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, <br /> ` - <br /> , .�. . � ., .g3•��045�9 . � <br /> - d, Hazerd os PrqpErty tnSUrocce� Hoero�Ver ei}eil ka{b�he tr6provqmente now OxlsNeg�or he�ca�er cfeaGd�on�tUp -..-.- - .... - <br />--- Propeny insured ag21nat tou by fira,haraM�Included wl�hin the�am'extended coverogo'apd 8ny other heinida,taclPd��B <br /> - - � tloods ot 4aadl�g,for whlch Lcnder rcqulrw insa�nc0.7Ufs tnsurenoe shail 6o melntalncA 1n�h9 emouate a0d for i6o Q�tOQs- .�_ .: `_ <br /> -_ - <br /> - - � - ths�I.ender rcqulms.'I'he Insurene¢cartier providing the Insumnoo elull be chaten by Domowel eubJect to LcndtP�flpprovat -: �`,•.M._.__-_ <br /> F� which eball no[be unreawaably wlthhetd. It Borrower tails to mdnteln coverego dacdbed abovo. Lend¢r m�y.ot 1�tEu'e �� <br /> -- --- op�ion.obtein wvereEo to prouct Lendu'e dghta In�ha Propeny in a000Menco wlih p[aegroph 7. <br /> _��_�; All tnsurence pollcle� end ra�awele shall be aocep�eblo to Lender end shall Includo e stnnderd mongago clausa. l.endoT <br />_- shell Aave Iho dght to hold Ne policiw ar.d renewal�.it Lendoe riyuires.Hortowzr ehell promptty give to Lcnder a:l tCOCipa o! -- <br /> T`-� paid premfam�end nnawnl noticw.In�ho event ot loss.Dorcowu�hell give prompt notica to tho Insurenco carrier eM Londrx. <br />=_��' Lender mey mske proof ot los�if not made promptly by Hortowec „ _ „_ _ <br />.�_—�— �-� --._. <br /> UNea�Leader u:d Borrowu otF.enviw agrce in wrUleg,Insumnce proaede shNl bo epplled w rcatoretlon or repalr of U�e <br />�{r�; Prope�ty dameged,ittho restoatlon or reQafr W uono:nicdly feacible nnd Lendu'a saudty le no[�ha rcseoraHon or <br />_`.__�. rcpair te not eoonomiealty feasible or Ler.der e secudry would be lessened,�ho Insurance procetAe shali bo appl�ed ro tho euma <br /> v -:,�,,;-: seared by thia Sew:dty InaeNmeat, whether or not�ben due, wiih eny exase peid ro Bortower. If Bortowcr aba�doro tha <br /> �a - Propaty,ar does not ens�ver within 30 deye a notta from I.e�u thet the Inaurenca cartiu hee ofkred ro se�lle a claim,�hen �.. <br />-`���14- I.endu may collat �he insurenoe prooxde. Lender may osa the proaeda to rwalr or ratore the Propcny or ro pay sum.s <br /> a�'�`?�?�� secured by thii Security Instrumeat,whether or not then due.l7ie 30-day period wlll begin when the notice 1�glven. <br />`�=',�:�;�;:-� Unlw Lender end Bortower othuwisa egree in wripng, uyr epplicetlon ot proaeCa to pdncipat �hall not exte.nd or <br /> ""'�`'"'� - postpone the dua date of�he r.nmhly paymems referted m (n paragmph� 1 end 2 or chenga the a:.ount of the paymenu.If <br />-z.h'-'£`f",...' : <br />�t•�TtS:;i::,;� . cnder parnglaph 21-Na Properry is acqu:red by Lender. BofrowerY rtgF.t ro any insurnnoe pollclea end prooeed�reau!tlng hom as-. _.- <br /> ��k•��;:;.