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- , <br /> t4 �L . . . . . . . _ _� _ <br /> = 9�"��?4��� <br /> . . �-- <br /> _. TOOBTFI$A N1TH alt�o Improvanente non or hereafier ttccted on the Prope�ry,arA etI eesemEnfn.npyd�irnanou,and- - <br /> tixrora now or Aueaftu a pan ot �ho property. All rep:aamu�te and addicloru �hell aiw be covuod by d�ls Seadry „ <br /> °—". IrsttumrnR Ali ollho forcgotng la rcfcrrod to In tAb 6ecudry Insuument aa U�e'Property.' "------- <br />----- BORROLYDR COVBNANT9�het 8orrower b lawfuily selsed ot tAe earata hercby convayed end ha�the�ight m�ant ond . __ <br /> - =— convey Uw PropenY end�het the Propeny te unenwmbcred,exapt for enwmbrenas of mard. Bortowcr warranro end wUl � <br /> — " dePond generelly the title�o the Propetty egeinst nll clNms end demande,subJect to eny encumbrenoa of record. ' <br /> TH19 SBCl/Rl7'Y IN9TItUMBNT combinea uNfofm coveoann for neGonnl use end noMUnitoim wvenann with Itmitcd <br />.-��m! verleNon�by Jiulcdlctlon to ansdtu:a a uniform seadty tnsuumer.t oovering rcel property. ---� <br /> ._—.._ UMFORM COVBNANTB.Bo�rower end Lender wvenant end agree a�tollo�va: _ <br /> -ti��� 1. Aayment ot Princlpal end Intereaq Prepayment end Late Cdergea. Hortower ehall pronptly pay when due the <br /> � ---- . _ <br />---- pdncipel of anA intuat on tho debt evldenced by�he Note and any prcpayment ar.d late charga due undu tho Nota � � <br /> __- 2.F�nAa tor Texw end Jnsurence.Sl�bJea ro appliceble law or to e written welver by Lender, Borrowet shaU pay ro ---- <br /> �_''�k Lender on the day monthty paymente flro due under�5e No�a umll�he Nota ia pald In PoII.e wm('Pundsry Por.(a)ycady taxq - <br /> ;�: and uussmenta whlch may ettein pdoriry over thii Secudry[nstrument es e lien on the Propary; @)yearlY Ieeseho!d paymente <br />_�:-�._�. or ground rcnte on the Propeny,if cny;(c)yeady huerd or propnty Irouwna premiams;(d)yeaAy flood Insurantt premlum+, <br /> ��.-:F_: , if eny: (e)ytarly mortgage(nsurenoe premlurtu, if s�y; and(�eny sum�paye6le by Hortowa to Lender, In ecardena with <br />.�.�_.�,;-r�; �ha provlslora ot paregreph 8,la IIa of ttie pay�aent of mortgege Inaurence pruaiunu.'fhese item�ere eelled'Hscrow Itemv.' ` <br /> - I.ender may, at any tlme,collxt ud hold Funda in en emonnt not ro ezaod �he maximum emoun[e lender for e federally <br /> _ -- rcleted rtartgege low mey requirc for Borcower'a eacrow ucooun[cnder�he federal Real Esta[e SUtlement Procedures Act ot �_� <br /> .{,�m� - 1974 as amended(rom time to Hme. 12 U.S.C.Seaion 2601 er aeq. ('RPSPA'),unless enother lew[he[epplia�o the Punds <br /> - -;, �W a leaur emonnt If so, Lender may,at eny time, co:lect end hold Funda in an emoun[not to extted �ho lesser artwunt. 4 :_ <br /> `�tz ! I.ender mty estlmatc the�mount of Funds due on�he basia of curtent data end resso:iable a�imates of expenditurca of futur¢ . .