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F -� F � . 114 ' . ,� ��.._ s � z ., . <br /> r � v�VF[���iL�� ). /. <br /> l _ < . y.- - 1Y ��! tt f s � � J 3k�' _ .. <br /> __�` r.- .`� _ _ .:• _i 2"_ � _ �i. 1 l .i' ! .; �.r ... r vi c(-� a r -�- - . . <br /> rtT001T41ii3R1�ctY�ditt�el�Dn+YOctiriaun{,c�lxtealteccre��ouihn{�apetb��s4,UleA'rxtA+ ap ,r < � <br /> FT 1 <br /> MII Q�tuttB row or pertaRer e part o3 thb�icpe All i�e�'aocmenj�and+Qdldot�4ihUl�Ieo 64 f�x��y fr ��r+ � 5 - <br /> . , L�svum�t:ASIpfWat6regalr.gies�etcrce4l�la�§�d19lr�wmenfaiAfe°Pr�Df(�n � • *� • ++< lr 1 .a —�_ <br /> cr <br /> ' SOA�tttiYBRODV�I9Nf3diet$atiowecri�fie+ti�1[Yeels�il.oCheesutehsrebycbnvbY�Tl�-- KnQad et�g�A[ �� <br /> eudobnveytheproceny.fld4th§tthePtcptnY���C}�����exoe�tforenwmDtaiuefot�xaql.8ottower�u�:t2uid � <br /> i"vflldefendgeiiereltyll�edtivtolhefroyettytaalnsFPUelaltroeaddapandS.cuDJedco�ifyfncrolnbrpnoCSO4rabrd .�: , `.��'-:; <br /> �7'ED� Sg�py TX I[fS7i{UMHNf combincis o^.IfaTin`coven@nG for netioael uso and non•uni.'pr�cgYUiazia wl� ';�" <br /> ;� timii(dvcttadol�:e6yJurlsdialontoaonpptu�eeonlfairiteq�rlryfnspnm�+�tcuv1t1n9rtatP�rtY•- -_ ,. - : <br /> , r: UNIPO�tMS7�VENAN'�.-8o�rowe�adl.eiMSrcoysnamand eafollow� ' �'- � ' . � _.. <br /> !. PsymentotYrtadpitlnd�utere��t�'ey�jmeat�n¢Lrte orgee�8ortow'a+halproipp1Iy pay� endJb�e <br /> pdnclpelofaadintenston�Gedebtpvidena4DytheNosoendanyycepsymcnl+ndl�tod�BesNqS�nderthONo�tR� ` ' " <br /> b B'upd�for7§xesandlnsurance, SahJec[�oayBlicabtalawor�o0mi�tenvla[verDylander.DortowerehaUpp�k� � G <br /> !endu on ttie Oay momNy peymeqG era due mder�ha No�a undt tho Note ie pa[d iu fuU,s cu(n('tOmds'9 for.ta)yead� <br /> . _._._� texa eM nases;mCnu Nhich mey attain pdoriry ovea tNs Secmiry Inswment af a Ilen on tho Proywty;tb}Ytetty.ltasehqld , _ <br /> 9aymeme or gmund rcnta on me V�operty,!!any;(c) y8arty hazud or property iwuronce ytemiums; (Q_'yearty flood <br /> ----- lnaumnce Dremium�.tf an7;Le)Yearly raongnga insurence prcmtum6(t any.and(0 e!U' surtis plyable by Hoctowee Id _'� _. _ __ <br /> Geqpt{,In aocc�dance�+�m rheproWsiona.otp�mgnpd 8,in Iiw ot dro payment ot mortgege�naurince premtums. 7Ueao_' . " <br /> - item�are cated'&cro�v lum�. l..ender mar,u any @ma,coL'eu w�d hoid TUnd�in a�amountnot ro exued t�e mexlinum '-.�:_'�- <br /> amour.�a)ender tor n federally rcla:cd monp�g0 lwn may nqulca for Bo�rower!eserow eaount undu Na teOC�Reel- ` <br /> Heteta SenlNnentProcedurei Au ot 1974 w�ended h6m tGna ro Hme,l2 U.S.C.¢2d01 it a� C'�PA9:unlea5"dnothet <br /> Iaw tAa�applia ro the Amd�sets a leuer umarmt. Itw,l.endu may,at any Ame,wllect end ha d Huiid+(n an einouat not to . <br /> -----_� ucad tha lesser amounc I.ender may esrimtta the amoun[of Ivsds due on the baal�of eur[e;.[date end reason86!e . <br /> _�v e€Nmata olaxpendlturca of futuie Sauow Aeau os ahenvise in exordance with eP�liable law. <br /> .."'