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_� .. <br /> s• . . n <br /> �`rtr� - . ,. .. . .. . _ - _ --, -- _ ' '�c t ` . <br /> _ �„�.�, � - - - - — --... . . . . . .'1����� �i -- ---�--- <br />� ' _B. BAsaid ue RnpEity Ir.sp;��,�pormwei eAait Iteep.t�e imyrooemenro aow�axictiug ni II�hS!��ob i66 `;� <br /> 'Prope.ity iniutcd agelns't Iox+by fire,h�erde(r.cludcd wlUitn ihe temi 'extended opverege'end eiry o}her hs¢Nrds,ii{clud4�8 <br /> Iloodi cMfldod(n$,for�vhleh}..endcr tequfr�s insuranm•'IT��a lnsuranm�hall be maintelned(n the ema�inq ond tor the ycdodQ "`- <br /> --- �IisiLenda tequlree.9ns insutmke catrler provtdit�g the Insumnoe ehall bo chosen by Borrowu eubJat to LenQ@t'e epProvai ` - <br /> r�Nch nhell not 6e unrcatonably NRhheld.-[f Dortower faite to maintain eoverege"dcacribe0 above,i.endu may, et Leqdu'e. :' '- <br /> opHoh,ob�eta covetega tb proted Cender't rlghro Ih tho Pmperry in aocorduae wltb par8greph 9. <br /> -_'_� Ail Insuror.a�yollcles e�al rcnewala ahall bo eccepuble ro Lender end s:w11 tncludo a stenderd mongaga cJauae. Ikrdet — <br /> ---" - " �hatt have the dght ro hold ehe poliNes end rene�reie.Jt Lender nqutrea,Qorrower ehait promptiy give ta I.eiWCr all rerolpu ot -- <br />- �-. - - ----�. pald prcmluma end ttnewel noticp.Tn tAe avMt ot los�.Bortower�n�il give promp�no�ice�o che i:�wrantt arriu end i.eMu. �„__-__,:,___.. <br /> Lender may maka prootof loss itnot made promplly by Bortower. � <br /> �--- � Uniwa Lsnder tnd Borrowu otherwlse agree In wrldng,Insarenoe prooaeda shall 6a applled ro msroretlon or rEpair o(�ha <br /> --�--- proputy demeged,ii the reatoratlon or repeir la eooaomicaliy feas�ble and Lender'�seadty D aot lesscned.It the reuoreiton or <br /> — repair ii not cconorcJcally hasible or Luder4 cecurtry vrould oo lessened.�ha Insurance proceeda�hatl bo appNed to tha cvms <br /> ._-— cxured by @Is 3uudry Instrument, whethu or not then due. with any exaas paid to Borta�vu. If Horrower aharidom tLa <br /> -=__-- Propetty,or dcea not answu wl�hin 30 daye e noHce from I.endu ttuit�Aa lnaurence cartler haz oftued to setQe a cla!m,then .. . <br /> Isnder nay collea the insurenca proceede. Lender may use the proaoda ro repair or ratoro�a Propeny or to pay wms <br /> �-'_-..--",°- Kcurtd by thb Seeuriry Inst�umen[.wha3er or not then due.'Rie 34day perlod wlll begln when the noqce 1�given. . <br /> �'�� Un!eas Lendu and Horrowa othernise egree in wridng, eny appllcation of prooeed� to principal shall not extead or <br /> 4� postpone the due dete of tha monthly paymer.te refured to in pamgreptu 1 end 2 or change the unount o!tha paymenU. U ` <br /> � under puegreph 2l�he Propeny u ecqulrcd by I.ender.BorcowerY dght ro any Insurenoe pollciu and prooeeda tuuldeg from <br /> `� damaga ro the Property pdor to the ecqulsicton ihalf pass ro Lendu ro the extent of�ho suma acurcd 6y th6 Secudty Imbvnra�t <br /> s � ,c r•';° immcdie�ely pdor to�he acqulsi[lon. -° °- <br /> +„3 ,i: 6.Occupancy,Preservatlon,Matatenance and Protectlon ot the Property;Horroww'o I.oan Appiieatton�I.eesehold�. <br />--�='�`�'•,'%-:i Borto�ver shall occupy,estebliah,end use�he Property as Borrowu'a prbrcipal residena wlth�n aixry daye after the exeatton of i s_ <br /> .