`-: : d8.'fIB�O[O IM16 PfOPCIIf PIIO�IO IM1C 8C(�:II6III0:1 ihBII QEE9 IO LCIIAC[IO II16 C1IIC71[Of IIIO NIRt 6GC0[tE Dj��III6 SMYfISY IM1S�Nf11tAlI <br /> � '� , .r ' immcdietety pdor ro tho ecquisition. °-- ---- <br /> ' `�°'-- 6.Occupancy,Prescrvation,Mafatenance end Protection otthe Property:Borrower'e Iuan AppllceUon=Leasedold�. ---- ------ <br />=t''�`"=�=2=!.. Bolro�rer ehall occupy,esieblish,end usa the Propwty ea Borrower a pdncip�I rafdence wl�hfn dxry dey�eftu the exceuNon of ���Y- <br />�-'*"�-'-x=A_-� ! this Security Instmment and shall mntinue to occupy[he P:operty�s Borrower'�prir.cipal rca!dena for et least or.e ywr efta ..,�_� <br />;,,.,,t��:.•;,;; ' t.�-'•---_�—- <br />{�^�:;,,.� �e dete of om:panry, unlw Lender othernise agrees in x-�llng,which consent shall not 6e unrcato;iebly wl�hhcld,or unleas _�_'_��-�� <br /> � ,�§�';��?�'.. . <br />._,�,,,, atenuaHng ciramsrancea exist which att beyond iforrower s wntrol. Bortower nhell not deatroy, damega or impalr ihe <br />�_j;�;=`,;j_�. Property, ellow the Propeny ro dUeriore[e, or commEt waste on�he Property. Borrower�hell be in defeul[if any forfehcre �:��;'-- <br />;, ?i�h..�.. . - <br /> _ : .r_„ ection or pracading.whUher civil or ttiminel, ta begun ihat in Lender e gaod fei[h judgment could rcsult In(orfeiNre of tha ��-_ <br />-;��j�_T�?3: Propeny or otherwfse mateAelly impair�he I:en crea�ed by�hix Searfry Inummern or I.ender�secudty Interect.Borrowu may �'- - <br /> �c,�: cure wch a defaWt and reire�ete,as provided in pare;repA I6, by causing the eaion or proaeding a be diamlased with e m:ing �jg�..' - <br /> -�r-.' '-.: tna[, in 4nder s good-fetUi duertnination, prccluda fodeimre of the Borrower'e intercst in the Propeny or other metedal �ir--,-- <br /> � _`�:,'�"9_� impairment of�e lien created by this Security Inswment or Lender a savrity interat. Borrower�hall elso be In default If "�°`'L <br /> f x-f: <br /> � ,'.' Cormx.r.Cu:::e�hc'aan appli�tior.F:�ss.o�•msta�=�1;fal••oe inac!+1'an Infnrmn�inn nr gevm•ot.m I�ndnr tnr .i4A ��.,-:.-- <br /> - L - "- <br /> ,- � ti �' to provide Lender wiih eny matcriel information)im m�nation wi�h thc loan evidenad by the Note,including,but not IImhW ';Y�'�, '.-� <br /> �. i<,;t° �o,rcpresentetlons conceming Bortower a accupancy of the Pmperty ai a principal residence.If thh Savdty Instrument Is on a r � <br /> . R••" <br /> �•,��°l•"'���= IeasC:�old, Borto�ver shell con I with all the rovisiom of the leau. If Oorrower ac uirea fee N�fe to �he Pro n �he °i-- <br />-' P Y P 9 P� Y. �?,,�';:p: <br />�r,;,-;�.''' leasehold ond�he fee eide sAall not merge unlcss Lender egrees to�he merger in writing. i,,jr�'%.- <br /> } .. i�'�;' z o <br /> � c - 7.Proteclion of Lender'a RiRhta In the Roperty. If Oorrowcr fails to peRomi the covenams end agreemenu mntalned In . � �'�- <br /> ��- � this Sauriry lutrununt, or there is a legal pracceding thm mny significamiy at&et Lender a rights In�he Property(aueh u a -�?'