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'a)¢. , � ' t� � Je i� , � �`� i'- �'� , � � ' �1 � �- :� a +1_ �YU:� <br /> 1t �� .i: t-. i 7 . } Ay-q` 1 X�� I� � (1 '- . <br /> —_ � -t- �_' . l ' n . �-t 1 -��V V� ����TM�iOd'�{i_zr� nr} <br /> r � <br /> �. .- _ . - ,;. . -, ..� __ <br /> ._ . r .. - -_ d,'. . .r- ' - .:;^ r -. -' r ��.r. ' -"� -p -::, -.-r-.; i. .. -_. . <br /> � �a�ylicabl Ixw�ryny ept�Cifyfor�Instrteinen�)betoee'lalavlthe i'i�peatY Dq���tuiny pQwetg�aql6(»ntrli{Fctlutdte • , <br /> Sawiry�n.�ivm�,t�(b}#n�CfR1'���MenfaceltrgMa3'Ecatlty�asu�snrnt�7tasemndG[oq�ueRhuBotrPwer i� � = „ <br /> �-:peyt Leadu all scmf..Whlch t d y�oW be due o;vkr Q�If Bccurity G�sGucnent�nd Ne Ndo aa f1'no, 1 �� , <br /> __ oocucrcd�@)eur�.+a+ydef�ui�o;iny.qhEcsovenonuocpg{yema��:to)WyaEl�f�xpersestnc�mb0(nei�OtlCin9 (�$SC�d{q <br /> 'r"�menR]nctudNg.Ou1 noi Wdit�d w,'rea�6iwLt6 auomoya�'faeat ad4(d),leYea suph eedoa as i,enA�}piey ry�soaiLry ; 'I; <br /> tamus�•.te thu�heUenotthli8ecudtyka�.muibl,c�derldghUlulhoproP�npd�dBoiroaett6bllg+stal[o��ytp4 _•. � t,: <br /> , 8uns sauttQby Mi 3eairtty Inspume�ls ehil "tontinuo unchenged Uj>OR ICWStptert1 n[by.SotmWeq Ode ecue� „ e <br /> Insw�nentmQiheo611gat1omeecuredkenDyehaR(unaLiPollyettectivewlfnoacalsseUophadodq�ned.No�yevZr,tl� <br /> . Ngfiet�ielnateeh�inoEepQlyin�heq�seofe Iera�lohunQstParqgraphl7.� ' • ; • <br /> „ `, 19 H�A ot Notci Ciianga otl.oan BO�CtM1 YLE N0:0 OI 6 partlil Interut In the Note(tegethtt wlih tht!5`ecytlty _ _ _ <br /> Insuuinem)ma�Da�oTd oae or qioro tJmis wf�brt prCor aotice ro Bortoxxr. 'A iate may reb�te(n a d��rt,g6LC It14"Cntl[y _ <br /> _._._. (tmou+nmtAe'WmSeNla�")1AeteoUEct�inonthl96aY(rt�ntedueuh�cr�he�9IqieeAdQita$e¢urity trteauh:enF 'm�dso ; : <br /> may ba one or mme changca of�he LoBn 6lrvlCer u}delatW ro e eelo ot 0e iJota If�:ero le e eLaAge of tbeLV�n ServTar <br /> — 8orrowu wili ba glven written no�ce ot Ne changa N aocord8noo w(thprrag�nph 14 ebove andaprUwble taG, 1Le,palse <br /> _ wiUstateaenameandaddicsaofthenewLoanBervlarendthaeddres�lowhichpaymennshouidD¢meQa, 9LenoNcawD1 .. ::�, <br /> elao oopuip��y oNu Infamadon rcqutrW by app:?uble law. <br /> 20. B�tardow 8ubatnncea Bortowa ehall not tause or pamit the presenro,uu,dispomi,storage;or ielesae of eny `_ <br /> Flazazdoui Subs�eneea oa or la tho Propeny. Bortowu�hall not do,na alIow enyono else w do,enylhing eftxNn$the <br /> '_��:,���j Propecry that la in violadon ot eny Hnvlronmental Law. 7fw pruxd(ng two eentenoea cha11 not eppiy to�he preaence,use,oI — <br /> '""' '" et6 e on iha Proyer�y of smntl umdtiea otHazaMoua Substanoa tha�ue enemil rao ized ro be aypropdaro m nomel <br /> =7c=.M� � �S 4 8 Y 8� <br />--��.-�=-7� residendalaxanndromalatenanceotthePropmty. <br />�-;�_rt:��i Bortower shall prompUy give I.ender wrinen noiica ot eny inveadga�lo�,ctefm,demsnd,tnw:att or other ectton by eny - <br /> -.-. y. govemmenwl or cebulatory�gency or pdvate pazty Involvlag tha Propeny end eny Herardoua Subsrerroe or 8nv1[onmeme! <br />�--`?:s�-�� Law ot which Bortower hu eeNel knowledge. II Horrower Itama.or Is naiffed by eny govemmentet or regulatory — <br /> .�,�; authority,tM1at any mmovel or otAer romediaUon of my Hezardoue Subsqnce aftening tho Property 4 neassnry,Boirotivet -- <br /> u ��! shell promptly lake�I neauary romedie!ectiona L�eccordance wi[h BnrUonrtiental Law. <br /> �i Ae usW In thl�paregnph 20."Hazerdoua 3ubsunccs'are�hou subsunce�deflned ea roxlo or ha:erdom eubstencu by u_ <br /> 8nvfronm¢nul Law md the followlng wbstanas: gesolfne,kerauna,aher flammablo or�oxie pevolwm producu,roxic <br /> d �--.