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s Z� —T-" ' r c :• <br /> _ :�,�''� ` . . .: g�:�[a�45!#��:: ; � � __ — <br /> ' .: 19 7hansirx of the pr+o p`¢.�y,or a�meRctal Intw�St in i3orruWcr.ItAI oT�n:ypau otiAe PropRry oreiry lnt�rcs�L�ti.; ` ----- - <br /> ia.sotd or trene2RCd(or If A 6enAfl�nt Uiteie#t!n 8orroNet ie sotd ot treiutsrrcd a18 Bo�lowFr la nM a naturei person)w��hqut <br /> ' Y,ender'e pddr written conserit, Lwdec m�y at lu optloa, tc�oira lmmedima p�rAent In Wil of ail s�ins sewrcd by-�d?a . ' <br /> fiecurity tnspu�nent.Howevrt,Uile optlon�ha�l not bo oxeniscl6y Lendu ilac�tse ts proE(Dlted by Rdete( of l�e dBtO_. . � -`� _ <br /> ~ ot thle�eaulty Iasln,me�t. <br /> if t,cnder wcerciaa�hla optlon,Lsnder shdlg1va Itortower r,oNco of aca;eiudon.'iha noNco chail provida n porlo0 0[not- <br /> les�ihan 30 daye from�he E�co�5e noqw le de l f vered or melled wi�hin whch Socrower mua�pay cl awu savred by th:a <br /> Scadry tnstrument.ItBomower faiu top�y Iheae wme prlor to�he oxplretlon of thb pulod,Lender may imoHo any ttmedia <br /> pumittt0 6y U�I�S dry fnstnunent wltfiout Ponher notica or dema�d on Horrowu. <br /> 38. Borraa�e RIp�t to Relnstate. it Honuwu meeq certaln cond:dona, Horrower shell havo the dght lo Asve -- <br /> entoroement ot�his Scadty fisdument dlsoontinued at aay t(me prior to the oarlier of: (e)3 deys (or euch aher palod e� __ <br /> � �� ' eppi:ceblo Iaw mey spoclfy tor ttinstatear.enq beforo eale of tAe Prope�ty pursuent [o aay power of salo comxined In �h(s `-�'�- -� � -° <br /> Seadry Instmmenh or @)emry ote jadgment entorcing Wa 3eadty Insmvnent:YLosa conditlom aro�hat Horrowcr.(a)paya <br /> I.endu atl um�whtch then would ba due undu thie 3aurfty Insuument wd Ne Note es It no eooeieradon had oowrte0:@) <br /> — wrea eny defeu![of any other covenenro or agreemenn:(c)payc ell expenua ina[rcd in rntorcing tka Secudty Inawmen6 <br /> ineluding,but not limited to,teawaabte ettoma�s•fta:ead(d)iekw such rdion as Lender may reasonably requtta to essuro <br /> --- thet�ha Ilen of thia Scadty Ins[rvment.Ixnder e dghtc(n the Properry end Borrower's obligation to pay the aums saured by <br /> --— �his 3ewrfry Insteunent shal antinco�uncher.ged. Upon reinttetement by Borrowu. thfe Sxurity (nsnument end the <br /> --�'--'� obligetions savred hereby ahLLl rcmain tully etteaive a�if no acalereHon Aad oaurted.However, thu right to rcins�ete shall � -� � � <br /> --�---�.° not epply in the caso otecceleretlon under paiegreph 17. <br /> '-°?^�:n=- 19. Sate ot Notw Change ot I.oan 8ervtcee '1Lo Nota or a panW interes[ in ihe No�e(toge[her with thia Saudty <br />- `-'�'�> Ir.strunxnq rtwy be sold one or morc Hmw wfihout prior nolica to Borcowcr.A sala nay rault la a che. e in�ha enUty(known <br /> ��^•'°-}'� as�Ae'Loan&rvle9r')thet tollede momhly paymen�v tlue under the Note and�hle Seturiry Ins�n:ment�erc elw may be ona <br />- '•'�''�''° or moro changa o[�he Loan Serviar unrcleted ro a mte of the Note.If them la a ctian¢a of�he Loan Serviar.Bortower�vll!be <br /> givea written noHce of Ihe ehmge in ecwrde1roe wllh pamgreph 14 ebove end epplicab.e lew.7Le notice will staro tha nme snd �__ <br /> '.' address of the new I.wn Servicer and the eddress to whieh paymente ahould 6e made. 7f�e notice will elw cor.tein eny other <br /> 'y i f, inComeHonrequiredby epplitablelaw. --_. -.._..