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•L�i t ." � � •.1 - �!_ _ � � f - - 4�r: �Ea : � r r.,_-- <br /> .��.'..� 1.• l .A , <br /> . z- <br /> .<• .__-t_ _ _ _ _ .- _ - <br /> ._ . .-_ '""':V - _,_ . _ _ ..— - /.nc • .:i- a�__�_.___-- <br /> payMep(emm+�yynv�o.igerAor�ulreO;nrReoptlono:fl,snder jtmodgaBelnsaiano6a�vpiago(lniliawnaimEqridfotttipporloA <br /> •� Ua�t.piGo* reqiit(w)provldeq by e1i Ir.sottr apptovod Ey l,endei agtlabsmma av�11pb1P und Id obtairicd.Borrower s6y11 piy ._ .. <br /> - �.:Q�ayt.�ilmt+teyulrc,Stopwintnllln�,uputrh6reipiircu�ntfarmodgaga: -"-- � ..-.- _. .. . <br /> � . lnsurnr.ceendaleacooNaikawt�fierp�wrlpene�eem6ntbuweert8otrowerendLendea.mappllceDlelew. . ' .i .` <br /> ' � 9:In3pettlon.Lender tir iu ageni mey make reasonabio ent�tN upon atid inspc¢tiora of tqp Proyeny. Lendcr a!yll givo <br /> ' Buriowu ntitieo at fia time of o►prtbr to an inspeaion spectfytng rebwnabla cause for tha inspectlon. � • <br /> t0.COpdfmAIIl10A.7fie praaecde ot eny award or ctelin fot dunaga, dirca or consequenqal. In co�ncdtan whh nny <br /> coddemnatlori Lr othu teking ot any pan ot�Ae Property,oi tor eoeveynnce id Ila of coMsmnalion,ar�Aeretiy es;igned end <br />. _,._,_, �5allbopafd�ol.endu. � -----.---- . <br /> (n�ho event o!e totel tekl�ot the Propeny,tha praca+ds�hall be epplied to�he sum�seared by thta Socurity Inshument, ` <br /> ivhethu or not�hen due,wtth eny exaa�pafd to Borrowu. tn�he aeat ot s patiel teking of�he Propecty In �vhich the feit " _ <br /> markU wlue ot tha Prope�ty Immediately befora the teking ia equal�o or greatu�dan the amount ot the wrtu eaurcd by th;a <br /> Sxuflq insuument Immediately bc[oro the�eking,uniw Borrower and I.ender o�:etalso egrce In wtiting.the sum�scwrcd by <br /> this Sea�iry Inatmment sAatl be reduad by the emount of ti:o prooceds muldplled by tha foliowing haaion: (a) the rotal . <br /> _ amount of the wms caured immed[ntely 6eforo Ihe taking,divided Dy (b)�ho fsir merku value of the Property immcdiauly <br /> betora tde teking. Any balance shall bo pa(d eo Bonower. In the erent of s ya�P.el taking of the Propeity fn whlch the falr � . <br /> market value of[he Propeny immedlately beforo tha telJng ts less tlun tha�nour.t of[ho�um+sewred immndiatdy bePoro fhe . <br /> _.____ teldng,unleaf Bortower and Lender othernise a!{ree In wdting or unleas epplicable law o�M1crnlse provida,tho prooeeds�hall <br /> -- 6e epplled ro the sum�ucured by this 3audry Insuument whethu or not tLe eum�em then due. <br /> If tde Propeny-it ebendoned by Bortower,or If,elicr notice by Lender co Bortower�hat�he condemnor offen to meke en <br />--_ eward or settle e claim tor damagea, Borto�ver feila to reapond to Lender witNn 30 days et:er the dete the notice 1�glven, <br />