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�,. ..-,. � . ._ , t . 1 � S_ . <br /> ,y�:t � -' '_ . :.. � � _. -_. <br /> _ .. 93��t����9� ;�_.° � <br /> p�1�Enis n'aY no tu6ati E6"- tr� tt�a sttaa ai L�tidR.itratfgs¢'3 trtsYrSnee CoYa�(lrt *:W:�^' ^^...3:-,.^^�^" :,, ` — . <br /> 1ha�I.ei�de`r re�ulreaJ rovid�by arflnsutcr approvc4 by 1.cMcr agu[n'becbmta oralt�!o end b obteinc4 Qorcotiver,shall pay ' ;' <br /> �es prziiih��i rquir�o ma�m�n mongeBi+in�uran�o in etRce,or�o provtae a�o:p tcxrYe.untti iho iequlreme�t f¢i mortge$a; - - _ <br /> Ineu�oa e�.+in aaorden�o wieb any wrl��ca egnemcnt detwan ikrtowcr urA Lcr.dcr araDplicsbto lew. • '` <br /> "� 4.lnspeciloe.leoder oc ied a8ent mey mufe tea�onab�o mids upon end Inipec[ioti of�ho Propedy.I.endec sheli QfVo . �° <br /> Borrowrr r.otice aftde Nmo ot or pRor to en Inspcpion spaltying rcaspnabte wuw for tFa Inspoc�lon. � : <br /> — ID. Con4emnottou.'h�e yrooxda of eny awnrd or dnim tor damega, dirav or canssquential, In connealon with any <br /> - - condemneNon or other teking ot eny pnn ot�ha Propeny,or for wnvoyonco In Ilw ot eondsmnetlon,ero hercby auignM end <br /> - _ _-- ahnlibepaidtol.ender. � :'. <br /> , ___.� In tM event ota ro�el taking of�ho Proprny,tho protttde�ha:l W nypllM to tho wr��scqurcd by thle SauNty Instrumenf, <br /> whe�her or mt then due,with any oxcesa patd!o Borrower. In Ihe evcm of o paniel taking ot Uw Property In wnlch�ho teU ' ' <br /> markU vatuo ot the Property immcdlazcty beforo�ho�eking le cqual to or grcatcr ihan�M10 amount of tho wm�wcured by�hia <br /> Secadty hauument immediatcly betoro tho�eldng,unius liorrowcr ond Lender o�henvlu ogrw In wdtlng.tF.e wm+securcd by <br /> thls Sxuciry L�suumen�ehell ba reduad by tha amount of�ho prooecdi mu!ilplled Ay the following fradlon: (a) the total <br /> amount ot Ihe sur.0 xarcd Immediately¢efore�he roking, dlvlded by(b)Iho fnir markct vaiuo of the Propetry Immedletely =. <br /> bofo�e[he teking. Any belnna ahall be pald to Borcoaer. [n�ha event of�panlol tn�ing of tho Properry In which iM faiT <br /> ' mazka value of�he Propeny ir.unediakly betore�ha taking la laa ihan�ho amour.t of�ho eumti cecured Immedletuy bePore�he - <br /> --- teking, uniw Bortower end Lender otherwiu agrce In writing or cn:w�appilwble law othenvl�o providea,�ho procead�ehell <br /> ----= be epplled ro the eumn steured by tl�ia Saudry instmment�rhGhcr ar not�ho mmf ero then duo. <br /> �J if the Property�is eWndoned by Bortower, or If,efter nopce by Lender�o Uortower�hat the condemnor offm to mdce an <br />��'".� awerd or sGtle a clalm for damega.Dorrower fdls�o rapo�to Lendcr wNhln 30 dnya efter tho date tha noNce le glven, <br /> -_--= Lendu ia euthorizad to collea and opply�M1e proceeda,at fu op�fon,cliher to rcstoretlon or rcpnir of the Property or w the sume __ J� <br /> ..� cecured by thi�3xudry instmment,whethu or not then due. _-_--__- <br /> ,,,� Unteae I.endu end Borrower o�hmviu agroe in wriNng, eny eppilutloa ot procecde ro principal �Aall not extend or <br /> �Fa::;?-.�� postpone che due dare of the monthiy paymenn refined to in peragmpha I end 2 or chor.go the emount of cveh peymenro. <br />. -�"' 11.IIortower Not Rdeased�Forbeerenm Dy I.enda Not e 1Valver.Bxtemlon of the�ime tor payment or nodffleadon �;:--=_-'- -� � <br /> f'� of emonl7a:ion ot�e sums saured by thi�Secudty Insuument gren:ed by l.cndcr to any successor In Interw of Bortower shaU � <br /> not operate m rctease ehe liability of[he oNgiaal Bortower or Borro�ver's auccesson in Interest. Lendw chell not be requircd[o <br /> �+ : commena procadingn egainst eny waes:or in (ntereat or refusa ro utend tlme for peyment or atherwlao modlfy er.�oniredon <br /> -'� `��- of the sume euured by �hin Saudry Inswmer.[ by reason of eny dcmand made by �he origisal Borrowcr or Borrower'e �??"'= <br /> „� sumason in intercsc Any(or6ea'ana by Lender in exercising eny dght or rcmedy ahell not be a wdver of or preclude�he __. ___ <br /> '��,''� exeaice of eny dght m�emedy. __ <br /> � <br /> - -- t2. Ss.:�.x�s antl :1sslgns Donrtd:Jofnt and oc�c�nl Liauiliiii Cu-elgfsie. Thi �aRiialiL di�u uy(itiuiiii�ib di i1i�b = <br />