-.. <br /> f� 20. Hamrdow Substances.Borro�ver ahall not ceuae or pemilt the prcsena, use, dicpatel, storage,or rclease of eny N <br /> _ .,..,,,,, <br /> ,:'�a:�%G._= -� Haurdoua Sl�bstenca an or in �he Propeny. Borrower shall rot do, nor ellow anyone elu to do, en ing affeeting tha �,,:,_, <br /> , ,..;,..,. <br /> . ..-:i-y�r•y Propeny�hat ie in vloletion ot any Bmironmentel Lew.?he praoding �wo sencences ahall not apply ro t e prcsence.use, or ��_+�' <br /> ' _ L'�- storege on the Propeny of small quentitla of Herardoua Subatexu that are generally recognized�o be appropriete ro normel <br /> � , . - reaidemial usa end to mainterana of[he Propeny. �w.."—=� <br /> + -- � Borrower sM1ell promptly give Lender wntten noHa of any inveatige�ion,claim, dertund, laweuit or other aMion by any - <br /> ''y �' govemmental or rcguletory e�ency or pdvete pany involving the Propen e:d any Hezerdous Substena or Environmcmal Law � -'. =`, <br /> ._a<c,.G�.iis 8 Y Y� B �Y "mt-.i::. <br /> ..,,,,.•-•„ of whicli Bortower Iws ectue knowled e. If Bortower leams, or is notl �ed b an ovemmer.Wl or rc uleto emhodty, that <br /> -��;,z<?:�•e any re.-�ova1 or other rcmediatlon oteny Ha�ardous Subs�anee affeuing the Propeny�s necessary,Borrower chall promptly teks ��=-'"- - <br /> 31�n(i'CSSa�V itlticdlal atlinna in nemrA�nn uirh Pm•imnmenlel Infl�' �'_ _ . <br /> �, ...i As used in�his pazagnph 20, 'Heaallocs Substenccs'erc those substances defined es rozir.or hvaldoc�aubsttnce.v by �„ --- <br /> � Fnvimnmm�al [aw and the fnllowin¢ su6stanms: ¢awline, keroxne. other Ilenunable or [oxic pUroleum Droduqa, toaic ���+� ___ <br /> � � ai}. ° pestfcides end herbicida,vole�lle mlver.ts,matedels esbestna or fomia!dchyde,end radioactive mercda:a.As used In -'_ :tit;. � -� <br /> ,.!1= �his paregraph 20, 'Environmenul Le�v' mwns kCerel laws and laws of the jurisdicUon wherc�he Propcny is laated that ,, .-• . <br /> �+ z rclate ro hcalih,safety or envimnmentel protayion. -�-� �� <br /> �s � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower end Lender funher mveram and egrce az follows: � --,F <br /> �x =i 21.Acceleretton;Remedfea.Lender shall give notice to Rono�ver pdor to ecceleretion Pollo�ring Oorrower•�breech „ � i <br /> ,;,ii- _' of any covenant or ogrcement in thia Smuritylnstrument (but not pdar ro accelerstlan under peregmph 1] unles+ ,s� � <br /> >} -- ` eppliwbie lu�r provide�othenviu).The notice shall speeity: (e)the deleulti @)lhe aellon required to curc the de(eutt; ,. ':` 7� . <br /> � �r-�i (c)e date, nat less than 30 deys from the dare the notice ts giren to Dnrro�rer,by�vhich 1he dePeutt must be curcd�and � ,'�, ,._,t,-- - <br /> { _. <br /> - -) (d) that fellurc to cure the default an or beforc lhe dnte spaifted In the notice may result In eccetereqon ot lM1e iume �-- � --- <br />.