� pestloldu end he�6lcldca,volatlle noivenu,matedat�comeining esbea�w or tortnaldeAyde,end radlaulvo metede►e. A� <br />`�'a�`�i,;-�•• uud In thl�paragreph 20,"0nvironmental Lew'meem tedenl lswi end I�vn ut the JudMiGlon whcro�ho Property b located <br /> :;;�;,.:-;��; che�rclawwhcaUh,ufety oronvironmcntalpro�auon. <br />�--:"�"�� `• ' NON•UNIFORM COVBNANf9, Dortowu end Lcndcr tunhcr corcnmt and agrce ae toi!ow�: <br /> ° �:'� 21. A�ceteraflon; Remedlea. Lender ehdl give notice lo Borroea pdor to ocaterotton fotlowiny Uorrower'e <br /> `*�,��j�� Drcach ot�ny corenant or egreement In thle Baurity Inatrumen!(Eu�not dor ro atceleration unAer poragrayh l7 <br /> '� -• unieu oppllwbte I+w proNdea othcrwLse). The r.oflce ihall specirys (�)the Sefoutq(6)the aNion requlrsd to cun I�e <br /> -- � de!::!:;,t)e dste,riot Ifae lhen�n_>�e�!!�th.dnte ihe natta le piren to Borrower,6y wAtch!�e dctault mue!be �. ... <br /> "`'-=.t,"'.,�i wrcd�end(d)thn fetlurc to curo the beteult on or betore the data�ptc�Rad In tha r.otla may resutt In acalervUon of <br /> v ' <br /> �-+, -=- Me�um�ieturM Dy[his aecu�ity[nstrummt end ceie oi t�e Properq. 7Te notia seaii iunner iniarm Borzower of `-�"--�-� <br /> f �, <4y p the rtqht to relmtete eRer acceleration end the rlght to bring a court eetion ro essert the nomexlstence ot a detautt or <br />';;;��;;Y�,:- any other defense of Borro�rer eo acceleratlon and sale. If the defac!t b not cured on or betore the dete spec111ed lo <br /> the notta,Lender et its option mey require Immediate payment In NII of ell euma secured by Ihb Securtty Instrumertt <br />--��k:�'::^;:. without Nrther demand end may Invoke�he poner ot saie and enY other rcmcdies permltted by eppllcaUle law <br />�--'':'f•�`�-i`� Lender�hell be mtiqed ro coltat all ezpenses IncurrM in pursuing the remedies provided in thin paragraph 31, <br />-:- ,.:,.,,. :. <br /> "' •zj=;"."� Ineluding,6ut notllmlted ro,reesoneble etrorneye'feea and costa of tltle evidence. <br /> '��.;;3;',:;{;..r If Ihe po�ver of sele u invoked,7Fustee ahell rewrd a notice af default in eaeh munty In which eny peK of ihe <br />-- °i_;:s,c�.r Property Isloceted nnd shell mall mples ofsuch no11ce in Ihe menner yrescribed by eppIiceb!e le�v to Dorro�ver end to °^__ <br /> � 2',:- Me other persona prescr@ed by applicable law. ARer the t(me requlred by o�pIiceble le�v,7Fustee shall g(ve pu6l:c ����--�— <br /> ± - noflce of sele to tAe peranm end in the manner preacribed by appilable len. 7lvstee,�vithout demand on 6orro�ver, ``-:- <br /> 'i•' ��-= ehall setllM1e Property at public euctlon to[he htghest bldder et the lime and place and under the terme deslgnattd in -- <br /> ; the notice of sele in one or more parceie end In eny order 7Yustee determ[np.7Yustee may pastpone aele of all or any <br /> + ,`�f ���- parcel of the Property by public ennouncement et lhe time nnd plan of nny prevlousiy scheduled sale. Lender or ite ����'r�- <br /> + _ deaignee mey purchase the Property et eny eale. ;�-n� - <br /> _�, Upon receipl of peyment ot the price bid,7Yuatee shall dellver Io the purchnser 7Yuatee'e deed mnreying Ihe F -: <br /> S Property. The reellels in Ihe 7Yustee's deed ahall be prfma fecie evlCence at Ihe truth of Ihe stntemente made Iheretn. -. <br /> , <br /> ' 7Yustee sAell apply the praceed�ot the sale fn the tolb�vfng order. (a)lo ail cosls end expensea of exerctsing the po�rer �� �-� <br /> , �: <br /> $' ` 4`- <br /> 1 ._ . �fF `'` -. <br /> T1:i-: . ):�.`:�..'. <br /> ' _"','J,•' :j�[�x•�. <br /> �'`�ai __ 3 ':._ <br /> _'..�')i��ii� . <br /> .)SS� <br /> L:�v <br /> 1:� <br /> - Fmm1111H 9.'90 �M«c••/�Nxn� - <br /> !i`�- •�i�. •i . _ _ <br /> ,-° _ <br /> ; .: . <br /> : .��..'r.=- _ _ . - <br />. :.. -_ '_-.. -.-...-���,..�.-�.�,,,...-,.,-:,,,__,.,.,,.._.... ...' " _ . _' ,.T� _�-.,v--r—�� . . - . _ . <br />- _ ,;.,`' : ' . . ., _. _ <br /> .. . __-_ _ __-__._ __ . .- _ ' _' _" _ . . <br /> ._ . . : — '— ' ' ' . . - ' '' ' ' _ _ ' --_':—'. <br /> `.,' _ <br />- :i5:. . , . _ . . - _ . <br /> � ,. <br />' _ ��'i � _ _ ' _ <br />. .�..'� i� � . <br /> � <br /> �� 1 t ' <br />- r� � . - � ' � . . 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