.' Yhn Riods eAeli bo held in en Insqtmiao wfiote deposits are Insured 6Y�Icdu'+I agency. insWmEnroltty.or erl�(ry . -.._. <br /> -'°"- (including Lender,if Lendu la such i�Instlmtlon)or in eny Itderal I."oen Hank. Lender�hall�pply tiw l�nd�ro pAy <br />-_-r r;� �he Hscrow Iteme. Lendu mey not efierga Boaoau fot holding end applying�ha 14nd�, annually aaaly2ing the eSCrow , L__ __ <br /> - ',. ��� eocoant.or vpaifying t.*.a Escrow [te:n+. urJa� Lenda payi Bortower Nterat on �ha WnM end�pplicablo law pertni�s <br /> I.ender to m�ke such a eharge. Howerer,Lendar mryrequUe Bortoww to pay fl on�Hme cAuge fa an L�dependent teEl <br />'.�_�; eatero�ex repoNng cervta used by Lender iaconnectlon wtth thfs loen,unles�epplicable law provtda othe�wise. Untess an -- <br /> .��-�=-'y;� egrcement la mtde or epplicable Iaw rcquitta ioieres��o ba palQ Lendu�6a11 not be requlrcd to pay Bortower any intetest or <br /> "�;a^�• eaminga on tha Phnda. Bortowu end Lendumey egrce tn w�itlr.g,howevu,that Intercst shall 6e paid on the R:nds. I.enda <br />� '';`-`}5i� thall gfve to Eo[ro�ver,without chazga,an��nual aaoundng ot the P+nde,showing crcdtd and debiu ro the tUnd�end�:a <br />•��;c;'`+i:;,� puryou for which eacl�debi[w the Amds xv made. 7Le Amd+aze plWged u add:tional eecority tor aU wmi�:ted by <br /> ��,`:';7%::�: �hbSceudrylnsdurt{ent. <br /> If�de ivnda hdd bp Law.r :::,,:;:t�amau:u pcm:t¢ca te!�hcld bY eFp�ir�Ne law, Lender sholl xcount ro �_ -- -- <br />._______�_?�� Bomower Por the cxcesa F4nde in aocordanee with the requlrcmente of appliwbla law. If�ha unomt of tha Pund�held by � <br /> ��,";r['%� Lender et eny Hme ie no[mfflelent�o pay the Bscrow Iremf when tlua�.enaer may w no[iry Bortower in wriring,and,in °°----°�- <br /> �-"."F?�� such usa Borrower chail pay to I.ender U�e emoum neauvy ro n�ke up Ne deFlcler.q. Boirower sF.all mako up Ne <br /> ;�,;��ta�, deflcieney In no morc Nen tweive monthly pymenu,et LenderY�o:e discretlon. <br /> Uponp�yment in full of dl�um�eecurM by 0!+Secudty[nsuument.Lender sheU promptly rcfund�o Bortower a�y — <br />�:��`<:Y;�i I'und�held by Lender. If,undu paregreph 31..I.ender ahell ecquin m cell�he Property,Lendu,pdor ro Ne ecqulahlon or <br />- J - salc ot Ihe Property.�hflll epply eny fimde Aeld by Lender n thc time ot uqalaidon or�ate e� e tttdit rgainst IAO sumf <br /> ��?j� `�` eecurcA by�hU Secudry[nswment. <br />. •::��`;�. J. Applitatlon of Vaymenta Uniw�ppliabl¢ law provida o�henviw, ell paymem��euirW by I.endu undu <br /> paragnph�1 end 2�lull be applicd:fint, to Ny prcpaymem eherges dae undcr the Hoto:«cond,to aTOUnu payeblc under <br />��-';+�:;�`." parnareph];�hird.