- r .a;_,_. secured by lh�s Secudty Instrummt end mle at ihe Property. The nolice shall Nrther Inform Borro�+er af tl�e dght to -'-,t'S,' uy-$.'� <br /> � . rcfnslete aRer nceelerelion end Ihe righl to bdn� n murt nction to asert the non�existence oP e defeult ar any other -.'.:1 p � t._- <br /> r � ��' defente at Dorro�rer to acteleratlan and mia lf�he default l+ mt cured on ar hefore Ihe dete speclfitd In the notice, - J�.' •°� <br /> t i,- -' Lender, at its optlon, may rcqulre Immedlute paytnent in NII ot all sume xecured by thle 3ecudty Instrument oiihout S-�.^ t i'� i +.=: <br /> Nrther demnnd und mey fnrokt�he pomr of sele and xnv other remed!a perniltted by ap Ilteble Ix�v.Lender shall be ra�.,, a��, _ <br /> 0 p <br /> emftled to mllcet nll expenw incurced In puncuin�the rcmedies pmvldM fn this parngreph 21,IncludinR,but not Ilmited �,�_�;H „ - <br /> to,reasonahle attnrne��'feea nr.d msla of tltle evldence. � ,� � ;�E'� <br /> It thepn�rer ot sale Is Im�okid, Trurtce slmll recnrd a natlee af defeuil In each munty In xhlch any part of lhe � �; � ;'� , ?" <br /> - - Properly Is I�cated nnd shall mail caplcs nf such notlec in the iaenncr prescrihed h��applirnhle law ta 8orrower and to + _';� " y� ' <br /> � the otlier persons preacdbed Ay appllrnble la�r.ARer�he tlmc reyulred h�appllcable la�r.Truaee zhnll give publ:c notice � _>; t �S�..� ;-- <br /> nf sxle to the pe�snns xnd in the manner prescrihed M�epplicxble lao.Tm.tce,elthnut demund on Borro«eq shall sell �-�. <br /> i�, :� the Rnperty nt puMfc euctlon lo the hlR6nt bidder uCthe tlme m�d plece nnd under the tern�s dolA��aled fn Ihe nalice of -'t� Y l U� �- <br /> - - sele In one or morc arcels end in nny nrder Trusta drtennina. Truaie mu� nst mr ude nf nll or nn�- arcel of[he -°?-�F:�-�"" �"--� <br /> p P P� P � <br /> -r -' Propert�• by pub1le ennnunrement nt the�fine nnd pluce nf um prcrinu.l� .cheeiula�d wle. lsnder nr tts dalFnee mny -�=; i y - <br /> � ,- ,: purchase the Raperty et an�-sala •,r3._:. ._,,:' <br /> `tl.•.:-.. ...x'- :;a.'::.:•. <br /> ;� <br /> f. `�� Po�m 3038 9/BO -t'•�" ��� <br /> v.v'• • �" ' . _ <br /> 1" <br /> i. - <br /> �- �, .. <br /> 1..�_ -..—�.-.,_,�"_"' ' " _'" _ _ .'_" . " ' __ ' ."_" _'_ " _ _' _ - � <br /> � " �_.. � " <br /> . . . ...�: ' •" ... <br />. ° -Tr'l�e _" "''--. - _ ' . <br /> ��' b ..:•:.. . _ . <br /> " ' '- .7• ". ' - <br /> _ :.:_'� :� � <br />_ —"" " , "'i '._"': _ <br /> -�Yi:,', . .. - - - - . • - <br />�. ::s r' .. . . - -. ' <br /> �s - �� - . - . _ . . � . _.._ <br /> � ' <br /> y • <br /> t. .. ..: <br /> .rr.`� � �.. ..i' .t -..:� ._.G. : •.. I � _:1__ _ __ _ __ _ _ ___ _ .— . _��1.__ . � <br />