'vgto4sndernlircool t <br /> ofye[d premium��nd renewstnAtloe�;In�he avcr.i of lm�,Bortowec ahali git�e promp�notita ro ihatnaura+ice E�rie��d - <br /> ___ r Ler.det.l,endermaymakoproofqtlos�ifno�madoQromptly6y Bortower. <br /> , Ur.lesa I:er.der and 8ormwer ahuwlse agrw in wrking,ineuronce proreeds�hall be ayplied to rato:e�lon or ropaiiot � <br /> — • tha�ity dimegeA,il the rutoratlon or npatr la eoonomlcally feesiblo dnd I.endsrti euuity U not launed. It the <br /> . . -•-�-���;� teslorotrort or repnit la not oanumkelly fcasibte a I.enduY cecudry would 6e IesseuW.tho Insu[ence Praceede t�al)b0 , _ _-._- -_-_--: .... <br /> nqpIted ro�ho wme seeurcd by tR�Secudry l:�stmment,�rhe�hec or not ehen due,wi�h any 2xeeas ps:d ro Bortowcr. 11 <br /> Bcrrowu abandon+the Prope�y.or daea no[ans�ver withln 30 daYe e notlee fro:n I.ender�het the tnearonoo caider has <br /> oHered to senle a clatm,then Lendu nay coliect tde insuruice p[oaeds. Lender mey uae tNe ptocaCe to re�elr or ieubro <br /> � � tfie Pnpe�ty or to pay�wnn eaurcd by thia Sxurity in:wmen6 whuhec or not then due. 71w 30-0ay palod w U Ih:gin wir,n �---- -� � <br /> - thenoHcelag1ven. - ' __.---- - . <br /> Unteas lendu end Bortowor o�hrnvise�gcee In writlng.any ep Iice4on of p�oaeda to princlp�l ahall npoaty mextend or - <br /> -----�- �tponpev�shger edue2l�the Propert yn G'ecqul�ed byrel.ende.Hortowegl rPighi m�eny(:iwror.eo�polic[es and proceeda teautdng .. . <br /> — from damnge ro tha Property pdor ro iho ecquiaftlon ahall pan to I.cnder ro the exmnt ot U�e cums uated by thb Sceurlty - <br /> � L�sm�mentimmedlately prlorwtheecqulsltion. . <br /> 6. Oaupancy, Preserndan, Malr.tenance end Protection of the Property� Borrower4 Laan App!icatton� <br />--�-�_'� I.easeholds. Horto�va�hell aaupy,atabl4h,and uso the Property ss BomowerY principa1 rafdena witfiin sixty daye efltt <br /> -�� tlro execution ot th(s Saurity fashumeat and chall conflnue ro occupy the Propeny aa Bofrowu§princfpal«sidenu tot�t <br />-.-��-_�. leut one year efter the dn�e of aapanry, unleaa I.enda othe�viae egreca in wr(�ing, whfch conxr.t ehell not be <br /> _ <br /> -°°-�° unreasonably withheld or unim axten:ie�ing cireumstu�ca exfst which aro beyond Homowerk control. Hmrower thdl trot -- ---- <br /> ._a,� <br /> "`��� destroy,damage or impair the Propeny,ellow the Propeny io detedorete.or commit waste on�he Propeny. Borrower ehall <br /> -�y— be in defnv!t if eny fodeituro ation or procading,whether rnil or cdminal,la hegun�het fn I.enderY�ood fatth Judgmrnt ` _ _ <br /> .�.,,4t_� could rault in todeiturc of ihc Propmy or o�hernise ma�erially inpair �he lien c2a�ed by tliia Secudry Inswment ot ----- <br />-.-:,� Lenderl secuAry intercst. Bortower may curc ach e defau:t uid refns�aee,e+provided i�paregreph 18,by uusing the ection <br />- `;;;� or praceeding w be di:mfsud with a mling�Mee,in Lenderh goad fehh dercmdnation,prcciudea fodeituro of the Bertowerh _� <br /> - - imerest In the Hopeny or other meudal impoirmrn[of�he Ilen creatW by�h(a Secudty Inst[ument or Lendetb cecudty <br /> ;i,;.;.h; imere+t. Bortower sM1i elso be in defaul� if Horrower,dudng �he loan eppllution praoese. gam m�:edeliy felae or <br />',,,,�;�: Wccume Infomatlon or atetanenu m Lender(or fnlled to pmvide Lender�vi�h eny matedel informetlon)in connation with _ <br /> �he loan evidenced b �he Nae, ineludfng, but no[ IlmUed[o, rcpresentstions rnnaming BurtowerY occupanoy ot the <br /> _-t= Propeny as a�dncip�reaidentt. If�his Security Instrumen[is on a leasehold,Bortower�hall wmply with dl tha provision� � ^ <br /> .-��' uf tha Icasc. f B�uower acquir.s fw tidc to th:Pm�rty�.