-- ___ . <br /> ; Escrow Items or otAenvlu in eaord�nce wi�h applieable Iaw. �' -. . <br /> .. ,_ __._.. <br /> ''J The Funds shill be hetd in �n ins�imtlon xfiose deposits arc insurcd by a federel agency, insuumentality, or u:Uty t `, :,. <br /> r i- "1 (Including Lender,if Lender Is mch en irstlmtion)or in any Pederal Home Laan Bank.Lender shall appty the Funds to pay the r`� ��-� <br /> �`«� Escmw Irems. L.ender may no[charge Bortower for holding and applying�he Funds,annuel ly anelyzing�he escrow eccount,or --• • <br /> a_<r+� verifying�he Escrow itens,un'es�Lender pays Bortower ir.terest on�he Funds end applicable law permits Lender ro make such f ,raj nf' �� <br /> ,f .��- e cherge.However,I.ender may requirc Bottower ro pay a one-time charge for en indepe�dem rcal ute[e�ex reponing urvia ,',.'j.',' :__ <br />,-.j;�:� used by Lender im m�nxtioa wl�h �hla loan. unlw epplicable law provida othenvlu. Unless an agreement Is maCe or - ;-- 4,�-- <br /> -' -�t�i epplicable lew requ!res in:erest ro 6e pald,Lender stall not be required ro pay Bortoaer eny intcrcst or eamings on thc Funda. ,,i7'_rf — <br /> 5�' > Bovower end L.ender may agrce in svritfng, howevcr,thet interest ahall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Uorrower, i -._��,F =_ <br /> - 1'-`=' wi�hoct ch e, en annwl acu�untin of the Funds,showin credits end de6its to �he Funds and�he u far which each �rS '-� <br /> �B E 8 P � � ._ �- <br /> . ��° dtbil lu iltc Fwida wm uuJc.ll�c Fmde arc pialgai o ndJiliunai xz-uriry(ur all syme secmed by this Secutiry Inslmment. kF� -. , .-. <br /> `�� -.`� If the Funds held by Lender utted tlie nmounts pertniued to be held by applicable Inw.Lender shall accourt to 8orrower { �:`<£r h, rm�;_ <br /> <<,^, [or the exceas FuMs in aocordence wi�h �he requiremmts of eppliceble Inw. If the ema�nt of the Fu:ida held by Lender a[eny i t-.''t -�- <br /> .,..ti� _.i _� si�ur <br /> ;:}i;�3t� shall'pay mNLender'the emYountFnecessetry o5 make upclhc�defici nety. 13orroweB sha I oiake p the deficiencyc n fa morc[lian ����r�ti%��_�RC�a%�:. <br /> " twelre monthly payn:ems,at I.ender's sole discretion. -1�l� ry: ,L ���_. <br /> 'S`- Upon payment in fcll of ell sums ucured by ihis Securi�y Instrument. Lender shall promp�:y rcfund lo Bovower any r--- r:°'�i i� r�.t- <br /> t .i. <br /> F •° Punds held b L,enden If,under an rn h 21. Lendcr shall a� mrc or sell the Pro n Lender, nor m�he a wsnion or sale `` -` �^ ' � F>=-- <br /> a is Y P B P W � P� Y. p� �q - ' - -.n s}� . . <br /> +�-� o(�he Property, aF.e!I app�y eny Funds held by Lendcr a[ �he�inM o(ucquisi�ion or selc ac a credit agaimt thc sums secured by -�_--�, ,�' �n,: <br /> -.•Et'� Mis Securi�y Insuu:nent. < .- `: `� r�t�. ... <br /> j _,. 3.Appllc&tlon ot Paymenta.Un!esz npplicable law providcc nthcrwix,uIl payments remivcd by Lender unde�parugmphs s ;f_- jis r�.