=-�?�S::i=�i-'` thia Security I:utmment and ehall conetnue to occupy Ne Propeny e�Borrower's principel rcaldenoe for et leest one year dier �==�'-�- <br /> i�a -_-y} �he date of oavpancy,unlas L.ender oNenvise agreca in writing,which co:�sent tAall not be unrcazonebly wlthF.eld,or udeas <br />_. .�?_�._���� extenuating ci:cumstenaa enist which erc beyond Borrower's comrol. Bortower shall noi dea[roy, damsge or impair 1he �,�-���� <br /> Property, ellow the Property to dUedorcte, or comm(t waste on the Property. Borrower ahell be In default if eny forfelmro � i�-__ <br /> ` h 7r; ._`� uqon or procecding, whal�er ctvi�or criminal,ie begun�het in Leader'e good feith Judgment could rcsult In fodeiwrc of I�e --�- <br /> � `:���:,�i's Pro n or othenvix mate�iall im air t6e lien crcated b �hia Securit Inswment or Lender e eecud imercst. Bortower me `�'°- <br /> ,. ;,_._,_ P� Y Y P Y Y �Y Y �= <br /> _� '. <br /> r it�t'" mr.:cuch n def�ult and rcinstete.u provided in oarauraph eausing�he ection or procetding�o bt dismissed�vi�h e ruline p"-_ _ __,_ . � <br /> ` �.�!�'� �het, m Lender'e gaod tefth detcrtnination, preciudes fode:mre of the Bortower a interea[In tAe Propeny or other m¢tedel �� � <br /> °- i���yairrzrt a:tht li.r�:r-tW E�Nis �:riy Ir:r�-:ac or[.c�er'e :,.-vrir� inicr•t. G:msx:r;hatl L��7:ff ` ---- <br /> '. �,. -. Dorrower,during the loan applicaiion praess,geve ma�erially false or inaccurvte InformeHon or s�atemema�o Lender(or failed �? _' <br /> � .' ��s- ro provide Le:der with nny nuterial�ioN Im m�nation wi�h the lan evidenced by�he Nota Including, but not Ifmi�ed �s3 t-- <br /> ` ' -- ^ i m, rcpraemations coneeming Borro�ver':acapancy of�he Propeny as a principal residena.If�his Secudty Instmment is on a "-`i�`��:<--- <br /> `.� ,l�-r. .-r. .y:, . <br /> � ��?r J;,: leasehold. Borrower shall mmply with ell �he provisions of the leau. If Borcowcr ecqui:es fa title to the Property. Ne ��>>ay� - <br /> {, -:; leaschold end�he fee title shall nat mergc unless Londer egrces eo�hc merger in writing. _ti; {(�,r '_�` <br /> r - fh, 7.Protetlfon of Lender's Righta In tl�e Property.If Borrower(ails m pedortn the covenanu and egreemenu mnteined In •_, ,, °` <br /> �=�-;�"-.; this Securit In:trument,or there is a Ie I roccedin �ha�me si nificentl affat Lendera d hu in the Pro n (cuch o e ���•'�-t•i:�:i`���:� <br /> Y 8� P 8 Y 8 Y 8 P� Y ., -f a s.. <br /> �- _ �'_`:�� protteding in bankruptcy. proba�e. !or rnndemna�ion or forkiture ar ro enCora laws or reguiations), then Lender may do md .� . a ;F-;�. <br /> .._:,- , .,i., pay for�vhatever ie necessary m protttt�he value of�he Pmpeny end Lender's rights in �he Propeny. Lender's eaions may 'r.