�::IasoM�IJ snd�!x!ee title:hal!na mergr unk!s Ltn�agw ----- -- --. -.:-. <br /> .,� to tho meraer in wrftfng. <br /> "� '� 7. Protecdon of LendK•e Rlghte In lhe Praperq. If Bortower faila �o pertomi mv covennms and e menu -'-°-° `-'-- - <br /> Sf„t, comelned In �:is Saurity Inun�ment,or theR i� a Icgal praceeding thet muy Rignificently attcc� Lendert d u In tho , <br /> ��;,;y;*; Propeny(■uch es e procceding in bmkmp[cy.probo�e,for rnndemnmion orlodeimro or ro enPorce Inwa or regulatiats),then -- - <br /> Lender mey do end pay fur whatevcr is necessery to proiat the valuc of�he Propeny ur.d Lenderl dghu in the Propeny. _-- � <br /> _ I.endert actlons mny Include pryfng eny sume wcurcd by n licn which has pdori�y aver�hie Security Irotmmen4 eppeadng �'-�__." y��'=. <br /> , i;, in wun,puying rcuomble anomcyi kes and cmcring on�he Propeny ro make repain.Although Lender ney �ake acUon -.�*�„ - <br /> under�Ns pnmgreph 7.Lenderdoea no�havc to do sa. - -'K�%' '�:_. <br /> ?r `� Any emounte disbu�xed by Lender under this purngmp6 7 .hall become eddi�ional debt of Bortower cecuted by �hla - �. `�-�, ..i = <br /> �= Securiry Inawmem. Unless Barower and Lcnder egree�o a�hcr terms of paymcnt.�hcw nmoums shell bear imerest from�he _� ' ,.j����. ��- <br /> �-_.�,_ da�o of disbursement at�he Nae ra�e and nholl he paynblc.wi�h imeres�,upon notice fmm Lender to Bortower rcquestln8 -`ys Y l; ` ' _ <br /> ent <br /> i (;'' ��8. Mort e e Imurentt. If Lender rc uircd mon a e insuraace as a condition of inekin Ihe lom cecurcd b th(s �����✓�� -` <br /> t.y:'t�: 8 B 9 8 8 S Y ,�`-,�i i �P : <br /> , -:- Securiry Instmmem, Oortower sha11 pay the premiums r�yuircd to muinmin�he mottgage insuranm in effect. If.for eny � ..;� �+ >s .": <br /> z-'��= teason,�he mortgage insurnnce coremgc rcyuircd by Lender Iupses or ceaus �o be in eRect. Borrower ahnll pay the .n„�,y� ,,,s, ._. _i <br /> �-�-;�?" prcmiums rcquired to oMein mvenge xubaler.tinlly equivalent to�he mangage iacursnce previously in e(fec[,at a cosl �-�t�{t;-�-.\��-• <br /> i_r� 5 <br /> : {. -�;, substantielly equivnler.�ro the cost�0 6ortm�er of the mongnge iroumnce previously in e(fect,from en altemete mortgage ,�:M1.;a��F �; <br /> f �� insurcr epprovW by Lender. If subnar.�inliy eyuivalene mongage inmrance covcmge is not nveilnble,Bor.ower shell pay lo ..•, ,, h' �'`- <br /> r '��T Lendertach momh n scm eyu�i[o one-Iweillh of 1he yeurly murtgu¢c insurantt premicm being paid by Bortower��hen Ihe ''- � � j� . <br /> - !- insuraace tovem e lu sed ar cw+ed lo be in e(fecL Lendero�ill nece I.u�e m:d retain�hae a iems u a loss reserve in litu +. -y.`�<<, � <br /> S P P PY� �� _:i;s�l� � . <br /> ' '- o(mongage insunntt. Loss rczen•t pa)•mems may nn longcr Ix nyuireJ,a��hc opliun of Lcnder.if mongnge insurencc -. .n.-..... <br /> ����� covera e(in Ihe nmw�l und for Ihe nod that Lendcr fe iro) mvidcd b a:i irourcr a roved b Lender e ain becomes >> �%,-`�( ° <br /> < 8 P� 4- P ) PP )' S .. <br /> �-t- availab:e and is obteined.Bortowenhall pay�he pmmimn+rtyuinJ lu mair.tain mortgage iroutance in effecl.or lo provide a ���_ _��� <br /> - '� lass rcurve,until the reyuiremenl for mongage in,uranec attonlance���ith any x�riacn agreenxnt helween Borto�ver - • � <br /> - .- and Lenderorapplitable law. t� - �' � ' - <br /> - 9. lnspectlon. Lenderor in agcm may maAc rcav,n�hic rmnp up+n,md my+.�Gnn.o(thc Propeny. Lender shali s s ' <br /> + `.;7 <br /> _ give 8orrou�er nutice at�he�i:r of or pnor to an m,pecnnn.�raf��:nF re�,m:ahk cm.e f.�r�he impeaion. -2-.�� <br /> ' 10. Coademnntlon. TLe am�aa�aN nr Jmm Ior Jr.nngr..d�reu nr�ion�rfth any - �� <br /> 1��kF�miy-FnnnkNae.Treddie\Irl]IFnR\IIVTHINF.CT--Cm!nnnG..ana�n 9W0 �ryc�J.lnrysni -. - <br />_ ?'�1.'� rn.:u�■ f-�':- .' <br /> roumf.0 ��mclolmcmucn�-�m - ��::_ <br /> . .. -'.{:,-� _ <br /> _a-;+^• -?Si..}i��:.. — ., .. . -' _ _'7;"C,""-�.v-`--' . -_.=-n-�-':'__ -',i�" , . <br /> - -..r;-^•r'°- __. � ..� <br /> --• . .�- . r. , _ . <br /> • . , . .- . .��.. <br /> v, , <br /> . '- ' . - , - ..e ., _' , - . <br /> . • . ' . _ _ • ' . .. . <br /> _� . . _ . _ _ . - ' <br /> '��',_ _ _ _ . - � - _ - . . . ' .- _ <br /> - - _ --_ __ ' ' _'_. . . . . .. _ ' ._ " _ -_ _ _' _. ' _ _' " ' ' <br /> _ . ` _ " ' ' . ' .. " . __ ' ' ' _ ' _ _ _ ' _ <br /> q_�- tt..- - . . _ -- _. . - . <br /> .f.(' .r.-: . . _ - _ . . . . . . <br />, - ft ' . _ . " . _' . _ " <br /> ,. � � <br /> � .-: - Y � . �' . 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