•._ <br /> i_:� 1 end 2 xhall be xpplied: firsl, m eny prCpaymenl charges Juc under tL•c Nn�r. sernnd.lo amaun[s paynble unCer pamgraph 2; � '�-:,_����F ir 1,{�_. <br /> •5> tl:ird,la in:ercsl der.founh.m principal due:and les�.ta any Iaie charges due under Ihe Kote. �.-- �'r• <br />. ����� 4. CharRex; Liem.Oortower shull pay a:l��cssmenn,ciwrge+. fincs unJ impositiuns ai[ribule6le lo Ihc Propcny -!- _ t'�} �i Y; � <br /> � :' � which ma etlein riorit over�his Secuni Ir.swmrnt, end Icmchnid g y. p y ...-_ - i,;r��.."_�. <br /> t y p y y � munJ rcnt>, i!ar. Borroxxr sha:l a i � t' <br /> ��;; Ihese obligalions in Ihe nnnner pmrided in par.�gtaph if nol piJ fn Ihat manncr,Iiorrnxer shall pay ICem on lime dimctly t�- '� ���� ¢ <br /> � ,. <br /> to the pCrson nwcd p:rymer.t. Bnrroxcr.hall pm:.�ptly(umish lo l.c:Wcr all naiirn n(amuur.l.[o be paid ur.dcr lhis p�mgraph. _ �;;I kl!,`:_�?.!+_:�` <br /> . ,,;_: lf Borro�ver n:ukes�hese payment�dircctly.Bnrro�rcnh•rll pr.mipUy fi�rni.h In IcnJer rcceip�s evidencing the pq�nxma. ' } '�':_" <br /> Borm��rr+6all promptly Jixharge any lica whE.h 6:n p:ion.y o�rr�hn S�curily Imlrumcnl unlns Borrux� in ; t,,�'� : -. <br /> �vrifing lo Ihc peymcn[n(Ihc ahliga!inn x�aural by�hc I�cn m a manncr ac�Yplablc�a I.endcr:Ih)romcti:+in g«d (ailh[hc lien � ,' �` �.{�..��, � <br /> ��� b or defends a ar.t en(anenwm n( lhe lien in. Ic•J �k.Min•. �d:ich in �he IsnJCr. o mion n fa[e In reveni Ihe r.:-=• i }+`����`. � <br /> Y-� Y. g -.. b� P� b P P� P `�' �b� "•' <br /> ? ' cnCo:cemm�t ot thc licn:n:�c�.aum Gnm Ihc hal2cr nf thc licn an agrccr.icm m��nnn lo I.cnJcr.uMvdina�ing�hc licn�o ._*:.:.r,,� �,.?•:'-`: <br /> : t t - <br /> � Ihis&cunly In.trumcnt If lsnJcr Jelcnnmc.�h.n a�y pan uf�4i Prn�trl� u.uhjcr�m a IEcn a 6�ah nu� auam pnonl��mcr r i-� � -+ <br /> +-' thix Security In.trumcnt. LcnJCr ncry�g��c 6nnuwcr a no�ur Wu Ifl�fng�h.G.n IA+rrnwcr.h.dl .au,fi�:�c Gcn ur iakc onc nr �� - �' : <br /> '_r�:_ marc of lF.c azliom.ct Innh alwwc unhm 10 da�.nf�hc g�ung uC n ua. �-� <br />- Fo�m3028 9�80 F , _ <br /> - °N]..rb F ' .. . _ <br />, � • . <br />�"._"{.t,t•! 1 . <br /> � °C�."�"^!^'��_" —.,...�. . _.�, _ ` . • ___ <br /> . .._ . -. _. . .. ._ ....-- <br /> ' _ .. _ . ._�.. . . .. . .�. .. ,_. .. .�,.r - .. <br /> �. ('. _{ _ . - � . ..- '- . .. .. . _ . _' <br />- -'-..'_.:. -. ' <br /> �'.. _ _ ._ ' - . . . <br /> i, " <br /> ., i_-: ':',- - . <br />. ..'r, . �"�": . .._ ' <br /> ._,;;''-_ _ ' . <br /> w-"fn • <br /> idY: ' .. . � . ' _ - . <br /> � <br /> i. 3 T r.� - � . . - - 1 _� ... _ . .. - � - . <br /> y �� � r ' �_ .. , . . . .. .. . _' . � � - <br /> • • <br /> �_,, - - .; � _;;. _ <br /> . , , <br /> . . . . . ,'• . �- . . <br /> -- q. . ._. . - . . . . .-.. <br /> -� _ . . . . - . _ - � __ . . .. _ _. _ ___ . <br />