�t S ;�. <br /> ^='' procading in bankmptcy,probate. for mndemnatiaa or forfeimrc or�o enforce laws ar reguletloni),tF.en Lender n�ay do md ��"�r_�"„Ot�7:',ti <br /> ';.,,:C:� i.�>•.r.c..a._� <br /> � :_ pay (or�vhatever is necessery ta pro�at the value of�he Pmpeny end Lender's rights in the Propeny. Lender s ualons may ,�, � <br /> �; include paying nny sums secured by e licn �rhich has priority over �his Security Instrumrn�. appenring in court, paying t�;; � <br /> ' rcaw�ble ettomeys'fecs and entcring on�hc Propeny ta muke mpairs. Althnugh Lender may mkc naion undcr Ihis parngnph ;.5� ��t r -' <br /> ¢...-,..,..-. �i;r;,�n,,...y._:. <br /> �` 7.Lender docs r.ot have to do m. <br /> ��.` Any umounec dicbcrsed by Lendcr undcr Ihis pungmph 7 sholl become edditinnul dc61 0( 6ovower saured by Ihis ->�''k f_ ' � <br /> � - Stturiry Inswment. Unlezt 13orcowcr mul LcnCcr agrcc m o[her lernu uf paymcnt, diccc amounts shnll bcar i�lcresl from Ihc .-,� � �,` <br /> �r-`^ date of disbursemen[at IF.c Nate mtc anJ shall l+e paynblc, with imcrosL uqm nnticc (rnm Le�Wcr lo Dnrrower requesling ri�� '�� <br /> - payr.xnt. ,�{:� � r* .-; <br /> i t.;�, &�torigage In�urnnee.If Lcnder reyuireJ nx,ngngc i:uur:unx a,a mnJitinn n(making�he Inan secureJ by this SecvmY j,n, r' {�i�'.' - <br /> 3 � ; Inslrument. Barrowcr tihnll pay �he prcmium. myuircd m mainlain �hc mnrtgagc inwrance in cffer�. fL (or nny rwson. Ihe .`'F � 5 � <br /> "' rtortgage inwnncc mverage r.yuircd hy Lendcr I� or.ra.c.m hc ia cfPacL Rnrcawcr.hali pay�hc prcm�amx rcyuircd m r�• y�� _ <br /> ,-�=' oblein covcragt wh}�antially cyuivalc:n lo Ihc mungagc in.arrncro in c( a co.t.uh.�amially cqaivalent m ihc � -.,--sCr�.' <br /> mst to Borto���er of�hc manga}c inwranaY p:cvfomiy in cflcc�. Gom an altcrna�c mnngagc ir.wrer appmvnl M1y Lcndcr. 1( . �;�•.=:�- <br /> +ubs�anlially cyuivalent mnngagc inwrancc cnvcraEr f. ix+t ac:dlaM1lc. &+rtmnr.0a11 p:n-lo I.cnJcr mch a .um cyual ln _ <br /> . .. _ anc-nrclfth n(H�c yeady n:nngage m,uranrc prcmfur.i hcmg p:ud ly &+rrnorr��hcn Cir:n+ur.nnc au�'era¢c lap�cd o:cca�td lo � ;� i .` <br /> t�c in elfca. l.crnlcr mll a.npl.u�r anJ rc�afn�4c.c�.i)nxnt.a. e Ln. mmr m I:cu ol nn.ngagc mwrann. I.n�� rc�crvc ' . <br /> form 3028 9•'80 <br /> ... �.., I � . <br /> _ I. , . <br /> ! j ' <br /> •- �--' --�-��--� <br /> , ��v_S'. .� . . . <br /> . _:t., .. . . � <br /> .i5 '''3 � . _ _ ._ . . . <br /> ���";. . ' . . . ' . " <br /> ::r.:: . . . � - - <br /> .t..-' . . .. .. . _ . .. _ _ � _ . <br /> - : _ . <br /> . . <br /> . - <br /> ' _ <br /> . <br /> _ � <br /> -, ,. : -- • ;� - �..- , . . . .- : .. . <br /> � . <br /> .- �.- :r .-. .. . _ _. . <br />