�.. � �tH-- '�- <br /> ,_s�;_ -�' ��- include paying eny sun�s securtd by a lien which has priority over this Stturiry Iis[rument, eppearing in mun, peying !n ,�� ��__ it+�:: <br /> `, - _,� reamnublc attomeys'fees nnd entcring an tlie Property to mnke rcpairs. Ahhough Lender rroy take ettion under thie paragnph ;_;;, p 3�:.`, - <br /> ` -*. 7,Lender dces not hovc ro do so. - `�'n c V r.'��- <br /> v �}"f�; �2} r1 .tc,::; <br /> _,_j_...,f,,;f Any amoun�s disbur.ced by Lc�derunder Ihi> pangraph 7 sha:l 6emme addi�iunul debt af 6orrowcr secured by �his , ��., 4.;,�;:_y�,__ <br /> t � Z;. Saurily Inswme.^.1. Unless Borroo�er a�� Lendcr agrec in other temn of paymcnt. Ihcse amounis shall bear in[t:es[from�he ti - <br /> - r �; �ate of disbursement at the No�c ra�e n:d xlwll be payah!e. wiih inrercst, upnn notim (ro:n Lcnder ro Bnrro�ver rcqueyin -;r { r+�„�-� <br /> g _ ti y{3�i�.�. <br /> _e' .'S prymem. � . t <br /> - ;F' -{s.. ,. <br /> . �- - .-� 8.Mortgngc Insurnntt.If Lcndcr rcyuirttl mnngage insumncc as a�nndninn nf nnkinF[hc 4un sccurcJ by�his Sccurily . _'� - �.�;:, :,. <br /> � {�- . .�° fnswmen6 Borrower s!wll pay Ihc prcnaam�rcquirtd ln r.q;n[aia �he nnrtFagc insuranoe in effM. I(. for nny resmn,tAc _ ����� � ; <br /> mongage insur�nce mrerage requiml by Lender lapses or eea.e+ln tk in effct6 &+rro�rer 9ull pay die premiums rcGuired to '+' ;�,� _�,`h��,'._ <br /> � abtuin coverdge substan:iall��eyuiealent ro Ihe mongage imurance previausly in cf(ecL al a anst wMtanlial;y eyuiraleai ta Ihe i.__e - �q __ <br /> .:` - mst lo Borrowrr o(lhc mortgagc inwranrc in Rferl. Gnm an ahcma�c mnng,gc inwmr -rppra��cd by Lc�dcc If 'x'��.�':i,%`�:`.. <br /> ::;�:?: _ . �� ,.;. <br /> i�bti�ar.ually cquivalent mon¢agc inwran¢corcr.�gc 1�IIOI:1Y:IIIJM1I@. ROffllNl'f�I1:III '%1f IO IAl14l`f ltllll IIlO1:lI1 8�plll f(�U�II IO '•.`'.. <br /> ` onc-I���cIRh of�hc��nr{y mnrtgagc inwranrc prc:nium Ming paid h�&xmecr n�hcn�hc mwran..anrcra}c Ia�.N nr ara�cd lo .ci + <br /> .�., . . <br /> lieine!!ec[. ltnder���illacccp�. u.eand¢�ain�hc.rp:rynmm.a. aln.. nwnrfu licu nY mnngage mwrmce. La.. rexrce *,;... �:'+ �� . <br /> .:,tr_•�p� � <br /> Fo�m3028 990 ���1•.-..'�:� <br /> y " -�-...� �'•4.. <br /> �• <br /> r ' .. ' _ ""_ _ . . . .-__ ' _ ' . <br /> _"+` rir'. 'cY.---.—T..i " . . .... . . _-.-_ ` •.r. , � <br /> , . ._ . _ . -_ _ . ^.- -� - .. -. � _,:,.- <br /> t _ . . .. . . . . _._ <br /> _,.�i'��:� • �-�: . _ ' . _ ' . . <br /> _ :.r <br /> :_ti _'- - <br /> :,:: . i. - . <br /> �; i:; <br /> _ :t:- <br /> '-'��1��'_�Y�� . - <br /> ���`�.I- �{' . . .. <br /> � 1 ) . <br /> R <br /> i _ri�l . . - . - . . _ - - - . <br /> �, .'� .. . ... _ � _ . .. � � � - , - . ' � <br /> � <br /> � . <br /> t . <br /> , <br /> -. .. �- _ .`. � ' . <br /> .. . . , ..� _,.. : <br /> - , . <br /> � .. _ _.. .- -.._ _:_... . . . <br /> -.. -. �..-. . 3'i- . .-. .. .. ,. <br />