�o imemat dur,fuunh,ro p!ncipat due;end Imt,to eny laie charge�duo undu�he No�e. � <br /> _ =i1` A Chergeq Llenf. �ortower shall py nIl�eaes. nsscssmenu,ehnrga, fina and ImposiUona andbuteble ro the <br /> -�•'t-"•` Pro�ny which mey enein pdodry over thie&curity Insuumen6 end Ieaseho:d paymen[a or ground rcnu,if my. Bortower ' <br /> �",;'_�l" cha 1 pay Nese obligailons i�thc monner prorided in paregnph 2,or if not paid in�hu mm�er.Bortower ahall pay tM1em on - <br /> �'�"r'� time dircctly ro thc percon owed paynunt. Barower shall pmmp�Iy fumish a Lender dl no�icu of emounts to be paid under -- _ <br /> ��"`•;4�:'.� �hln pungreph. I(Dorto�ver nukes�hese payments directly,Bovowcr�hall promp�iy fumsh �o Lender rcalps erideneing =__ <br /> '" thc payr.imti `' --_ <br /> --�" 6orrower chell promp0y dixherge any lien which haz priority oru�his Sauriry Instn:ment unlm Borrower.(e)agrcee ,,�_.__: <br /> - in writin ro�he ent of�he obli a:ion ucured b �he lien in a manner ecee �able to Lender.@)comesta In ood idth�he " 'Y+-��,- <br /> i �' lien by,or defends againu enforcemem of�k lien in legal proceedings which m the Lenduk opinion opervte to prerent�he -i_ - <br /> ��-�-.�-- enforcement of the lien:or(c)ucum from�he holder of the Iien an egeement sn�isfactory to Lendu subordinating U�e Iicn +!+.,''- --- <br /> -�. y, h3t'-^..��_- <br /> - '� �- to thEa Securiry Instrumrnt. If Lender determines thal any p�rt of the Pmpeny is subjat w a lim which mey evain prioriey ?�.�.�,.,, .;"- <br /> __t, -;� over this Security Instmmmt,Lender mey gire Bortower a no�ice identifying the lien. IIartower shall atiafy the Iien or teke , ,�', <br /> x. . one or more of�he actions se[fonh abore wi�hin 1 O days of ihe giving of notice. �� r s'°� <br /> ?'� S. Na�ard or Property Insunnce. Oortowu shall kmp Ne improvemrnts now existir.g or hercsRer eratW on thc � � <br /> .-:i�.;ti:-�"- -,tt}'';!_-1, <br />-�- Propeny insureA ageinst loss by fire,hazerds included within the term"extended coverege and eny other ha�rds,inciuding <br /> J Oaods or ilooding,for which Lender rcquim insunnce. This insurance ahell be mainnined in the emounu end for�he �,- �-�;:_ <br /> . -,-;') �'. <br /> �. . <br /> v; `� FrcmJ01! 9A0 fMYrinJbPoM» � . <br /> F r }..,4l <br /> :� <br /> -'i=• ,:a`� . <br /> �,;- ,. ti :.��,... <br /> ':l,- �'• F. <br /> '',�. <br /> f,l ^2^ �.c'�•�T__. �.CT -•y�J!.i:� � � � ���-��.� "'^J '•ti'�2�._ }u l' _ <br /> ? .. _ ;.-.:4-�' a' . . . " . . ._. ._ 'l __ <br /> t - )_ a . _ . _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ <br /> . . " ' _ _ ) . _ _ <br /> p - . . . _ � . - . � _ _ _ � ��J. __. <br /> 1 4 . . _ _ .. - . - ___- :_ - �_ - _ __ - �-r— . <br /> - . - _ . _ . - ' .. _ �h. . . ._ . . <br /> � :�! . . . � ' ' � _ - . . - . i . _ _ _ " ' <br /> ..- • -'_� _` _ .. '. _ <br /> -. _ . : . _ - .. .._ . <br /> . .. <br /> l:: . .. - . � . . :'. <br /> . -. _ _ _ ___ _,. ._ . � . _. . - _ . . . . <br /> �-_a.• _ . . . . . _ . . <br /> . ., ._ _ - , -i - " <br /> � . - <br /> }f - � - ' . '. - .. " ' . <br /> � - <br /> J <br /> _ _ - .5 . . . .. � - t . <br /> t <br /> , `_. <br /> ; ' {` <br /> , .-. .. . . _ � i . ... � e.. " " _ . �. , . � _ .. .` ..F ._ i - . _ 'tl,. ._ ` `_ . .. . <br />